Remember: There Was No ‘Insurrection’ on January 6, 2021

The only reason they deny the insurrection is because they FAILED. They are FAILURES supporting LOSERS.

It had no chance of success.
But they came because Trump said it did.

Cost Ashley Babbitt her life
Ask the FBI!

They're literally paid to figure that out.

What they haven't claimed or charged anyone with is Insurrection!

Seriously, it's like you'll bend over backwards to not understand.
What was their goal?
You don't know that. You only believe it, and you are foolish to believe it.
So far, I've been pretty good and always believed in staying well prepare. I'm pretty near bombproof.
There most certainly were leaders, a plan, and weapons. But then were hiding under your bed at home.
So show them asshole. Put up the links. Guarantee you don’t. As usual. Projecting your cowardice again fatso.
How was it clear when there were weeks of talks and preparations by the those in charge?
Show the proof of that you lying piece of shit. Already determined by the FBI long ago that there was no plan or coordination with Trump. Epic fail as usual for a welching loser like you.
Did you notice how you only believe the election was rigged simply because Trump told you it was? Do you realize why any adult would want to ignore that sore, whiny little bitch?
I noticed how your claim is utter horseshit.
Yup. Stop the steal was an organized protest led by our dipshit President where he spread lies about a stolen election. Groups came prepared to storm the capital and organizers have been arrested and charged with insurrection. Many others followed suit and participated. It’s all on video.

Just so we are clear… you were wrong when you said they needed weapons or an overthrow or control of the military. Correct? Your last straw is the “organized” part? And now that’s done. It was an insurrection
Your proof and links are missing as usual you lying asshole. Hey dumbfuck, your boyfriend Mac put up a definition stating that insurrection means attempting to overthrow the government. Trump was still President, thus no attempted overthrow. Per the FBI, no plan or any organized planning. Just so we’re clear, you’ve been proven a liar and a fool. Again. No insurrection. Spin and whining commencing in 3, 2, .....
That video proves conclusively that the government and media have no compunction in outright lying to the American people. They and the people that perpetuate these lies are the traitors, You gullible scumbags I am talking to you, now tewell me it is not true.
It isn't true.
Your proof and links are missing as usual you lying asshole. Hey dumbfuck, your boyfriend Mac put up a definition stating that insurrection means attempting to overthrow the government. Trump was still President, thus no attempted overthrow. Per the FBI, no plan or any organized planning. Just so we’re clear, you’ve been proven a liar and a fool. Again. No insurrection. Spin and whining commencing in 3, 2, .....
I love it when my biggest fan chimes in!!! How are ya buddy!! What would you like me to prove or link to? What lie do you think I told?

I saw no definition from Mac involving an overthrow. Can you point to it?
I love it when my biggest fan chimes in!!! How are ya buddy!! What would you like me to prove or link to? What lie do you think I told?

I saw no definition from Mac involving an overthrow. Can you point to it?
Fuck you asshole. I wouldn’t piss on your head if your hair was on fire. Lying about an insurrection. Point to any insurrection charges filed. Rising in revolt against the government means overthrowing that government. Words have meanings. Continue playing the stupid game. Oh wait, you aren’t playing.....
Lying about an insurrection. Point to any insurrection charges filed.
I haven’t lied once and insurrection charges don’t need to be filed for there to be an insurrection. Just like there can be a riot and people arrested for destruction of property, arson etc without “riot” charges being filed
I haven’t lied once and insurrection charges don’t need to be filed for there to be an insurrection. Just like there can be a riot and people arrested for destruction of property, arson etc without “riot” charges being filed
Then how do you know if there was in insurrection?
I know you love me by how emotional you get over my posts… that only comes from love. I just care that you care ;)
I’m married and straight. Not interested. Talk to Clipper, BWK, progressive patriot. They’ll take care of what you’re obviously looking for.

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