Remember That Poor Little White Girl who got Her head pounded Into the Sidewalk?

Show the post where I did that, you lying POS.
Ferguson Missouri ring a bell? Dumbass. You were bleating about that thug that tried to kill the cop and got aired out.

Or how about your hero Georgie floyed. A piece of human shit who is now a hero for the blm cause.

My, my you have a short memory. Smoke too much weed do ya?
What?! They had the trial? And the anti-white libs convicted him of….what?
Two different people. The individual in the New York subway incident was Daniel PENNY. HIs trial is later this year in October.

Daniel PERRY was a different case that happened in Texas.
Two different people. The individual in the New York subway incident was Daniel PENNY. HIs trial is later this year in October.

Daniel PERRY was a different case that happened in Texas.
Ah, thank you. I hadn’t heard about the Perry case (but now I’ll read up on it). Very similar names, and I just thought the poster made a mistake.

That said, I sure hope NY liberals don’t make an example of Penny and sentence him to a long prison sentence -or even any time at all. I’d say the WORST case scenario would be criminally negligent homicide, but even that would be a stretch.
Cocksucka there is a difference between murder and violent crime. 37% is not the majority fool.

If a frog had a glass ass it would break every time he jumps.
when the population involved is just 12 percent 37 percent means that the black population is 3 times as violent as the white population. and just 12 percent commits 50 percent of all murders as well.
when the population involved is just 12 percent 37 percent means that the black population is 3 times as violent as the white population. and just 12 percent commits 50 percent of all murders as well.
The dummy doesn't understand math.

Claims it's racist.
Ferguson Missouri ring a bell? Dumbass. You were bleating about that thug that tried to kill the cop and got aired out.

Or how about your hero Georgie floyed. A piece of human shit who is now a hero for the blm cause.

My, my you have a short memory. Smoke too much weed do ya?
Must have smoked too many peace pipes. That's all you've got, fuck boy.
when the population involved is just 12 percent 37 percent means that the black population is 3 times as violent as the white population. and just 12 percent commits 50 percent of all murders as well.
12% of black folks are not committing murders, dumbass. Last time I checked 60% is higher than 37%.
We heard all kinds if descriptions about the black kids in that fight. And that white girl was made out to be the victim of the fake epidemic of blacks attacking whites. Come to find out that the white girl was not such a pure innocent child.

Kaylee Gain was suspended from school for brawling with another student day before fracturing skull in fight: sources​

The Missouri teen who was left fighting for her life after having her head pounded into the sidewalk earlier this month was suspended from school the day prior for brawling with another student, The Post has learned.

Kaylee Gain, 16, suffered a skull fracture and a brain bleed that left her in a coma for two weeks after she squared off with another female teen about a mile away from Hazelwood East High School in St. Louis on March 8.

Her family revealed on Friday her condition is stable and she has been moved out of intensive care — though it is unclear whether she has regained consciousness.

The teen with whom Gain had an altercation the previous day was friends with the student who would later smash Gain’s head into the pavement, leaving her unconscious and her body twitching, sources said.

Of course we will now begin reading all kinds of excuses as the double standard of racism is applied here.
When I was in high school back in the 1960s the boys often had fights.

We fought with rules. Boxing was just fine. Kicking was out, especially if your opponent was on down on the ground. No weapons such as knives allowed even though many boys (including me) carried a pocket knife. One of my friends carried a gravity knife which he used once to kill a large dog that attacked him.

Most of us didn’t know anything about karate or judo. One fat kid read a book on karate and when he got in an argument with one of my friends (who was the center for the football team) he assumed a karate pose. My friend was caught off guard and nailed him with several hard punches and knocked him down. He later told me he didn’t know what the fat kid was up to but he decided he better attack fast and hard. He said that otherwise he would have never hit him so hard. (Lesson: don’t just read a book on karate — take a class.)

I had a very intelligent friend who was a member of Mensa. His parents were British and he did know a little bit of judo. One time he demonstrated a judo choke hold on a classmate in the boys‘ locker room. The classmate passed out. My Mensa friend was never picked on because the bullies feared he would embarrass them by applying the coke hold making them pass out.

i was picked on. My father had taught me a little about boxing. My bully liked to slap people. I eventually grew tired of his picking on me so I enticed him and he slapped me. I nailed him in the nose with two short lefts and I believe I may have broken it. Back in those days it was alright to fight back if you didn’t start the fight. Nobody was disciplined for the fight.

After I graduated high schoolI I became friends with one of the members of the bully’s pack. I asked him why they would pick on me and he said, “We would walk down the hallways and everybody would step out of our way except one little asshole who would walk right though us. That was you!”
We heard all kinds if descriptions about the black kids in that fight. And that white girl was made out to be the victim of the fake epidemic of blacks attacking whites. Come to find out that the white girl was not such a pure innocent child.

Kaylee Gain was suspended from school for brawling with another student day before fracturing skull in fight: sources​

The Missouri teen who was left fighting for her life after having her head pounded into the sidewalk earlier this month was suspended from school the day prior for brawling with another student, The Post has learned.

Kaylee Gain, 16, suffered a skull fracture and a brain bleed that left her in a coma for two weeks after she squared off with another female teen about a mile away from Hazelwood East High School in St. Louis on March 8.

Her family revealed on Friday her condition is stable and she has been moved out of intensive care — though it is unclear whether she has regained consciousness.

The teen with whom Gain had an altercation the previous day was friends with the student who would later smash Gain’s head into the pavement, leaving her unconscious and her body twitching, sources said.

Of course we will now begin reading all kinds of excuses as the double standard of racism is applied here.
Yet ignores the atrocities of George Floyd....
What?! They had the trial? And the anti-white libs convicted him of….what?
I think you are confused.

Daniel Perry is the guy who shot unarmed BLM protestors, and went to jail for 25 years.

Daniel Penny is the one who strangled a smaller, weaker Michael Jackson impersonator to death. He hasn't had his trial yet, but I am hopeful.
Ferguson Missouri ring a bell? Dumbass. You were bleating about that thug that tried to kill the cop and got aired out.
You mean the kid who was shot six times by a thug cop despite the fact he had his hands up?
You mean the kid who was shot six times by a thug cop despite the fact he had his hands up?
All of which was proven to be a lie.

You truly are a moron.

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