Remember when Republicans were going to show us how it's done in the Middle East?



And now they want to throw bombs from a distance and hide behind walls. They need to stop being pussies and let the Democrats take charge so we can continue to clean up their mess without even more unwanted interference. We can't even figure out who isn't the enemy because the GOP made everyone our enemy.
We did show how it's done, shock and awe, now Twinkletoes in the WH coddles the sons of bitches
as we see even today, that middle east is all peaceful , their peaceful people aren't streaming from over there invading other country claiming they are refugees. and they aren't blowing up innocent people in places like Brussels, Paris , HERE on our homefront and next, they are going to be releasing a song that says. all praise Obama our savior and Messiah along with that noble peace prize he hung off his neck.
as we see even today, that middle east is all peaceful , their peaceful people aren't streaming from over there invading other country claiming they are refugees. and next, they are going to be releasing a song that says. all praise Obama our savior and Messiah along with that noble peace prize he hung off his neck.

Yeah that love and kindness is paying huge dividends and as soon as we get a grip on climate change the ME will be a paradise
And now they want to throw bombs from a distance and hide behind walls. They need to stop being pussies and let the Democrats take charge so we can continue to clean up their mess without even more unwanted interference. We can't even figure out who isn't the enemy because the GOP made everyone our enemy.
And now they want to throw bombs from a distance and hide behind walls. They need to stop being pussies and let the Democrats take charge so we can continue to clean up their mess without even more unwanted interference. We can't even figure out who isn't the enemy because the GOP made everyone our enemy.

Do you have to try to be this stupid or does it come naturally?
And now they want to throw bombs from a distance and hide behind walls. They need to stop being pussies and let the Democrats take charge so we can continue to clean up their mess without even more unwanted interference. We can't even figure out who isn't the enemy because the GOP made everyone our enemy.

Do you have to try to be this stupid or does it come naturally?
I told him to never go full retard. He doesn't listen..
And now they want to throw bombs from a distance and hide behind walls. They need to stop being pussies and let the Democrats take charge so we can continue to clean up their mess without even more unwanted interference. We can't even figure out who isn't the enemy because the GOP made everyone our enemy.

Do you have to try to be this stupid or does it come naturally?

To be that enslaved to a political party makes that person an Embarrassment. the thing with these people, they don't seem to care.
And now they want to throw bombs from a distance and hide behind walls. They need to stop being pussies and let the Democrats take charge so we can continue to clean up their mess without even more unwanted interference. We can't even figure out who isn't the enemy because the GOP made everyone our enemy.

Remember how O said this stuff doesn't happen anymore and then pampers and lets terrorists run free. Of course you didn't.
And now they want to throw bombs from a distance and hide behind walls. They need to stop being pussies and let the Democrats take charge so we can continue to clean up their mess without even more unwanted interference. We can't even figure out who isn't the enemy because the GOP made everyone our enemy.

I'm still waiting for Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Clinton and Obama to show us how it's done.
And now they want to throw bombs from a distance and hide behind walls. They need to stop being pussies and let the Democrats take charge so we can continue to clean up their mess without even more unwanted interference. We can't even figure out who isn't the enemy because the GOP made everyone our enemy.
You do realize a democrat has been president for over seven years and now we are a laughing stock throughout the world. I mean Obama can't even get a dictator from a third world country to meet him at the airport.
And now they want to throw bombs from a distance and hide behind walls. They need to stop being pussies and let the Democrats take charge so we can continue to clean up their mess without even more unwanted interference. We can't even figure out who isn't the enemy because the GOP made everyone our enemy.
You do realize a democrat has been president for over seven years and now we are a laughing stock throughout the world. I mean Obama can't even get a dictator from a third world country to meet him at the airport.

oh OUCH. that is going to leave a mark. :udaman:
Dean are you agreeing with BJ Clinton that the last 8 years have been a disaster?
A lot of progress has been made the last 7 years. Look at what the GOP handed Obama. You can't look at enormous deficit, an unraveling Middle East and a failed economy and say "Oh, that was Obama's fault". Obama wasn't sworn in until 2009.
Dean are you agreeing with BJ Clinton that the last 8 years have been a disaster?
A lot of progress has been made the last 7 years. Look at what the GOP handed Obama. You can't look at enormous deficit, an unraveling Middle East and a failed economy and say "Oh, that was Obama's fault". Obama wasn't sworn in until 2009.

That wasn't the point of your OP, but then again, this is the Bizzarroland of an Rdean Thread
Dean are you agreeing with BJ Clinton that the last 8 years have been a disaster?
A lot of progress has been made the last 7 years. Look at what the GOP handed Obama. You can't look at enormous deficit, an unraveling Middle East and a failed economy and say "Oh, that was Obama's fault". Obama wasn't sworn in until 2009.

That wasn't the point of your OP, but then again, this is the Bizzarroland of an Rdean Thread
Don't you remember when Republicans were going to show us how it's done? All that bold talk. Bring it on and so on?
Dean are you agreeing with BJ Clinton that the last 8 years have been a disaster?
A lot of progress has been made the last 7 years. Look at what the GOP handed Obama. You can't look at enormous deficit, an unraveling Middle East and a failed economy and say "Oh, that was Obama's fault". Obama wasn't sworn in until 2009.

That wasn't the point of your OP, but then again, this is the Bizzarroland of an Rdean Thread
Don't you remember when Republicans were going to show us how it's done? All that bold talk. Bring it on and so on?

I remember democrats saying they were going to show us how it's done in the ME.

Neither side has. So all the bold talk on both sides is BS. I just not a partisan idiot like yourself.
ISIS - Islamic State in Syria
ISIL - Islamic State in Libya.

Who was in charge for Syria an Libya?

Iraq? We had that totally under control until the Democrats took over. The President couldn't even negotiate a simple SOFA agreement. Couldn't or wouldn't. The place goes to shit on Obama's watch, but it's somehow Bush's fault.
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And now they want to throw bombs from a distance and hide behind walls. They need to stop being pussies and let the Democrats take charge so we can continue to clean up their mess without even more unwanted interference. We can't even figure out who isn't the enemy because the GOP made everyone our enemy.
No, but I do remember you throwing bombs every time you post. You're like a child having a tantrum, it just never ends for you.
Dean are you agreeing with BJ Clinton that the last 8 years have been a disaster?
A lot of progress has been made the last 7 years..

That's for sure, President Moron has done everything in his power to turn the Middle East from a run of the mill shithole into HELL ON EARTH, now that's change we can believe in!

Way to go Democrats ! under your watch; you've proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that you can take an idiotic Republican Foreign Policy and make it even worse. :rolleyes:

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