Remember when leftist politicians and the media criticize you for wanting to open the country.

Riddle me this...........which state in this country allowed positive patients to go back to Nursing homes
All of them

That's how it's done.

You get stabilized you get released.

You go home. Home for nursing home the nursing home
It's mostly us peasants in the private sector that are being harmed.
It is mostly the hard-working middle class being harmed, who are mostly republicans, and you can see that in the protests.
  • Mostly middle class.
  • Mostly white.
  • And I suspect mostly republicans.
You don't see too many gaybos, freaks, hippies, illegals, college crazies or power pussy people in the crowd with earrings, piercings and tattoos.

What you really mean is that smart people aren't begging to go back to work with no testing, no masks, and no protections for workers, while cases and deaths are still climbing. It's their bosses who want to reopen. Republicans - who think this virus is either a hoax or no big deal, because this is a virus which preys on the poor and the sick, and they are neither.

If my employer insisted I got back to work at my office, I'd tell him to go fuck himself. Not because I can get paid for sitting on my butt, but because he's done nothing to keep me safe. He wants ME to risk my life so he can make money. Not going to happen. Not until I have some assurances that I'm not going to get sick, have huge hospital bills that I cannot afford to pay, and possible be left with permanent damage to my heart, lungs or kidneys.

If you don't have your health, you have nothing. PROTECT THE PEOPLE FIRST.
Riddle me this...........which state in this country allowed positive patients to go back to Nursing homes
All of them

That's how it's done.

You get stabilized you get released.

You go home. Home for nursing home the nursing home

Actually, the sick patients are being kept IN the nursing homes. They're not going to hospitals because the hospitals are overwhelmed and told the nursing homes to keep their sick. They consider people in nursing homes where they have nurses and medical staff, to be "in care".

This is part of the reason why rates of infection and death are so high. The staff in the nursing home have fewer PPE's than the hospital staffs. Plus staff in private homes tend to work part time at a number of homes, so if one home has an outbreak, the staff take it to their next job.
What you really mean is that smart people aren't begging to go back to work with no testing, no masks, and no protections for workers, while cases and deaths are still climbing.
Funny, they are handing out testing left and right around here! Masks are required to go to the grocery store so apparently everyone can get them! Why not you, sucka?
And Cases and deaths are NOT still climbing. The rate is going down. But if you want to go without a paycheck until not a single new infection or covid-related death occurs, BE MY FUCKING GUEST.
It's their bosses who want to reopen.
Look shitstain, people all across this nation are screaming to get back to normal! To go back to work. Don't you dare try to infect me with your form of sick mental delusion.
<snip>"Republicans ~~~ . . .because this is a virus which preys on the poor and the sick~~~"
Blow it out your ass, crazy lady. Viruses don't discriminate by economic class. Even children have gotten it.
If my employer insisted I got back to work at my office, I'd tell him to go fuck himself. Not until I have some assurances that I'm not going to get sick, have huge hospital bills that I cannot afford to pay, and possible be left with permanent damage to my heart, lungs or kidneys.
What could it possibly hurt you? You've already lost your mind.

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