Remember the H1N1 Pandemic? I Don’t Either

"The fatality rate of Swine flu was about 100 times less than the likely real fatality rate of Covid-19"

And even with fatality rate "100 times less" there was still 12,400 dead Americans. Yet, lefties still praise that asshole and how he did great. Go figure.

That's actually below average for any flu season.

The thing is, we have TREATMENTS for the Flu. We have vaccines, we have anti-virals, we have medicines to alleviate the symptoms... And despite that, 12K still died despite all the efforts taken.

Trump got caught flat footed on this one, called it a Hoax, is still trying to blame China for it, and is now finding the apparatus Obama set up after H1N1 that he dismantled probably really would have helped.

Did we ever have national emergency for the common flu?

If what you saying is true, why did we have emergency for H1N1?
People are dying and you're playing politics. What happened when Obumba was in office?

He took an appropriate action against H1N1, and you guys accused him of playing politics to get health care reform.

Today, you try to claim he didn't do enough because Trump has mismanaged the Covid-19 situation so badly.

You just said in post above that H1N1 fatality was below average for any flu season.

If that is true, why the same "appropriate action" was not taken for common flu?

You can't have it both ways, so your excuse doesn't adds up. Meaning, you're full of shit.

And please, provide the quote where Trump is calling it a hoax.
Only those who are trying to slip it under the rug don't remember it.

How can you forget that 12,400 Americans died from it?

Thank you President Barry.

Well, most of us had bigger worries, like the complete economic collapse Bush had given us.

But there are major differences. The first is that we had vaccines and treatments for flu. Most of those who died either didn't seek treatment or didn't get vaccinations or were already in comprimised health.

The second was that Obama actually DID act decisively. The obsession is that he didn't declare a "national emergency" when it started.

What Trump Is Getting Wrong About Obama’s Response to the 2009 H1N1 Pandemic

But who can resist comparing Obama and Trump? Let’s take a look at where Obama succeeded and where he failed. In short: Even with all the medical differences in diagnosis and management, the claim that the 2009 response was inadequate and led to excess deaths is a gross exaggeration.

During and after the pandemic, many claimed that Obama was ginning up the threat, talking about it too much, scaring people too much, being the Nanny State nightmare libertarians had had warned us against. Likely, they said, the faux-crisis was really about developing more support for the Affordable Care Act, not yet voted upon in Congress but looming menacingly on the cold horizon. At the time, I wrote an evaluation of the government response in the Daily Beast, mostly criticizing Washington overreach into a bad but routine crisis best handled by CDC experts, not politicians. In other words, I thought Obama was too responsive. (Ah, the good old days … )

More recently, Justin Fox at Bloomberg Opinion wrote a thorough comparison of the Obama and Trump responses. He looked in particular at one popular criticism made by Trump supporters about the timing of Obama’s declaration of “a national emergency.” The facts are that Obama declared a “public health emergency” a few weeks after the first cases in the U.S. This focused public attention and resources on the outbreak. In October, six months later, he declared “a national emergency.” Indeed, there are some subtle differences between the two federal responses, but for doctors and patients and human health, these bureaucratic distinctions are irrelevant.
So Obama had a vaccine and let about 18000 people die and Trump has no vaccine and less than 200 dead. Then you say Trump handled it wrong and Obama did it right? Thanks for proving you're a total idiot.
I remember it. I don't remember people going this crazy over it though.

God bless you and those who lost someone from the sickness always!!!


Well, you had the feeling someone responsible and mature was in charge. Trump--the lying whoremonger who won't take responsibility--doesn't know what he is doing. As was indicted when the CDC said to socially distance yourself and then the FAA put thousands of Americans shoulder to shoulder for hours on end.

A major error.
Less than 200 dead, Obama's handled 18,000 dead. You tell me who had a major error?
Only those who are trying to slip it under the rug don't remember it.

How can you forget that 12,400 Americans died from it?

Thank you President Barry.

Well, most of us had bigger worries, like the complete economic collapse Bush had given us.

But there are major differences. The first is that we had vaccines and treatments for flu. Most of those who died either didn't seek treatment or didn't get vaccinations or were already in comprimised health.

The second was that Obama actually DID act decisively. The obsession is that he didn't declare a "national emergency" when it started.

What Trump Is Getting Wrong About Obama’s Response to the 2009 H1N1 Pandemic

But who can resist comparing Obama and Trump? Let’s take a look at where Obama succeeded and where he failed. In short: Even with all the medical differences in diagnosis and management, the claim that the 2009 response was inadequate and led to excess deaths is a gross exaggeration.

During and after the pandemic, many claimed that Obama was ginning up the threat, talking about it too much, scaring people too much, being the Nanny State nightmare libertarians had had warned us against. Likely, they said, the faux-crisis was really about developing more support for the Affordable Care Act, not yet voted upon in Congress but looming menacingly on the cold horizon. At the time, I wrote an evaluation of the government response in the Daily Beast, mostly criticizing Washington overreach into a bad but routine crisis best handled by CDC experts, not politicians. In other words, I thought Obama was too responsive. (Ah, the good old days … )

More recently, Justin Fox at Bloomberg Opinion wrote a thorough comparison of the Obama and Trump responses. He looked in particular at one popular criticism made by Trump supporters about the timing of Obama’s declaration of “a national emergency.” The facts are that Obama declared a “public health emergency” a few weeks after the first cases in the U.S. This focused public attention and resources on the outbreak. In October, six months later, he declared “a national emergency.” Indeed, there are some subtle differences between the two federal responses, but for doctors and patients and human health, these bureaucratic distinctions are irrelevant.

You dummy...….a huge % of deaths from Corvid19 had compromised health. In many cases in Italy, elderly people dying had other serious illnesses going on. They count as a Covid19 case automatically. Dummy :2up: Only suckers fall for statistics without checking the details.

Stuart Varney says this morning, "The economy is collapsing". I guess this was worth it to them right? Well, we're gonna see if it was worth it. Jump in, look later, and on the way down, SHAME everyone who dares say different.

Sweetie...… reboot on that. Nobody knows what the hell you just said.:abgg2q.jpg:

It is worth it to these Leftists to do all these extreme measures (shutting down everything) even if they have no idea how effective they are and even if the economy completely tanks. They don't think logically. Did that help

Check my sig......IM with you. Just wasnt getting your last post.
Only those who are trying to slip it under the rug don't remember it.

How can you forget that 12,400 Americans died from it?

Thank you President Barry.

Well, most of us had bigger worries, like the complete economic collapse Bush had given us.

But there are major differences. The first is that we had vaccines and treatments for flu. Most of those who died either didn't seek treatment or didn't get vaccinations or were already in comprimised health.

The second was that Obama actually DID act decisively. The obsession is that he didn't declare a "national emergency" when it started.

What Trump Is Getting Wrong About Obama’s Response to the 2009 H1N1 Pandemic

But who can resist comparing Obama and Trump? Let’s take a look at where Obama succeeded and where he failed. In short: Even with all the medical differences in diagnosis and management, the claim that the 2009 response was inadequate and led to excess deaths is a gross exaggeration.

During and after the pandemic, many claimed that Obama was ginning up the threat, talking about it too much, scaring people too much, being the Nanny State nightmare libertarians had had warned us against. Likely, they said, the faux-crisis was really about developing more support for the Affordable Care Act, not yet voted upon in Congress but looming menacingly on the cold horizon. At the time, I wrote an evaluation of the government response in the Daily Beast, mostly criticizing Washington overreach into a bad but routine crisis best handled by CDC experts, not politicians. In other words, I thought Obama was too responsive. (Ah, the good old days … )

More recently, Justin Fox at Bloomberg Opinion wrote a thorough comparison of the Obama and Trump responses. He looked in particular at one popular criticism made by Trump supporters about the timing of Obama’s declaration of “a national emergency.” The facts are that Obama declared a “public health emergency” a few weeks after the first cases in the U.S. This focused public attention and resources on the outbreak. In October, six months later, he declared “a national emergency.” Indeed, there are some subtle differences between the two federal responses, but for doctors and patients and human health, these bureaucratic distinctions are irrelevant.

You dummy...….a huge % of deaths from Corvid19 had compromised health. In many cases in Italy, elderly people dying had other serious illnesses going on. They count as a Covid19 case automatically. Dummy :2up: Only suckers fall for statistics without checking the details.
- 34% of the critical, hospitalized patient with COVID are millennials.... in italy

-60 Million Americans are seniors or younger with health condition that make them vulnerable to die from this virus.

That's not a small number!

Well in 3-4 weeks, we better have a MOUNTAIN of bodies or a lot of people are going to look pretty fucking st00pid.:backpedal:
I remember it. I don't remember people going this crazy over it though.

God bless you and those who lost someone from the sickness always!!!


Well, you had the feeling someone responsible and mature was in charge. Trump--the lying whoremonger who won't take responsibility--doesn't know what he is doing. As was indicted when the CDC said to socially distance yourself and then the FAA put thousands of Americans shoulder to shoulder for hours on end.

A major error.
Less than 200 dead, Obama's handled 18,000 dead. You tell me who had a major error?

Your blob.

His CDC said socially distance yourself.
His FAA stacked thousands of Americans shoulder to shoulder at airports for hours.
I remember it. I don't remember people going this crazy over it though.

God bless you and those who lost someone from the sickness always!!!


Well, you had the feeling someone responsible and mature was in charge. Trump--the lying whoremonger who won't take responsibility--doesn't know what he is doing. As was indicted when the CDC said to socially distance yourself and then the FAA put thousands of Americans shoulder to shoulder for hours on end.

A major error.
Less than 200 dead, Obama's handled 18,000 dead. You tell me who had a major error?

Your blob.

His CDC said socially distance yourself.
His FAA stacked thousands of Americans shoulder to shoulder at airports for hours.
Less than 200 vs 18,000.
I remember it. I don't remember people going this crazy over it though.

God bless you and those who lost someone from the sickness always!!!


Well, you had the feeling someone responsible and mature was in charge. Trump--the lying whoremonger who won't take responsibility--doesn't know what he is doing. As was indicted when the CDC said to socially distance yourself and then the FAA put thousands of Americans shoulder to shoulder for hours on end.

A major error.
Less than 200 dead, Obama's handled 18,000 dead. You tell me who had a major error?

Your blob.

His CDC said socially distance yourself.
His FAA stacked thousands of Americans shoulder to shoulder at airports for hours.
Less than 200 vs 18,000.

I remember it. I don't remember people going this crazy over it though.

God bless you and those who lost someone from the sickness always!!!


Well, you had the feeling someone responsible and mature was in charge. Trump--the lying whoremonger who won't take responsibility--doesn't know what he is doing. As was indicted when the CDC said to socially distance yourself and then the FAA put thousands of Americans shoulder to shoulder for hours on end.

A major error.
Less than 200 dead, Obama's handled 18,000 dead. You tell me who had a major error?

Your blob.

His CDC said socially distance yourself.
His FAA stacked thousands of Americans shoulder to shoulder at airports for hours.
Less than 200 vs 18,000.

I know, your dear Obama was a joke.
Well, you had the feeling someone responsible and mature was in charge. Trump--the lying whoremonger who won't take responsibility--doesn't know what he is doing. As was indicted when the CDC said to socially distance yourself and then the FAA put thousands of Americans shoulder to shoulder for hours on end.

A major error.
Less than 200 dead, Obama's handled 18,000 dead. You tell me who had a major error?

Your blob.

His CDC said socially distance yourself.
His FAA stacked thousands of Americans shoulder to shoulder at airports for hours.
Less than 200 vs 18,000.

I know, your dear Obama was a joke.

Nah, what’s funny is that you won’t address your blob’s screw ups which are happening today. Your loyalty to the blob is only exceeded by your suction.
Less than 200 dead, Obama's handled 18,000 dead. You tell me who had a major error?

Your blob.

His CDC said socially distance yourself.
His FAA stacked thousands of Americans shoulder to shoulder at airports for hours.
Less than 200 vs 18,000.

I know, your dear Obama was a joke.

Nah, what’s funny is that you won’t address your blob’s screw ups which are happening today. Your loyalty to the blob is only exceeded by your suction.
He hasn't failed anything on this virus. Less than 200 dead. If this happened under Obama probably thusands would've died by his track record.
We should be embarrassed that we can be panicked so easily. We didn't even panic buying during the Cuban missile crisis and those were nukes pointed at us. We've become a nation of Snowflakes triggered our own shadows.



Its shameful how easily we panic and what a pathetic lot of sheep we are. I'm shamed by it, and embarrassed for us.

But what else does anyone expect? Our fundamental value is "safety". Everyone needs and longs and wants to be "safe". Your safety, our safety, my safety. For goodness sake, when did safety become our highest value?

What an absolute pathetic lot of weenies we are, fighting over toilet paper, calling 911 when it's out (!) hiding in our houses because we might get a fever. Again. Shameful.

I joined ems because as a child i suffered a near death experience

two emt's appeared , and made things look up for me

it made quite the impression, they were my hero's, and i wanted to be like them

and you know the ONE quality i admired the most?

they kept their heads , they didn't panic, even when EVERYONE else was


we need that sort of leadership right now, we need to realize hiding in our rabbit holes for months? may result in an economy in shambles when we crawl out


Excellent points but most especially your last one. The economy is going to crash, and no one has weighed this out against the cost of whatever we're going to gain at the ERs.

I bring up, okay, over 100 people die every day on the the US roads in car accidents. And yet, we have not stopped all vehicle travel. No one has said, no car travel because people are dying. Why not? Why do we accept 100 traffic fatalities every single day but we must bring our economy to a screeching halt over this?

No answer to that. People just blubber and stammer. "Well it's not the same". Why not?

People are dumb and are sheep and it's so frustrating
shit dude, 88 blacks have died so far this year in Chicago in the black neighborhoods. close to the same rate of death around the country for this virus, no one up in arms, no strategies to stop it. accepted fatalities because they are black. shameful.
We should be embarrassed that we can be panicked so easily. We didn't even panic buying during the Cuban missile crisis and those were nukes pointed at us. We've become a nation of Snowflakes triggered our own shadows.



Its shameful how easily we panic and what a pathetic lot of sheep we are. I'm shamed by it, and embarrassed for us.

But what else does anyone expect? Our fundamental value is "safety". Everyone needs and longs and wants to be "safe". Your safety, our safety, my safety. For goodness sake, when did safety become our highest value?

What an absolute pathetic lot of weenies we are, fighting over toilet paper, calling 911 when it's out (!) hiding in our houses because we might get a fever. Again. Shameful.

I joined ems because as a child i suffered a near death experience

two emt's appeared , and made things look up for me

it made quite the impression, they were my hero's, and i wanted to be like them

and you know the ONE quality i admired the most?

they kept their heads , they didn't panic, even when EVERYONE else was


we need that sort of leadership right now, we need to realize hiding in our rabbit holes for months? may result in an economy in shambles when we crawl out


Excellent points but most especially your last one. The economy is going to crash, and no one has weighed this out against the cost of whatever we're going to gain at the ERs.

I bring up, okay, over 100 people die every day on the the US roads in car accidents. And yet, we have not stopped all vehicle travel. No one has said, no car travel because people are dying. Why not? Why do we accept 100 traffic fatalities every single day but we must bring our economy to a screeching halt over this?

No answer to that. People just blubber and stammer. "Well it's not the same". Why not?

People are dumb and are sheep and it's so frustrating
shit dude, 88 blacks have died so far this year in Chicago in the black neighborhoods. close to the same rate of death around the country for this virus, no one up in arms, no strategies to stop it. accepted fatalities because they are black. shameful.

We accept all kinds of fatalities all the time. 100+ Americans die on our highways every DAY in car accidents. We're still driving.
Remember the H1N1 Pandemic? I Don’t Either
March 16, 2020 ~~ By Brian C.Joondeph, MD

America is in the grips of a panic the likes of which we haven’t seen before. What exactly is a pandemic, other than a scary sounding word from science fiction movies? According to WHO, “Pandemic refers to an epidemic that has spread over several countries or continents, usually affecting a large number of people.”
~~ snip ~~
Wuhan virus is not the first viral pandemic America has had to contend with. The last one was the H1N1 virus from 2009. How did America react to that last pandemic 10 years ago? Does anyone have more than a vague recollection of H1N1, also known as swine flu? No one will forget this current panic, but most have forgotten H1N1.
During the swine flu pandemic, were there mass cancellations of events including conferences, concerts, sporting events, and entire professional sports leagues? Did colleges cancel classes, finishing the remainder of their semesters online? Were travel restrictions imposed between America and Europe? Were panicked Americans hoarding everything from toilet paper to pasta?
~~ snip ~~
If these things happened during the swine flu pandemic, I certainly have no recollection. In 2009, congressional Democrat leaders weren’t criticizing the president, instead they were trying to force through a government takeover of healthcare, known as Obama-Care. Criticizing its namesake wasn’t in the media’s playbook and they all but ignored the swine flu.
What a difference a decade and a president makes.
~~ snip ~~
How did the media react in 2009? The NY Times praised Obama’s leadership. From a May 1, 2009 article,
A week after his administration first received word about a deadly flu spreading across Mexico, President Obama convened his cabinet on Friday and instructed every agency to play a role in preparing the United States for a pandemic.
The president’s comments came at the end of a week long balancing act in which his public words and actions were carefully measured to summon a sense of urgency without setting off a panic. It was no coincidence, his aides said, that he played golf the day his administration declared a national emergency.
Imagine if Trump played golf last week. I’m sure the media would just mention it in passing as an example of President Trump trying to avoid setting off a panic.
Otherwise the two presidents did much the same, convening their cabinets, creating a game plan, and insisting on interagency cooperation. Was media reaction the same? Hardly.
Good luck finding a description of Trump’s response to coronavirus from any newspaper or cable news show comparable to how they reported on Obama as he faced the swine flu pandemic. What a difference a president makes.
Swine flu came and went, leaving a far greater swath of destruction compared to the current coronavirus outbreak. The economic and societal disruption from the reaction to coronavirus is likely to be far worse to whatever damage the virus does. Yet the reactions are far different, flames of panic stoked by the media. Most don’t remember the swine flu pandemic but will certainly remember the current chaos.
What’s the difference? The occupant of the White House and an upcoming election. And ponder this timing. The WHO declared coronavirus a global health emergency within a week of President Trump’s impeachment acquittal in the Senate. Do you believe in coincidences?

Anyone who is cogent with a memory that reaches back to 2009 would agree with Dr. Joondeph. The fact is that the Obama administration with the cooperating media downplayed the infectious virus until over one hundred fifty of thousand were infected and more than 5,000 died of the illness.
It will be a cold day in hell before those Communists apologize for their carelessness in allowing researchers to sell infected animals to be used in food or admit they created this thing as a bio weapon that got out of the lab. They will neither apologize for their complicity (which being the born liars they are have tried to pin blame on the US) or offer any sort of compensation to victims or countries that have been victimized by their stupidity. Tell me again why we have any kind of relationship with these people?
IMHO, if Trump were not in office, the American people would be as ignorant about the Wuhan Covid-19 as they were about H1N1. Swine flu.
We have, right now, a one in a million death rate from Wuhan Covid-19 and we are shutting down our society. We should be embarrassed that we can be panicked so easily. We didn't even panic buying during the Cuban missile crisis and those were nukes pointed at us. We've become a nation of Snowflakes triggered our own shadows.
The most terrifying aspect of this mass hysteria is the willingness for people to give up their freedoms and security to politicians that will take the opportunity to keep their controls.

Still defending the real Donald.
How can you compare the other viruses to a virus that you haven’t seen the damage yet? This one is gonna kill thousands and thousands in the USA.
And trump heard that and so did you, but you still don’t believe it. Can you say,
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If what you saying is true, why did we have emergency for H1N1?



The national emergency was not having Obamacare. They used the swine flu to ram it through in 2010 like they still are now for 2020. Hypocrites!!!
The quick and dirty answer is while both were/are pandemics, more people do not know they have coronavirus while the swine flu symptoms were more severe. This means people who have it do not know they have it and will pass it on. The coronavirus is much more easily spread. Thus, testing would've been the way to control it better, but it's too late now. The other reason is coronavirus is more deadly and will likely kill more people in the US and world. Moreover, we do not have a vaccine for it yet. One of the reasons the 1918 flu (Spanish flu misnomer) killed so many was because they didn't have antibiotics or vaccines back then.

Ofc, people did not have the same reaction to the swine flu as were are experiencing now, especially on the West coast. I now think the East coast should take similar measures, because of the above.
They have it, don't know they have it, and recover without ever knowing they had it.

Run! Panic! The world is ending!

Seems to me that a bug that doesn't make me any more sick than a Monday morning hangover is nothing to panic about.

No, you don't get the symptoms right away. Look at Kevin Durant. He has it, but feels fine. He could easily pass it on. He'll get sicker than a dog later. If he was a Baby Boomer, then he may die. The mortality rate is higher for this. The 1918 flu aka Spanish flue killed hundred million because of no antibiotics and vaccines back then. We have not vaccine now.

For every one person that dies, then 100 more have it. They could pass it on more easily since they don't know they have it. And the mortality rate is higher. It's natural selection working.

It isn't 2% for 274 million. At most, it is 2% for 70 million.

The elderly and those with health issues are at risk.

The rest of us can survive with little to very mild symptoms and survive.

This is the kind of fearmongering that is causing panic. You should be forced to pay a criminal price for this kind of disinformation.

You're the one spreading misinformation. The young have a better chance for survival than the elderly, but they still could develop pneumonia or ARDS. You may not die, but your lungs may be permanently impaired.

The governor of Cali doesn't have martial law on the table just for his health.
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Less than 200 dead, Obama's handled 18,000 dead. You tell me who had a major error?

Your blob.

His CDC said socially distance yourself.
His FAA stacked thousands of Americans shoulder to shoulder at airports for hours.
Less than 200 vs 18,000.

I know, your dear Obama was a joke.

Nah, what’s funny is that you won’t address your blob’s screw ups which are happening today. Your loyalty to the blob is only exceeded by your suction.
you truly are a pathetic fk.

Just so I am on record in this thread, this China -19 Virus never existed. And as you can see by the name, it started there. the origin. you should look up that word. Because it didn't exist, no manufacturing plant in the world ever developed any products to use against it. No one. Now you think Trump should have had something before it existed. dude, that makes you pathetic and the most unreasonable person alive. but you live in a country that allows you to be such a pathetic human. live on.
Your blob.

His CDC said socially distance yourself.
His FAA stacked thousands of Americans shoulder to shoulder at airports for hours.
Less than 200 vs 18,000.

I know, your dear Obama was a joke.

Nah, what’s funny is that you won’t address your blob’s screw ups which are happening today. Your loyalty to the blob is only exceeded by your suction.
you truly are a pathetic fk.

Just so I am on record in this thread, this China -19 Virus never existed. And as you can see by the name, it started there. the origin. you should look up that word. Because it didn't exist, no manufacturing plant in the world ever developed any products to use against it. No one. Now you think Trump should have had something before it existed. dude, that makes you pathetic and the most unreasonable person alive. but you live in a country that allows you to be such a pathetic human. live on.

Never said anything remotely in the galaxy Of what you are alleging.

He botched the response.

His CDC said to keep away from others.

His FAA forced thousands of Americans who just flew in from overseas to stand shoulder to shoulder in airports for hours.

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