Remember: There Was No ‘Insurrection’ on January 6, 2021

The Dims keep pushing this meme, but only the terminally gullible are fooled.

Old Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the rest of the Democrat establishment spent Friday commemorating what the Left would have us believe was a greater threat to “our democracy” than the Pearl Harbor attack or 9/11. In the face of this Big Lie that keeps getting bigger, it’s important to remember: There was actually no “insurrection.” There was no plan, no leader, no weapons, and no casualties except among those who entered the Capitol after the police opened the doors. President Trump, who was supposed to be the ringleader of the “insurrection,” told the demonstrators to proceed “peacefully,” and two years of relentless investigations have turned up no evidence, despite breathless media reports to the contrary, that he ever wanted anyone to overthrow the government and install him as some kind of president-for-life.
In the face of a failed post-presidency impeachment attempt and a Jan. 6 committee that recommended that Trump be indicted despite the conspicuous lack of evidence that he did anything for which he should be indicted, the Leftist establishment is not backing off one bit. Instead, Old Joe and his henchmen are doubling, tripling, and quadrupling down, creating a mythology of what happened on Jan. 6, 2021, that resembles a hagiographical narrative more than a sober history.
On Friday, Biden even canonized saints for this new religion, awarding the Presidential Citizens Medal to twelve (twelve, just like the apostles!) people who supposedly held the line against the vicious “insurrectionists.” These twelve, he declared, “embody the best before, during and after January the 6, 2021.” He claimed that “history will remember your names. They’ll remember your courage. They’ll remember your bravery. They’ll remember your extraordinary commitment to your fellow Americans.”
Living the lie, I see.
Despite the hundreds of convictions including for sedition.
Despite many of those convicted TURNING ON TRUMP to say he lied to them.

Not to worry though.
MAD DOG SMITH (Trump's name for him) will do what need be done.

but that isnt what happened on jan 6.

an investigation doesnt generally include bats, poles, and dead people
It takes a Congress to vote for one. That did not happen. What happened that day did not change what happened election day and the days before and after. Did it?
It takes a Congress to vote for one. That did not happen. What happened that day did not change what happened election day and the days before and after. Did it?

There was no reason to delay certifying the election.
The Dims keep pushing this meme, but only the terminally gullible are fooled.

Old Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the rest of the Democrat establishment spent Friday commemorating what the Left would have us believe was a greater threat to “our democracy” than the Pearl Harbor attack or 9/11. In the face of this Big Lie that keeps getting bigger, it’s important to remember: There was actually no “insurrection.” There was no plan, no leader, no weapons, and no casualties except among those who entered the Capitol after the police opened the doors. President Trump, who was supposed to be the ringleader of the “insurrection,” told the demonstrators to proceed “peacefully,” and two years of relentless investigations have turned up no evidence, despite breathless media reports to the contrary, that he ever wanted anyone to overthrow the government and install him as some kind of president-for-life.
In the face of a failed post-presidency impeachment attempt and a Jan. 6 committee that recommended that Trump be indicted despite the conspicuous lack of evidence that he did anything for which he should be indicted, the Leftist establishment is not backing off one bit. Instead, Old Joe and his henchmen are doubling, tripling, and quadrupling down, creating a mythology of what happened on Jan. 6, 2021, that resembles a hagiographical narrative more than a sober history.
On Friday, Biden even canonized saints for this new religion, awarding the Presidential Citizens Medal to twelve (twelve, just like the apostles!) people who supposedly held the line against the vicious “insurrectionists.” These twelve, he declared, “embody the best before, during and after January the 6, 2021.” He claimed that “history will remember your names. They’ll remember your courage. They’ll remember your bravery. They’ll remember your extraordinary commitment to your fellow Americans.”
This is a joke thread! We've all seen the videos on what the MAGA insurrectionists did. The smashing of doors; the cries from the DC cop being crushed in a doorway; the DC cop being beaten with a flagpole; Republican feces being smeared on the walls of Congress; the noose for Mike Pence; the chants to hang him; to Trump telling the SS to get rid of the magnetic sensors and let his people in armed. The list goes on and on. You can't re-write history, Bartboy!
When 7 states, and 1/4 of Conress thought there was massive fraud with a total of 71 electoral votes? I cannot think of a better reason.

7 states didn't think that. All 50 states had already certified their results and nothing changed between the states certifying and Congress certifying.

Still, there was no actual evidence of widespread voter fraud so there was no reason to delay certifying the election. Congress could have called for an election 10 days prior to January 6th, had they wanted to hold a 10-day investigation. They didn't.
This is a joke thread! We've all seen the videos on what the MAGA insurrectionists did. The smashing of doors; the cries from the DC cop being crushed in a doorway; the DC cop being beaten with a flagpole; Republican feces being smeared on the walls of Congress; the noose for Mike Pence; the chants to hang him; to Trump telling the SS to get rid of the magnetic sensors and let his people in armed. The list goes on and on. You can't re-write history, Bartboy!

We have all seen that you commies and deviants can burn down police stations and Federal buildings. and your Vice President will start up a bail money fund for the tiny numbers actually arrested by Democrat run cities, so we know you don't actually give a shit about law and order, just running pogroms to cover up election theft and your own criminal actions.
We have all seen that you commies and deviants can burn down police stations and Federal buildings. and your Vice President will start up a bail money fund for the tiny numbers actually arrested by Democrat run cities, so we know you don't actually give a shit about law and order, just running pogroms to cover up election theft and your own criminal actions.

Tiny numbers?? :cuckoo:

Some 10,000 were arrested ... by June, 2020...

You brain-dead cons are truly out of your fucking minds.
We have all seen that you commies and deviants can burn down police stations and Federal buildings. and your Vice President will start up a bail money fund for the tiny numbers actually arrested by Democrat run cities, so we know you don't actually give a shit about law and order, just running pogroms to cover up election theft and your own criminal actions.
Did you go to school in a long bus or a short bus? Because you're coming across as really mental right now. None of what you said, makes any sense!
7 states didn't think that. All 50 states had already certified their results and nothing changed between the states certifying and Congress certifying.

Still, there was no actual evidence of widespread voter fraud so there was no reason to delay certifying the election. Congress could have called for an election 10 days prior to January 6th, had they wanted to hold a 10-day investigation. They didn't.
You keep denying that members of Congress and 40% of American voters thought there was fraud. That is a fact. Congress stole the election by voting not to investigate.
There was no insurrection on January 6.

The moon is made of cheese.

John Edward communicates with the dead.

Our country is run by lizard aliens.

A Jewish space laser started the wildfires in California.

Obama was born in Kenya.

Ted Cruz's dad was the second gunman on the grassy knoll.

Obama was sworn in on the Koran.

70 Congressional Democrats are members of the Communist Party.

Bigfoot lives!
There was no insurrection on January 6.

The moon is made of cheese.

John Edward communicates with the dead.

Our country is run by lizard aliens.

A Jewish space laser started the wildfires in California.

Obama was born in Kenya.

Ted Cruz's dad was the second gunman on the grassy knoll.

Obama was sworn in on the Koran.

70 Congressional Democrats are members of the Communist Party.

Bigfoot lives!
Tiny numbers?? :cuckoo:

Some 10,000 were arrested ... by June, 2020...

You brain-dead cons are truly out of your fucking minds.

We have the complete videos now. Sucks to be a loony faggot who peddles whatever Pelosi tells them to these days.

How many of those '10,000' were ever charged with anything, like, you know, 'insurrection'? How many of those that were charged every spent any time in jail or paid a fine?

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