Remember the Parents That Named Their Child Adolf?

I sure wish we could ban some of those assholes here. The Brits have sense.

So you think people expressing their beliefs should be a crime because you don't agree with those beliefs? This is exactly why we have a First Amendment, to protect unpopular speech. As long as these people aren't directly harming other people, they should have every right to believe what they want, hateful or otherwise. Nobody should be locked up for simply having membership in a group, regardless of how reprehensible their ideals might be.
That's what makes you a great mod. I don't agree with that, though, in extreme cases. I think the US has taken its "rights" too far. We as citizens also have an inherent responsibility to follow the rules of a decent society. I do not see neo-Nazi types as being decent and I don't think any but neo-Nazi's do.

I don't think they are decent people either, but this is how the slippery slope starts. Back in the 50s, it was the far right persecuting the far left in this country for being Communist sympathizers, with Joe McCarthy at the helm. Now it's the far left in Britain persecuting the far right. We do NOT want to bring that here. The thought police is inconsistent with the ideals of a free society.
I know; I've thought long and hard about this issue, because a lot of people I respect have told me I've got the wrong end of the stick here. But explain how allowing groups such as those is supporting the ideal of freedom for those who are victimized by those groups?

Just remember it can be turn on you one day.
If you don’t defend people’s freedom of speech, they’ll come for you someday too.

These people are idiots, but the fact that a government is jailing people for their political beliefs is far more troubling.

I like your wording and agree.

Don't we just declare this or that "a terrorist organization" to make belonging to it illegal?
If your stated objective is to overthrow a government by violent means such as killing people of another race then you should do time in the pokey.

There is a fine line. Perhaps I don't understand their level of Klan or Neo NAZI in England.
Raise your right hand if you believe the government should dictate acceptable children's names


I am naming my son Lucifer and daughter Lilith...

I bet the only name that raises eyebrows is Lucifer while no one knows Lilith...

Lilith was Frazier's wife on the TV shows Cheers and Frazier. :D
I sure wish we could ban some of those assholes here. The Brits have sense.

So you think people expressing their beliefs should be a crime because you don't agree with those beliefs? This is exactly why we have a First Amendment, to protect unpopular speech. As long as these people aren't directly harming other people, they should have every right to believe what they want, hateful or otherwise. Nobody should be locked up for simply having membership in a group, regardless of how reprehensible their ideals might be.
That's what makes you a great mod. I don't agree with that, though, in extreme cases. I think the US has taken its "rights" too far. We as citizens also have an inherent responsibility to follow the rules of a decent society. I do not see neo-Nazi types as being decent and I don't think any but neo-Nazi's do.

I don't think they are decent people either, but this is how the slippery slope starts. Back in the 50s, it was the far right persecuting the far left in this country for being Communist sympathizers, with Joe McCarthy at the helm. Now it's the far left in Britain persecuting the far right. We do NOT want to bring that here. The thought police is inconsistent with the ideals of a free society.
I know; I've thought long and hard about this issue, because a lot of people I respect have told me I've got the wrong end of the stick here. But explain how allowing groups such as those is supporting the ideal of freedom for those who are victimized by those groups?
---------------------------------- Its the PRINCIPLE that matters . In the case of the USA we either have or don't have FREE SPEECH . If i am correct that PRINCIPLE is probably the reason that we do not yet have 'Hate Speech' laws in the USA --- YET OldLady .
Raise your right hand if you believe the government should dictate acceptable children's names


I am naming my son Lucifer and daughter Lilith...

I bet the only name that raises eyebrows is Lucifer while no one knows Lilith...
I do. Are you Jewish?

If I know the name you can assume you know the answer... I have my very own Tanakh...
cool beans. Lilith was one interesting woman.
Raise your right hand if you believe the government should dictate acceptable children's names


I am naming my son Lucifer and daughter Lilith...

I bet the only name that raises eyebrows is Lucifer while no one knows Lilith...
I do. Are you Jewish?

If I know the name you can assume you know the answer... I have my very own Tanakh...
cool beans. Lilith was one interesting woman.

I also have a:


Holy Bible

Book of Taoism...

My Grandfather was born in Beruit and was Jewish...
and i reread the article , the crime that they were jailed for was being members of a disapproved group Ace , isn't it ??
and after your article loaded up i see that they actually MURDERED people Ace .
Yeah. Murdering people is also a crime.

What was your Uncle Joe's body count? Can only estimate it out in the tens of millions and made Hitler look like a fucking amateur. Why are we allowed to still name kids Joe?
I dont have an uncle Joe. Are you talking about my grandfather that killed some KKK members? His name wasnt Joe.
and i reread the article , the crime that they were jailed for was being members of a disapproved group Ace , isn't it ??
Thats good enough for me Ace. If you join groups that are plotting to violently overthrow the government by starting a race war you deserve to be shot. :rolleyes:

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