Remember the time President Trump got the US into a nuclear war?


Now I understand...

You're a Russian troll, or, at the very least, a Russian sympathizer...

Or a political or physical coward...

We are dealing with an autocracy that has imperial ambitions - and in the early stages of trying to reacquire that empire...

They have to be stopped...

Now is that time...
I agree he should be stopped but many in the U.S. have tired of war and playing Police, and let remember Roosia has nukes, so are you sure you want to play the End Game?

If yes then understand the likelihood of surviving the End Game is almost impossible, so let me ask again are you sure you want to play the game with a mad man who would kill his own family?

The Movie ‘The Day After’ Put Ronald Reagan In Damage Control Over Nuclear Weapons​

View attachment 701981

The Day After (1983 Full, Original - 1:75:1 Aspect Ratio)​

That movie fucked up the minds of many young kids who watched it back then and now they are the adults, so maybe it time to dust that damn mini-series off again and have America reminded what happens when you use nukes!
The Mullet was a good reason why the Soviets should have nuked us back then!

Don't laugh ... the mullet is coming back. Between that and "The Man Bun", I truly suspect this to be end times.

Not gonna lie, I miss the hair. The girls BIG hair and my mullet 😆
Wait, you don’t have one?

I always pictured you with one rocking in your Pinto to White Snake while driving to the local corner store for a case of Keystone Lite…

( I know, I know but I felt the need to write it! )
I'm reading the second book in a Chinese Sci-Fi series, "Three Body Problem", by Cixin Liu. In it, an alien race is coming to destroy Humanity, aided by a large number of humans who are helping them.

The alien fleet won't arrive for over 400 years and humans are preparing.
Wait, you don’t have one?

I always pictured you with one rocking in your Pinto to White Snake while driving to the local corner store for a case of Keystone Lite…

( I know, I know but I felt the need to write it! )
I use a 3 when I cut my hair. It is very short.
And I would love to have a pinto today. Would be a great hotrod project!
I'm reading the second book in a Chinese Sci-Fi series, "Three Body Problem", by Cixin Liu. In it, an alien race is coming to destroy Humanity, aided by a large number of humans who are helping them.

The alien fleet won't arrive for over 400 years and humans are preparing.
I always wonder if there is intelligent life out there then why haven’t they destroyed us or at least enslaved us?

I just have a feeling that if Putin does what he might do we will see the end of this planet.

Sad but reality.
Neither do I.

Isn't it strange how nobody was worried about nuclear war from 2016 to 2020? That is, except the Democrats who were convinced Trump was going to start a nuclear war. And now with Biden in the White House and the world inching closer to the possibility of a nuclear exchange, the left seems to be suffering from a collective case of laryngitis.

KYIV, Sept 25 (Reuters) - The United States warned on Sunday of "catastrophic consequences" if Moscow were to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine, after Russia's foreign minister said regions holding widely-criticized referendums would get full protection if annexed by Moscow...

U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said on Sunday the United States would respond to any Russian use of nuclear weapons against Ukraine and that it had spelled out to Moscow the "catastrophic consequences" it would face...

"If Russia crosses this line, there will be catastrophic consequences for Russia. The United States will respond decisively," Sullivan told NBC's "Meet the Press" television program...."

U.S. warns of catastrophic consequences if Russia uses nuclear weapons in Ukraine
Keep in mind that just one nuclear weapon can ruin your entire day.
I always wonder if there is intelligent life out there then why haven’t they destroyed us or at least enslaved us?

A) ... it's a freaking big galaxy.

B) ... despite what we believed in the 1970's (Carl Sagan and SETI), it's actually quite difficult for radio waves to leave our solar system without being corrupted by the Kuiper Belt.

A radio signal more powerful than all the energy produced on Earth would have to be deliberately shot into space towards a specific target, even if someone is listening.

Human civilization has only be producing medium powered HF radio waves for about 100 years, out of our 40,000 year human civilization. Our current technology produces very little in the way of high-powered radio capable of leaving the solar system. If we are typical of an intelligent species, that 200 years of radio transmission provides an astronomically small (pun intended) chance of ever picking up a signal from another civilization or having one picked up from us.
A) ... it's a freaking big galaxy.

B) ... despite what we believed in the 1970's (Carl Sagan and SETI), it's actually quite difficult for radio waves to leave our solar system without being corrupted by the Kuiper Belt.

A radio signal more powerful than all the energy produced on Earth would have to be deliberately shot into space towards a specific target, even if someone is listening.

Human civilization has only be producing medium powered HF radio waves for about 100 years, out of our 40,000 year human civilization. Our current technology produces very little in the way of high-powered radio capable of leaving the solar system. If we are typical of an intelligent species, that 200 years of radio transmission provides an astronomically small (pun intended) chance of ever picking up a signal from another civilization or having one picked up from us.
I believe Humanity will go extinct before we find anything out there.

Exploring our Solar System is fine but our Galaxy or Universe will be nearly impossible unless we make massive leaps in technology including worm holes which are just the imagination of children.

It is sad to think we might be the only ones in this area but then again with our war like nature it might be great that we are.

I understand your point about the distance and the ability to send transmission and we have no clue what might be out there in that belt that could be blocking transmission and seeing our furthest journey for humans is the moon ( not counting the satellites ) we will never know in our lifetime…
we have no clue what might be out there in that belt that could be blocking transmission

Actually, we do ... quadrillions and quadrillions of tons of rock and dust. The Kuiper Belt is the source of asteroids and comets in our Solar System.
Actually, we do ... quadrillions and quadrillions of tons of rock and dust. The Kuiper Belt is the source of asteroids and comets in our Solar System.
True but more need to be explored because we see so little out there.

Space is to us what the Ocean was to early man but again we will never know in our life.
I agree he should be stopped but many in the U.S. have tired of war and playing Police, and let remember Roosia has nukes, so are you sure you want to play the End Game?
Nobody wants the End Game but the alternative are Appeasement or Surrender... are you ready for that?
If yes then understand the likelihood of surviving the End Game is almost impossible, so let me ask again are you sure you want to play the game with a mad man who would kill his own family?
Understood. Rather be Red than Dead, eh?
True but more need to be explored because we see so little out there.

Space is to us what the Ocean was to early man but again we will never know in our life.

A human life is infinitesimally small in the scheme of things. Humans have been on this Earth for over 1 million years. We have had a technological civilization for over 6,000 years. Our technological growth seems to come either exponentially or in great leaps.

The next big technological leap for human is mastering the fundamental nature of the micro-universe (we have already essentiall mastered the nature of the macro-universe). A major breakthrough in that area would lead to a technology leap that would make computers look like the invention of fire.

Dinosaurs were on The Earth for 165 million years and there is no reason to believe that at least one species of dinosaur developed intelligence or even rudimentary technology. Of course, all traces of that civilization would have been erased over the past 65 million year since the last dinosaur died off.

Given enough time, humans could learn quite a lot more than we already know.
Nuclear war was biggest in the 60's.
It was before people realized they were being deliberately manipulated with fear.
Russia never invaded anyone.
They were never any sort of threat to the US, except as a defensive one.
It is the US that tried to take over China, Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, Nicaragua, Grenada, Panama, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria, etc.
Nuclear war was biggest in the 60's.
It was before people realized they were being deliberately manipulated with fear.
Russia never invaded anyone.
They were never any sort of threat to the US, except as a defensive one.
It is the US that tried to take over China, Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, Nicaragua, Grenada, Panama, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria, etc.

You are posting Bald Faced liers.

The communist government of the Soviet Uniion unvaded several places to include Afghanistan and Czechoslovakia. They were the biggest threat to the US in the twentieth Century.

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