Remember That Poor Little White Girl who got Her head pounded Into the Sidewalk?

He pulled it out of the holster because Brown was attacking him.
According to one of his many versions of the story. "yeah, yeah, that's the ticket!"

This has been explained to you multiple times before and is what Wilson testified at trial; when he confronted them for walking in the street he was not aware they were the guys from the convenience store theft. It was when he noticed the cigars in Brown's hand that the two fit the description of the suspects in the police radio call just minutes before.
Nope, still doesn't make any sense. I think he was just a thug cop, who apparently used the N-word fairly often, who just saw two black kids he could harrass because he had a badge and a gun. When they didn't put up with that, he murdered one of them.
Which has nothing to do with him being shot when he had his hands up.

What "Credible evidence"? The only thing the evidence proves is that this boy was shot another six times AFTER the altercation in the car.

He was shot in the chest. Same difference

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he was not shot with his hands up in surrender which means it does have everything to do with it.

All of the autopsies and wounds to Wilson and the physical evidence in gthe police car all of which you ignore because it proves you wrong and a coward

The chect and the stomach are not the same thing you lying piece of shit

Your whole argument was that a stomach wound made Brown bend over. You lied like a coward because he was never shot in the stomach so your fantasy did not happen.
According to one of his many versions of the story. "yeah, yeah, that's the ticket!"

Nope, still doesn't make any sense. I think he was just a thug cop, who apparently used the N-word fairly often, who just saw two black kids he could harrass because he had a badge and a gun. When they didn't put up with that, he murdered one of them.
he did not gibve multiple versions dumbass'

You do not thiunk any such thing

You are a liar who knows it was self dedense and justified but being a racist sack of shit yourself you always blame the white guy who was attacked
According to Wilson's own statement, he didn't try to take the gun until Wilson pulled it out of the holster.

Seems to me you don't pull a gun on a jaywalker or a shoplifter.

Really? Seems like if there was a shot in a confined space, there would be blood splatter.

Unarmed, barefoot, wounded and trying to give up isn't a threat.

That didn't make any sense. If that were the case, why would he treat them like jaywalkers if they were robbery suspects?
You DO when the jaywalker attacks you

Yes no shit sherlock there WAS bloodsplatter

Brown was attacking he was not trying to give up
It makes perfect sense you brainless fool circumstances change and new knowledge can change things
Actually, Wilson's story was all over the place. Sometimes he said he stopped them for jaywalking, sometimes for the supposed altercation at the convenience store. NEITHER incident really justified escalating to LETHAL force, by the way.

In the document Wilson, admits that he’d been accused of excessive force and of racial discrimination while working as a police officer in Ferguson, and that he had used the “n-word” while referring to African Americans.

In the Department of Justice investigation of Brown’s death, investigators concluded witness accounts that Wilson reached out of his vehicle and grabbed Brown by the neck were inconsistent with physical and forensic evidence. However, Wilson admits in the document to reaching out and grabbing Brown by the forearm.

In the document below, Wilson admits Brown never tried to remove his gun from the holster. In grand jury testimony, Wilson said Brown grabbed his gun and that he feared for his life.

McCormick said attorneys ask very specific questions in a “request for admissions” and that the document doesn’t tell the full story of what happened that day. But if Wilson’s admissions contradict his previous testimony, it could undermine the credibility of his entire version of events.

“Well I think that it does, if he lied about this particular thing which he used to justify his conduct at the time, what else did he lie about,” said McCormick.

The supposed "Forensic evidence" is that his shirt wasn't pulled up over his head like it would have been when he put his hands up. (This is only for the Chest shot, not the arm shots or head shot. That works if you put your arms straight up, but not if you just have your hands up parallel to your body.

I'll take the word of 14-22 witnesses before speculation of where a tee-shirt SHOULD be.

If I shot a barefoot, unarmed kid in the military, I probably would have been courtmaritalled.
We already know and have estaclished you never served in the military you chicken hawk lying motherfucer

Wilsons story was consitent

Usingf a racial slur does not alter braons guilt and wilsons act of justified self defense you chicken hawp punk

You take the word of liars and dirsproven witnesees because l\they are liars and cowards like you
All of the autopsies and wounds to Wilson and the physical evidence in gthe police car all of which you ignore because it proves you wrong and a coward

because it has nothing to do with the point he gunned down an unarmed kid.

Your whole argument was that a stomach wound made Brown bend over. You lied like a coward because he was never shot in the stomach so your fantasy did not happen.
I'm pretty sure you'll keel over if hit in the chest.
According to one of his many versions of the story. "yeah, yeah, that's the ticket!"

Wilson had the scratches and bruises on him to prove Brown attacked him.
Nope, still doesn't make any sense.

Why not?
I think he was just a thug cop, who apparently used the N-word fairly often, who just saw two black kids he could harrass because he had a badge and a gun.

No doubt you do. But this doesn't make it true and the forensic evidence supported Wilson's testimony.
When they didn't put up with that, he murdered one of them.

Put up with what, being asked to use the sidewalk?
Wilson had the scratches and bruises on him to prove Brown attacked him.
Ooooh, a scratchy! Poor baby.

No doubt you do. But this doesn't make it true and the forensic evidence supported Wilson's testimony.

Which testimony, the guy was talking out of both sides of his mouth. That's why the city settled so fast, because when they got him on the stand, and he admitted that Brown never tried to take the gun out of the holster, and oh, yeah, he used the N-word all the time, they realized he was full of it.

Now, if they only had a prosecutor who asked tough questions.

Put up with what, being asked to use the sidewalk?

Yes, how dare they actually walk across the street. Silly Darkie, rights are for white people.

You totally need to pull out your gun to deal with jaywalkers.
Ooooh, a scratchy! Poor baby.

Irrelevant. It was proof that Brown attacked him.
Which testimony, the guy was talking out of both sides of his mouth. That's why the city settled so fast, because when they got him on the stand, and he admitted that Brown never tried to take the gun out of the holster,

and oh, yeah, he used the N-word all the time, they realized he was full of it.

Now, if they only had a prosecutor who asked tough questions.

What questions would you have asked?
Yes, how dare they actually walk across the street. Silly Darkie, rights are for white people.

They weren't walking across the street, they were walking down the street. And it's a police officer's job to enforce the laws that are put in place for public safety.
You totally need to pull out your gun to deal with jaywalkers.
He didn't pull his gun because they were jaywalking. Try again.
because it has nothing to do with the point he gunned down an unarmed kid.

I'm pretty sure you'll keel over if hit in the chest.
Yes it does have everything to do with it.

It demonstrates a clear gthreat to the officer which justifies his actions.

You will just fall if hit in the chest you will not bend forward which is what you stupid ass tried to claim

you always have to lie like a motherfucking pig because you are always wrong.

You uneducated jackass
Ooooh, a scratchy! Poor baby.

Which testimony, the guy was talking out of both sides of his mouth. That's why the city settled so fast, because when they got him on the stand, and he admitted that Brown never tried to take the gun out of the holster, and oh, yeah, he used the N-word all the time, they realized he was full of it.

Now, if they only had a prosecutor who asked tough questions.

Yes, how dare they actually walk across the street. Silly Darkie, rights are for white people.

You totally need to pull out your gun to deal with jaywalkers.
Injuries are injuries regardless of severity

Wrong liar he was consistent. Using racial slurs proves NOTHING

They were not crossing the street you rascist punk they were walking downt he center of the street

he drew his gun when attacked BOY
He didn't pull his gun because they were jaywalking. Try again.

No, he pulled his gun because they were scary black people. No one sane pulls a gun over a minor offense like jaywalking or shoplifting.

If he really did think they were dangerous thugs who pushed Apu into the Chip rack, (even though that didn't come out until later) he should have called for backup, not confronted them over jaywalking.

They were not crossing the street you rascist punk they were walking downt he center of the street

he drew his gun when attacked BOY
Walking down the center of the street isn't an offense that you need to pull a gun over.
No, he pulled his gun because they were scary black people.

Wrong. He pulled his gun when Brown attacked him.
No one sane pulls a gun over a minor offense like jaywalking or shoplifting.

He didn't.
If he really did think they were dangerous thugs who pushed Apu into the Chip rack, (even though that didn't come out until later) he should have called for backup, not confronted them over jaywalking.

Again, he didn't know they were the guys from the convenience store theft when he asked them to get on the sidewalk.
Walking down the center of the street isn't an offense that you need to pull a gun over.

He didn't pull his gun on them for jaywalking.
Wrong. He pulled his gun when Brown attacked him.

He didn't.

Again, he didn't know they were the guys from the convenience store theft when he asked them to get on the sidewalk.

He didn't pull his gun on them for jaywalking.
It is pointless arguing with Joe he doesn't think reason or consider facts.
No, he pulled his gun because they were scary black people. No one sane pulls a gun over a minor offense like jaywalking or shoplifting.

If he really did think they were dangerous thugs who pushed Apu into the Chip rack, (even though that didn't come out until later) he should have called for backup, not confronted them over jaywalking.

Walking down the center of the street isn't an offense that you need to pull a gun over.
Wrong liar
He pulled it when he was attacked not because they were jaywalking

He did the right thing no matter how many times you lie about it
I thought this thread was about the girl getting her skull bashed in?
It is pointless arguing with Joe he doesn't think reason or consider facts.
I've been sparring with him and have read a lot of his posts over the last few years and the guy can be perfectly reasonable when he chooses to be. Problem is, he very rarely chooses to be reasonable, even less so on the topic of Michael Brown.

I just can't figure out how or why he exhibits seemingly two entirely different personas: one who is capable of reason and one who is an incorrigible troll.
Wrong. He pulled his gun when Brown attacked him.
Which version of the story was that, because his story kept changing.

"yeah, yeah, I pulled out my gun after I started wrestling with him inside my car...that's that ticket... yeah."

Again, he didn't know they were the guys from the convenience store theft when he asked them to get on the sidewalk.

But this isn't what he claimed. He claimed he heard a report about the "robbery" and was responding to it.

So let me get this straight, he responded to a robbery, but took his time out to harrass a couple of jaywalkers?

Yeah, yeah, that's the ticket.

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