Remember When McConnell Was Fine With Pelosi Witholding Impeachment Articles

Everybody was pressuring Ukraine to get rid of the corrupt prosecutor.
Trump wasn't, he wasn't even a candidate then!

Yeah...nobody is claiming Trump pressured Ukraine to get rid of a corrupt prosecutor before he was even president. I didn't realize this needed to be clarified but apparently so.
Yea, you dont like it when you are caught LYING...AGAIN!

What did I lie about?

When I said everybody was pressuring Ukraine to get rid of the corrupt prosecutor, I'm referring to the western democracies that wanted him gone to include the United States. I was not literally referring to every individual on the globe. You get that, right?

You didn't know this?

Why Was Ukraine's Top Prosecutor Fired? The Issue At The Heart Of The Dispute Gripping Washington

But there is a long list of Western organizations, governments, and diplomats, as well as Ukrainian anti-corruption groups, that wanted to see Shokin fired.

They include the International Monetary Fund, the European Union, the U.S. government, foreign investors, and Ukrainian advocates of reform.
Trump wasn't, he wasn't even a candidate then!

Yeah...nobody is claiming Trump pressured Ukraine to get rid of a corrupt prosecutor before he was even president. I didn't realize this needed to be clarified but apparently so.
Yea, you dont like it when you are caught LYING...AGAIN!

What did I lie about?

When I said everybody was pressuring Ukraine to get rid of the corrupt prosecutor, I'm referring to the western democracies that wanted him gone to include the United States. I was not literally referring to every individual on the globe. You get that, right?

You didn't know this?

Why Was Ukraine's Top Prosecutor Fired? The Issue At The Heart Of The Dispute Gripping Washington

But there is a long list of Western organizations, governments, and diplomats, as well as Ukrainian anti-corruption groups, that wanted to see Shokin fired.

They include the International Monetary Fund, the European Union, the U.S. government, foreign investors, and Ukrainian advocates of reform.
An opinion piece from Radio Free Europe quoting a source that took donation from Burisma?


Got any actual quotes from all the entities you claim had been calling for his firing?
Remember when nancy said this donkey show was urgent.

Why would Pelosi be in a big hurry for McConnell to not have a trial with witnesses so the whole thing could be completely swept under the carpet? That doesn't make sense, instead she's holding back and using her political influence over the process. Apparently Mitch feels it too.
What influence?

Holding back the impeachment articles. Where as Mitch just wants to get it over with and now he's frustrated as at least a couple of moderate Republicans make up their minds on how honest of a trial we are going to have.

Most Americans polled want there to be witnesses, Pelosi's position is in agreement.

Moscow Mitch McConnell spent his Wednesday evening hanging out at the White House with Donald Trump to talk impeachment, multiple sources tell CNN.

But don't think there's anything wrong with that, because, as CNN reports, McConnell "has not shared with the White House the text of the resolution that would set up the trial, according to one of the sources, who insists there's no negotiation with the GOP leader's office on how the language should be drafted." Which is entirely believable. Sure. Especially when you read this: "We want this to start as quickly as possible," said Eric Ueland, the White House legislative director. "We want the President to be acquitted as quickly as possible."

Acquittal is a foregone conclusion. We knew that already, because McConnell has been saying so for weeks. They're not even trying to pretend otherwise in the White House. That makes McConnell's brazen statements that he is plowing over the 47 Democratic senators and writing his own resolution without their consultation even more striking. Strikingly bad.

Moscow Mitch and Donald Trump have nice little sit-down to collude on Senate's impeachment trial
Remember when nancy said this donkey show was urgent.

Why would Pelosi be in a big hurry for McConnell to not have a trial with witnesses so the whole thing could be completely swept under the carpet? That doesn't make sense, instead she's holding back and using her political influence over the process. Apparently Mitch feels it too.
What influence?

Holding back the impeachment articles. Where as Mitch just wants to get it over with and now he's frustrated as at least a couple of moderate Republicans make up their minds on how honest of a trial we are going to have.

Most Americans polled want there to be witnesses, Pelosi's position is in agreement.

Moscow Mitch McConnell spent his Wednesday evening hanging out at the White House with Donald Trump to talk impeachment, multiple sources tell CNN.

But don't think there's anything wrong with that, because, as CNN reports, McConnell "has not shared with the White House the text of the resolution that would set up the trial, according to one of the sources, who insists there's no negotiation with the GOP leader's office on how the language should be drafted." Which is entirely believable. Sure. Especially when you read this: "We want this to start as quickly as possible," said Eric Ueland, the White House legislative director. "We want the President to be acquitted as quickly as possible."

Acquittal is a foregone conclusion. We knew that already, because McConnell has been saying so for weeks. They're not even trying to pretend otherwise in the White House. That makes McConnell's brazen statements that he is plowing over the 47 Democratic senators and writing his own resolution without their consultation even more striking. Strikingly bad.

Moscow Mitch and Donald Trump have nice little sit-down to collude on Senate's impeachment trial

he is plowing over the 47 Democratic senators and writing his own resolution without their consultation even more striking.

Well that sux, huh? For you and your fellow travelers.:5_1_12024:
Acquittal is a foregone conclusion. We knew that already, because McConnell has been saying so for weeks. They're not even trying to pretend otherwise in the White House. That makes McConnell's brazen statements that he is plowing over the 47 Democratic senators and writing his own resolution without their consultation even more striking. Strikingly bad.
Impeachment was a foregone conclusion. We knew that already because nearly every fucking Democrat in Congress has been saying so for 3 years. They're not even trying to pretend otherwise. I guess your little coup ain't working, huh biatch?
Has Nazi figured out WTF to do with her “impeachment’ clusterfuck yet?

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