Remember When Most to All Self-Proclaimed USMB Conservatives Were Bashing Using Twitter?

Cute word-smithing, however it's abundantly clear that many, especially in the US, have embraced Twitter as a valid method of communication, so to discount Trumps using it as a method to get his voice out to many is frankly rather unintelligent.

As they used to say in grammar school --- if "everybody else" jumped in the lake, would you jump in too?"

Fast food joints are "popular". SUVs are "popular". Rap 'music' is "popular". That doesn't mean any of them have redeeming social value.

My mom still grumps about texting, says it's impersonal and it doesn't count as "talking to each other" - and thus she calls me, without fail, every three days to let me know what's up. This week the 'chaos' is that her barrel cactus has mealy worms and thus they have to bathe it daily. I informed her that was was a first world problem lol

And she's right, it is impersonal, and it utterly detaches the texter from everything going on around him/her -- plus, this is the weird part -- it takes a lot longer. When I ask some text junkie why they don't just make a phone call the common answer is "this way I don't have to talk to them".

(say what?)

For true -- they actually maintain that they'd rather spend more time poking letters into a device than simply speak. I find that mind boggling. This is the kind of thinking that convinces me we've been infiltrated by some idiot genes.

Honestly the only legitimate use I've ever found for this sort of thing was just after Katrina when nobody's phone (from the affected areas) would connect a voice call due to so many downed towers, but you could get a text through because it needed much less bandwidth. Other than that it has no useful function.

It's like Nosebook -- other addicts were trying to get me to sign up after they succumbed. I said, "what will this give me that I don't already have?" Never got an answer, and never got sucked into it. I can see how it would have value for narcissists who want everything they do to be about Numero Uno but that's a bogus and pathetic way to exist.

I think a lot of times we invent things not because they improve anything, but just because we can.
I distinctly recall a number of various and sundry USMB self-proclaimed Conservatives posting how stupid Twitter and those who use it was.

But this was in the early days of the Obama Administration when Twitter was responsible for taking down regimes in the Mid-East and hashtags about kidnapped African women were prominent.

Now they can't stop praising the use of Twitter.

I wonder what changed...

No Mr. Stain, I don't remember that.
Cute word-smithing, however it's abundantly clear that many, especially in the US, have embraced Twitter as a valid method of communication, so to discount Trumps using it as a method to get his voice out to many is frankly rather unintelligent.

As they used to say in grammar school --- if "everybody else" jumped in the lake, would you jump in too?"

Fast food joints are "popular". SUVs are "popular". Rap 'music' is "popular". That doesn't mean any of them have redeeming social value.

My mom still grumps about texting, says it's impersonal and it doesn't count as "talking to each other" - and thus she calls me, without fail, every three days to let me know what's up. This week the 'chaos' is that her barrel cactus has mealy worms and thus they have to bathe it daily. I informed her that was was a first world problem lol

And she's right, it is impersonal, and it utterly detaches the texter from everything going on around him/her -- plus, this is the weird part -- it takes a lot longer. When I ask some text junkie why they don't just make a phone call the common answer is "this way I don't have to talk to them".

(say what?)

For true -- they actually maintain that they'd rather spend more time poking letters into a device than simply speak. I find that mind boggling. This is the kind of thinking that convinces me we've been infiltrated by some idiot genes.

Honestly the only legitimate use I've ever found for this sort of thing was just after Katrina when nobody's phone (from the affected areas) would connect a voice call due to so many downed towers, but you could get a text through because it needed much less bandwidth. Other than that it has no useful function.

It's like Nosebook -- other addicts were trying to get me to sign up after they succumbed. I said, "what will this give me that I don't already have?" Never got an answer, and never got sucked into it. I can see how it would have value for narcissists who want everything they do to be about Numero Uno but that's a bogus and pathetic way to exist.

I think a lot of times we invent things not because they improve anything, but just because we can.

There's a hell of a lot of "personal opinion" in those assessments and ya know, what they say about opinions heh

As far as Trump using twitter, it was a good idea no matter how you shake it out - now what he says in his tweets can cut both ways; good or bad. No matter what we might personally think of this silly "social media bullshit" (Tweets, FB, etc] - it's here to stay and I have a feeling we can expect to see it used just as Trump did in election cycles from now because it most definitely got Trumps words out there. Perhaps the politicians have been hesitant to embrace it because they were not comfortable having their "true thoughts" reach so many so quickly vs Trump who doesn't particularly give a shit if others don't like what he says and thinks?

As for texting, I'm on the fence, put a full size keyboard in front of me and I'll yap peoples ears off at 70-75wpm, but I hate texting; the stupid keyboard is too small so my commentary is very short and stunted (aka I'm not much of a texter.) That said, I personally don't mind that my kids just send me a text to check in, I don't particularly need to hear their voice to feel ... idk in the loop or whatever. Not to say that I 'mind' if they call, or my mom calls, but more that I don't consider it any kind of 'slight' that my kids just text to "keep in touch" as it were. I suppose it could be because it doesn't have any emotional value for me due to my syn; sure it makes me yellow to have the kids call, but then again it's yellow when they text too - does the light yellow have more impact than the darker yellow? Not particularly heh
I distinctly recall a number of various and sundry USMB self-proclaimed Conservatives posting how stupid Twitter and those who use it was.

But this was in the early days of the Obama Administration when Twitter was responsible for taking down regimes in the Mid-East and hashtags about kidnapped African women were prominent.

Now they can't stop praising the use of Twitter.

I wonder what changed...


Oh I definitely remember that.

Small sample:

A new weapon against terrorism: Twittering!

Yeah, that will sure give those Islamist murderers the old what-for! :rolleyes:

Twitter losers whining that non twitterers tell everyone how utterly POINTLESS this STUPID practice is.

That's because it's stupid. Hash tags don't free hostages. Action does. The “Bring Back Our Girls” Internet campaign, if you can call it that, is just a way for politicians and Hollywood celebrities to feel good about themselves.

Says you ignorant, heatless, conservatives.

Tweeting = compassion?

You libs are nuts


The lefts idea of courage? Posting anonymously on the internet.

Odd creatures

--- that's just the first page of one thread.

Grampa barely counts, we just let him stick around to keep Gram Ma from getting depressed.
I distinctly recall a number of various and sundry USMB self-proclaimed Conservatives posting how stupid Twitter and those who use it was.

But this was in the early days of the Obama Administration when Twitter was responsible for taking down regimes in the Mid-East and hashtags about kidnapped African women were prominent.

Now they can't stop praising the use of Twitter.

I wonder what changed...


Hillary was for the Iraq War, then she was against it when she saw news coverage was making it unpopular. Seems people changing their minds about twitter is a pretty minor thing
Cute word-smithing, however it's abundantly clear that many, especially in the US, have embraced Twitter as a valid method of communication, so to discount Trumps using it as a method to get his voice out to many is frankly rather unintelligent.

As they used to say in grammar school --- if "everybody else" jumped in the lake, would you jump in too?"

Fast food joints are "popular". SUVs are "popular". Rap 'music' is "popular". That doesn't mean any of them have redeeming social value.

My mom still grumps about texting, says it's impersonal and it doesn't count as "talking to each other" - and thus she calls me, without fail, every three days to let me know what's up. This week the 'chaos' is that her barrel cactus has mealy worms and thus they have to bathe it daily. I informed her that was was a first world problem lol

And she's right, it is impersonal, and it utterly detaches the texter from everything going on around him/her -- plus, this is the weird part -- it takes a lot longer. When I ask some text junkie why they don't just make a phone call the common answer is "this way I don't have to talk to them".

(say what?)

For true -- they actually maintain that they'd rather spend more time poking letters into a device than simply speak. I find that mind boggling. This is the kind of thinking that convinces me we've been infiltrated by some idiot genes.

Honestly the only legitimate use I've ever found for this sort of thing was just after Katrina when nobody's phone (from the affected areas) would connect a voice call due to so many downed towers, but you could get a text through because it needed much less bandwidth. Other than that it has no useful function.

It's like Nosebook -- other addicts were trying to get me to sign up after they succumbed. I said, "what will this give me that I don't already have?" Never got an answer, and never got sucked into it. I can see how it would have value for narcissists who want everything they do to be about Numero Uno but that's a bogus and pathetic way to exist.

I think a lot of times we invent things not because they improve anything, but just because we can.

There's a hell of a lot of "personal opinion" in those assessments and ya know, what they say about opinions heh

As far as Trump using twitter, it was a good idea no matter how you shake it out - now what he says in his tweets can cut both ways; good or bad. No matter what we might personally think of this silly "social media bullshit" (Tweets, FB, etc] - it's here to stay and I have a feeling we can expect to see it used just as Trump did in election cycles from now because it most definitely got Trumps words out there. Perhaps the politicians have been hesitant to embrace it because they were not comfortable having their "true thoughts" reach so many so quickly vs Trump who doesn't particularly give a shit if others don't like what he says and thinks?

As for texting, I'm on the fence, put a full size keyboard in front of me and I'll yap peoples ears off at 70-75wpm, but I hate texting; the stupid keyboard is too small so my commentary is very short and stunted (aka I'm not much of a texter.) That said, I personally don't mind that my kids just send me a text to check in, I don't particularly need to hear their voice to feel ... idk in the loop or whatever. Not to say that I 'mind' if they call, or my mom calls, but more that I don't consider it any kind of 'slight' that my kids just text to "keep in touch" as it were. I suppose it could be because it doesn't have any emotional value for me due to my syn; sure it makes me yellow to have the kids call, but then again it's yellow when they text too - does the light yellow have more impact than the darker yellow? Not particularly heh

I don't claim to understand why anyone uses text, that's just what I've been told by texters when I did try to figure it out. And what they told me as described, made no sense anyway. But that's their read on it. I take it as equally likely to mean they never stopped to think about it before, which is also strange. :dunno:

But having no practical value I can't see these antisocial media devices like Nosebook and Twit-er as anything but pure pointless narcissism. Nosebook wanted to send me updates on the fact that some co-worker I barely remember is about to take a shower. There's just no planet on which I need to know that and it wastes my time.

I don't get the references to "yellow" and "syn"?
it's here to stay and I have a feeling we can expect to see it used just as Trump did in election cycles from now because it most definitely got Trumps words out there.

This is a crucial point ---- it only "got his words out there" to the extent that anybody paid attention to them.

Had we (and the media that conveys it) given these Twits the attention they deserved, which is zero, they would have gone to their just reward, unknown and unread.

The fact that the masses will entertain literally anything no matter how mindless, is why they did give them that attention. The same reason we have fake wrestling and naked people walking around on an island on television. Because there is no action so mindless that some contingent of people will not pay attention to it. Attention means ratings, and ratings means profit. And they don't care how they reach that point.
Pogo Synesthesia - Wikipedia - I literally "feel" in colors (full mis-wire) - I also "hear" with an after effect of "touch" and my sense of "touch" comes with an after effect of "sound" (secondary cross-firing's for both of those)

Anyway, most folks who text just do so because it's convenient, though I personally attribute it to habit. I've actually not heard the "I don't want to talk to them" reason, though it doesn't surprise me at all. It's self-importance and over-inflated ego imo - after all, why should they be bothered to hold an actual conversation?

On your second point I'll again point out that it doesn't matter what we think, the reality is that social media is something the masses have signed onto, it's foolish not to utilize the resource. And I do agree, the vast majority of FB posts and tweets are useless bullshit (Trust me I know, 70% of my friends are liberal snowflakes, daily I hear about the latest trauma's in their lives. Why just this morning one of them's pillow had fallen through the head board gap, he was quite insistent he needed to see his doctor due to his sore neck and also that "fate" was punishing him for not asking some chick out...)
I distinctly recall a number of various and sundry USMB self-proclaimed Conservatives posting how stupid Twitter and those who use it was.

But this was in the early days of the Obama Administration when Twitter was responsible for taking down regimes in the Mid-East and hashtags about kidnapped African women were prominent.

Now they can't stop praising the use of Twitter.

I wonder what changed...

Remember how all Democrats were saying they frequently have sex with young children and that they like to torture animals? I think we all remember that, so I'm not going to post a link to prove it.
I distinctly recall a number of various and sundry USMB self-proclaimed Conservatives posting how stupid Twitter and those who use it was.

But this was in the early days of the Obama Administration when Twitter was responsible for taking down regimes in the Mid-East and hashtags about kidnapped African women were prominent.

Now they can't stop praising the use of Twitter.

I wonder what changed...

Remember how all Democrats were saying they frequently have sex with young children and that they like to torture animals? I think we all remember that, so I'm not going to post a link to prove it.

Because you don't have one, because you just pulled that out of your lower intestine.

What the OP referred to however has been linked multitudinous times because it's a real thing.
I distinctly recall a number of various and sundry USMB self-proclaimed Conservatives posting how stupid Twitter and those who use it was.

But this was in the early days of the Obama Administration when Twitter was responsible for taking down regimes in the Mid-East and hashtags about kidnapped African women were prominent.

Now they can't stop praising the use of Twitter.

I wonder what changed...

Remember how all Democrats were saying they frequently have sex with young children and that they like to torture animals? I think we all remember that, so I'm not going to post a link to prove it.

Because you don't have one, because you just pulled that out of your lower intestine.

What the OP referred to however has been linked multitudinous times because it's a real thing.
All that has been linked to is a couple posters making comments about how stupid trying to use twitter is to rescue kidnapped girls in Africa. The op claimed something else entirely.
I distinctly recall a number of various and sundry USMB self-proclaimed Conservatives posting how stupid Twitter and those who use it was.

But this was in the early days of the Obama Administration when Twitter was responsible for taking down regimes in the Mid-East and hashtags about kidnapped African women were prominent.

Now they can't stop praising the use of Twitter.

I wonder what changed...

Remember how all Democrats were saying they frequently have sex with young children and that they like to torture animals? I think we all remember that, so I'm not going to post a link to prove it.

Because you don't have one, because you just pulled that out of your lower intestine.

What the OP referred to however has been linked multitudinous times because it's a real thing.
Yet not one quote has been posted that confirms the OP'S claim. A link of someone saying that Michelle is stupid for thinking a tweet will stop Boko Haram, does not support the OP for one second.
Pogo Synesthesia - Wikipedia - I literally "feel" in colors (full mis-wire) - I also "hear" with an after effect of "touch" and my sense of "touch" comes with an after effect of "sound" (secondary cross-firing's for both of those)

Ah interesting. Second time synesthesia has come up in conversation recently, the first being discussions with my siblings about auralgraphic memory and the fact that I can not only hear but see beat frequencies -- while my niece goes one better...... she not only sees them but for her they have colors. Fascinating stuff. This in turn evolved from discussion on Asperger's.

Anyway, most folks who text just do so because it's convenient, though I personally attribute it to habit. I've actually not heard the "I don't want to talk to them" reason, though it doesn't surprise me at all. It's self-importance and over-inflated ego imo - after all, why should they be bothered to hold an actual conversation?

Yeah that's my impression too -- although what strikes me as strange is they're investing far more time and attention into poking on the device than they would have with a simple phone call.

I suspect it's a tech fetishism at the root -- using technology just because it exists. I'll never forget being on a light rail train in some city somewhere watching six people -- completely unrelated, older, younger, black, white Hispanic, male, female -- all standing next to each other and all six punching their little boxes, completely oblivious to each other. All I could think was, if only I had taken that pickpocket course, I could be cleaning up right now.... :badgrin:

What's underneath this is, I see it as a very bad sign when we're each wrapped up in our Selves and oblivious to Others. That's a social cancer.

And then there's the drivers..... :rolleyes:

On your second point I'll again point out that it doesn't matter what we think, the reality is that social media is something the masses have signed onto, it's foolish not to utilize the resource.

Kind of brings me back to "if everybody jumped in the lake". I've never grokked the idea of doing something just because "everybody else" is doing it. Especially when it can't be shown to have any practical use.

Mind you, if it actually had a practical use, I'd be all over it.

And I do agree, the vast majority of FB posts and tweets are useless bullshit (Trust me I know, 70% of my friends are liberal snowflakes, daily I hear about the latest trauma's in their lives. Why just this morning one of them's pillow had fallen through the head board gap, he was quite insistent he needed to see his doctor due to his sore neck and also that "fate" was punishing him for not asking some chick out...)

Yep, exactly. How (I muse) does it not occur to these people that that's their problem and the rest of the planet really doesn't need to know?
I distinctly recall a number of various and sundry USMB self-proclaimed Conservatives posting how stupid Twitter and those who use it was.

But this was in the early days of the Obama Administration when Twitter was responsible for taking down regimes in the Mid-East and hashtags about kidnapped African women were prominent.

Now they can't stop praising the use of Twitter.

I wonder what changed...

Remember how all Democrats were saying they frequently have sex with young children and that they like to torture animals? I think we all remember that, so I'm not going to post a link to prove it.

Because you don't have one, because you just pulled that out of your lower intestine.

What the OP referred to however has been linked multitudinous times because it's a real thing.
All that has been linked to is a couple posters making comments about how stupid trying to use twitter is to rescue kidnapped girls in Africa. The op claimed something else entirely.

The OP wasn't specific about topic. The posts I quoted happened to be on that one but I only quoted ones that commented on the idea of twitting, and only the parts that passed judgments on twitting.

And I agree with those judgments too.

But what Dogboy just posted above is entirely made-up crapola.
I distinctly recall a number of various and sundry USMB self-proclaimed Conservatives posting how stupid Twitter and those who use it was.

But this was in the early days of the Obama Administration when Twitter was responsible for taking down regimes in the Mid-East and hashtags about kidnapped African women were prominent.

Now they can't stop praising the use of Twitter.

I wonder what changed...


How can others "remember" figments of your butthurt imagination, Snowflake?
I distinctly recall a number of various and sundry USMB self-proclaimed Conservatives posting how stupid Twitter and those who use it was.

But this was in the early days of the Obama Administration when Twitter was responsible for taking down regimes in the Mid-East and hashtags about kidnapped African women were prominent.

Now they can't stop praising the use of Twitter.

I wonder what changed...

Remember how all Democrats were saying they frequently have sex with young children and that they like to torture animals? I think we all remember that, so I'm not going to post a link to prove it.

Because you don't have one, because you just pulled that out of your lower intestine.

What the OP referred to however has been linked multitudinous times because it's a real thing.
All that has been linked to is a couple posters making comments about how stupid trying to use twitter is to rescue kidnapped girls in Africa. The op claimed something else entirely.

The OP wasn't specific about topic. The posts I quoted happened to be on that one but I only quoted ones that commented on the idea of twitting.

And I agree with them too.

But what Dogboy just posted above is entirely made-up crapola.
NO one has posted evidence or links in this thread that support the claim that most OR all Conservatives on this site bashed using Twitter. All that has been provided is a COUPLE examples of a COUPLE posters finding fault with the First Lady trying to use twitter to find kidnapped girls in Africa and for claiming that twitter could help get them back. Last I checked there are a hell of a lot more than a COUPLE Conservatives on this site.
I distinctly recall a number of various and sundry USMB self-proclaimed Conservatives posting how stupid Twitter and those who use it was.

But this was in the early days of the Obama Administration when Twitter was responsible for taking down regimes in the Mid-East and hashtags about kidnapped African women were prominent.

Now they can't stop praising the use of Twitter.

I wonder what changed...

Remember how all Democrats were saying they frequently have sex with young children and that they like to torture animals? I think we all remember that, so I'm not going to post a link to prove it.

Because you don't have one, because you just pulled that out of your lower intestine.

What the OP referred to however has been linked multitudinous times because it's a real thing.
Yet not one quote has been posted that confirms the OP'S claim. A link of someone saying that Michelle is stupid for thinking a tweet will stop Boko Haram, does not support the OP for one second.

I think pretty much all of them did. Again the OP described posting on "how stupid Twitter and those who use it was". And that's what the posts I quoted said.

Got more too. Wanna see?

The new way....
Someone does something get home put on your PJ's and take action using social media.

Yup.If you are in Middle School.

We could tweet away many problems.

I propose that we tweet Mexicans in mass [sic], and inform them we don't want them sneaking into our country any longer !

We could call it the "# Bringbackourborders" campaign !!!

Here's a guy I never agree with on anything --- until now:

A fucking social media post does nothing but enhance the worlds opinion that we have a bunch of morons running the country.

Indeed, well said.

Fun stuff.
I distinctly recall a number of various and sundry USMB self-proclaimed Conservatives posting how stupid Twitter and those who use it was.

But this was in the early days of the Obama Administration when Twitter was responsible for taking down regimes in the Mid-East and hashtags about kidnapped African women were prominent.

Now they can't stop praising the use of Twitter.

I wonder what changed...


No, actually I do not recall that. I think you may be a bit delusional. (like you've been huffing a lot). Have you discussed your abnormal thoughts with you head shrink regarding these distracting and perhaps unhealthy delusions.

How often do you suffer from those delusions?
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I distinctly recall a number of various and sundry USMB self-proclaimed Conservatives posting how stupid Twitter and those who use it was.

But this was in the early days of the Obama Administration when Twitter was responsible for taking down regimes in the Mid-East and hashtags about kidnapped African women were prominent.

Now they can't stop praising the use of Twitter.

I wonder what changed...

Remember how all Democrats were saying they frequently have sex with young children and that they like to torture animals? I think we all remember that, so I'm not going to post a link to prove it.

Because you don't have one, because you just pulled that out of your lower intestine.

What the OP referred to however has been linked multitudinous times because it's a real thing.
All that has been linked to is a couple posters making comments about how stupid trying to use twitter is to rescue kidnapped girls in Africa. The op claimed something else entirely.

The OP wasn't specific about topic. The posts I quoted happened to be on that one but I only quoted ones that commented on the idea of twitting.

And I agree with them too.

But what Dogboy just posted above is entirely made-up crapola.
NO one has posted evidence or links in this thread that support the claim that most OR all Conservatives on this site bashed using Twitter. All that has been provided is a COUPLE examples of a COUPLE posters finding fault with the First Lady trying to use twitter to find kidnapped girls in Africa and for claiming that twitter could help get them back. Last I checked there are a hell of a lot more than a COUPLE Conservatives on this site.

Whelp --- that's his wording not mine, and it does teeter on a Generalization fallacy.

Nevertheless what was shown was a lot of people bashing the idea of Twitting. And hey, I'm one of them.
In my own case however I've never wavered on it.
I distinctly recall a number of various and sundry USMB self-proclaimed Conservatives posting how stupid Twitter and those who use it was.

But this was in the early days of the Obama Administration when Twitter was responsible for taking down regimes in the Mid-East and hashtags about kidnapped African women were prominent.

Now they can't stop praising the use of Twitter.

I wonder what changed...


Not me....

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