Remember when nearly EVERY leftie on this board proclaimed Trump couldn't win because.....

For eight years now, conservatives have claimed the reason they lost the 2008 and 2012 elections is because we nominated moderates instead of conservatives. This has been their operating premise for quite some time now.

Finally, this year we had several – SEVERAL – conservative candidates. So how was Donald Trump able to steal the nomination away from them?

Donald Trump has made his fortune by exploiting human weakness. His temples are a string of casinos which prey on hordes of the middle class and poor.

And then there is his reality television empire. As with all reality TV programs, Donald Trump’s shows are deliberately designed to draw out the worst behaviors in people. Greed, lust, envy, gluttony, and betrayal.

Donald Trump is not a conservative. He wasn’t even a Republican until last year. Before he announced himself, whenever he was asked a policy question, he invariably gave the far Left answer.

When asked about abortion, he was “very pro-choice” right up to the ninth month of pregnancy. He harmonized with Cindy Sheehan in wanting George Bush impeached for invading Iraq. He wanted the United States to cut and run from Iraq, a policy which conservatives stridently insist led to the rise of ISIS. He supports an Assault Weapons Ban. He supports single payer healthcare. He supports taxing the wealthy more. He said Bill Clinton was a great President, and that Hillary Clinton would make a great President. He said Hillary Clinton was the greatest Secretary of State ever, one year after Benghazi. His entire family donated to Hillary’s Senate and Presidential campaigns. He financed the Democratic National Committee chairman’s gubernatorial campaign in Virginia. A DNC chairman is as Democratic Establishment insider as it gets. He is a close personal friend of the Clintons.

The Republican Party had a whole host of conservative candidates vying for the nomination. And then one day, the Earth opened up and vomited out Donald Trump, claiming to be a Republican.

How did this man succeed?

Decades ago, the Republican Party began what has become known as “the Southern Strategy”. This was a program designed to draw the “negrophobe whites” out of the Democratic Party into the Republican Party, and thus transform the conservative Democratic South into the conservative Republican South.

The Republican Party has carefully and deliberately nurtured and fed the bigoted and racist rats who were lured out of the Democratic village and into the Republican village. And now it is time to pay the pied piper, and his name is Donald Trump.

This purveyor of human fears and failings zeroed in on the worst in the Republican Party and made the election about Mexicans and Muslims.

Policy discussions about abortion, gun rights, states rights, taxes, federal deficits, and all the core conservative principles went right out the window.

What were we talking about before Trump came along?

We were pretty excited about Dr. Ben Carson, who had bitch-slapped Barack Obama with the mighty hand of God at the National Prayer Breakfast.

We were thrilled over Governor Scott Walker, who had won three election victories in the face of a full frontal liberal assault!

We were talking about Ted Cruz, the immovable object in the path of the irresistible force of federal deficit spending.

We were hailing John Kasich, the only candidate on either slate who has not only balanced the federal budget, but gave us a surplus. And he has done the same as the governor of a key battleground state.

Donald Trump brags – actually BRAGS – that he turned us away from those conversations and made the contest about Mexicans and Muslims.

Is every Trump supporter a racist? You can always find exceptions who prove the rule in any political camp, but if you take a core sample of the Trump base, you will always find shreds of the old Confederate flag in their substance.

These are a positively schizophrenic people. They complain we didn’t nominate a conservative and that is why we lost, and yet they are supporting a limousine liberal. They say they wave and wear the Confederate flag because they are proud of their heritage, and then they go to great lengths to prove those old Confederates were Democrats who were racists and slave owners. This is their heritage, and they are proud of it!?!

They had a golden opportunity to select a true conservative as the Republican nominee, and instead chose a fearmongering huckster who has long vouchsafed liberal causes.

What will be their excuse for 2016?
Bush had been chosen for us?


Now they can't even nail down the chosen one as their victor in their own party.

So they were dead wrong on our nominee. They can't even secure their own and they presume to tell us the one limping over the finish line in their own race will win handedly in November.

Why do you want him to win so badly? What is it you expect him to do for you and for the country?

I expect Trump to undo everything Obama did.

He'll undo the recovery from the depths of economic hell? You might be onto something.

The recovery occurred despite Obama's efforts to scuttle it.

Prove it.

Prove anything Obama did helped the recovery.
Why do you want him to win so badly? What is it you expect him to do for you and for the country?

I expect Trump to undo everything Obama did.

He'll undo the recovery from the depths of economic hell? You might be onto something.

The recovery occurred despite Obama's efforts to scuttle it.

Prove it.

Prove anything Obama did helped the recovery.
It's your claim he did not and you failed to give any evidence other than your opinion, so hop to it, kid.
They can't even secure their own and they presume to tell us the one limping over the finish line in their own race will win handedly in November.


McCain clinched the 2008 nomination the first week of March. How'd that work for you?
Good point.

In November 2007, Rudy Giuliani was at 34%, with the second place candidate at 17%. One month later, Giuliani fell to 25% and the second place candidate fell to last place.

That last place candidate? John McCain.

I expect Trump to undo everything Obama did.

He'll undo the recovery from the depths of economic hell? You might be onto something.

The recovery occurred despite Obama's efforts to scuttle it.

Prove it.

Prove anything Obama did helped the recovery.
It's your claim he did not and you failed to give any evidence other than your opinion, so hop to it, kid.

The laws of economics are the evidence. It's not a matter of opinion.
He'll undo the recovery from the depths of economic hell? You might be onto something.

The recovery occurred despite Obama's efforts to scuttle it.

Prove it.

Prove anything Obama did helped the recovery.
It's your claim he did not and you failed to give any evidence other than your opinion, so hop to it, kid.

The laws of economics are the evidence. It's not a matter of opinion.
:lol: You loon.
Bush had been chosen for us?


Now they can't even nail down the chosen one as their victor in their own party.

So they were dead wrong on our nominee. They can't even secure their own and they presume to tell us the one limping over the finish line in their own race will win handedly in November.


My thoughts on Trump were never influenced by an idea that Bush would win. Matter of fact I agreed with Trump, Bush came across as a momma's boy pussy and a low energy campaigner. Trump nailed his opponents with their iconic negatives and just hammered them with it. Lyin' Ted Cruz was great, all politicians are liars but Cruz is a particularly odious one with an aura of unlikability so dark around him that's another mystery to me, how was he elected Senator in the first place? Is money really that powerful in campaigns? (I'll post a Cruz video below. I think it's pretty funny. It's one of Bill Mahr's though so you might hate it.)

Listen, I predicted so many times I can't remember them all saying "That thing Trump just said is the final straw, he just killed his own campaign! No way he can get away with that!" Boy was I wrong. And I've been watching American Presidential races since the 60's. Trumps like nothing we've seen before. He's a phenomenon, one of a kind. Apparently at this point he can say anything. He can worry out loud about if people think the size of his penis is inadequate during a Presidential debate on national TV. He can say "I know nothing about David Duke. I know nothing about White Supremacists" (exact quote, I looked it up just so I got it right). That statement would have left any other politician I've ever known roadkill, another soundbite for a few morning shows.
When it was just a rumor he might enter the race I looked around for stuff to fill in the blanks. Of course I knew his rep as a great Business guy. And a birther, that made him a potential nut in my book, like a male Orly Taitz, (maybe you don't think she presents as a wacko?)
So the first thing I come across is an old interview with Howard Stern. Trump was funny, self-deprecating, smart, likable, his wit was kind of raunchy, he played off well with Stern. If somebody would have asked me what I thought of his politics I would have said "More liberal than not". Stern teased him about gay marriage, kept saying I don't believe you believe that (an anti gay marriage stance) It seemed like they had a relationship deeper than just interviewer/interviewee. All in all I came away liking that Trump. The bottom line is I can't figure him out. That's up to you guys who are going to vote for him. Some of the things he says are scary, wildcardish, out of the blue WTF stuff. he's got yooge unfavorables but so does Hillary. But Hillary's only chance is a clearance by the FBI that gives an open and unmistakable message that nothing she did came within a mile of being criminal. I think she can skate on even big mistakes, bad judgment, but if there's even a whiff of criminality that's it, the Clinton mafia won't be able to save her from the wrath the right will whip up, fairly but brutally. The Fox news hounds will be baying for blood like never before. careful what you wish for. The American left thought all their wet dreams had come true with the election of Obama. He metastasized into a skillful Corporatist enabler, empowering and enriching the 1% more than ever while the right wing dummies thought they had him by the balls. Wait until they see the size of the fortune he will amass in a very few years of "private life". He'll make the Clintons look like petty-ante pickpockets.

Just so. Trump may become one of the most popular liberal Presidents ever. That's the thing with Trump. Nobody can predict what he's going to turn into in the end. The wheel's spinning round and round, where it ends up nobody knows.

Bush had been chosen for us?


Now they can't even nail down the chosen one as their victor in their own party.

So they were dead wrong on our nominee. They can't even secure their own and they presume to tell us the one limping over the finish line in their own race will win handedly in November.


Practically everyone one of these douche bags said Trump couldn't get nominated. Do you think that taught them to shut up? Nope. There's no limit to their arrogance. I'm going to love it in November when Trump wins the presidency. I will be gloating for at least the next four years.

The left is going to freak out and pop a gasket. How many will move to Canada?
Bush had been chosen for us?


Now they can't even nail down the chosen one as their victor in their own party.

So they were dead wrong on our nominee. They can't even secure their own and they presume to tell us the one limping over the finish line in their own race will win handedly in November.

I didn't. I never thought Trump couldn't win the nomination. I'm a lefty.

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Trump hasn't won yet ... and Hillary isn't in jail.

given the RW's track record picking winners, Donnie is screwed.
Bush had been chosen for us?


Now they can't even nail down the chosen one as their victor in their own party.

So they were dead wrong on our nominee. They can't even secure their own and they presume to tell us the one limping over the finish line in their own race will win handedly in November.


In the interest of full disclosure, I am a conservative, but I didn't think he could win either. Now....I would lay money on the orange clown over that hag bursting the seams on all those pant suits, ooooh icky.
Bush had been chosen for us?


Now they can't even nail down the chosen one as their victor in their own party.

So they were dead wrong on our nominee. They can't even secure their own and they presume to tell us the one limping over the finish line in their own race will win handedly in November.


Not nearly as hilarious as this:

Scott Walker will be our nominee

At least the republicans gave choices, you far left drones do not get a choice..
Bush had been chosen for us?


Now they can't even nail down the chosen one as their victor in their own party.

So they were dead wrong on our nominee. They can't even secure their own and they presume to tell us the one limping over the finish line in their own race will win handedly in November.

Why do you want him to win so badly? What is it you expect him to do for you and for the country?
1. To keep that evil insane bull dyke out of the White House.

2. Nothing more than following the Constitution and voiding all of Obama's EOs..

Hossfly, "bull dyke", that is such a pure description. I am impressed!
Bush had been chosen for us?


Now they can't even nail down the chosen one as their victor in their own party.

So they were dead wrong on our nominee. They can't even secure their own and they presume to tell us the one limping over the finish line in their own race will win handedly in November.


Actually, Clinton is no further from securing a majority of delegates than Trump is.

Delegate count is not really the issue now for either party. Presuming Hellary doesn't have to do the perp walk for that server beef (I'd love to see that btw) she'll be the nominee, and Trump is clearly going to be the Republican nominee.
The problem for the queen dyke of pant suits is she is still trying to knock out the Bern, creating a fight amongst the Dems. GOP is already trying to unify, Donkeys aren't there yet.

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