Remember When Most to All Self-Proclaimed USMB Conservatives Were Bashing Using Twitter?

Do I care about tweets from WH or celebrities? I couldn't care less. Well, its expected from me to care for what you care, and if I don't, you gonna scream and tweet.

Posting hashtag and blindly following who said what wont do shit. Just existence of hashtag and thousands or millions of followers (that can't be verified) doesn't make something more legitimate.

It's bad because it takes attention and energy away from solutions that might actually do something.

So this was nothing more than another attempt to show the American People how "Hip" the first family is.

Now, if she asked for suggestions? Then maybe it would mean something.

But this was an ad for Michelle Obama.

Tell me how Republicans on twitter is good but everyone else is bad again.

Its not, its just as stupid.

Yeah, let's all get together, hold hands and sing "We Are The World". That'll show those bullies...

Hashtag - as impotent as this president is.


I still stand to what I said. Now, what's your point?

I didn't make a point. You did.
Do I care about tweets from WH or celebrities? I couldn't care less. Well, its expected from me to care for what you care, and if I don't, you gonna scream and tweet.

Posting hashtag and blindly following who said what wont do shit. Just existence of hashtag and thousands or millions of followers (that can't be verified) doesn't make something more legitimate.

It's bad because it takes attention and energy away from solutions that might actually do something.

So this was nothing more than another attempt to show the American People how "Hip" the first family is.

Now, if she asked for suggestions? Then maybe it would mean something.

But this was an ad for Michelle Obama.

Tell me how Republicans on twitter is good but everyone else is bad again.

Its not, its just as stupid.

Yeah, let's all get together, hold hands and sing "We Are The World". That'll show those bullies...

Hashtag - as impotent as this president is.


I still stand to what I said. Now, what's your point?

I didn't make a point. You did.

Do you even know what was the point?

Why didn't you quote my whole post where I made the point?

Of course, you didn't do that because you'll make a fool out of yourself.

Now, what that has to do with this thread?
Do I care about tweets from WH or celebrities? I couldn't care less. Well, its expected from me to care for what you care, and if I don't, you gonna scream and tweet.

Posting hashtag and blindly following who said what wont do shit. Just existence of hashtag and thousands or millions of followers (that can't be verified) doesn't make something more legitimate.

It's bad because it takes attention and energy away from solutions that might actually do something.

So this was nothing more than another attempt to show the American People how "Hip" the first family is.

Now, if she asked for suggestions? Then maybe it would mean something.

But this was an ad for Michelle Obama.

Tell me how Republicans on twitter is good but everyone else is bad again.

Its not, its just as stupid.

Yeah, let's all get together, hold hands and sing "We Are The World". That'll show those bullies...

Hashtag - as impotent as this president is.


I still stand to what I said. Now, what's your point?

I didn't make a point. You did.

Do you even know what was the point?

Why didn't you quote my whole post where I made the point?

Of course, you didn't do that because you'll make a fool out of yourself.

Now, what that has to do with this thread?

Because I quoted the part that had to do with this thread.

Next question?
Do I care about tweets from WH or celebrities? I couldn't care less. Well, its expected from me to care for what you care, and if I don't, you gonna scream and tweet.

Posting hashtag and blindly following who said what wont do shit. Just existence of hashtag and thousands or millions of followers (that can't be verified) doesn't make something more legitimate.

It's bad because it takes attention and energy away from solutions that might actually do something.

So this was nothing more than another attempt to show the American People how "Hip" the first family is.

Now, if she asked for suggestions? Then maybe it would mean something.

But this was an ad for Michelle Obama.

Its not, its just as stupid.

Yeah, let's all get together, hold hands and sing "We Are The World". That'll show those bullies...

Hashtag - as impotent as this president is.


I still stand to what I said. Now, what's your point?

I didn't make a point. You did.

Do you even know what was the point?

Why didn't you quote my whole post where I made the point?

Of course, you didn't do that because you'll make a fool out of yourself.

Now, what that has to do with this thread?

Because I quoted the part that had to do with this thread.

Next question?

You quoted the part out of the context and has nothing to do with this thread.
Well show us the specific posters who have bashed Twitter, and now praise it.
No generaluzations, give us actual proof.

I still stand to what I said. Now, what's your point?

I didn't make a point. You did.

Do you even know what was the point?

Why didn't you quote my whole post where I made the point?

Of course, you didn't do that because you'll make a fool out of yourself.

Now, what that has to do with this thread?

Because I quoted the part that had to do with this thread.

Next question?

You quoted the part out of the context and has nothing to do with this thread.

What's the thread about?


Whelp --- that's what I quoted.

That about it?
I still stand to what I said. Now, what's your point?

I didn't make a point. You did.

Do you even know what was the point?

Why didn't you quote my whole post where I made the point?

Of course, you didn't do that because you'll make a fool out of yourself.

Now, what that has to do with this thread?

Because I quoted the part that had to do with this thread.

Next question?

You quoted the part out of the context and has nothing to do with this thread.

What's the thread about?


Whelp --- that's what I quoted.

That about it?

No moron.

Thread is about conservatives who were bashing Obamas tweets and praising Trump's tweets.

Based on what you quoted, you failed to show what OP claimed.

You know what they say... "half wit gave you a piece of his mind, and you held on to it".
I didn't make a point. You did.

Do you even know what was the point?

Why didn't you quote my whole post where I made the point?

Of course, you didn't do that because you'll make a fool out of yourself.

Now, what that has to do with this thread?

Because I quoted the part that had to do with this thread.

Next question?

You quoted the part out of the context and has nothing to do with this thread.

What's the thread about?


Whelp --- that's what I quoted.

That about it?

No moron.

Thread is about conservatives who were bashing Obamas tweets and praising Trump's tweets.

Based on what you quoted, you failed to show what OP claimed.

You know what they say... "half wit gave you a piece of his mind, and you held on to it".

They uh ------ don't exit in the same time frame, Einstein.
No moron.

Thread is about conservatives who were bashing Obamas tweets and praising Trump's tweets.

Based on what you quoted, you failed to show what OP claimed.

You know what they say... "half wit gave you a piece of his mind, and you held on to it".
No JackAss, the thread is about the hypocrisy of Republicans and self-proclaimed Conservatives of USMB, who almost all to-a-man bashed the usage of TwitterDURING the Obama Administration, but have suddenly found Jesus and are praising it's usage now the Trump is about to be POTUS. It's not about Obama or his Administration. It's about CON$ and their stupidity and their hypocrisy.

Do you even know what was the point?

Why didn't you quote my whole post where I made the point?

Of course, you didn't do that because you'll make a fool out of yourself.

Now, what that has to do with this thread?

Because I quoted the part that had to do with this thread.

Next question?

You quoted the part out of the context and has nothing to do with this thread.

What's the thread about?


Whelp --- that's what I quoted.

That about it?

No moron.

Thread is about conservatives who were bashing Obamas tweets and praising Trump's tweets.

Based on what you quoted, you failed to show what OP claimed.

You know what they say... "half wit gave you a piece of his mind, and you held on to it".

They uh ------ don't exit in the same time frame, Einstein.

No moron, the second doesn't exist at all.
Perhaps you can provide a link to back up your bogus claim?
If you want to play dumb, knock yourself out.

As I thought.
No moron.

Thread is about conservatives who were bashing Obamas tweets and praising Trump's tweets.

Based on what you quoted, you failed to show what OP claimed.

You know what they say... "half wit gave you a piece of his mind, and you held on to it".
No JackAss, the thread is about the hypocrisy of Republicans and self-proclaimed Conservatives of USMB, who almost all to-a-man bashed the usage of TwitterDURING the Obama Administration, but have suddenly found Jesus and are praising it's usage now the Trump is about to be POTUS. It's not about Obama or his Administration. It's about CON$ and their stupidity and their hypocrisy.


Nope, when you and your buddy shitstain claim that something happen, you should at least back it up with some quotes, otherwise you're just shitposting.

No moron.

Thread is about conservatives who were bashing Obamas tweets and praising Trump's tweets.

Based on what you quoted, you failed to show what OP claimed.

You know what they say... "half wit gave you a piece of his mind, and you held on to it".
No JackAss, the thread is about the hypocrisy of Republicans and self-proclaimed Conservatives of USMB, who almost all to-a-man bashed the usage of TwitterDURING the Obama Administration, but have suddenly found Jesus and are praising it's usage now the Trump is about to be POTUS. It's not about Obama or his Administration. It's about CON$ and their stupidity and their hypocrisy.

You have no proof that almost to a man we all posted since I know for a fact I never did nor did most if the supposed conservatives on this site. back up your ridiculous claim.
No moron.

Thread is about conservatives who were bashing Obamas tweets and praising Trump's tweets.

Based on what you quoted, you failed to show what OP claimed.

You know what they say... "half wit gave you a piece of his mind, and you held on to it".
No JackAss, the thread is about the hypocrisy of Republicans and self-proclaimed Conservatives of USMB, who almost all to-a-man bashed the usage of TwitterDURING the Obama Administration, but have suddenly found Jesus and are praising it's usage now the Trump is about to be POTUS. It's not about Obama or his Administration. It's about CON$ and their stupidity and their hypocrisy.

So, the thread OP is a work of fiction. #goodtoknow
Jack the Ripper @#Stop me before I tweet again

Dear President Obama,


Symbolism over substance. Dead on.


Ready petard ----aaaaaaand HOIST!

What's a petard?


I am so glad you asked. These young kids today, with no idea of the old adages....

Shakespeare's phrase, "hoist with his own petard," is an idiom that means "to be harmed by one's own plan to harm someone else" or "to fall into one's own trap", implying that one could be lifted (blown) upward by one's own bomb, or in other words, be foiled by one's own plan. (Wiki)​

But here's why I'm glad you asked:
Pétard comes from the Middle French péter, to break wind, from the root pet, expulsion of intestinal gas, derived from the Latin peditus, past participle of pedere, to break wind. In modern French, a pétard is a firecracker (and it is the basis for the word for firecracker in several other European languages).​
Cute word-smithing, however it's abundantly clear that many, especially in the US, have embraced Twitter as a valid method of communication, so to discount Trumps using it as a method to get his voice out to many is frankly rather unintelligent.

My mom still grumps about texting, says it's impersonal and it doesn't count as "talking to each other" - and thus she calls me, without fail, every three days to let me know what's up. This week the 'chaos' is that her barrel cactus has mealy worms and thus they have to bathe it daily. I informed her that was was a first world problem lol

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