Remember: The Center-Right Won the Popular Vote for President in 2016

And this is not counting the 600K-3M illegals who voted in the 2016 election. Recall that a 2015 Old Dominion/George Mason University study reported that 13% of the illegals they interviewed admitted they had voted in a recent election. A safe, reasonable assumption would be that, at the bare minimum, half of the illegals who voted would not admit they had voted. Let's just assume that only another 7% of illegals voted but did not admit it. What's 20% of 6 million adult illegals? 1.2 million. These are probably very low figures.

I see NYnuttybineer is assumning that Johnson voters would have voted for Hillary if Johnson had not run. Nutty. Nutty. Nutty. Johnson is strongly conservative on regulation, gun control, taxes, privatization, federalism, government spending, unions, right to work, etc., etc. I have several friends who voted for Johnson, and not one of them would have dreamed of voting for Hillary. They said that if Johnson weren't running they'd either vote for Trump, McMullin, or not vote.

No way a true libertarian could have ever voted for Trump.

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The whole 'point' of this thread is so preposterous it's classic rubber room material.
and as we all know, you remove the illegal/fruad votes coming from Cally/NY/Virginia, Trump wins by 7 to 8 Million votes

Your trolling is getting boring. Get some new material.
Are you a victim of dementia?
How many times do I have to explain how voting fraud is easy in a Democratic district?

If you think HRC needed fraudulent votes to win California, you're dumber than I thought you were, and you were NOT doing that well to begin with.
I'm so hurt by your witlessness.
I don't think HRC needed millions of fraudulent votes to win.
I think fraudulent votes shouldn't be a fact of reality considering today's technology.
But I know that in your opinion there's no such thing as an Illegal.

Don't lie about what I believe. It's unbecoming.
I can only deduce what you believe from the actions that revolt you.
You're 100% against a wall and evicting Illegals so I must presume you're perfectly happy with how they affect American citizens.
It is comical to see liberals claim that Gary Johnson ran as a center-left candidate. Johnson took the same positions on major issues in 2016 that he has taken for years. Let's take a look at his positions on key right-left issues to see how laughable it is to call him center-left:

* Reduce the corporate tax to zero.
* Require a federal balanced budget and veto any bill that would lead to a deficit.
* End affirmative action for state jobs and college admission.
* Abolish the Department of Education and institute a national voucher program.
* Allow vouchers even for religious schools.
* Repeal Sarbanes-Oxley and Dodd-Frank.
* Keep Citizens United decision.
* No assault weapons ban.
* Allow concealed-carry.
* Abolish Obamacare
* Turn Medicare over to the states and cut its funding significantly by limiting what it covers.
* Deport illegal aliens who have committed serious crimes.
* End the federal minimum wage.
* Raise Social Security retirement age to 75 and at least allow personalized SS accounts.
* Impose means test for SS.
* Impose gross income cap on welfare recipients.
* No federal funding for abortion.
* End Common Core

In what galaxy is a candidate who takes these positions "center-left"?

Now, whatever disagreements Johnson had with the GOP on foreign policy, drug policy, social issues, and immigration, he was with them on taxes, spending, school choice, gun rights, deregulation. balancing the budget, cutting entitlements, welfare reform, ending Obamacare, and federalism.

Source: Gary Johnson on the Issues
It is comical to see liberals claim that Gary Johnson ran as a center-left candidate. Johnson took the same positions on major issues in 2016 that he has taken for years. Let's take a look at his positions on key right-left issues to see how laughable it is to call him center-left:

* Reduce the corporate tax to zero.
* Require a federal balanced budget and veto any bill that would lead to a deficit.
* End affirmative action for state jobs and college admission.
* Abolish the Department of Education and institute a national voucher program.
* Allow vouchers even for religious schools.
* Repeal Sarbanes-Oxley and Dodd-Frank.
* Keep Citizens United decision.
* No assault weapons ban.
* Allow concealed-carry.
* Abolish Obamacare
* Turn Medicare over to the states and cut its funding significantly by limiting what it covers.
* Deport illegal aliens who have committed serious crimes.
* End the federal minimum wage.
* Raise Social Security retirement age to 75 and at least allow personalized SS accounts.
* Impose means test for SS.
* Impose gross income cap on welfare recipients.
* No federal funding for abortion.
* End Common Core

In what galaxy is a candidate who takes these positions "center-left"?

Now, whatever disagreements Johnson had with the GOP on foreign policy, drug policy, social issues, and immigration, he was with them on taxes, spending, school choice, gun rights, deregulation. balancing the budget, cutting entitlements, welfare reform, ending Obamacare, and federalism.

Source: Gary Johnson on the Issues

Libertarians don't track on the binary/left-right axis. That's what the Nolan Chart is for.

Anyway, according to most folks I talk to, libertarians are either far-left or far-right, depending on which flavor of authoritarianism they prefer.

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