Remember When ALL The "Tea Party" People Were Saying "We Wan't Our Country Back!?!"

You cannot GET BACK that which you never owned, folks.

The combined wealth of all the OWS folks and all the Tea Party folks combined doesn't amount to a hill of beans compared to the masters.


didn't bother to find a 2011 chart of wealth and income.

I presume that the numbers would be even more lopsided than is was in 2004.

MUCH more lopsided, actually.​
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You cannot GET BACK that which you never owned, folks.

The combined wealth of all the OWS folks and all the Tea Party folks combined doesn't amount to a hill of beans compared to the masters.


didn't bother to find a 2011 chart of wealth and income.

I presume that the numbers would be even more lopsided than is was in 2004.

MUCH more lopsided, actually.​

Right. The OWS wants to forcibly redistribute, to make the government do so. And, because a constitutional republic protects minorities (whether one assigns a value judgment of good or bad to that minority), they want to change the Constitution.

"We want what others have worked for".

That's it. Like a toddler.

They need to grow up.
I'll take the lack of a reply by MarcATL as an acknowledgement of the truth in my post.
He knows what TEA means, but it doesn't fit the false premise of his OP, so it's best that he ignore it.
(Ignorance is a derivative of ignore)

If you're referring to that "Taxed Enough Already" BS then you are more deranged than I initially thought. No time in history has taxes been lower to the average individual and businesses especially.

GTFOH with that nonsense. Seriously.

Your punk ass never responded to my Ayers/Weather Underground assessment...Vouch for them .....
You cannot GET BACK that which you never owned, folks.

The combined wealth of all the OWS folks and all the Tea Party folks combined doesn't amount to a hill of beans compared to the masters.


didn't bother to find a 2011 chart of wealth and income.​

I presume that the numbers would be even more lopsided than is was in 2004.​

MUCH more lopsided, actually.​

Right. The OWS wants to forcibly redistribute, to make the government do so. And, because a constitutional republic protects minorities (whether one assigns a value judgment of good or bad to that minority), they want to change the Constitution.

"We want what others have worked for".

Worked for? That's a laugh
You cannot GET BACK that which you never owned, folks.

The combined wealth of all the OWS folks and all the Tea Party folks combined doesn't amount to a hill of beans compared to the masters.


didn't bother to find a 2011 chart of wealth and income.​

I presume that the numbers would be even more lopsided than is was in 2004.​

MUCH more lopsided, actually.​

Right. The OWS wants to forcibly redistribute, to make the government do so. And, because a constitutional republic protects minorities (whether one assigns a value judgment of good or bad to that minority), they want to change the Constitution.

"We want what others have worked for".

Worked for? That's a laugh
You don't think businessmen work?

Is work only acceptable when your muscles hurt?
You cannot GET BACK that which you never owned, folks.

The combined wealth of all the OWS folks and all the Tea Party folks combined doesn't amount to a hill of beans compared to the masters.


didn't bother to find a 2011 chart of wealth and income.​

I presume that the numbers would be even more lopsided than is was in 2004.​

MUCH more lopsided, actually.​

Right. The OWS wants to forcibly redistribute, to make the government do so. And, because a constitutional republic protects minorities (whether one assigns a value judgment of good or bad to that minority), they want to change the Constitution.

"We want what others have worked for".

Worked for? That's a laugh

actually you are the laugh with that comment.

Please stay engrossed with jealousy. Its quite amusing.
Strawman much?
Ah, yes.....that ol' down-home tactic......

[ame=]Rachel Maddow: Fox News To White People: Be Very Afraid! Black People Are Coming To Get You! Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]​
Teabirthers were talking about people not white and Republican. That's why it's different.
That's rich coming from a racist like you.

Secondly, where are all the blacks in the OWS? It must be racist.

Pointing out the Republican Party is 90% white doesn't make me racist. Simply the fact that their politicians vote in a block proves it it they who are racist.

cant except that your a racist Dean? mention skin color more than Tank mention skin color more than anyone here.....i know a racist Dean,he brings up "*******" and "Spics" in just about every conversation,kinda like the way you bring up White People.....i dont see a difference....

Pointing out the Republican Party is 90% white doesn't make me racist.

if you were not so focused on skin color this would not matter to you.....if the conversation is about this,that is one thing,but you bring it up regardless....why?......

Simply the fact that their politicians vote in a block proves it it they who are racist.

and how is this racist?......
Strawman much?

Speeki Englees?

I don't think you should be using words you do not understand. What am I "strawmanning?"

Go back to bed kid...seriously.

Look it up. A Strawman argument is one in which you misrepresent your oponents position so as to make it easy for you to defeat it. That is what you did in your OP. You can say all the goofy things like "go to bed" all you want but it's still a rediculous strawman argument. I suspect that's the only way you could win an argument.
Strawman much?

how is that a "strawman"?

i always wondered what the tea loons wanted the country back from given we'd had a lawful election and they lost. you know, unlike when bush was appointed by the court.

just saying.
Malcolm X wasn't a racist? Talk about rewriting history. The man absolutely was a racist and was unapologetic about being a racist. Ever read any of his speeches? I have and quite frankly I think that he was a very small and very ignorant person. Even with the venom that this man spewed, his biggest threat was other black men who were Muslims.

"We want our country back!" Very much a slogan and very much full of truth. Obviously, your memory is as selective as your objective analysis of Malcolm X. At the time that the slogan found it's way to the Tea Party rallies, let's remember that a MAJORITY of Americans did not want Obamacare. Yet, Democratic Congressmen and Senators across the country fell into line and along with "payoffs" voted this monstrosity into existance. The Louisiana purchase and other payoffs to states purchased the votes needed to make Obamacare a reality. And what has happened? American business stands frozen because NO ONE in the administration understands what this is going to do. 9.1% unemployment and no sign that this will improve soon.

And now, on this Monday morning, we have the Obama Administration admitting that, well, perhaps their belief that Obamacare would save money, was a little optimistic. Ya think??? And over the weekend one of Obama's mouthpieces finally admitted that well, maybe, just perhaps the fact that NO ONE understands the true impact of this 2,600 page monster MAY be having an impact on unemployment and the uncertainty in American business. Especially small business. Wow, such a revelation.

We want our country back was a reference that we want our elected representatives to LISTEN to their constituents. Remember the meetings that Congressmen and Senators CANCELLED because their constituents demanded that they NOT vote for Obamacare? Against Obamacare? Why, it's only because you're a racist. Please! Get a life and get a new weapon. That one is getting old and you lefties use it so much it has no meaning.

The Tea Party has no national leader. The difference between us and the OWS is that we ACTUALLY PAY THE BILLS. We want our country back. Now truer than ever...
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Strawman much?

how is that a "strawman"?

i always wondered what the tea loons wanted the country back from given we'd had a lawful election and they lost. you know, unlike when bush was appointed by the court.

just saying.
And Kerry wasn't 'appointed' by a court. You lost. Get over it.

The Tea Party wants the government to follow the Constitution.

The OWS wants the government to violate the Constitution or entirely destroy the Constitution.

Yup, exactly the same but entirely different.
Strawman much?

how is that a "strawman"?

i always wondered what the tea loons wanted the country back from given we'd had a lawful election and they lost. you know, unlike when bush was appointed by the court.

just saying.

The ONLY national election that has occurred since the rise of the Tea Party showed the LARGEST turn over of the House in 70 years. Additionally, the largest turn over of state and local governments to the Republicans also occurred. The south, once a Democratic bastion is now almost solidly Republican. When Barry and his band of ditzes were elected, there wasn't a Tea Party. Barry's payoffs to certain states and the ramming through of Obamacare gave rise to the Tea Party.

This next election in 2012 will be the FIRST presidential election since the rise of the Tea Party. We'll see what happens...
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Strawman much?

how is that a "strawman"?

i always wondered what the tea loons wanted the country back from given we'd had a lawful election and they lost. you know, unlike when bush was appointed by the court.

just saying.

How is that a strawman? Let me count the ways.

They were all over the place when they first popped up. One minute saying this, the other saying that. Remember when MANY of the TBers were claiming that Obama was going to "took durr gunz?"

Wrong. Our message has been the same as it was when we first started back in 2007 before Obama was elected: Fiscal responsibility, less taxes, less government. It was never about the 2nd amendment.

Many of them showed up at rallies with guns attached to their hips claiming fears that Obama was going to "take their guns." Meanwhile, Obama had ALREADY enacted MORE GUN FREEDOM than any other previous Administration.

One showed up, one. One =/= many.

Remember how pre-#OccupyWallStreet these were the same set of people who were CONSTANTLY screaming and going on and on and on about how they're a grass roots movement and how that because they are a grass roots movement that they had no one singular leader or MESSAGE?!?

Now look them. All of a sudden they are CLAIMING, read pretending, that their major beefo with the #OWS movement is that they don't have a clear SINGLE message.

Now isn't that somethhing.

Hypocrisy much?

The major criticism from anyone on the Right, not just the Tea Party people is that they don't have a clear message. To claim it's the TP that is saying this is wrong.

One huge strawman argument right there.
"We want our country back!" Very much a slogan and very much full of truth.

Same thing the gardener said, but he put it, "solamente queremos la vuelta de nuestra pais". What makes his truth any less valid than the TPers?
I think it cool that Marc, the uber liberal wants to connect the Tea Parties with a real message-of 'taxed enough' with the OWS message of 'we want to take over this park.'

One group wants government out of our everyday lives, the other wants government to tuck us in night. The first isn't looking for government to save us.

If the tea party wants "government out of our everyday lives" why do they support DOMA, DADT, and repealing Roe?

Because those pieces of legislation/policies don't interfere in the liberty of the people and the states. In fact, DOMA explicitly takes the Federal Government out of the marriage business. DADT stated that the Federal Government had no business inquirying into one's sexuality and allowed everyone to serve.

Seriously, do you bother thinking about anything before you say anything?
Oh btw, African slave holders sold their own as slaves - no one was "kidnapped."

Also, the first slaves in the US were WHITE, they were white for 100 years - white slaves..

Malcolm X was ignorant or just pandered to the ignorant...

"D: All of the above."
Strawman much?

how is that a "strawman"?

i always wondered what the tea loons wanted the country back from given we'd had a lawful election and they lost. you know, unlike when bush was appointed by the court.

just saying.
And Kerry wasn't 'appointed' by a court. You lost. Get over it.

The Tea Party wants the government to follow the Constitution.

The OWS wants the government to violate the Constitution or entirely destroy the Constitution.

Yup, exactly the same but entirely different.

First, I thought the TP was nothing but whackjobs (media & internet portrayals). Then it kept lasting. Then I learned more. Then I met some TP's. And I thought they were reasonable intelligent people.
Then the TP evolved. Now it's not what it says it is. The statement in bold above is where I have found that to be true.

The TP wants the govt. to follow the USC?
So only those who are part of a "well-regulated militia" will be allowed to bear arms?
Or is it that I should be allowed to own nuclear weapons?
Gays should have the right to marry and adopt?
People from other countries should be allowed to live here as long as they like, unimpeded, but simply won't enjoy the benefits of citizenship?

I could go on with a dozen other examples but the point is clear.

The TP doesn't want the government to follow THE Constitution, they want the government to follow THEIR INTERPRETATION of the Constitution. And they're so danm arrogant about having some secret magical knowledge of what it means - i.e. INTERPRETATION, while claiming it doesn't need to be interpreted.

OWS is just starting and it's growing a hundred times faster than the TP ever did. I have no friggin' clue what it will turn into but unfortunately, I'd bet it ends up corrupted the same way as the TP has been. Start with a simple message. Then you need actual leaders. Those leaders are approached by say AT&T for instance (like with the TP). Next thing you know, they're lobbying on behalf of Big Business...
I doubt OWS will be able to avoid that inevitibility.

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