Remember this claim? Nothing's happened so far....


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017
"If I get elected, many of those executive orders that he signed, the first day, they're going to be unsigned."

Now you can like or hate any given executive order Obama made. That's not the point. The point is that once again, as with his campaign rhetoric about repealing and replacing O-care, Trump has failed to govern. Here we are a month in and just about the easiest thing in the world to do -- issuing orders to undo prior executive order -- remains undone.
And to add insult to injury, if you go to Trump's website from his campaign, the policy and position pages are now gone. Wouldn't want to make it too easy for people to check what he said against what he's going to say over the next four years, now would we?
He's just dragging it out to make you suffer. If you think your butt hurt is bad now, wait until he has his full cabinet in place.
Another loser lib thread. Someone quote me here so excelsior can see me. ;) Besides, we don't really know what all Trump has done. But not having facts clearly won't stop this guy.
Liberals need to quit crying about what Trump said not getting done, they are going to be committing suicide by the thousands when he shits in their gods face and undoes most of his work as he laughs at them all. Just keep pissing him off. HE can declare an emergency next time a country wide riot occours, and arrest any damn dimshit he wants for complicity, even members of congress and former presidents and former candidates and even soros himself for conspiracy against the government. SO go ahead an fuck with him some more!! If he were to do that, he could have them all in a single case tried by tribunal and hanged or shot all at once. Then he can declare the emergency over and resume as if nothing happened. The the next little squall by liberals could trigger a repeat with no notice at all and the instigators after the precedent is set could be taken straight to tribunal and executed the same day. Two or three of these and we will see how YOU like intimidation, EXTORTION, harassment, labeling, infringement on your rights, AND most of all GOVERNMENT WEIGHT ON YOUR ASS for a change.
He's just dragging it out to make you suffer. If you think your butt hurt is bad now, wait until he has his full cabinet in place.

I don't feel any "butthurt" at all. [What a dumbass word.] I had a preference for who would win the election, but on a personal level, it didn't really matter to me. My life wasn't ever going to get better or worse depending on who won.

I care about the believability and integrity of the people who hold elected office. I want to see governance happen so that we can at the very least determine whether a given policy works or doesn't work. The GOP have full control right now. There is thus no better opportunity for us to find out whether their ideas and policies will be effective. What the hell are the waiting for? Get on with it!

Trump made all sorts of promises about he was going to do this and going to do that, a great many of them punctuated with his "believe me" phrase. Moreover, he was supposed to -- by his own words and volition -- do "on day one." Well, day one has come and gone. What could be easier for a sitting president to do than reverse prior EOs? All he has to do is write, "Executive Order ### is hereby cancelled, null and void. It no longer applies, effective immediately." Done. The whole thing could be done in MS Word in a matter of minutes and he can use the president's autopen to sign the things and still have time for a round of golf, or perhaps a national security briefing, or even to work on a proposal for replacing O-care. Maybe he could let us know what provisions of NAFTA he thinks need to be renegotiated. Why is he dragging his feet on the EO cancellations? It just doesn't make sense given his campaign rhetoric.
Liberals need to quit crying about what Trump said not getting done, they are going to be committing suicide by the thousands when he shits in their gods face and undoes most of his work as he laughs at them all. Just keep pissing him off. HE can declare an emergency next time a country wide riot occours, and arrest any damn dimshit he wants for complicity, even members of congress and former presidents and former candidates and even soros himself for conspiracy against the government. SO go ahead an fuck with him some more!! If he were to do that, he could have them all in a single case tried by tribunal and hanged or shot all at once. Then he can declare the emergency over and resume as if nothing happened. The the next little squall by liberals could trigger a repeat with no notice at all and the instigators after the precedent is set could be taken straight to tribunal and executed the same day. Two or three of these and we will see how YOU like intimidation, EXTORTION, harassment, labeling, infringement on your rights, AND most of all GOVERNMENT WEIGHT ON YOUR ASS for a change.

It's funny, because Obama said he'd do something and didn't do it, you'd be all over him.

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