Remember That Poor Little White Girl who got Her head pounded Into the Sidewalk?

We heard all kinds if descriptions about the black kids in that fight. And that white girl was made out to be the victim of the fake epidemic of blacks attacking whites. Come to find out that the white girl was not such a pure innocent child.

Kaylee Gain was suspended from school for brawling with another student day before fracturing skull in fight: sources​

The Missouri teen who was left fighting for her life after having her head pounded into the sidewalk earlier this month was suspended from school the day prior for brawling with another student, The Post has learned.

Kaylee Gain, 16, suffered a skull fracture and a brain bleed that left her in a coma for two weeks after she squared off with another female teen about a mile away from Hazelwood East High School in St. Louis on March 8.

Her family revealed on Friday her condition is stable and she has been moved out of intensive care — though it is unclear whether she has regained consciousness.

The teen with whom Gain had an altercation the previous day was friends with the student who would later smash Gain’s head into the pavement, leaving her unconscious and her body twitching, sources said.

Of course we will now begin reading all kinds of excuses as the double standard of racism is applied here.
Meanwhile .. elsewhere in the United States, blacks commit 60%+ of all violent crimes, while representing only 13-14% of the population.
Not the same as murder since it was in heat of the moment. But it was an attempt to create bodily harm without regard.
You can’t just give her a slap on the wrist , or you make her a hero. Other kids will want to follow that lead, and obviously they are already doing that sort of thing.
Hmmm, please show me the post where someone called the black kid a hero. You racist will just make up shit, when the truth isn't own your side.
There used to be shame in even hitting someone when they are down.. get back up , so I can hit you again!
When was that? I am in my sixties and everyone knew if you went to the ground, you were in trouble.
At least, but now kids think it’s fun to stomp each other unconscious. You need to stop excusing that. And if you want to bring up Derick Chavin again,,, I’ll tell you again what I always said. Let the jury take a look at the facts laid out in court and we stand by that.
Why do you want to excuse the fact that the white kid threw the first punch, that just really doesn't matter does it? Now had she knocked this black girl out with the first punch you clowns would be happy with that.
So, the white girl threw the first punch that jumped the fight off, but that doesn't matter does it? The white girl is right, because she is white. Talk about an ignorant ass racist.
I don’t see anyone saying the white girl was right. She was in the wrong. However that doesn’t let the black girl off for taking the fight too far and bashing her head against the concrete multiple times. Can you at least agree that the young black girl went to far?
I don’t see anyone saying the white girl was right. She was in the wrong.
No all I see is folks attacking the black girl.
However that doesn’t let the black girl off for taking the fight too far and bashing her head against the concrete multiple times. Can you at least agree that the young black girl went to far?
If you didn't come in the back end of the conversation, I said that a long time ago. Tell me what your goal is when you get into a fight with someone?

Now this kid got her head bashed in the concrete and she has been in the hospital for over a month, Zimmerman claims Trayvon was bashing his head on concrete so bad he was about to lose consciousness. Now Zimmerman didn't even need a band-aid and I know Trayvon was stronger than this girl, can anyone explain that?
Deadly force is fair play under that doctrine.

Stand your ground? you mean where you meet a percieved deadly force with deadly force?
There are real nuances to that if you were to take it to court. Dont think stand you rground here really
cuts it.

My guess though, is she will not be tried as an adult because she has a clean record. Luckily Kaylee might be coming around, and for both their sakes makes a full recovery.
How am I downplaying it? You want to downplay who threw the first punch to start the fight, now when I was coming up if you threw the first punch you better damn well throw the last one.

Were you this angry after the facts came out that 5 blacks guy were harassing a 6 month pregnant white women in NYC instead of her harassing them as the media claimed?

Um, a teenage fight is no excuse for some animal to fracture her skull.

Take some responsibility, man!

Holy hell, I agree with Joe here.

It was just a teenager fight up until the point the "victor" started slamming her head into the ground.
No all I see is folks attacking the black girl.

If you didn't come in the back end of the conversation, I said that a long time ago. Tell me what your goal is when you get into a fight with someone?

Now this kid got her head bashed in the concrete and she has been in the hospital for over a month, Zimmerman claims Trayvon was bashing his head on concrete so bad he was about to lose consciousness. Now Zimmerman didn't even need a band-aid and I know Trayvon was stronger than this girl, can anyone explain that?
I haven’t been in a fight in close to 30 years. But when I did it was to teach someone a lesson. It was learned once you were off your feet or had enough. We didn’t pound heads into the concrete until someone was sent to the hospital.
I’m not playing your but look over here game. We are taking about this case, not one from 12 year ago
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Hmmm, please show me the post where someone called the black kid a hero. You racist will just make up shit, when the truth isn't own your side.

When was that? I am in my sixties and everyone knew if you went to the ground, you were in trouble.

Why do you want to excuse the fact that the white kid threw the first punch, that just really doesn't matter does it? Now had she knocked this black girl out with the first punch you clowns would be happy with that.

No, get it straight. I didnt say anyone here called her a Hero. I'm saying if she skates with a slap on the wrists, other kids in school will look up to that. Its just fine to bash in the head of a bitch you dont like.

The racist is you. You look at this white girl and think everyone thinks of her as a princess?

had she knocked the black girl out or vice versa there would be no story. Theres only a story because a girl got severe brain damage. You project a lot of your own racism on other people.
I haven’t been in a fight in close to 30 years. But when I did it was to teach someone a lesson. Ot was learned once you were off your feet or had enough. We didn’t pound heads into the concrete until someone was sent to the hospital.
I’m not playing your bit lol over here game. We are taking about this case, not one from 12 year ago
Playing a game, that's what fighting is to you. Cool. I have been in fights that involved bricks, bats, pipes and knives, cats were trying to inflict serious bodily harm. Not sure what kind of a lesson you are trying to teach a dude you are fighting other than don't think about fking with me again.

It's obvious I grew up in a different time frame than you did, but Brutha Malcolm used to say,

“Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery.”​

No, get it straight. I didnt say anyone here called her a Hero. I'm saying if she skates with a slap on the wrists, other kids in school will look up to that. Its just fine to bash in the head of a bitch you dont like.

The racist is you. You look at this white girl and think everyone thinks of her as a princess?

had she knocked the black girl out or vice versa there would be no story. Theres only a story because a girl got severe brain damage. You project a lot of your own racism on other people.
This is how the first thread started out on this incident.

White Teen Girl in critical condition after being beaten by black mob, head repeatedly bashed into concrete​

Poor thing. This innocent girl was lynched by a black mob in broad daylight. Reverse the races and this would be a major story covered on all the national networks. Joe Biden would be weighing in about our systemic racism and the rise of white supremacy under Donald Trump.

Now as we started looking into this story, we found that this was a flat out lie.
Playing a game, that's what fighting is to you. Cool. I have been in fights that involved bricks, bats, pipes and knives, cats were trying to inflict serious bodily harm. Not sure what kind of a lesson you are trying to teach a dude you are fighting other than don't think about fking with me again.

It's obvious I grew up in a different time frame than you did, but Brutha Malcolm used to say,

“Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery.”​

Sounds like you hung around with some really shitty people in your younger years, explains a lot about why you are like you are. Lay with dogs you get fleas.
This is how the first thread started out on this incident.

White Teen Girl in critical condition after being beaten by black mob, head repeatedly bashed into concrete​

Poor thing. This innocent girl was lynched by a black mob in broad daylight. Reverse the races and this would be a major story covered on all the national networks. Joe Biden would be weighing in about our systemic racism and the rise of white supremacy under Donald Trump.

Now as we started looking into this story, we found that this was a flat out lie.

Right, that was a completely misleading first thread and an unnecessary distortion. Other kids around were maybe fighting with each other, but it was just these two going at it. My initial and only post on that thread at that time had questioned this.

Nevertheless, It was a story without Mach Man's unnecessary editorial.

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