Remember when Obama freed thousands upon thousands of convicted illegal murderers and rapists?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
A few thousand murderers, rapists, kidnappers and other violent thugs are on the streets, thanks to Barack Obama for handing out a “get out of jail free card” to aliens in the country illegally, no matter how many felonies he or she may have committed. The Center for Immigration Studies provides proof that, last year, federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials “freed 36,007 convicted criminal aliens from detention who were awaiting the outcome of deportation proceedings.”

Those 36,000-plus perps weren’t in jail for jaywalking or keeping a library book past its due date. They had accumulated nearly 88,000 convictions for real offenses. These convictions were surely not the “acts of love” Jeb Bush had in mind in his apologia for wholesale illegal immigration. Rep. Lamar Smith, Texas Republican, says this “would be considered the worst prison break in American history, except it was sanctioned by the president and perpetrated by our own immigration officials.”

President Obama, who holds a unique view of when a president is required to honor his constitutional oath, told a gathering of state and local law-enforcement officials at the White House that enforcing immigration law “isn’t smart.” Pursuing illegal aliens who are law-abiding, except for having broken the law in crossing the border, “is just not a good use of our resources.”

“It’s not smart,” said the president. “It doesn’t make sense.”

Read more: EDITORIAL Obama s get out of jail free card for illegal aliens - Washington Times
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I say all of that cause this fucking disaster in chief has not said one fucking word about our Marine still in a Mexican shithole prison.

It is just unreal what we are living through.
it was never true in the first place....they were NOT Convicted murders and rapists, simply a big fat lie from what i read on it....and here's a post from back when this was claimed in a thread from a right winger....

since when are convicted murders held in detention centers? they are not!

"LilOlLady, post: 6884596, member: 19187"]That is a dirty damn lie. They are not criminals. The only crime they are guilty of is entering the country illegally. Being detained is not the same as being convicted of a crime and imprisoned.

Many illegal immigrants released from detention centers
ICE won't say how many people are out or where they took place, but immigration advocacy groups say illegal immigrants were freed from Alabama lockups. The cases against the immigrants haven't been dropped; ICE officials say they are on supervised release. ICE says the detainees released are low-risk offenders who do not have serious criminal records. Lawmakers on Capitol Hill feel blind-sided.

Many illegal immigrants released from detention centers
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it was never true in the first place....they were NOT Convicted murders and rapists, simply a big fat lie from what i read on it....and here's a post from back when this was claimed in a thread from a right winger....

since when are convicted murders held in detention centers? they are not!

and the sequester is why they let the ones being held in detention let out, until their hearing....

QUOTE="LilOlLady, post: 6884596, member: 19187"]That is a dirty damn lie. They are not criminals. The only crime they are guilty of is entering the country illegally. Being detained is not the same as being convicted of a crime and imprisoned.

Many illegal immigrants released from detention centers
ICE won't say how many people are out or where they took place, but immigration advocacy groups say illegal immigrants were freed from Alabama lockups. The cases against the immigrants haven't been dropped; ICE officials say they are on supervised release. ICE says the detainees released are low-risk offenders who do not have serious criminal records. Lawmakers on Capitol Hill feel blind-sided.

Many illegal immigrants released from detention centers

You are just TOO FUCKING STUPID!!!!!

Lie, damn lies and statistics.
ICE deputy press secretary Gillian Christiansen highlighted key points that CIS failed to address, such as the fact that convicted criminals are only sent into ICE custody for deportation proceedings once they’ve completed their criminal sentence. Many of the 2013 releases, ICE says, were required by law. For example, as a result of the 2001 Supreme Court decision in Zadvydas v. Davis, the U.S. is required to release detainees whose home country either denies the return of its nationals or has diplomatic beef with the United States, such as North Korea or Cuba. Christiansen says some detainees with less serious offenses were released at the discretion of enforcement officers based on “the priority of holding the individual, given ICE’s resources, and prioritizing the detention and removal of individuals who pose a risk to public safety or national security.” Immigration court judges, on the other hand, ordered the majority of releases for people with convictions of more serious crimes. “For example, mandatory releases account for over 72 percent of the homicides listed,” ICE said.

And then the author of the scary CIS report, Jessica Vaughan, admitted -
Jessica Vaughan acknowledges that the CIS report offers no context for why these convicted criminals were released by ICE nor how many of them aren’t actually free but under ICE restrictions such as GPS monitoring via an ankle bracelet, telephone monitoring, supervision or bond as they await deportation proceedings. And while she hopes ICE will provide more details on who these criminals are and the decision-making behind their release, she also doesn’t think it matters much whether they are technically under ICE restrictions or not.
Inside The Center For Immigration Studies The Immigration False-Fact Think Tank - The Daily Beast

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