Remember That Poor Little White Girl who got Her head pounded Into the Sidewalk?

It's amazing when I see black folks like you, who will try and label black folks as haters, racists, etc., but you will kiss the ass of the very folks who hate you because of the color of your skin. Who taught you to hate yourself? You think being a Trump Humper will give you a leg up, even though, everything he is going to do if elected with be damaging to you and your family. Smfh.
I know seeing people like me who are successful chaps your ass. You display your jealousy in every thread. if you dont like being called a racist then don’t be the racist piece of shit you have been all your life. You can change to a better version of yourself any time you want.
It's amazing when I see black folks like you, who will try and label black folks as haters, racists, etc., but you will kiss the ass of the very folks who hate you because of the color of your skin. Who taught you to hate yourself? You think being a Trump Humper will give you a leg up, even though, everything he is going to do if elected with be damaging to you and your family. Smfh.
are you trying to say black folks are better off under the Briben admin ? are you trying to say that blacks don't buy groceries , pay rent , pay mortgages, but gas ect ..
are you trying to say black folks are better off under the Briben admin ? are you trying to say that blacks don't buy groceries , pay rent , pay mortgages, but gas ect ..
He doesn’t know what he is saying he is trying to fit as much hate in his posts as possible. He’s compensating for his life’s misery
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I am done reading your double standards and excuses. When a white dude punched a black woman, you racists tried to find some way to claim she started the fight. You have posted videos of blacks getting punched by whites and bragged about how the ''thug" ran into the wrong person. You guys have shown video after video of blacks jumping on whites then talking about how you need more arms. A moderator here brags about how he goes into certain section of his small town armed and ready to shoot. You hailed Kyle Rittenhouse and made him a millionaire for murdering people. You guys showed the video of this fight and made the same barbaric racist ass comments about blacks your ancestors made in 1724. But now that we see how miss lilly white was there to fight, suddenly we talk about a moral code to streefighting. Well, maybe one of you can find me the streetfight rule book, because I was told there ain't no rules to a streetfight so you best come prepared. And this is why you raggedy racists carry guns talking about stand your ground. Well this young sister was approached by someone trying to fight her and she stood her ground.
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I am done reading your double standards and excuses. When a white dude punched a black woman, you racists tried to find some way to claim she started the fight. You have oosted videos ofblacs getting punhed by whites and bragged about how the ''thug" ranont the wrong person. You guys have shown video after video of blacks jumping on whites then talking abouthow you need more arms. A moderator here brags about how he goes into certain section of his small town armed and ready to shoot. You hailed Kylye Rittenhuse and made him a millionaire for murdrring people. You guys showed the video of this fight and made the same barbaric racist ass comments about blacks your ancestors made in 1724. But now that we see how miss lilly white was there to fight, suddenly we talk about a moral code to streefighting. Well, maybe one of you can find me the streetfight rule book, because I was told there ain't no rules to a streetfight so you best come prepared. And this is why you raggedy racists carry guns talking about stand your ground. Well this young sister was approached by someone trying to fight her and she stood her ground.
Poor little fellow upset you’re being called the piece of shit you are on this topic. The black girl went to far and will pay the price for her lack of impulse control
Poor little fellow upset you’re being called the piece of shit you are on this topic. The black girl went to far and will pay the price for her lack of impulse control
I DGAD what racists think. You are upset because little snow white started a fight and got her ass beat. So now you're talking about impulse control, which none of you do when somebody white hits a black person. You didn't say that when George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin. You didn't when the old man shot that kid in KC who was only looking for his little brother. You damn sure didn't when Kyle Rittenhouse murdered 2 people. When I posted the video where the white kid punched a black girl in the face, nobody talked about impulse control. So you don't get to talk about it and I listen to you.
I know seeing people like me who are successful chaps your ass. You display your jealousy in every thread. if you dont like being called a racist then don’t be the racist piece of shit you have been all your life. You can change to a better version of yourself any time you want.
You aren't sucessful. You are a loser.
I DGAD what racists think. You are upset because little snow white started a fight and got her ass beat. So now you're talking about impulse control, which none of you do when somebody white hits a black person. You didn't say that when George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin. You didn't when the old man shot that kid in KC who was only looking for his little brother. You damn sure didn't when Kyle Rittenhouse murdered 2 people. When I posted the video where the white kid punched a black girl in the face, nobody talked about impulse control. So you don't get to talk about it and I listen to you.
You are a doety lying piece of shit
So, the white girl threw the first punch that jumped the fight off, but that doesn't matter does it? The white girl is right, because she is white. Talk about an ignorant ass racist.
What is it that you don't get?

It is ALWAYS wrong to pound another person's heat into the concrete putting them in a coma.

Good Allah, you don't see anything but skin color.
I watched

I guess a lie doesn't care who tells it, you can't find one post where I said that this girl had a right to bash the other girls head. That's just a straight up lie.
I can't find one post where you say the white girl shouldn't have her head bashed in.
Or put another I can't find one post from you where you condemn the black girl for bashing the head.

Your first post here, #18, starts with deflection and implied defense of the black girl bashing head and degenerates downhill from their.

If you aren't lying, than it's a case of ignorance and/or stupidity.
Whatever, you lack credibility.
So, the white girl threw the first punch that jumped the fight off, but that doesn't matter does it? The white girl is right, because she is white. Talk about an ignorant ass racist.
But you are clearly a stupid ass racist!
My only claim, and that of many others, is that the black girl went too far when after swapping punches and beating the white girl down, she that starts smashing her head into the pavement.
That is assault with a deadly weapon, the smashing into the pavement!
That is the attempted murder!

The fact you don't see this distinction,
the fact you don't see this head smashing into pavement as a murder/killing attempt,
the fact you keep lying and spinning this into something minor when it's a major felony murder attempt;
THAT ALL combined says you are either stupid,, or lying, or a felony criminal yourself since you don't see anything wrong about taking a minor fight up several notches into a murder attempt!

Disturbingly you are not alone, since there are at least a couple others here who also don't know attempted murder when they see.

There are at least three people on this thread who have serious need of karma recycling.
Or at least their heads smashed several times into the pavement since they (you included) think it isn't such a big or life threatening deal!
But you are clearly a stupid ass racist!
My only claim, and that of many others, is that the black girl went too far when after swapping punches and beating the white girl down, she that starts smashing her head into the pavement.
That is assault with a deadly weapon, the smashing into the pavement!
That is the attempted murder!

The fact you don't see this distinction,
the fact you don't see this head smashing into pavement as a murder/killing attempt,
the fact you keep lying and spinning this into something minor when it's a major felony murder attempt;
THAT ALL combined says you are either stupid,, or lying, or a felony criminal yourself since you don't see anything wrong about taking a minor fight up several notches into a murder attempt!

Disturbingly you are not alone, since there are at least a couple others here who also don't know attempted murder when they see.

There are at least three people on this thread who have serious need of karma recycling.
Or at least their heads smashed several times into the pavement since they (you included) think it isn't such a big or life threatening deal!
When you don't say the same tings when stories are shown of whites punching blacks, and try making reasons to believe the black person started it, then you are the racist. We don't see all these sermons about behavior when whites do these things. Nobody thought Zimmerman went too far when he got in to a fight with Trayvon Martin. So...
Some teens are tougher than others.
Some teens are less human and less civilized that others.
Some teens are animals that think taking a fight up a notch to murder is just being tougher than others.
Some posters need to gaze long in the mirror and see their real self.
[Hint: it's not d0gbreath that you stink of!]
When you don't say the same tings when stories are shown of whites punching blacks, and try making reasons to believe the black person started it, then you are the racist. We don't see all these sermons about behavior when whites do these things. Nobody thought Zimmerman went too far when he got in to a fight with Trayvon Martin. So...
You are beyond reasoning with.
You are without any moral compass.
You fail to see the difference between swapping a few blows/punches versus trying to smash in one's head and face onto pavement.
You are a clear example of why racists can't be dealt with because you have no concept of scale or perspective of where misdemeanor changes into felony.

For the umpteenth time.
The "story" isn't about who started what or when or why.
The "story" isn't about white vs black or black vs white.
The "story" is about one party taking what should have been a minor scuffle and escalating it several degrees further into felony attempted murder!

Either you don't see that distinction, which suggest intellectual incompetence on you part, or moral incompetence, or deeply entrenched criminal mindset, or blinding stupidity, or maybe all the above.
Or maybe just intention lying and gaslighting.

Bottom line here is:

If you are an example of how most blacks in this country now think, then you have given a clear demonstration why there is a greater percentage of blacks convicted of crimes, especially assaults and murders, than of any other race or ethnic.

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