Remember when nearly EVERY leftie on this board proclaimed Trump couldn't win because.....

I, for one, was sure Bush would easily get the nomination against Hillary

Was I ever wrong

I underestimated the idiocy that has overtaken the Republican Party

Seems to me that it is the Democrats who are in chaos.

As for the Republican Party being taken over, yes it has, by the Republican VOTERS who are sick and tired of the Republican establishment. Just like the Democrat Party this year. Trouble is, Hillary personifies the establishment and Millenials are spoiled and WANT, WANT, WANT.
About 50% of the GOP fits that.
hillary cant even cleanly beat a socialist.
This is the sort of rightwing idiocy that explains the likes of Trump.

What explains Trump - and also the success of Sanders - is the half dead, half rotten, putrid, obsolete, greedy and power hungry pieces of human garbage in the Senate and the House, who never had the decency to get the hell out after they out lived their usefulness, provided they ever had any.

No need to mention names. Just include senators with more than two terms and representatives with more than six terms.
And sadly there is not a single one in that bunch that would merit any exception.

BTW, let Hillary piss Sanders off just once more, the old, angry and vindictive commie bugger will go third party.
No, he won't. That is a puss-filled old reactionary far righty's dear hope, though.
Given the infinite stupidity of the republican base, it was short sided of the dems to proclaim that Trump COULDN"T win.

Prove anything Obama did helped the recovery.
It's your claim he did not and you failed to give any evidence other than your opinion, so hop to it, kid.

Piece of cake, the first president in history to NOT have a single year of GDP above 3.0%.

Growth, first quarter of 2016...0.5%.

What is the significance of that statistic?

Isn't overall growth a better statistic?

That is "overall growth," you fucking moron.
Prove anything Obama did helped the recovery.
It's your claim he did not and you failed to give any evidence other than your opinion, so hop to it, kid.

Piece of cake, the first president in history to NOT have a single year of GDP above 3.0%.

Growth, first quarter of 2016...0.5%.

What is the significance of that statistic?

Isn't overall growth a better statistic?

That is "overall growth," you fucking moron.
Already rebutted, bripat, nothing here for you.
Prove anything Obama did helped the recovery.
It's your claim he did not and you failed to give any evidence other than your opinion, so hop to it, kid.

Piece of cake, the first president in history to NOT have a single year of GDP above 3.0%.

Growth, first quarter of 2016...0.5%.

What is the significance of that statistic?

Isn't overall growth a better statistic?

That is "overall growth," you fucking moron.

No it isn't cretin.

It is a serious of quarter by quarter snapshots that ignores the big picture
Bush had been chosen for us?


Now they can't even nail down the chosen one as their victor in their own party.

So they were dead wrong on our nominee. They can't even secure their own and they presume to tell us the one limping over the finish line in their own race will win handedly in November.


Not nearly as hilarious as this:

Scott Walker will be our nominee

Or this...

Trump won't be a challenge until he goes 3rd party and then he'll be a real problem
Grandpa was wrong but honest enough to admit it.
What's your excuse idiot?
I've been wrong several times and ALWAYS admit as much when I realize it. Publicly at that.
But you know the left, if they can't or don't see something with their own eyes it doesn't exist.

If you appreciated that occasionally being wrong, esp. on something like this, doesn't make you an idiot,

maybe you wouldn't try to portray others as idiots.
Trump resonates with loads of people because he's not a politician. He's a billionaire who can't be bought and he's talking about things people actually want to discuss.

Can he win?? November will tell the tale.

Can't be bought? He just put up a for sale sign when he started his fundraisers. His promise of self funding is now a lie.

Another far left drone pushing their religious propaganda!

He said for the primaries, he knew once he got the nomination he would need more money..

Quote him ever saying that self funding was only for the primaries.
Piece of cake, the first president in history to NOT have a single year of GDP above 3.0%.

Growth, first quarter of 2016...0.5%.

What is the significance of that statistic?

Isn't overall growth a better statistic?

Do you know what is the Gross Domestic Product?

Again.....what is the significance of a single point GDP estimates vs overall performance over eight years....your turn
The far righties are losing on the economy just as they are on Trump's numbers.

Here is another clue for them.

This is what happens when Trumpsters have a weak moment. They are very rare, but they have them. AaronLeLand strikes.

JS, thanks to Liberals AMERICA has been losing on the economy for 10 years - the last 2 during Bush, when Libs held a near super majority of all of congress through the end of Obama's 2nd term and all of the record-setting, deficit-spending under Obama, who also happens to be the only US President to NEVER see 3% growth. (At what point in Obama's 2 terms does he actually begin accepting responsibility for the economy, which has included the slowest recovery since the Great Depression?)
JS, thanks to Liberals AMERICA has been losing on the economy for 10 years - the last 2 during Bush, when Libs held a near super majority of all of congress through the end of Obama's 2nd term and all of the record-setting, deficit-spending under Obama, who also happens to be the only US President to NEVER see 3% growth. (At what point in Obama's 2 terms does he actually begin accepting responsibility for the economy, which has included the slowest recovery since the Great Depression?)
The economic Great Recession was the due result of the GOP dominated congress from 1994 to 2006 with the complacent help of Clinton and Bush. Dems and Pubs, cons and libs were all invovled. Period.
Trump resonates with loads of people because he's not a politician. He's a billionaire who can't be bought and he's talking about things people actually want to discuss.

Can he win?? November will tell the tale.

Can't be bought? He just put up a for sale sign when he started his fundraisers. His promise of self funding is now a lie.

Actually, it is you who are lying. Donald Trump said he was self-funding his campaign in the primaries. This campaign is going to be, by far, the most expensive in history. BILLIONS of dollars are going to be spent on both sides. Unless Hillary does the perp walk which is highly possible.

Link to where he said or gave any indication it was Just the primaries?
Trump resonates with loads of people because he's not a politician. He's a billionaire who can't be bought and he's talking about things people actually want to discuss.

Can he win?? November will tell the tale.

Can't be bought? He just put up a for sale sign when he started his fundraisers. His promise of self funding is now a lie.

Actually, it is you who are lying. Donald Trump said he was self-funding his campaign in the primaries. This campaign is going to be, by far, the most expensive in history. BILLIONS of dollars are going to be spent on both sides. Unless Hillary does the perp walk which is highly possible.

Link to where he said or gave any indication it was Just the primaries?
No statement by Donnie indicates that self funding was only for the primaries. In fact, he lied. He loaned the money to the campaign, which means it will be paid back.

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