Remember when nearly EVERY leftie on this board proclaimed Trump couldn't win because.....

Bush had been chosen for us?


Now they can't even nail down the chosen one as their victor in their own party.

So they were dead wrong on our nominee. They can't even secure their own and they presume to tell us the one limping over the finish line in their own race will win handedly in November.

Why do you want him to win so badly? What is it you expect him to do for you and for the country?

I expect Trump to undo everything Obama did.

He'll undo the recovery from the depths of economic hell? You might be onto something.
What did Obama do FOR YOU! to turn YOUR life into a more secure prosperous one asshole?
Bush had been chosen for us?


Now they can't even nail down the chosen one as their victor in their own party.

So they were dead wrong on our nominee. They can't even secure their own and they presume to tell us the one limping over the finish line in their own race will win handedly in November.

Why do you want him to win so badly? What is it you expect him to do for you and for the country?

He is one of the most accomplished executives in our country. The office of President of the United States is the EXECUTIVE branch of our government. That also explains why a top notch executive in one industry can make the switch to another industry and succeed.

He is proving that he can and will surround himself with highly intelligent people who will advise him. Obviously, he also has uncanny instincts. Everyone, including Republicans, said it was impossible for him to reach 1237 delegates to win on the first ballot. LONG before the end of the primary season, he has done so beating sixteen other highly qualified, highly talented individuals.

The real question is how in the heck can you support crooked Hillary?
They can't even secure their own and they presume to tell us the one limping over the finish line in their own race will win handedly in November.


McCain clinched the 2008 nomination the first week of March. How'd that work for you?
How did it work out for Hillary?
A fucking negro from out of nowhere snatched the "beauty" right out of her 'manhands'.
Now a loud mouth billionaire is going to repeat her humiliation.
Christ! she can't even put away a fucking Socialist nut case.
How fucking lame is that?
For eight years now, conservatives have claimed the reason they lost the 2008 and 2012 elections is because we nominated moderates instead of conservatives. This has been their operating premise for quite some time now.

Finally, this year we had several – SEVERAL – conservative candidates. So how was Donald Trump able to steal the nomination away from them?

Donald Trump has made his fortune by exploiting human weakness. His temples are a string of casinos which prey on hordes of the middle class and poor.

And then there is his reality television empire. As with all reality TV programs, Donald Trump’s shows are deliberately designed to draw out the worst behaviors in people. Greed, lust, envy, gluttony, and betrayal.

Donald Trump is not a conservative. He wasn’t even a Republican until last year. Before he announced himself, whenever he was asked a policy question, he invariably gave the far Left answer.

When asked about abortion, he was “very pro-choice” right up to the ninth month of pregnancy. He harmonized with Cindy Sheehan in wanting George Bush impeached for invading Iraq. He wanted the United States to cut and run from Iraq, a policy which conservatives stridently insist led to the rise of ISIS. He supports an Assault Weapons Ban. He supports single payer healthcare. He supports taxing the wealthy more. He said Bill Clinton was a great President, and that Hillary Clinton would make a great President. He said Hillary Clinton was the greatest Secretary of State ever, one year after Benghazi. His entire family donated to Hillary’s Senate and Presidential campaigns. He financed the Democratic National Committee chairman’s gubernatorial campaign in Virginia. A DNC chairman is as Democratic Establishment insider as it gets. He is a close personal friend of the Clintons.

The Republican Party had a whole host of conservative candidates vying for the nomination. And then one day, the Earth opened up and vomited out Donald Trump, claiming to be a Republican.

How did this man succeed?

Decades ago, the Republican Party began what has become known as “the Southern Strategy”. This was a program designed to draw the “negrophobe whites” out of the Democratic Party into the Republican Party, and thus transform the conservative Democratic South into the conservative Republican South.

The Republican Party has carefully and deliberately nurtured and fed the bigoted and racist rats who were lured out of the Democratic village and into the Republican village. And now it is time to pay the pied piper, and his name is Donald Trump.

This purveyor of human fears and failings zeroed in on the worst in the Republican Party and made the election about Mexicans and Muslims.

Policy discussions about abortion, gun rights, states rights, taxes, federal deficits, and all the core conservative principles went right out the window.

What were we talking about before Trump came along?

We were pretty excited about Dr. Ben Carson, who had bitch-slapped Barack Obama with the mighty hand of God at the National Prayer Breakfast.

We were thrilled over Governor Scott Walker, who had won three election victories in the face of a full frontal liberal assault!

We were talking about Ted Cruz, the immovable object in the path of the irresistible force of federal deficit spending.

We were hailing John Kasich, the only candidate on either slate who has not only balanced the federal budget, but gave us a surplus. And he has done the same as the governor of a key battleground state.

Donald Trump brags – actually BRAGS – that he turned us away from those conversations and made the contest about Mexicans and Muslims.

Is every Trump supporter a racist? You can always find exceptions who prove the rule in any political camp, but if you take a core sample of the Trump base, you will always find shreds of the old Confederate flag in their substance.

These are a positively schizophrenic people. They complain we didn’t nominate a conservative and that is why we lost, and yet they are supporting a limousine liberal. They say they wave and wear the Confederate flag because they are proud of their heritage, and then they go to great lengths to prove those old Confederates were Democrats who were racists and slave owners. This is their heritage, and they are proud of it!?!

They had a golden opportunity to select a true conservative as the Republican nominee, and instead chose a fearmongering huckster who has long vouchsafed liberal causes.

What will be their excuse for 2016?
You got it wrong right from the top so I didn't bother to read the rest. You said:
For eight years now, conservatives have claimed the reason they lost the 2008 and 2012 elections is because we nominated moderates instead of conservatives
The sole reason that the Republicans lost in '08 and '12 is because they fielded two giant pussies who couldn't defend themselves against the lefts attacks, they bent over and took it like prostitutes in a whore house. Cruz, Kashich, Walker, Bush....all useless betas.

"Conservatives" have failed to do anything accept prop up the lefts agenda at every turn so now they've been kicked to the curb while a new and fresh crop will show them how its done. They have been castrated and put to pasture where they belong. Welcome to the new Republican Party.

And you think Trump is a step up?
Bush had been chosen for us?


Now they can't even nail down the chosen one as their victor in their own party.

So they were dead wrong on our nominee. They can't even secure their own and they presume to tell us the one limping over the finish line in their own race will win handedly in November.

Why do you want him to win so badly? What is it you expect him to do for you and for the country?
1. To keep that evil insane bull dyke out of the White House.

2. Nothing more than following the Constitution and voiding all of Obama's EOs..

Hossfly, "bull dyke", that is such a pure description. I am impressed!
HEY!!!!! I used those words a few of months ago to describe Hillary! Don't none of you try to take away what's me! LOL!
Bush had been chosen for us?


Now they can't even nail down the chosen one as their victor in their own party.

So they were dead wrong on our nominee. They can't even secure their own and they presume to tell us the one limping over the finish line in their own race will win handedly in November.

Why do you want him to win so badly? What is it you expect him to do for you and for the country?

I expect Trump to undo everything Obama did.

He'll undo the recovery from the depths of economic hell? You might be onto something.

What recovery? GDP first quarter 0.5 Not one year of GDP above 3.0 during his entire administration. History making, as you know.
Bush had been chosen for us?


Now they can't even nail down the chosen one as their victor in their own party.

So they were dead wrong on our nominee. They can't even secure their own and they presume to tell us the one limping over the finish line in their own race will win handedly in November.


Not nearly as hilarious as this:

Scott Walker will be our nominee

Or this...

Trump won't be a challenge until he goes 3rd party and then he'll be a real problem
Grandpa was wrong but honest enough to admit it.
What's your excuse idiot?
I've been wrong several times and ALWAYS admit as much when I realize it. Publicly at that.
But you know the left, if they can't or don't see something with their own eyes it doesn't exist.
For eight years now, conservatives have claimed the reason they lost the 2008 and 2012 elections is because we nominated moderates instead of conservatives. This has been their operating premise for quite some time now.

Finally, this year we had several – SEVERAL – conservative candidates. So how was Donald Trump able to steal the nomination away from them?

Donald Trump has made his fortune by exploiting human weakness. His temples are a string of casinos which prey on hordes of the middle class and poor.

And then there is his reality television empire. As with all reality TV programs, Donald Trump’s shows are deliberately designed to draw out the worst behaviors in people. Greed, lust, envy, gluttony, and betrayal.

Donald Trump is not a conservative. He wasn’t even a Republican until last year. Before he announced himself, whenever he was asked a policy question, he invariably gave the far Left answer.

When asked about abortion, he was “very pro-choice” right up to the ninth month of pregnancy. He harmonized with Cindy Sheehan in wanting George Bush impeached for invading Iraq. He wanted the United States to cut and run from Iraq, a policy which conservatives stridently insist led to the rise of ISIS. He supports an Assault Weapons Ban. He supports single payer healthcare. He supports taxing the wealthy more. He said Bill Clinton was a great President, and that Hillary Clinton would make a great President. He said Hillary Clinton was the greatest Secretary of State ever, one year after Benghazi. His entire family donated to Hillary’s Senate and Presidential campaigns. He financed the Democratic National Committee chairman’s gubernatorial campaign in Virginia. A DNC chairman is as Democratic Establishment insider as it gets. He is a close personal friend of the Clintons.

The Republican Party had a whole host of conservative candidates vying for the nomination. And then one day, the Earth opened up and vomited out Donald Trump, claiming to be a Republican.

How did this man succeed?

Decades ago, the Republican Party began what has become known as “the Southern Strategy”. This was a program designed to draw the “negrophobe whites” out of the Democratic Party into the Republican Party, and thus transform the conservative Democratic South into the conservative Republican South.

The Republican Party has carefully and deliberately nurtured and fed the bigoted and racist rats who were lured out of the Democratic village and into the Republican village. And now it is time to pay the pied piper, and his name is Donald Trump.

This purveyor of human fears and failings zeroed in on the worst in the Republican Party and made the election about Mexicans and Muslims.

Policy discussions about abortion, gun rights, states rights, taxes, federal deficits, and all the core conservative principles went right out the window.

What were we talking about before Trump came along?

We were pretty excited about Dr. Ben Carson, who had bitch-slapped Barack Obama with the mighty hand of God at the National Prayer Breakfast.

We were thrilled over Governor Scott Walker, who had won three election victories in the face of a full frontal liberal assault!

We were talking about Ted Cruz, the immovable object in the path of the irresistible force of federal deficit spending.

We were hailing John Kasich, the only candidate on either slate who has not only balanced the federal budget, but gave us a surplus. And he has done the same as the governor of a key battleground state.

Donald Trump brags – actually BRAGS – that he turned us away from those conversations and made the contest about Mexicans and Muslims.

Is every Trump supporter a racist? You can always find exceptions who prove the rule in any political camp, but if you take a core sample of the Trump base, you will always find shreds of the old Confederate flag in their substance.

These are a positively schizophrenic people. They complain we didn’t nominate a conservative and that is why we lost, and yet they are supporting a limousine liberal. They say they wave and wear the Confederate flag because they are proud of their heritage, and then they go to great lengths to prove those old Confederates were Democrats who were racists and slave owners. This is their heritage, and they are proud of it!?!

They had a golden opportunity to select a true conservative as the Republican nominee, and instead chose a fearmongering huckster who has long vouchsafed liberal causes.

What will be their excuse for 2016?
You got it wrong right from the top so I didn't bother to read the rest. You said:
For eight years now, conservatives have claimed the reason they lost the 2008 and 2012 elections is because we nominated moderates instead of conservatives
The sole reason that the Republicans lost in '08 and '12 is because they fielded two giant pussies who couldn't defend themselves against the lefts attacks, they bent over and took it like prostitutes in a whore house. Cruz, Kashich, Walker, Bush....all useless betas.

"Conservatives" have failed to do anything accept prop up the lefts agenda at every turn so now they've been kicked to the curb while a new and fresh crop will show them how its done. They have been castrated and put to pasture where they belong. Welcome to the new Republican Party.

And you think Trump is a step up?

A step up? Of course not. Hillary Clinton is in the basement and Donald Trump is in the Penthouse of Trump Towers.
Bush had been chosen for us?


Now they can't even nail down the chosen one as their victor in their own party.

So they were dead wrong on our nominee. They can't even secure their own and they presume to tell us the one limping over the finish line in their own race will win handedly in November.


Weird. I never once thought that Bush had been chosen for anyone. Why do you make those broad idiotic statements?

I didn't think Trump would win....but that's because I overestimated the intellect of the GOP base. Yeah....I know. I didn't think that was possible either.

And...the idea that the contest that Hillary is in is in any way going to hurt her in the general has not been established by precedent nor any logical argument.

Bad thread. Believe me.

This is a direct quote, a copy and paste from your thread: "And...the idea that the contest that Hillary is in is in any way going to hurt her in the general has not been established by precedent nor any logical argument."

Perhaps a translation is in order.
Trump resonates with loads of people because he's not a politician. He's a billionaire who can't be bought and he's talking about things people actually want to discuss.

Can he win?? November will tell the tale.

Can't be bought? He just put up a for sale sign when he started his fundraisers. His promise of self funding is now a lie.

Actually, it is you who are lying. Donald Trump said he was self-funding his campaign in the primaries. This campaign is going to be, by far, the most expensive in history. BILLIONS of dollars are going to be spent on both sides. Unless Hillary does the perp walk which is highly possible.
Bush had been chosen for us?


Now they can't even nail down the chosen one as their victor in their own party.

So they were dead wrong on our nominee. They can't even secure their own and they presume to tell us the one limping over the finish line in their own race will win handedly in November.


Weird. I never once thought that Bush had been chosen for anyone. Why do you make those broad idiotic statements?

I didn't think Trump would win....but that's because I overestimated the intellect of the GOP base. Yeah....I know. I didn't think that was possible either.

And...the idea that the contest that Hillary is in is in any way going to hurt her in the general has not been established by precedent nor any logical argument.

Bad thread. Believe me.

This is a direct quote, a copy and paste from your thread: "And...the idea that the contest that Hillary is in is in any way going to hurt her in the general has not been established by precedent nor any logical argument."

Perhaps a translation is in order.

Not my thread.'s a bit awkward. I think people of average intelligence can grasp my meaning, however.
Trump resonates with loads of people because he's not a politician. He's a billionaire who can't be bought and he's talking about things people actually want to discuss.

Can he win?? November will tell the tale.

Can't be bought? He just put up a for sale sign when he started his fundraisers. His promise of self funding is now a lie.

Actually, it is you who are lying. Donald Trump said he was self-funding his campaign in the primaries. This campaign is going to be, by far, the most expensive in history. BILLIONS of dollars are going to be spent on both sides. Unless Hillary does the perp walk which is highly possible.

Oh....look BULLDOG ! We were right!
No, guy, I don't think that Trump is a problem. REPUBLICANS think Trump is a problem. Republicans like Bruce Rauner, Mark Kirk, Paul Ryan, John McCain who don't even want to be SEEN with the guy because they know he is going to do damage to the party.

A guy so bad that nearly every living former GOP Presidential Candidate has denounced him.

Wishful thinking! Good for you!

No, guy, I don't think that Trump is a problem. REPUBLICANS think Trump is a problem. Republicans like Bruce Rauner, Mark Kirk, Paul Ryan, John McCain who don't even want to be SEEN with the guy because they know he is going to do damage to the party.

A guy so bad that nearly every living former GOP Presidential Candidate has denounced him.

Wishful thinking! Good for you!

the truth always hurts republicans wonder why
I, for one, was sure Bush would easily get the nomination against Hillary

Was I ever wrong

I underestimated the idiocy that has overtaken the Republican Party

Seems to me that it is the Democrats who are in chaos.

As for the Republican Party being taken over, yes it has, by the Republican VOTERS who are sick and tired of the Republican establishment. Just like the Democrat Party this year. Trouble is, Hillary personifies the establishment and Millenials are spoiled and WANT, WANT, WANT.
No, guy, I don't think that Trump is a problem. REPUBLICANS think Trump is a problem. Republicans like Bruce Rauner, Mark Kirk, Paul Ryan, John McCain who don't even want to be SEEN with the guy because they know he is going to do damage to the party.

A guy so bad that nearly every living former GOP Presidential Candidate has denounced him.

Wishful thinking! Good for you!

the truth always hurts republicans wonder why

Prove anything Obama did helped the recovery.
It's your claim he did not and you failed to give any evidence other than your opinion, so hop to it, kid.

Piece of cake, the first president in history to NOT have a single year of GDP above 3.0%.

Growth, first quarter of 2016...0.5%.

Compared to UE in Jan 2009 and most of the first year of the presidency? How many jobs were recovered and added (particularly compared to Bush 43)? UE rate now? How helpful were the GOP House and Senate on the issue of jobs creation? And on and on and on and on. The system is broken.
For eight years now, conservatives have claimed the reason they lost the 2008 and 2012 elections is because we nominated moderates instead of conservatives. This has been their operating premise for quite some time now.

Finally, this year we had several – SEVERAL – conservative candidates. So how was Donald Trump able to steal the nomination away from them?

Donald Trump has made his fortune by exploiting human weakness. His temples are a string of casinos which prey on hordes of the middle class and poor.

And then there is his reality television empire. As with all reality TV programs, Donald Trump’s shows are deliberately designed to draw out the worst behaviors in people. Greed, lust, envy, gluttony, and betrayal.

Donald Trump is not a conservative. He wasn’t even a Republican until last year. Before he announced himself, whenever he was asked a policy question, he invariably gave the far Left answer.

When asked about abortion, he was “very pro-choice” right up to the ninth month of pregnancy. He harmonized with Cindy Sheehan in wanting George Bush impeached for invading Iraq. He wanted the United States to cut and run from Iraq, a policy which conservatives stridently insist led to the rise of ISIS. He supports an Assault Weapons Ban. He supports single payer healthcare. He supports taxing the wealthy more. He said Bill Clinton was a great President, and that Hillary Clinton would make a great President. He said Hillary Clinton was the greatest Secretary of State ever, one year after Benghazi. His entire family donated to Hillary’s Senate and Presidential campaigns. He financed the Democratic National Committee chairman’s gubernatorial campaign in Virginia. A DNC chairman is as Democratic Establishment insider as it gets. He is a close personal friend of the Clintons.

The Republican Party had a whole host of conservative candidates vying for the nomination. And then one day, the Earth opened up and vomited out Donald Trump, claiming to be a Republican.

How did this man succeed?

Decades ago, the Republican Party began what has become known as “the Southern Strategy”. This was a program designed to draw the “negrophobe whites” out of the Democratic Party into the Republican Party, and thus transform the conservative Democratic South into the conservative Republican South.

The Republican Party has carefully and deliberately nurtured and fed the bigoted and racist rats who were lured out of the Democratic village and into the Republican village. And now it is time to pay the pied piper, and his name is Donald Trump.

This purveyor of human fears and failings zeroed in on the worst in the Republican Party and made the election about Mexicans and Muslims.

Policy discussions about abortion, gun rights, states rights, taxes, federal deficits, and all the core conservative principles went right out the window.

What were we talking about before Trump came along?

We were pretty excited about Dr. Ben Carson, who had bitch-slapped Barack Obama with the mighty hand of God at the National Prayer Breakfast.

We were thrilled over Governor Scott Walker, who had won three election victories in the face of a full frontal liberal assault!

We were talking about Ted Cruz, the immovable object in the path of the irresistible force of federal deficit spending.

We were hailing John Kasich, the only candidate on either slate who has not only balanced the federal budget, but gave us a surplus. And he has done the same as the governor of a key battleground state.

Donald Trump brags – actually BRAGS – that he turned us away from those conversations and made the contest about Mexicans and Muslims.

Is every Trump supporter a racist? You can always find exceptions who prove the rule in any political camp, but if you take a core sample of the Trump base, you will always find shreds of the old Confederate flag in their substance.

These are a positively schizophrenic people. They complain we didn’t nominate a conservative and that is why we lost, and yet they are supporting a limousine liberal. They say they wave and wear the Confederate flag because they are proud of their heritage, and then they go to great lengths to prove those old Confederates were Democrats who were racists and slave owners. This is their heritage, and they are proud of it!?!

They had a golden opportunity to select a true conservative as the Republican nominee, and instead chose a fearmongering huckster who has long vouchsafed liberal causes.

What will be their excuse for 2016?
You got it wrong right from the top so I didn't bother to read the rest. You said:
For eight years now, conservatives have claimed the reason they lost the 2008 and 2012 elections is because we nominated moderates instead of conservatives
The sole reason that the Republicans lost in '08 and '12 is because they fielded two giant pussies who couldn't defend themselves against the lefts attacks, they bent over and took it like prostitutes in a whore house. Cruz, Kashich, Walker, Bush....all useless betas.

"Conservatives" have failed to do anything accept prop up the lefts agenda at every turn so now they've been kicked to the curb while a new and fresh crop will show them how its done. They have been castrated and put to pasture where they belong. Welcome to the new Republican Party.

And you think Trump is a step up?

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