Remember this?

Let it go lefties. You are starting to look like a pathetic broken record. Trump won the election and there ain't a freaking thing you can do to resurrect the queen of enablers and her pervert husband.

So you think Trump should be immune to all criticism for 4 years?

WTF is wrong with you?

legitimate criticism is fine. Posting lies is not.
Then I guess it's time for you to cancel your membership here.

maybe, it is frustrating having to refute the lies of you lefties every day, but its kinda fun, so I will keep doing it.
Obama to Putin: I'll Surrender America After Re-election - Breitbart

Remember when the Right hated Putin and hated Obama for not hating Putin?

Funny how things have changed isn't it?
Difference is Obama is actually owned by Putin.

Trump is the one in Putin's pocket and you're right there with him.

Pocket? You are being kind. I am thinking body cavities south of the belt line.

lol, the Human Centipede with Putin on point.
Let it go lefties. You are starting to look like a pathetic broken record. Trump won the election and there ain't a freaking thing you can do to resurrect the queen of enablers and her pervert husband.

So you think Trump should be immune to all criticism for 4 years?

WTF is wrong with you?

legitimate criticism is fine. Posting lies is not.
Then I guess it's time for you to cancel your membership here.

maybe, it is frustrating having to refute the lies of you lefties every day, but its kinda fun, so I will keep doing it.

This is the best part of outing the liars - eliciting their denials.
These 'facts' from the guy who still insists that Trump won the popular vote.


you are stuck on stupid. I said that he may have won the PV, we will never know how many illegals voted in Ca, we will never know how many dead people voted, we will never know how many people voted under multiple names.

But, it doesn't matter. We use the EC to select presidents. Trump won under the rules of the election. Hillary lost under those same rules. Its over, your bitch lost. Get over it.

NO. You said he won the popular vote, period. I will never let the board forget it.

provide my quote saying he won the PV. In full context. I'll wait

You're not pulling that one on me.

Why can't liberals comprehend this is the United States of America??

POST 171

"Nope, the latest counts show him winning the PV as well as the EC. "

I said, full context. I was quoting an article posted by another poster.

You know what Benjamin Franklin said about posters and fish after three days....

I made a lot of money in 08 and 09, there was no recession except in the minds of brain dead libtardians.

I think we can apply your reputation of being a serial liar to the credibility of the above claim.

you can do whatever the fuck you want, my portfolio does not lie.

BTW, which is it? 25 year old snowflake or 50 year old bitter lesbian? you didn't answer yet.
Obama to Putin: I'll Surrender America After Re-election - Breitbart

Remember when the Right hated Putin and hated Obama for not hating Putin?

Funny how things have changed isn't it?
Barry is the one who fucked the country up… Fact

Here's a fact, goober - the country was losing over 700,000 jobs per month when Bush left office in Jan 2009. That's not a "fuck up" in your unremarkable mind? You obviously don't give a shit about facts.

Have I ever told you that you are a shameless mother fucking Repug piece of shit? Fucking clown.

your job loss claim is a lie, just like the current unemployment numbers are a lie. Obama was a massive failure. History will record it as such.

These 'facts' from the guy who still insists that Trump won the popular vote.


DeadFish is actually denying the mortgage crisis and financial crash in 2008 now? Wow!

Yes. He says there was no recession.
Let it go lefties. You are starting to look like a pathetic broken record. Trump won the election and there ain't a freaking thing you can do to resurrect the queen of enablers and her pervert husband.

So you think Trump should be immune to all criticism for 4 years?

WTF is wrong with you?

legitimate criticism is fine. Posting lies is not.
Then I guess it's time for you to cancel your membership here.

maybe, it is frustrating having to refute the lies of you lefties every day, but its kinda fun, so I will keep doing it.

This is the best part of outing the liars - eliciting their denials.

All documented for posterity in delicious pixelated detail.
These 'facts' from the guy who still insists that Trump won the popular vote.


you are stuck on stupid. I said that he may have won the PV, we will never know how many illegals voted in Ca, we will never know how many dead people voted, we will never know how many people voted under multiple names.

But, it doesn't matter. We use the EC to select presidents. Trump won under the rules of the election. Hillary lost under those same rules. Its over, your bitch lost. Get over it.

NO. You said he won the popular vote, period. I will never let the board forget it.

provide my quote saying he won the PV. In full context. I'll wait

You're not pulling that one on me.

Why can't liberals comprehend this is the United States of America??

POST 171

"Nope, the latest counts show him winning the PV as well as the EC. "

I said, full context. I was quoting an article posted by another poster.

It wasn't in quotes and wasn't attributed to another poster. Keep digging.
Here's a fact, goober - the country was losing over 700,000 jobs per month when Bush left office in Jan 2009. That's not a "fuck up" in your unremarkable mind? You obviously don't give a shit about facts.

Have I ever told you that you are a shameless mother fucking Repug piece of shit? Fucking clown.

your job loss claim is a lie, just like the current unemployment numbers are a lie. Obama was a massive failure. History will record it as such.

These 'facts' from the guy who still insists that Trump won the popular vote.


you are stuck on stupid. I said that he may have won the PV, we will never know how many illegals voted in Ca, we will never know how many dead people voted, we will never know how many people voted under multiple names.

But, it doesn't matter. We use the EC to select presidents. Trump won under the rules of the election. Hillary lost under those same rules. Its over, your bitch lost. Get over it.

NO. You said he won the popular vote, period. I will never let the board forget it.


what would you ever do in life

without this board


get a life

Sooner or later they all beg for mercy with that line.
[ But I am sure you believe that the govt always tells us the truth.


If the government never tells us the truth, how do we know Trump won the electoral vote?

did I say "never"? Nope, your reading comprehension skills are as bad as your knowledge of American history and the constitution.

You said it's wrong to always believe the government's numbers. So far, the only ones you don't believe are the ones you don't like.

Why do you believe the popular vote counts in PA, OH, and MI, where Trump won,

but you don't believe the popular vote total, that Trump lost?

^^^^^^^^^^you lost the debate, now you are grasping at straws. your desperation is obvious.

You are either a 25 year old snowflake or a 50 year old bitter lesbian, which is it?

You didn't address the point.

Big surprise.

Oh, while we're at it,

you claim the government faked the January 2009 job numbers.

Why would they do that?
There's a fourth lie. Stating as fact that the BLS numbers were faked.

LOL, you are really eaten up with liberal bullshit, aren't you? Of course they were faked. But I am sure you believe that the govt always tells us the truth.

"If you like your policy you can keep it"
"people will save an average of $2500 per year"
"It was caused by a video"
"There was no classified data on my server"
"Russia hacked the election"
"My administration will be the most transparent in history"
and lets not forget: "I have been to all of the 57 states" and "we landed under sniper fire".

Wake the fuck up, little girl.

I see your meltdown is picking up steam.

not at all, I am very optimistic about the USA. The adults are back in charge. The radicals, loonies, and imposters have been kicked to the curb.

2017 is going to be a great year for America and the American people (including you)

So when the government numbers come out on unemployment, you're going to reject them as fake,

whether they're good or bad?

If they are faked, yes. Are you really so naïve that you think obozo was telling you the truth?

2017 should see a rise in full time employment and a rising average income, as well as a continued market rise. If not, I will be the first one to point it out.

By what indicator will you use to measure employment? Donald's tweets?

I made a lot of money in 08 and 09, there was no recession except in the minds of brain dead libtardians.

I think we can apply your reputation of being a serial liar to the credibility of the above claim.

you can do whatever the fuck you want, my portfolio does not lie.

BTW, which is it? 25 year old snowflake or 50 year old bitter lesbian? you didn't answer yet.

Keyboard Kowboys on here are always wealthy, too. Do they have to put their portfolio where their pie hole is? Of course not.
There's a fourth lie. Stating as fact that the BLS numbers were faked.

LOL, you are really eaten up with liberal bullshit, aren't you? Of course they were faked. But I am sure you believe that the govt always tells us the truth.

"If you like your policy you can keep it"
"people will save an average of $2500 per year"
"It was caused by a video"
"There was no classified data on my server"
"Russia hacked the election"
"My administration will be the most transparent in history"
and lets not forget: "I have been to all of the 57 states" and "we landed under sniper fire".

Wake the fuck up, little girl.

I see your meltdown is picking up steam.

not at all, I am very optimistic about the USA. The adults are back in charge. The radicals, loonies, and imposters have been kicked to the curb.

2017 is going to be a great year for America and the American people (including you)

So when the government numbers come out on unemployment, you're going to reject them as fake,

whether they're good or bad?

If they are faked, yes. Are you really so naïve that you think obozo was telling you the truth?

2017 should see a rise in full time employment and a rising average income, as well as a continued market rise. If not, I will be the first one to point it out.

Were you the first to point out the years of rising full time employment since 2009?


lol, I say no, you weren't.
Obama to Putin: I'll Surrender America After Re-election - Breitbart

Remember when the Right hated Putin and hated Obama for not hating Putin?

Funny how things have changed isn't it?
Ya it is funny how things have changed.
I remember when he accused romney of trying to start a cold war.

I remember when every fucking one of you RWnuts agreed with Romney. Now you think Romney was an idiot because you've converted to the Trump cult.

It's funny, that's all. It's funnier than shit, mostly because it's so emblematic of the mind of the modern American rightwinger,

the ultimate tell-me-how-to-think-follower.
Oh we still believe Romney. We just believe the enemy of our enemy is our friend.
You fail to understand us. Just like you failed in the election
Where did DeadFish go?
Obama to Putin: I'll Surrender America After Re-election - Breitbart

Remember when the Right hated Putin and hated Obama for not hating Putin?

Funny how things have changed isn't it?
Ya it is funny how things have changed.
I remember when he accused romney of trying to start a cold war.

I remember when every fucking one of you RWnuts agreed with Romney. Now you think Romney was an idiot because you've converted to the Trump cult.

It's funny, that's all. It's funnier than shit, mostly because it's so emblematic of the mind of the modern American rightwinger,

the ultimate tell-me-how-to-think-follower.
Oh we still believe Romney. We just believe the enemy of our enemy is our friend.
You fail to understand us. Just like you failed in the election

Speaking of Nixon, Trump will go the same way as The Dick except much faster
your job loss claim is a lie, just like the current unemployment numbers are a lie. Obama was a massive failure. History will record it as such.

These 'facts' from the guy who still insists that Trump won the popular vote.


you are stuck on stupid. I said that he may have won the PV, we will never know how many illegals voted in Ca, we will never know how many dead people voted, we will never know how many people voted under multiple names.

But, it doesn't matter. We use the EC to select presidents. Trump won under the rules of the election. Hillary lost under those same rules. Its over, your bitch lost. Get over it.

NO. You said he won the popular vote, period. I will never let the board forget it.


what would you ever do in life

without this board


get a life

Sooner or later they all beg for mercy with that line.

you really are a fool arnt'cha

not just playing one on the internet
you are stuck on stupid. I said that he may have won the PV, we will never know how many illegals voted in Ca, we will never know how many dead people voted, we will never know how many people voted under multiple names.

But, it doesn't matter. We use the EC to select presidents. Trump won under the rules of the election. Hillary lost under those same rules. Its over, your bitch lost. Get over it.

NO. You said he won the popular vote, period. I will never let the board forget it.

provide my quote saying he won the PV. In full context. I'll wait

You're not pulling that one on me.

Why can't liberals comprehend this is the United States of America??

POST 171

"Nope, the latest counts show him winning the PV as well as the EC. "

I said, full context. I was quoting an article posted by another poster.

It wasn't in quotes and wasn't attributed to another poster. Keep digging.

Go back and read the thread. I was quoting a report posted by someone else. Yes, I did not put it in quotation marks. It was not my opinion, it was an opinion stated by someone else that I repeated.

Now, its your turn to keep digging.
[ But I am sure you believe that the govt always tells us the truth.


If the government never tells us the truth, how do we know Trump won the electoral vote?

did I say "never"? Nope, your reading comprehension skills are as bad as your knowledge of American history and the constitution.

You said it's wrong to always believe the government's numbers. So far, the only ones you don't believe are the ones you don't like.

Why do you believe the popular vote counts in PA, OH, and MI, where Trump won,

but you don't believe the popular vote total, that Trump lost?

^^^^^^^^^^you lost the debate, now you are grasping at straws. your desperation is obvious.

You are either a 25 year old snowflake or a 50 year old bitter lesbian, which is it?

You didn't address the point.

Big surprise.

Oh, while we're at it,

you claim the government faked the January 2009 job numbers.

Why would they do that?

why would they do that? are you that fricken stupid? To make obozo look better and to make Bush look bad. Geez, snowflake, wake up and smell reality.
Where did DeadFish go?
Obama to Putin: I'll Surrender America After Re-election - Breitbart

Remember when the Right hated Putin and hated Obama for not hating Putin?

Funny how things have changed isn't it?
Ya it is funny how things have changed.
I remember when he accused romney of trying to start a cold war.

I remember when every fucking one of you RWnuts agreed with Romney. Now you think Romney was an idiot because you've converted to the Trump cult.

It's funny, that's all. It's funnier than shit, mostly because it's so emblematic of the mind of the modern American rightwinger,

the ultimate tell-me-how-to-think-follower.
Oh we still believe Romney. We just believe the enemy of our enemy is our friend.
You fail to understand us. Just like you failed in the election

Speaking of Nixon, Trump will go the same way as The Dick except much faster

care to place a wager on that? Say $5K? Trump will be the most successful president in the last 50 years, he will actually get things done. Watch.

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