Remember when NY Kicked Covid's ass?

We are beginning to hear calls for resistance to masks and government edicts here in AZ.....the loss of one of our oldest most beloved movie theaters was the last straw in this community....
It snowed last week and some restaurants in defiance moved indoors...and they were full of patrons.....
They kicked COVID's ass like Obama-Biden fixed healthcare and created the greatest growth economy ever. Cuomo and his brother, Fredo, are delusional.
Our nation was built on freedom and allowing people to make their own way in life....we have never seen businesses and whole cities and states destroyed by their own legislatures because of a pandemic...this is insanity....
While we are saddened by the loss of 500,000 Americans from a biological attack by China we can not allow shutdowns to reduce our ability to defend divide us and ruin the economy to such an extent that we can't even produce the basic needs of our society....

Today Nancy Pelosi's witch hunt continues in the people lose everything they ever worked for and many are being evicted from their homes as Resident Biden takes out a pen and wipes out thousands of good jobs....

We sit here and are subjected to another show trial as our elected officials play payback games as a relief bill sits in someone's desk....

Mask up clowns and watch us impeach Trump
How dare Trump push the nation into a vaccine...a cure for a virus and in record time...a dream virus/pandemic...made to order for globalist and dare he show the people how its done and then ask yourself why we still haven't cured cancer and aids or the common cold...
Trump said it before the election...big pharma wants his ass.....and they got it....
Did America get it ahead of other countries? So, I guess everyone is vaccinated then.
What?....the companies developing vaccines were funded by us...and were allowed to put their individual vaccines on a fast track through the US approval process and within our well as health and safety....try again...try reading my post again very slowly okay uninformed?....
We are getting vaccines over here that are not from the US.

I'm gloating over Progressive Fascism
Using Covid victims.
How dare Trump push the nation into a vaccine...a cure for a virus and in record time...a dream virus/pandemic...made to order for globalist and dare he show the people how its done and then ask yourself why we still haven't cured cancer and aids or the common cold...
Trump said it before the election...big pharma wants his ass.....and they got it....
Did America get it ahead of other countries? So, I guess everyone is vaccinated then.
What?....the companies developing vaccines were funded by us...and were allowed to put their individual vaccines on a fast track through the US approval process and within our well as health and safety....try again...try reading my post again very slowly okay uninformed?....
We are getting vaccines over here that are not from the US.
Where is here?...every vaccine given in the USA had to go through our approval system at the CDC and health doesn't matter where the lab sits...Trump had to pull strings and sign EO' out big bucks to get yet to be approved vaccines in production so they will be ready to go out when approved....and yes he even had to fire people to get it done in record time....and I've not seen one vaccinated elected official thank him....
How dare Trump push the nation into a vaccine...a cure for a virus and in record time...a dream virus/pandemic...made to order for globalist and dare he show the people how its done and then ask yourself why we still haven't cured cancer and aids or the common cold...
Trump said it before the election...big pharma wants his ass.....and they got it....
Did America get it ahead of other countries? So, I guess everyone is vaccinated then.
What?....the companies developing vaccines were funded by us...and were allowed to put their individual vaccines on a fast track through the US approval process and within our well as health and safety....try again...try reading my post again very slowly okay uninformed?....
We are getting vaccines over here that are not from the US.
Where is here?...every vaccine given in the USA had to go through our approval system at the CDC and health doesn't matter where the lab sits...Trump had to pull strings and sign EO' out big bucks to get yet to be approved vaccines in production so they will be ready to go out when approved....and yes he even had to fire people to get it done in record time....and I've not seen one vaccinated elected official thank him....
How many people have been vaccinated?

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