Remember That Poor Little White Girl who got Her head pounded Into the Sidewalk?

The racist double standard is being applied here. As usual.

When the video came out these racists were calling for max punishment or death. They talked about how that was the reason they need to be armed. I'm sure some wanted to threaten race war. But now that we see that perhaps this white girl started the problem, we get all these appeals to morality and character.
so when someone resists arrest and are killed they asked for it right ?
Actually you are, in all the posts where you say “what is the goal when you are in a fight”. You’re clearly suggesting that what happened here was deserved.
No, that's what you AssUMe I meant. I have said several times that the black child probably went to far, oh but I know you missed that.
So you’ve been a racist piece of shit thug all your life. The truth comes out
Hmmm, when I was growing up fool black folks were not subjecting whites to racism it was the other way around. See I came up when black folks sat in the balcony at the movies, when there were separate water fountains, bathrooms, etc. So, a young, boot licking fool like you can't tell me a damn thing about being a racist.
Don't be a drama queen.

I doubt teenage girls care about your political agenda.... Or IM2s, for that matter.
bullshit ! your party has been drumming up division for decades .. and since its getting close to election time and Briben is falling in the polls it looks like it about to be riot time again this summer .. the left will find something [like race] to rile up their base ... count on it !
Hmmm, when I was growing up fool black folks were not subjecting whites to racism it was the other way around. See I came up when black folks sat in the balcony at the movies, when there were separate water fountains, bathrooms, etc. So, a young, boot licking fool like you can't tell me a damn thing about being a racist.
No shit I can’t tell you about the life you live, you’re a rotten racist to your core. You know all about it and express your racism daily. You are a sad individual
No shit I can’t tell you about the life you live, you’re a rotten racist to your core. You know all about it and express your racism daily. You are a sad individual
Actually a ass kissing, boot licker like you is pathetic. You will kiss ass, because you think that will get you accepted, you go along to get along.
You use racism to excuse the fact you are a shitty person who gets treated the way they deserve to be. Eventually your broken mentality will die off and the world will be a better place
It's amazing when I see black folks like you, who will try and label black folks as haters, racists, etc., but you will kiss the ass of the very folks who hate you because of the color of your skin. Who taught you to hate yourself? You think being a Trump Humper will give you a leg up, even though, everything he is going to do if elected with be damaging to you and your family. Smfh.
Actually a ass kissing, boot licker like you is pathetic. You will kiss ass, because you think that will get you accepted, you go along to get along.
you are describing racist white dems that are terrified of being labeled what they are .

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