Remember when the left wing media claimed this was the flu right after Trump banned travel from Asia? No? Huh...


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
1. Vox: This Isn’t A Deadly Pandemic
In a since deleted tweet Vox tweeted, “is [coronavirus] going to be a deadly pandemic? No.” Vox tweeted this on January 31, two days after the White House announced they were creating a coronavirus task force and would expand their travel ban to China.

2. Washington Post: Coronavirus Isn’t So Scary
In a “perspective” article, retired Harvard professor David Ropeik wrote for the Washington Post how the cognitive biases in our brain make coronavirus seem scarier then it actually is.

The article was published on January 31 and was titled, “How our brains make coronavirus seem scarier than it is.”

3. Washington Post: The Flu Is Worse Than Coronavirus
In an article titled “Get a grippe, America. The flu is a much bigger threat than coronavirus, for now,” published February 1, the Washington Post’s Lenny Bernstein wrote that the flu poses a larger threat to the American public, as coronavirus does not appear to be fatal.

“Clearly, the flu poses the bigger and more pressing peril; a handful of cases of the new respiratory illness have been reported in the United States, none of them fatal or apparently even life-threatening,” Bernstein wrote.

4. Washington Post: Be Wary Of The Racist Government
In another “perspective” article, Wendy Parmet and Michael Sinha wrote that an aggressive government response to coronavirus could be problematic for “marginalized populations.”

Essentially, the authors were arguing against an aggressive government response to the pandemic for fear of “racist” policies.

5. New York Times: Fear Spreads Faster Than Coronavirus
On February 18, the New York Times published an article that claimed fear was spreading faster than the coronavirus in Europe. After 40 cases were confirmed, the New York Times decided to highlight the supposed “stigmatization” that came with having the coronavirus and how it hurt people’s feelings.

Three weeks later, Italy shut down completely and thousands of people died.

6. CNN: Racist Attacks Are More Threatening Than Coronavirus
On February 21, CNN claimed “racist assaults and ignorant attacks against Asians” were spreading faster than the coronavirus itself.

According to CNN’s “experts,” rampant ignorance and misinformation about coronavirus has led to racist and xenophobic attacks against anyone who looks East Asian.

Apparently, the real plague in America isn’t the deadly virus that is shutting down the global economy and killing thousands, it’s actually racism.


The best is how cnn pushed the race card by claiming racism is a lot worse than the virus.

Now watch how the pathetic lying hypocritical losers wriggle their way out of this.
This whole thing is just coup d" tat number three, they have with each of the previous failures to wrest the lawful government away from "We The People," immediately escalated the violence against "We The People" with each successive coup attempt! Coup one was Mueller and blackmail campaign against Trump, his family, and everyone within close proximity who supported his presidency and held significant position within his potential, and ultimately eventual administration! Coup two was impeachment, rolled out within weeks of failed first attempt! Coup three is this Wuhan flu, rolled out just a few weeks after preceding failure, folks China didn't do this on their own, the democratic party, via rogue intelligence agencies such as CIA, NSA, ect. along with those very same democratic party mega-billionaires named Gates, Bloomberg, Bezos and Soros, are responsible for this one! The media is not a media, it is a savage disinformation/psyop weapon!
1. Vox: This Isn’t A Deadly Pandemic
In a since deleted tweet Vox tweeted, “is [coronavirus] going to be a deadly pandemic? No.” Vox tweeted this on January 31, two days after the White House announced they were creating a coronavirus task force and would expand their travel ban to China.

2. Washington Post: Coronavirus Isn’t So Scary
In a “perspective” article, retired Harvard professor David Ropeik wrote for the Washington Post how the cognitive biases in our brain make coronavirus seem scarier then it actually is.

The article was published on January 31 and was titled, “How our brains make coronavirus seem scarier than it is.”

3. Washington Post: The Flu Is Worse Than Coronavirus
In an article titled “Get a grippe, America. The flu is a much bigger threat than coronavirus, for now,” published February 1, the Washington Post’s Lenny Bernstein wrote that the flu poses a larger threat to the American public, as coronavirus does not appear to be fatal.

“Clearly, the flu poses the bigger and more pressing peril; a handful of cases of the new respiratory illness have been reported in the United States, none of them fatal or apparently even life-threatening,” Bernstein wrote.

4. Washington Post: Be Wary Of The Racist Government
In another “perspective” article, Wendy Parmet and Michael Sinha wrote that an aggressive government response to coronavirus could be problematic for “marginalized populations.”

Essentially, the authors were arguing against an aggressive government response to the pandemic for fear of “racist” policies.

5. New York Times: Fear Spreads Faster Than Coronavirus
On February 18, the New York Times published an article that claimed fear was spreading faster than the coronavirus in Europe. After 40 cases were confirmed, the New York Times decided to highlight the supposed “stigmatization” that came with having the coronavirus and how it hurt people’s feelings.

Three weeks later, Italy shut down completely and thousands of people died.

6. CNN: Racist Attacks Are More Threatening Than Coronavirus
On February 21, CNN claimed “racist assaults and ignorant attacks against Asians” were spreading faster than the coronavirus itself.

According to CNN’s “experts,” rampant ignorance and misinformation about coronavirus has led to racist and xenophobic attacks against anyone who looks East Asian.

Apparently, the real plague in America isn’t the deadly virus that is shutting down the global economy and killing thousands, it’s actually racism.


The best is how cnn pushed the race card by claiming racism is a lot worse than the virus.

Now watch how the pathetic lying hypocritical losers wriggle their way out of this.
How quickly the brainwashed morons on the Left forget things like this. Dreadful.
This whole thing is just coup d" tat number three, they have with each of the previous failures to wrest the lawful government away from "We The People," immediately escalated the violence against "We The People" with each successive coup attempt! Coup one was Mueller and blackmail campaign against Trump, his family, and everyone within close proximity who supported his presidency and held significant position within his potential, and ultimately eventual administration! Coup two was impeachment, rolled out within weeks of failed first attempt! Coup three is this Wuhan flu, rolled out just a few weeks after preceding failure, folks China didn't do this on their own, the democratic party, via rogue intelligence agencies such as CIA, NSA, ect. along with those very same democratic party mega-billionaires named Gates, Bloomberg, Bezos and Soros, are responsible for this one! The media is not a media, it is a savage disinformation/psyop weapon!
Fantastic post, D-N. Thank you.

Wheeeere aaare youuuuu!!!?

You miserable double talking hypocrites!!

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