Remember When Super Bowl Ads Were Amusing?

WARNING: Bloomberg stuck his nose into OUR state of Washington and purchased MILLIONS of dollars in anti gun ads filled with LIES. He used his billions to out spend those trying to protect our 2nd amendment rights 1,000 to 1. He fear mongered (tricked) voters into approving an anti 2nd amendment GUN CONTROL bill. Now law abiding gun owners here can't take a shit without government's permission. That is who Bloomberg is.
It's hard to be amusing when you lie.

You posted the wrong super bowl ad if you were looking for lies.

Here's the one with all the lies. Thirty seconds of nothing but lies in fact. Not one single true statement in it as far as I could tell. Not that that is unusual for tRump.

It's hard to be amusing when you lie.

You posted the wrong super bowl ad if you were looking for lies.

Here's the one with all the lies. Thirty seconds of nothing but lies in fact. Not one single true statement in it as far as I could tell. Not that that is unusual for tRump.

Both black and Hispanic unemployment hit record lows going back as long as we have been tracking such things, which was 1973. Both are also now rising.
No I don’t. I find commercials during running time sporting events to be incredibly annoying. Especially over-hyped ads with nothing new in them. I wish American sports took a note from soccer and ended all disruption of play with advertisements. Put logos on the uniforms or whatever, I don’t care, just stop destroying the flow of play with commercials.

The same goes for the Super Boel halftime show. A standard NFL halftime is 15 minutes. It should be the same for the Super Bowl.
It's hard to be amusing when you lie.

You posted the wrong super bowl ad if you were looking for lies.

Here's the one with all the lies. Thirty seconds of nothing but lies in fact. Not one single true statement in it as far as I could tell. Not that that is unusual for tRump.

WARNING: Bloomberg stuck his nose into OUR state of Washington and purchased MILLIONS of dollars in anti gun ads filled with LIES. He used his billions to out spend those trying to protect our 2nd amendment rights 1,000 to 1. He fear mongered (tricked) voters into approving an anti 2nd amendment GUN CONTROL bill. Now law abiding gun owners here can't take a shit without government's permission. That is who Bloomberg is.
Bloomberg is OCD control freak.
He thinks that gun owners are Nazis.
He thinks that banning guns would reduce gun crimes.
But, if the Pedocrats ban guns it would cause a crime wave.
What is all this political advertising about, anyway? There are Susan Collins ads EVERYWHERE. It's only February 2. Is this shit gonna keep up 'til November or is it only for the primaries? Which are closed, anyway, so half the state can't vote in them. They're wasting a lot of money.
WARNING: Bloomberg stuck his nose into OUR state of Washington and purchased MILLIONS of dollars in anti gun ads filled with LIES. He used his billions to out spend those trying to protect our 2nd amendment rights 1,000 to 1. He fear mongered (tricked) voters into approving an anti 2nd amendment GUN CONTROL bill. Now law abiding gun owners here can't take a shit without government's permission. That is who Bloomberg is.
Bloomberg is OCD control freak.
He thinks that gun owners are Nazis.
He thinks that banning guns would reduce gun crimes.
But, if the Pedocrats ban guns it would cause a crime wave.

I'm guessing Bloomberg is surrounded by ARMED personal security. When he walks the streets of Chicago unarmed and alone on a Saturday night then he can run his bitch mouth.
I liked "I want to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony....."
Fuck you all if it was corny.
Campaign ads and robocalls aren’t going to cut it Bloomberg
Bloomberg won't even win the Primary. Him and his China First policies won't work.

They all look good now when it's not a General Election. Once Trump gets them one on one, it will be lights out against Trumps policies and successes.

Think about how many questions Bernie will get about costs to the taxpayer or Bloombergs history as mayor and the money he has spent to desperately go back to the "good old days" when China crushed your industries?

All of these guys are operating on the 2016 model. The same one Hillary lost with. "Orange Man bad" "he will start WW3 and destroy the economy!".

All proven wrong already. They have a much steeper climb this time. Socialism vs successful capitalism will go capitalisms way.
Campaign ads and robocalls aren’t going to cut it Bloomberg

Bloomberg is used to purchasing election wins by outspending his under funded opponents. He's never defeated an opponent on the issues in a fair fight. If Dems nominate Bloomberg he's going to get destroyed in the general election.
Bloomberg won't even win the Primary. Him and his China First policies won't work.

They all look good now when it's not a General Election. Once Trump gets them one on one, it will be lights out against Trumps policies and successes.

Think about how many questions Bernie will get about costs to the taxpayer or Bloombergs history as mayor and the money he has spent to desperately go back to the "good old days" when China crushed your industries?

All of these guys are operating on the 2016 model. The same one Hillary lost with. "Orange Man bad" "he will start WW3 and destroy the economy!".

All proven wrong already. They have a much steeper climb this time. Socialism vs successful capitalism will go capitalisms way.

Little Mike already bought the nomination. Sanders offering more free shit than Warren doesn't matter. Caucuses don't matter, Bloomberg is the democrat nominee.

Here he is singing about it.


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