Remember the time President Trump got the US into a nuclear war?

After invading Ukraine in 2014?
Hyperbole. That's like saying the US invaded Cuba or any other nation where they had a military base. :rolleyes:
After invading Ukraine in 2022?
If the US saw a buildup of two hundred thousand troops on the border of one of its military bases? You can bet that it would invade.

Don't play stupid.

So we’re the bad guys. Is that right.
Eighty years ago, how many other nukes were on the planet, what would have been the result by dropping just one, when there were no other ones in existence, and no other ones could be dropped by anyone else?

NOW, how many other nukes are on the planet?

Don't play games.


Trump's own team stopped him from doing any outrageous things he wanted to do. He didn't launch a nuke only because someone probably talked him down or took the nuclear football away from him

Donald Trump’s legal team has acknowledged the possibility that the former president could be indicted amid the investigation into his retention of government secrets at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.

Remember this?

In a sense, Secret Service agent Bobby Engel spoke for most Americans when he reportedly told President Donald Trump, on January 6, 2021: “Take your hand off the steering wheel.”

There were several times Trump wanted to do something crazy and his team said no. We will quit if you do. And he got very frustrated. Thank god for the sane people who told him no or we'd be like Russia right now.

We also know he weaponized the justice department. Politicized it too. You accused Obama of doing that. He didn't. The FBI was investigating Lex Luthor. I mean Trump.

Liar, liar, pants on fire!

What a dumbass!
It was the US that conducted the take over of the Ukraine in 2014, with a bribed military coup.
The 2022 invasion was caused by the US giving so many missiles to Kyiv, that they thought they could get away with putting NATO nukes on Russia's border.
NATO has no nukes to put on Russia's border. I really wish you people would drop that from the discussion, period!
Nuclear war was biggest in the 60's.
It was before people realized they were being deliberately manipulated with fear.
Russia never invaded anyone.
They were never any sort of threat to the US, except as a defensive one.
It is the US that tried to take over China, Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, Nicaragua, Grenada, Panama, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria, etc.
The Russian's never invaded Afghanistan?
And so what?
After we invaded Iraq on WMD lies, every country in the world now deserves to have defensive nukes.
As bad as Iran may be, they have no history of aggression.
It is only the US that does that.

Yemen, Lebanon, and any other country where their proxy forces attack the ruling government?
Neither do I.

Isn't it strange how nobody was worried about nuclear war from 2016 to 2020? That is, except the Democrats who were convinced Trump was going to start a nuclear war. And now with Biden in the White House and the world inching closer to the possibility of a nuclear exchange, the left seems to be suffering from a collective case of laryngitis.

KYIV, Sept 25 (Reuters) - The United States warned on Sunday of "catastrophic consequences" if Moscow were to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine, after Russia's foreign minister said regions holding widely-criticized referendums would get full protection if annexed by Moscow...

U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said on Sunday the United States would respond to any Russian use of nuclear weapons against Ukraine and that it had spelled out to Moscow the "catastrophic consequences" it would face...

"If Russia crosses this line, there will be catastrophic consequences for Russia. The United States will respond decisively," Sullivan told NBC's "Meet the Press" television program...."

U.S. warns of catastrophic consequences if Russia uses nuclear weapons in Ukraine
We do. When Trump got on his knees in front of Putin for four years. Remember it well.
Eighty years ago, how many other nukes were on the planet, what would have been the result by dropping just one, when there were no other ones in existence, and no other ones could be dropped by anyone else?

NOW, how many other nukes are on the planet?

Don't play games.


That’s how weapons work you moron. Someone invented a sharp stick. Other people started sharpening sticks. Then someone came up with a rock on the end of the stick.

The point is you can’t be a simpleton or a pussy and decide you aren’t going to put rocks on the end of your sticks because that would escalate war. It also was escelates peace. But only if you have the balls to use them. And your foe needs to know you will.

There’s no reason for anyone to believe Bidumb would respond in any meaningful way to a Russian nuke. You know it, I know it, they know it. They didn’t know that with Trump. Which makes him a better president.
Trump will never get the stink of Kim Jong Un's ass off his breath. He has a photo of him & Un on his wall that he looks at as he plays with himself.

That's your hero.
And yet he never told an audience of groomers: "She was 12, and I was 30".... like your stuttering fuck just did.

You deserve that child molester.

That’s how weapons work you moron. Someone invented a sharp stick. Other people started sharpening sticks. Then someone came up with a rock on the end of the stick.

The point is you can’t be a simpleton or a pussy and decide you aren’t going to put rocks on the end of your sticks because that would escalate war. It also was escelates peace. But only if you have the balls to use them. And your foe needs to know you will.

There’s no reason for anyone to believe Bidumb would respond in any meaningful way to a Russian nuke. You know it, I know it, they know it. They didn’t know that with Trump. Which makes him a better president.


At a certain point. That ends.

At the point, where unleashing those weapons will cause the extinction of all life on Earth? The fight is no longer worth it anymore.

The person that unleashes the genie is automatically the bad guy.

The moron is the one that believes any issue, ideology, or resource, is worth destroying all life and civilization on the planet.

Now you are comparing sticks and rocks to devices that can wipe whole civilizations off the planet.

Nuclear War, Nuclear Winter, and Human Extinction​


I wonder if you have any idea what you are talking about? It is like, hate so much, it is better that we should all die, and destroy the planet, than, "appease?"

You folks serious with that shit? :dunno:



At a certain point. That ends.

At the point, where unleashing those weapons will cause the extinction of all life on Earth? The fight is no longer worth it anymore.

The person that unleashes the genie is automatically the bad guy.

The moron is the one that believes any issue, ideology, or resource, is worth destroying all life and civilization on the planet.

Now you are comparing sticks and rocks to devices that can wipe whole civilizations off the planet.

Nuclear War, Nuclear Winter, and Human Extinction​

View attachment 702060

I wonder if you have any idea what you are talking about? It is like, hate so much, it is better that we should all die, and destroy the planet, than, "appease?"

You folks serious with that shit? :dunno:

I thought dumbing it down to sticks and rocks would help you. Obviously not.

Surrender and appeasement certainly is an option. Do you want to be Chinese, Russian or Iranian? Too bad we didn’t just surrender and appease Japan back in 41. All of this could have been avoided.
But if the US continues to try to get NATO nukes on Russia's border with the Ukraine, then we will have forced them to retaliate with nukes.
They will have no alternative choice.
Placing nukes and using them are two slightly different things.
I was worried Trump would get us into a nuclear war. I still am. Once he cancelled the Iran nuclear treaty they were free to resume nuclear enrichment and they did:

Iran escalates enrichment with adaptable machines at Fordow, IAEA reports

You've been fooled. Iran never quit working on their quest to develop a nuclear weapon, even during the Iran deal. It wasn't until Trump hammered the fuck out them with sanctions and ruined their oil-based economy that their nuclear program was slowed down.
And so what?
After we invaded Iraq on WMD lies, every country in the world now deserves to have defensive nukes.
As bad as Iran may be, they have no history of aggression.
It is only the US that does that.
I think Israel may disagree and they too have nukes. Allegedly.
Hyperbole. That's like saying the US invaded Cuba or any other nation where they had a military base. :rolleyes:

If the US saw a buildup of two hundred thousand troops on the border of one of its military bases? You can bet that it would invade.

Don't play stupid.


Now I understand...

You're a Russian troll, or, at the very least, a Russian sympathizer...

Or a political or physical coward...

We are dealing with an autocracy that has imperial ambitions - and in the early stages of trying to reacquire that empire...

They have to be stopped...

Now is that time...

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