Remember this? THE BINDER!!!! HE HAD A BIIIINDER!!!!!!!!


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

And liberals reaction to BIIIIINDER!!!!!!

That MSM complaint never made sense to me. If Romney was researching for qualified women to fill cabinet spots, why is a binder full of them a bad thing??
That MSM complaint never made sense to me. If Romney was researching for qualified women to fill cabinet spots, why is a binder full of them a bad thing??
That is all they had. The democrat think tanks sent out the hype MONKEYS to their pets in the media. They generated their orchestrated hype and it worked on their stupid sheep.

That is all they do. That is all they ever do. They could not care less about some woman who was supposedly sexually assaulted who never saw fit to bring it up until 36 years later just before the confirmation of a judge that are desperately trying to stop.

They are deliberate liars and their sheep are far dumber than they even knew. Far dumber.
That MSM complaint never made sense to me. If Romney was researching for qualified women to fill cabinet spots, why is a binder full of them a bad thing??

Romney was a cuck. The old saying “if you run a Democrat against a Democrat then the Democrat will always win” is true. Romney tried to play along with the identity politics game but was up against the master of breaking America into groups...Barry Soweto Hussein Obama.
Romney’s a decent man but his efforts here were pitiful. He should have known the hypocrisy would kick in and a leftist press hammer him over it.
Ted Cruz was sort of the same way. A decent human being but no match for the viciousness of the DNC. Remember he broke with tradition and announced, despite not being the nominee, that he had picked a woman VP? Pitiful.
And then he attacked Donald Trump for attacking women. Cruz is right in that it’s wrong to attack women. But he was still living in an earlier time. How did he expect to run against a woman without being seen to attack her? He would have been minced meat as the democrats kicked in their double standard.

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