Remember That Poor Little White Girl who got Her head pounded Into the Sidewalk?

I think you are confused.

Daniel Perry is the guy who shot unarmed BLM protestors, and went to jail for 25 years.

Daniel Penny is the one who strangled a smaller, weaker Michael Jackson impersonator to death. He hasn't had his trial yet, but I am hopeful.
You’re hopeful that a brave Marine took action to defend innocent people from a black criminal who was threatening them…..will be sent to prison for years? Naturally, that what an anti-white, pro-criminal like you would think.

If the Marine had been Jewish, you’d be rooting he gets the gas chamber.
You’re hopeful that a brave Marine took action to defend innocent people from a black criminal who was threatening them…..will be sent to prison for years? Naturally, that what an anti-white, pro-criminal like you would think.

If the Marine had been Jewish, you’d be rooting he gets the gas chamber.
Oh, come on, Jews never join the military, that would require self-sacrfice.

Being a marine, he had to know that a choke hold like that would be lethal in 30 seconds.

Anyone who felt "threatened" by a Michael Jackson impersonator probably shouldn't leave their house.
Fact, - Michael Brown was unarmed.
Fact - 14 witnesses said that he had his hands up when he was shot.

Fact, Brown was reaching inside the car trying to attack the officer.

Fact, brown was a violent felon who had just robbed a store.

Fact, the 14 "witnesses" were all proven to have lied, in fact, many were proven to have not been in the vicinity.


Keep flailing monkey boy.
Fact, Brown was reaching inside the car trying to attack the officer.
Meaningless. He had already tried to run away when the fatal shots were fired.
Fact, brown was a violent felon who had just robbed a store.
Which the cop had no way of knowing. Besides, stealing $25.00 of cigarellos isn't a capital offense.
Fact, the 14 "witnesses" were all proven to have lied, in fact, many were proven to have not been in the vicinity.
Proven by who, the corrupt DA?
Fact, Brown was reaching inside the car trying to attack the officer.

Fact, brown was a violent felon who had just robbed a store.

Fact, the 14 "witnesses" were all proven to have lied, in fact, many were proven to have not been in the vicinity.


Keep flailing monkey boy.
JoeIB is on autopilot:

If person is black, defend him.
If person is Jewish, mock and insult.
Meaningless. He had already tried to run away when the fatal shots were fired.

Which the cop had no way of knowing. Besides, stealing $25.00 of cigarellos isn't a capital offense.

Proven by who, the corrupt DA?

Yes, you are a meaningless liar.
JoeIB is on autopilot:

If person is black, defend him.
If person is Jewish, mock and insult.
If you paid attention, you will see that I totally condemned the girl who smashed the other girl's head into the pavement.

BUt don't let that stop you....

Also, people would mock you less if you were less whiny.
I was talking to JoeB, who defends blacks, and mock Jews. And according to him, he can tell by our noses.

He is the consummate antisemite hypocrite.
Actually, I have a rather large nose myself.

In fact, my wife calls me "da Bizi" (Chinese for "Big Nose")

But you bring up an interesting point. Unless you self-identify, no one can really pick you out from the rest of the white people.

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