Remember when 38 year old Jerry Seinfeld dated a 17 year old?

You know, these allegations against Franken happened before he became a Senator and was still working in comedy.

Likewise with Moore, his allegations happened long before he ran for office.
I don't see any evidence that Franken actually touched her I don't see any Pushing in of her clothing... Of course the kissing thing is bad...

If she did not consent to him doing that, at the very least it is an invasion of her privacy and demonstrates objectification. I'm not saying it was illegal, but in this day of hypersensitivity he should be missing butts and apologizing to every camera he can find, desperate to keep his job.

But, he's a democrat, and as we saw with Bill Clinton, "feminists" are willing to violate their own principles and look the other way when a democrat is accused of sexual impropriety.
Looks like a bad joke. Not Groping... He was a comedian At the time. The kissing thing is bad...
You know, these allegations against Franken happened before he became a Senator and was still working in comedy.

Likewise with Moore, his allegations happened long before he ran for office.
I don't see any evidence that Franken actually touched her I don't see any Pushing in of her clothing... Of course the kissing thing is bad...

If she did not consent to him doing that, at the very least it is an invasion of her privacy and demonstrates objectification. I'm not saying it was illegal, but in this day of hypersensitivity he should be missing butts and apologizing to every camera he can find, desperate to keep his job.

But, he's a democrat, and as we saw with Bill Clinton, "feminists" are willing to violate their own principles and look the other way when a democrat is accused of sexual impropriety.
Looks like a bad joke. Not Groping... He was a comedian At the time. The kissing thing is bad...
He is mugging for the camera and his hands aren't touching her breasts.
Poor taste but not illegal
Boy you wouldn't want to do this today, because you'd definitely be called a pedophile, right?

The Game of Love

The Game of Love

Karen S. Schneider
March 28, 1994 12:00 PM

IT COULD HAVE BEEN A SKIT OIN SEINFELD. Real-life Jerry Seinfeld, comedian, TV star and life observer, was strolling through Central Park one day in May 1993 when he spotted a stranger he now calls “the most wonderful girl in the world.” Seinfeld, then 38, sallied over, made small talk and went away with the telephone number of Shoshanna Lonstein—then 17 and a senior at the private Nightingale-Bamford School in Manhattan.

Seinfeld says it was a simple case of acquaintance-making, with “the age issue,” as he calls it, immediately “forgotten.” Other people, however, didn’t forget it. Howard Stern homed in on the May-August aspect of the relationship when the radio host interviewed his old friend last spring. “So,” Stern said, feigning moral indignation, “you sit in Central Park and have a candy bar on a string and pull it when the girls come?”

Amazingly, Seinfeld, master of his comedy domain, was flustered. “She’s not 17, definitely not,” he initially insisted. Then, returning to the Stern show a month later for another attempt at spin control, he still seemed a bit defensive. “I didn’t realize she was so young,” he said. “This is the only girl I ever went out with who was that young. I wasn’t dating her. We just went to a restaurant, and that was it.”

Except that, as time passed, the relationship changed. For months now, Seinfeld and Lonstein have quietly gone about the business of getting to know one another. At George Washington University in Washington, where Lonstein, now 18, enrolled in September, the couple walk arm in arm across campus when Seinfeld pops in for an occasional visit. On weekend trips to Los Angeles, where he tapes his show”, they have eggs and cheesecake with his friends and cast members at Jem’s Famous Deli in Studio City before heading off to spend an afternoon shooting hoops in the park. “I think it’s serious between them,” says Seinfeld’s close friend, comedian George Wallace. “She’s beautiful and mature. She’s good for him.” Adds Seinfeld’s manager of 14 years, George Shapiro: “I’ve never seen him happier.”

Cover Story: The Game of Love - Vol. 41 No. 11

I remember that. Howard Stern gave him hell for that.
You know, these allegations against Franken happened before he became a Senator and was still working in comedy.

Likewise with Moore, his allegations happened long before he ran for office.
I don't see any evidence that Franken actually touched her I don't see any Pushing in of her clothing... Of course the kissing thing is bad...

If she did not consent to him doing that, at the very least it is an invasion of her privacy and demonstrates objectification. I'm not saying it was illegal, but in this day of hypersensitivity he should be missing butts and apologizing to every camera he can find, desperate to keep his job.

But, he's a democrat, and as we saw with Bill Clinton, "feminists" are willing to violate their own principles and look the other way when a democrat is accused of sexual impropriety.
Looks like a bad joke. Not Groping... He was a comedian At the time. The kissing thing is bad...
He is mugging for the camera and his hands aren't touching her breasts.
Poor taste but not illegal

That's enough in this climate.
You know, these allegations against Franken happened before he became a Senator and was still working in comedy.

Likewise with Moore, his allegations happened long before he ran for office.
I don't see any evidence that Franken actually touched her I don't see any Pushing in of her clothing... Of course the kissing thing is bad...

If she did not consent to him doing that, at the very least it is an invasion of her privacy and demonstrates objectification. I'm not saying it was illegal, but in this day of hypersensitivity he should be missing butts and apologizing to every camera he can find, desperate to keep his job.

But, he's a democrat, and as we saw with Bill Clinton, "feminists" are willing to violate their own principles and look the other way when a democrat is accused of sexual impropriety.
Looks like a bad joke. Not Groping... He was a comedian At the time. The kissing thing is bad...
He is mugging for the camera and his hands aren't touching her breasts.
Poor taste but not illegal

And the other difference is that the woman Franken looked like he was groping was fully clothed, as well as an adult.

The girl that Moore stripped down to underwear with and had her touch his erection was only 14.

Nope, sorry, they are two totally different situations. One is crass and in poor taste, the other is child molestation.
Likewise with Moore, his allegations happened long before he ran for office.
I don't see any evidence that Franken actually touched her I don't see any Pushing in of her clothing... Of course the kissing thing is bad...

If she did not consent to him doing that, at the very least it is an invasion of her privacy and demonstrates objectification. I'm not saying it was illegal, but in this day of hypersensitivity he should be missing butts and apologizing to every camera he can find, desperate to keep his job.

But, he's a democrat, and as we saw with Bill Clinton, "feminists" are willing to violate their own principles and look the other way when a democrat is accused of sexual impropriety.
Looks like a bad joke. Not Groping... He was a comedian At the time. The kissing thing is bad...
He is mugging for the camera and his hands aren't touching her breasts.
Poor taste but not illegal

And the other difference is that the woman Franken looked like he was groping was fully clothed, as well as an adult.

The girl that Moore stripped down to underwear with and had her touch his erection was only 14.

Nope, sorry, they are two totally different situations. One is crass and in poor taste, the other is child molestation.

IF it really happened like that.
I don't see any evidence that Franken actually touched her I don't see any Pushing in of her clothing... Of course the kissing thing is bad...

If she did not consent to him doing that, at the very least it is an invasion of her privacy and demonstrates objectification. I'm not saying it was illegal, but in this day of hypersensitivity he should be missing butts and apologizing to every camera he can find, desperate to keep his job.

But, he's a democrat, and as we saw with Bill Clinton, "feminists" are willing to violate their own principles and look the other way when a democrat is accused of sexual impropriety.
Looks like a bad joke. Not Groping... He was a comedian At the time. The kissing thing is bad...
He is mugging for the camera and his hands aren't touching her breasts.
Poor taste but not illegal

And the other difference is that the woman Franken looked like he was groping was fully clothed, as well as an adult.

The girl that Moore stripped down to underwear with and had her touch his erection was only 14.

Nope, sorry, they are two totally different situations. One is crass and in poor taste, the other is child molestation.

IF it really happened like that.

Well, that is what the girl is alleging.
Likewise with Moore, his allegations happened long before he ran for office.
I don't see any evidence that Franken actually touched her I don't see any Pushing in of her clothing... Of course the kissing thing is bad...

If she did not consent to him doing that, at the very least it is an invasion of her privacy and demonstrates objectification. I'm not saying it was illegal, but in this day of hypersensitivity he should be missing butts and apologizing to every camera he can find, desperate to keep his job.

But, he's a democrat, and as we saw with Bill Clinton, "feminists" are willing to violate their own principles and look the other way when a democrat is accused of sexual impropriety.
Looks like a bad joke. Not Groping... He was a comedian At the time. The kissing thing is bad...
He is mugging for the camera and his hands aren't touching her breasts.
Poor taste but not illegal

And the other difference is that the woman Franken looked like he was groping was fully clothed, as well as an adult.

The girl that Moore stripped down to underwear with and had her touch his erection was only 14.

Nope, sorry, they are two totally different situations. One is crass and in poor taste, the other is child molestation.
At the time, Franken was a comedian involved in "crude" humor
I don't see any evidence that Franken actually touched her I don't see any Pushing in of her clothing... Of course the kissing thing is bad...

If she did not consent to him doing that, at the very least it is an invasion of her privacy and demonstrates objectification. I'm not saying it was illegal, but in this day of hypersensitivity he should be missing butts and apologizing to every camera he can find, desperate to keep his job.

But, he's a democrat, and as we saw with Bill Clinton, "feminists" are willing to violate their own principles and look the other way when a democrat is accused of sexual impropriety.
Looks like a bad joke. Not Groping... He was a comedian At the time. The kissing thing is bad...
He is mugging for the camera and his hands aren't touching her breasts.
Poor taste but not illegal

And the other difference is that the woman Franken looked like he was groping was fully clothed, as well as an adult.

The girl that Moore stripped down to underwear with and had her touch his erection was only 14.

Nope, sorry, they are two totally different situations. One is crass and in poor taste, the other is child molestation.
At the time, Franken was a comedian involved in "crude" humor

Granted, he was a comedian doing crude humor at the time, but it still doesn't excuse it. I'd say the same thing if Andrew Dice Clay was caught groping someone. Yeah, it happens in their line of business, but it's still no excuse.


I don't think that Franken should resign because of it. It happened before he decided to run for office, and he's proven himself to be a decent Senator since then, so when it comes to politics, judge him by what he's done as a Senator, not stupid things he did as a comedian.

But there is zero comparison between Franken and Moore. Franken sexually harassed someone who was a full grown adult who was also fully clothed.

Moore molested a 14 year old girl.
Likewise with Moore, his allegations happened long before he ran for office.
I don't see any evidence that Franken actually touched her I don't see any Pushing in of her clothing... Of course the kissing thing is bad...

If she did not consent to him doing that, at the very least it is an invasion of her privacy and demonstrates objectification. I'm not saying it was illegal, but in this day of hypersensitivity he should be missing butts and apologizing to every camera he can find, desperate to keep his job.

But, he's a democrat, and as we saw with Bill Clinton, "feminists" are willing to violate their own principles and look the other way when a democrat is accused of sexual impropriety.
Looks like a bad joke. Not Groping... He was a comedian At the time. The kissing thing is bad...
He is mugging for the camera and his hands aren't touching her breasts.
Poor taste but not illegal

And the other difference is that the woman Franken looked like he was groping was fully clothed, as well as an adult.

The girl that Moore stripped down to underwear with and had her touch his erection was only 14.

Nope, sorry, they are two totally different situations. One is crass and in poor taste, the other is child molestation.

Look at the lefty hypocrites at it again. Ever a bullshit excuse at the ready, and never a standard they won't double.
If she did not consent to him doing that, at the very least it is an invasion of her privacy and demonstrates objectification. I'm not saying it was illegal, but in this day of hypersensitivity he should be missing butts and apologizing to every camera he can find, desperate to keep his job.

But, he's a democrat, and as we saw with Bill Clinton, "feminists" are willing to violate their own principles and look the other way when a democrat is accused of sexual impropriety.
Looks like a bad joke. Not Groping... He was a comedian At the time. The kissing thing is bad...
He is mugging for the camera and his hands aren't touching her breasts.
Poor taste but not illegal

And the other difference is that the woman Franken looked like he was groping was fully clothed, as well as an adult.

The girl that Moore stripped down to underwear with and had her touch his erection was only 14.

Nope, sorry, they are two totally different situations. One is crass and in poor taste, the other is child molestation.
At the time, Franken was a comedian involved in "crude" humor

Granted, he was a comedian doing crude humor at the time, but it still doesn't excuse it. I'd say the same thing if Andrew Dice Clay was caught groping someone. Yeah, it happens in their line of business, but it's still no excuse.


I don't think that Franken should resign because of it. It happened before he decided to run for office, and he's proven himself to be a decent Senator since then, so when it comes to politics, judge him by what he's done as a Senator, not stupid things he did as a comedian.

But there is zero comparison between Franken and Moore. Franken sexually harassed someone who was a full grown adult who was also fully clothed.

Moore molested a 14 year old girl.

That is not known to be a fact. Big difference.
Likewise with Moore, his allegations happened long before he ran for office.
I don't see any evidence that Franken actually touched her I don't see any Pushing in of her clothing... Of course the kissing thing is bad...

If she did not consent to him doing that, at the very least it is an invasion of her privacy and demonstrates objectification. I'm not saying it was illegal, but in this day of hypersensitivity he should be missing butts and apologizing to every camera he can find, desperate to keep his job.

But, he's a democrat, and as we saw with Bill Clinton, "feminists" are willing to violate their own principles and look the other way when a democrat is accused of sexual impropriety.
Looks like a bad joke. Not Groping... He was a comedian At the time. The kissing thing is bad...
He is mugging for the camera and his hands aren't touching her breasts.
Poor taste but not illegal

And the other difference is that the woman Franken looked like he was groping was fully clothed, as well as an adult.

The girl that Moore stripped down to underwear with and had her touch his erection was only 14.

Nope, sorry, they are two totally different situations. One is crass and in poor taste, the other is child molestation.
She was a Playboy Playmate also, which very few media relate... And is now a RADIO anchor 4 News, also seldom related.
Boy you wouldn't want to do this today, because you'd definitely be called a pedophile, right?

The Game of Love

The Game of Love

Karen S. Schneider
March 28, 1994 12:00 PM

IT COULD HAVE BEEN A SKIT OIN SEINFELD. Real-life Jerry Seinfeld, comedian, TV star and life observer, was strolling through Central Park one day in May 1993 when he spotted a stranger he now calls “the most wonderful girl in the world.” Seinfeld, then 38, sallied over, made small talk and went away with the telephone number of Shoshanna Lonstein—then 17 and a senior at the private Nightingale-Bamford School in Manhattan.

Seinfeld says it was a simple case of acquaintance-making, with “the age issue,” as he calls it, immediately “forgotten.” Other people, however, didn’t forget it. Howard Stern homed in on the May-August aspect of the relationship when the radio host interviewed his old friend last spring. “So,” Stern said, feigning moral indignation, “you sit in Central Park and have a candy bar on a string and pull it when the girls come?”

Amazingly, Seinfeld, master of his comedy domain, was flustered. “She’s not 17, definitely not,” he initially insisted. Then, returning to the Stern show a month later for another attempt at spin control, he still seemed a bit defensive. “I didn’t realize she was so young,” he said. “This is the only girl I ever went out with who was that young. I wasn’t dating her. We just went to a restaurant, and that was it.”

Except that, as time passed, the relationship changed. For months now, Seinfeld and Lonstein have quietly gone about the business of getting to know one another. At George Washington University in Washington, where Lonstein, now 18, enrolled in September, the couple walk arm in arm across campus when Seinfeld pops in for an occasional visit. On weekend trips to Los Angeles, where he tapes his show”, they have eggs and cheesecake with his friends and cast members at Jem’s Famous Deli in Studio City before heading off to spend an afternoon shooting hoops in the park. “I think it’s serious between them,” says Seinfeld’s close friend, comedian George Wallace. “She’s beautiful and mature. She’s good for him.” Adds Seinfeld’s manager of 14 years, George Shapiro: “I’ve never seen him happier.”

Cover Story: The Game of Love - Vol. 41 No. 11

she was 18.

try again
Looks like a bad joke. Not Groping... He was a comedian At the time. The kissing thing is bad...
He is mugging for the camera and his hands aren't touching her breasts.
Poor taste but not illegal

And the other difference is that the woman Franken looked like he was groping was fully clothed, as well as an adult.

The girl that Moore stripped down to underwear with and had her touch his erection was only 14.

Nope, sorry, they are two totally different situations. One is crass and in poor taste, the other is child molestation.
At the time, Franken was a comedian involved in "crude" humor

Granted, he was a comedian doing crude humor at the time, but it still doesn't excuse it. I'd say the same thing if Andrew Dice Clay was caught groping someone. Yeah, it happens in their line of business, but it's still no excuse.


I don't think that Franken should resign because of it. It happened before he decided to run for office, and he's proven himself to be a decent Senator since then, so when it comes to politics, judge him by what he's done as a Senator, not stupid things he did as a comedian.

But there is zero comparison between Franken and Moore. Franken sexually harassed someone who was a full grown adult who was also fully clothed.

Moore molested a 14 year old girl.

That is not known to be a fact. Big difference.
Let the voters decide if it is true
I remember when I casted my vote for Seinfeld in the election of 1994
So did Jerry commit a crime or not?

IDK but he wont get my vote I can say that for sure

Unless you live in Alabama, you (and I) have no say about Moore.

"Unless you live in Alabama, you (and I) have no say about Moore."

Well that's utterly ridiculous. Of course, we all can and should speak out, as he is trying to become a federal legislator. Those laws affect us all. Also, our own Senators may be faced with a vote to throw him out.

So yes, we all do and should have a say.
I don't see any evidence that Franken actually touched her I don't see any Pushing in of her clothing... Of course the kissing thing is bad...

If she did not consent to him doing that, at the very least it is an invasion of her privacy and demonstrates objectification. I'm not saying it was illegal, but in this day of hypersensitivity he should be missing butts and apologizing to every camera he can find, desperate to keep his job.

But, he's a democrat, and as we saw with Bill Clinton, "feminists" are willing to violate their own principles and look the other way when a democrat is accused of sexual impropriety.
Looks like a bad joke. Not Groping... He was a comedian At the time. The kissing thing is bad...
He is mugging for the camera and his hands aren't touching her breasts.
Poor taste but not illegal

And the other difference is that the woman Franken looked like he was groping was fully clothed, as well as an adult.

The girl that Moore stripped down to underwear with and had her touch his erection was only 14.

Nope, sorry, they are two totally different situations. One is crass and in poor taste, the other is child molestation.

Look at the lefty hypocrites at it again. Ever a bullshit excuse at the ready, and never a standard they won't double.

Keep thinking that 14 year olds are the same as grown women. Thats what got Roy in trouble in the first place
If she did not consent to him doing that, at the very least it is an invasion of her privacy and demonstrates objectification. I'm not saying it was illegal, but in this day of hypersensitivity he should be missing butts and apologizing to every camera he can find, desperate to keep his job.

But, he's a democrat, and as we saw with Bill Clinton, "feminists" are willing to violate their own principles and look the other way when a democrat is accused of sexual impropriety.
Looks like a bad joke. Not Groping... He was a comedian At the time. The kissing thing is bad...
He is mugging for the camera and his hands aren't touching her breasts.
Poor taste but not illegal

And the other difference is that the woman Franken looked like he was groping was fully clothed, as well as an adult.

The girl that Moore stripped down to underwear with and had her touch his erection was only 14.

Nope, sorry, they are two totally different situations. One is crass and in poor taste, the other is child molestation.

Look at the lefty hypocrites at it again. Ever a bullshit excuse at the ready, and never a standard they won't double.

Keep thinking that 14 year olds are the same as grown women. Thats what got Roy in trouble in the first place
Because trying to kiss a Playboy Playmate it's just like terrorizing 14 year olds... LOL

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