Remember When Trump Skipped CPAC????


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Trump pulls out of CPAC

So Trump gave a 2 hour speech at CPAC while trump followers broke out the Jergens and had a circle jerk for freedom or something....From this day forward, any attempts for the Trump lovers on this forum to try to distance themselves from their sycophancy for Donald Trump will hereby be revoked..Trump lovers hate people's ability to use memory and context, but lets remember a time not long ago where Trump skipped CPAC back in 2016. Before that, I remember back in 2011, when some people in the GOP was threatening to boycott CPAC if Trump was allowed to speak.

Back in 2016, when Trump skipped CPAC, he did it because he was upset he wasn't going to get to speak longer than the other candidates and he didn't want to be forced to take questions from the attendees at CPAC --- The CPAC chairman (Matt Schlapp) said "It was about the fact that every candidate has to follow our ground rules. We made very clear with him, you’re allowed to give a speech, but you have to answer questions," he explained. "I think that’s fair.....we deploy a certain decorum we have at CPAC, and everyone has got to follow them because we’re being fair because this is such a critical moment for conservatives in this nominating contest.” -- but since Trump is better than everyone else, he decided to skip CPAC.

CPAC attendees were planning a walkout during Trump's speech back then, one of them (William Temple) said "We’re having a massive walkout on Saturday when [Trump] comes to speak, we already have over 300 people who are going to get up at one time to go the bathroom.”

He went on to say
...“We’re not going to put up with him,” Temple continued, according to the report. “He reminds me of Mussolini — he was quoting Mussolini the other day and didn’t even know it. But this man is totally consumed with self. He wants glory. He wants to be seen as this potentate that everyone he loves. He can’t stand it if anyone opposes him.”

Now all of these folks at CPAC are all pretending this never happened and these things were never said -- because most rank and file republicans are reprogrammable robots who would completely disavow positions they just took five minutes ago -- they did it with Bush, and they will do it with Trump when the time comes...but for now, they are 100% A-OK with being cult followers of the Donald.
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Trump pulls out of CPAC

So Trump gave a 2 hour speech at CPAC while trump followers broke out the Jergens and had a circle jerk for freedom or something....From this day forward, any attempts for the Trump lovers on this forum to try to distance themselves from their sycophancy for Donald Trump will hereby be revoked..Trump lovers hate people's ability to use memory and context, but lets remember a time not long ago where Trump skipped CPAC back in 2016. Before that, I remember back in 2011, when some people in the GOP was threatening to boycott CPAC if Trump was allowed to speak.

Back in 2016, when Trump skipped CPAC, he did it because he was upset he wasn't going to get to speak longer than the other candidates and he didn't want to be forced to take questions from the attendees at CPAC --- The CPAC chairman (Matt Schlapp) said "It was about the fact that every candidate has to follow our ground rules. We made very clear with him, you’re allowed to give a speech, but you have to answer questions," he explained. "I think that’s fair.....we deploy a certain decorum we have at CPAC, and everyone has got to follow them because we’re being fair because this is such a critical moment for conservatives in this nominating contest.” -- but since Trump is better than everyone else, he decided to skip CPAC.

CPAC attendees were planning a walkout during Trump's speech back then, one of them (William Temple) said "We’re having a massive walkout on Saturday when [Trump] comes to speak, we already have over 300 people who are going to get up at one time to go the bathroom.”

He went on to say
...“We’re not going to put up with him,” Temple continued, according to the report. “He reminds me of Mussolini — he was quoting Mussolini the other day and didn’t even know it. But this man is totally consumed with self. He wants glory. He wants to be seen as this potentate that everyone he loves. He can’t stand it if anyone opposes him.”

Now all of these folks at CPAC are all pretending this never happened and these things were never said -- because most rank and file republicans are reprogrammable robots who would completely disavow positions they just took five minutes ago -- they did it with Bush, and they will do it with Trump when the time comes...but for now, they are 100% A-OK with being cult followers of the Donald.
Ya know, when Obama was president I laughed my ass of at the hard righties suffering from ODS (Obama Derangement Syndrome). Now that Trump is president I get to laugh my ass off at all the hard lefties suffering from TDS........ Thanks!! I needed a good laugh!!!!
:rofl: :lmao: :rofl:
CPAC represents the corporate establishment neoconservative wing of the GOP. 90% of the platform this year had nothing to do with the policies that got Trump elected. The only way we could get CPAC to support protecting our borders is if we changed our name to Israel.
Trump pulls out of CPAC

So Trump gave a 2 hour speech at CPAC while trump followers broke out the Jergens and had a circle jerk for freedom or something....From this day forward, any attempts for the Trump lovers on this forum to try to distance themselves from their sycophancy for Donald Trump will hereby be revoked..Trump lovers hate people's ability to use memory and context, but lets remember a time not long ago where Trump skipped CPAC back in 2016. Before that, I remember back in 2011, when some people in the GOP was threatening to boycott CPAC if Trump was allowed to speak.

Back in 2016, when Trump skipped CPAC, he did it because he was upset he wasn't going to get to speak longer than the other candidates and he didn't want to be forced to take questions from the attendees at CPAC --- The CPAC chairman (Matt Schlapp) said "It was about the fact that every candidate has to follow our ground rules. We made very clear with him, you’re allowed to give a speech, but you have to answer questions," he explained. "I think that’s fair.....we deploy a certain decorum we have at CPAC, and everyone has got to follow them because we’re being fair because this is such a critical moment for conservatives in this nominating contest.” -- but since Trump is better than everyone else, he decided to skip CPAC.

CPAC attendees were planning a walkout during Trump's speech back then, one of them (William Temple) said "We’re having a massive walkout on Saturday when [Trump] comes to speak, we already have over 300 people who are going to get up at one time to go the bathroom.”

He went on to say
...“We’re not going to put up with him,” Temple continued, according to the report. “He reminds me of Mussolini — he was quoting Mussolini the other day and didn’t even know it. But this man is totally consumed with self. He wants glory. He wants to be seen as this potentate that everyone he loves. He can’t stand it if anyone opposes him.”

Now all of these folks at CPAC are all pretending this never happened and these things were never said -- because most rank and file republicans are reprogrammable robots who would completely disavow positions they just took five minutes ago -- they did it with Bush, and they will do it with Trump when the time comes...but for now, they are 100% A-OK with being cult followers of the Donald.

So, they learned. Now he speaks as long as he wants. Also, many #neverTrump people have retired because of general uselessness.
Trump pulls out of CPAC

So Trump gave a 2 hour speech at CPAC while trump followers broke out the Jergens and had a circle jerk for freedom or something....From this day forward, any attempts for the Trump lovers on this forum to try to distance themselves from their sycophancy for Donald Trump will hereby be revoked..Trump lovers hate people's ability to use memory and context, but lets remember a time not long ago where Trump skipped CPAC back in 2016. Before that, I remember back in 2011, when some people in the GOP was threatening to boycott CPAC if Trump was allowed to speak.

Back in 2016, when Trump skipped CPAC, he did it because he was upset he wasn't going to get to speak longer than the other candidates and he didn't want to be forced to take questions from the attendees at CPAC --- The CPAC chairman (Matt Schlapp) said "It was about the fact that every candidate has to follow our ground rules. We made very clear with him, you’re allowed to give a speech, but you have to answer questions," he explained. "I think that’s fair.....we deploy a certain decorum we have at CPAC, and everyone has got to follow them because we’re being fair because this is such a critical moment for conservatives in this nominating contest.” -- but since Trump is better than everyone else, he decided to skip CPAC.

CPAC attendees were planning a walkout during Trump's speech back then, one of them (William Temple) said "We’re having a massive walkout on Saturday when [Trump] comes to speak, we already have over 300 people who are going to get up at one time to go the bathroom.”

He went on to say
...“We’re not going to put up with him,” Temple continued, according to the report. “He reminds me of Mussolini — he was quoting Mussolini the other day and didn’t even know it. But this man is totally consumed with self. He wants glory. He wants to be seen as this potentate that everyone he loves. He can’t stand it if anyone opposes him.”

Now all of these folks at CPAC are all pretending this never happened and these things were never said -- because most rank and file republicans are reprogrammable robots who would completely disavow positions they just took five minutes ago -- they did it with Bush, and they will do it with Trump when the time comes...but for now, they are 100% A-OK with being cult followers of the Donald.
Ya know, when Obama was president I laughed my ass of at the hard righties suffering from ODS (Obama Derangement Syndrome). Now that Trump is president I get to laugh my ass off at all the hard lefties suffering from TDS........ Thanks!! I needed a good laugh!!!!
:rofl: :lmao: :rofl:
Yea....go with that line
Trump pulls out of CPAC

So Trump gave a 2 hour speech at CPAC while trump followers broke out the Jergens and had a circle jerk for freedom or something....From this day forward, any attempts for the Trump lovers on this forum to try to distance themselves from their sycophancy for Donald Trump will hereby be revoked..Trump lovers hate people's ability to use memory and context, but lets remember a time not long ago where Trump skipped CPAC back in 2016. Before that, I remember back in 2011, when some people in the GOP was threatening to boycott CPAC if Trump was allowed to speak.

Back in 2016, when Trump skipped CPAC, he did it because he was upset he wasn't going to get to speak longer than the other candidates and he didn't want to be forced to take questions from the attendees at CPAC --- The CPAC chairman (Matt Schlapp) said "It was about the fact that every candidate has to follow our ground rules. We made very clear with him, you’re allowed to give a speech, but you have to answer questions," he explained. "I think that’s fair.....we deploy a certain decorum we have at CPAC, and everyone has got to follow them because we’re being fair because this is such a critical moment for conservatives in this nominating contest.” -- but since Trump is better than everyone else, he decided to skip CPAC.

CPAC attendees were planning a walkout during Trump's speech back then, one of them (William Temple) said "We’re having a massive walkout on Saturday when [Trump] comes to speak, we already have over 300 people who are going to get up at one time to go the bathroom.”

He went on to say
...“We’re not going to put up with him,” Temple continued, according to the report. “He reminds me of Mussolini — he was quoting Mussolini the other day and didn’t even know it. But this man is totally consumed with self. He wants glory. He wants to be seen as this potentate that everyone he loves. He can’t stand it if anyone opposes him.”

Now all of these folks at CPAC are all pretending this never happened and these things were never said -- because most rank and file republicans are reprogrammable robots who would completely disavow positions they just took five minutes ago -- they did it with Bush, and they will do it with Trump when the time comes...but for now, they are 100% A-OK with being cult followers of the Donald.
Ya know, when Obama was president I laughed my ass of at the hard righties suffering from ODS (Obama Derangement Syndrome). Now that Trump is president I get to laugh my ass off at all the hard lefties suffering from TDS........ Thanks!! I needed a good laugh!!!!
:rofl: :lmao: :rofl:
Yea....go with that line
Rationalizing...... I expect no less from a partisan hack. :thup:
I didn't vote for Hillary.....I did vote for Obama who said he had evolved on gay marriage...which was cool since he never compared gays to Mussolini like folks at CPAC said about Trump....

Sorry, but there is no "both sides" on this level of blind sycophancy.....Furthermore, Obama has been out of office for 3 years and he is still pretty popular and not many people are pretending to have never voted for him...

How is that working out for you McCain, Romney and Bush voters?
Trump pulls out of CPAC

So Trump gave a 2 hour speech at CPAC while trump followers broke out the Jergens and had a circle jerk for freedom or something....From this day forward, any attempts for the Trump lovers on this forum to try to distance themselves from their sycophancy for Donald Trump will hereby be revoked..Trump lovers hate people's ability to use memory and context, but lets remember a time not long ago where Trump skipped CPAC back in 2016. Before that, I remember back in 2011, when some people in the GOP was threatening to boycott CPAC if Trump was allowed to speak.

Back in 2016, when Trump skipped CPAC, he did it because he was upset he wasn't going to get to speak longer than the other candidates and he didn't want to be forced to take questions from the attendees at CPAC --- The CPAC chairman (Matt Schlapp) said "It was about the fact that every candidate has to follow our ground rules. We made very clear with him, you’re allowed to give a speech, but you have to answer questions," he explained. "I think that’s fair.....we deploy a certain decorum we have at CPAC, and everyone has got to follow them because we’re being fair because this is such a critical moment for conservatives in this nominating contest.” -- but since Trump is better than everyone else, he decided to skip CPAC.

CPAC attendees were planning a walkout during Trump's speech back then, one of them (William Temple) said "We’re having a massive walkout on Saturday when [Trump] comes to speak, we already have over 300 people who are going to get up at one time to go the bathroom.”

He went on to say
...“We’re not going to put up with him,” Temple continued, according to the report. “He reminds me of Mussolini — he was quoting Mussolini the other day and didn’t even know it. But this man is totally consumed with self. He wants glory. He wants to be seen as this potentate that everyone he loves. He can’t stand it if anyone opposes him.”

Now all of these folks at CPAC are all pretending this never happened and these things were never said -- because most rank and file republicans are reprogrammable robots who would completely disavow positions they just took five minutes ago -- they did it with Bush, and they will do it with Trump when the time comes...but for now, they are 100% A-OK with being cult followers of the Donald.
Ya know, when Obama was president I laughed my ass of at the hard righties suffering from ODS (Obama Derangement Syndrome). Now that Trump is president I get to laugh my ass off at all the hard lefties suffering from TDS........ Thanks!! I needed a good laugh!!!!
:rofl: :lmao: :rofl:
Yea....go with that line
Rationalizing...... I expect no less from a partisan hack. :thup:
Yea, you rationalizing being a sycophant by trying to claim "well, I thought those with ODS were silly too" -- you were one of them dick suckers...
Trump pulls out of CPAC

So Trump gave a 2 hour speech at CPAC while trump followers broke out the Jergens and had a circle jerk for freedom or something....From this day forward, any attempts for the Trump lovers on this forum to try to distance themselves from their sycophancy for Donald Trump will hereby be revoked..Trump lovers hate people's ability to use memory and context, but lets remember a time not long ago where Trump skipped CPAC back in 2016. Before that, I remember back in 2011, when some people in the GOP was threatening to boycott CPAC if Trump was allowed to speak.

Back in 2016, when Trump skipped CPAC, he did it because he was upset he wasn't going to get to speak longer than the other candidates and he didn't want to be forced to take questions from the attendees at CPAC --- The CPAC chairman (Matt Schlapp) said "It was about the fact that every candidate has to follow our ground rules. We made very clear with him, you’re allowed to give a speech, but you have to answer questions," he explained. "I think that’s fair.....we deploy a certain decorum we have at CPAC, and everyone has got to follow them because we’re being fair because this is such a critical moment for conservatives in this nominating contest.” -- but since Trump is better than everyone else, he decided to skip CPAC.

CPAC attendees were planning a walkout during Trump's speech back then, one of them (William Temple) said "We’re having a massive walkout on Saturday when [Trump] comes to speak, we already have over 300 people who are going to get up at one time to go the bathroom.”

He went on to say
...“We’re not going to put up with him,” Temple continued, according to the report. “He reminds me of Mussolini — he was quoting Mussolini the other day and didn’t even know it. But this man is totally consumed with self. He wants glory. He wants to be seen as this potentate that everyone he loves. He can’t stand it if anyone opposes him.”

Now all of these folks at CPAC are all pretending this never happened and these things were never said -- because most rank and file republicans are reprogrammable robots who would completely disavow positions they just took five minutes ago -- they did it with Bush, and they will do it with Trump when the time comes...but for now, they are 100% A-OK with being cult followers of the Donald.
Ya know, when Obama was president I laughed my ass of at the hard righties suffering from ODS (Obama Derangement Syndrome). Now that Trump is president I get to laugh my ass off at all the hard lefties suffering from TDS........ Thanks!! I needed a good laugh!!!!
:rofl: :lmao: :rofl:
Yea....go with that line
Rationalizing...... I expect no less from a partisan hack. :thup:
Yea, you rationalizing being a sycophant by trying to claim "well, I thought those with ODS were silly too" -- you were one of them dick suckers...
If you say so...... :lmao: :rofl: :lmao:
It will be hilarious in a few years when Trump sheep develop amnesia over Trump’s Presidency
Speaking of McCain.....People who were cheerleading the McCain Palin ticket years ago are now pissing on his grave and mocking his death....this is the level of depravity of the typical republican....

And their desperation to go "but but but Democrats" is further proof of how depraved they are...
Speaking of McCain.....People who were cheerleading the McCain Palin ticket years ago are now pissing on his grave and mocking his death....this is the level of depravity of the typical republican....

And their desperation to go "but but but Democrats" is further proof of how depraved they are...
Remember when any opposition to Dubya meant you were either a traitor or a RINO? Yeah, the GOP base hasn’t changed much.
Speaking of McCain.....People who were cheerleading the McCain Palin ticket years ago are now pissing on his grave and mocking his death....this is the level of depravity of the typical republican....

And their desperation to go "but but but Democrats" is further proof of how depraved they are...
Remember when any opposition to Dubya meant you were either a traitor or a RINO? Yeah, the GOP base hasn’t changed much.
I remember and remind trumptards about it every chance I get....

Because they so much want to pretend none of it happened....

Right now they are freaking out over the House Committee issuing 81 subpoenas...but forget that Repubs issued over 1200 of them in the Whitewater investigation including having 10 different Benghazi investigations...
Speaking of McCain.....People who were cheerleading the McCain Palin ticket years ago are now pissing on his grave and mocking his death....this is the level of depravity of the typical republican....

And their desperation to go "but but but Democrats" is further proof of how depraved they are...
I turned my head when i voted for him. The bad part is, he would've been better than Obama.
I didn't vote for Hillary.....I did vote for Obama who said he had evolved on gay marriage...which was cool since he never compared gays to Mussolini like folks at CPAC said about Trump....

Sorry, but there is no "both sides" on this level of blind sycophancy.....Furthermore, Obama has been out of office for 3 years and he is still pretty popular and not many people are pretending to have never voted for him...

How is that working out for you McCain, Romney and Bush voters?

McShitstain is dead, Bush can't run again, and Romney is only a Senator because he ran in a theocratic state. And, Obama cannot run again.
So, what was your point?
Trump pulls out of CPAC

So Trump gave a 2 hour speech at CPAC while trump followers broke out the Jergens and had a circle jerk for freedom or something....From this day forward, any attempts for the Trump lovers on this forum to try to distance themselves from their sycophancy for Donald Trump will hereby be revoked..Trump lovers hate people's ability to use memory and context, but lets remember a time not long ago where Trump skipped CPAC back in 2016. Before that, I remember back in 2011, when some people in the GOP was threatening to boycott CPAC if Trump was allowed to speak.

Back in 2016, when Trump skipped CPAC, he did it because he was upset he wasn't going to get to speak longer than the other candidates and he didn't want to be forced to take questions from the attendees at CPAC --- The CPAC chairman (Matt Schlapp) said "It was about the fact that every candidate has to follow our ground rules. We made very clear with him, you’re allowed to give a speech, but you have to answer questions," he explained. "I think that’s fair.....we deploy a certain decorum we have at CPAC, and everyone has got to follow them because we’re being fair because this is such a critical moment for conservatives in this nominating contest.” -- but since Trump is better than everyone else, he decided to skip CPAC.

CPAC attendees were planning a walkout during Trump's speech back then, one of them (William Temple) said "We’re having a massive walkout on Saturday when [Trump] comes to speak, we already have over 300 people who are going to get up at one time to go the bathroom.”

He went on to say
...“We’re not going to put up with him,” Temple continued, according to the report. “He reminds me of Mussolini — he was quoting Mussolini the other day and didn’t even know it. But this man is totally consumed with self. He wants glory. He wants to be seen as this potentate that everyone he loves. He can’t stand it if anyone opposes him.”

Now all of these folks at CPAC are all pretending this never happened and these things were never said -- because most rank and file republicans are reprogrammable robots who would completely disavow positions they just took five minutes ago -- they did it with Bush, and they will do it with Trump when the time comes...but for now, they are 100% A-OK with being cult followers of the Donald.

It was Trump's best speech, evah!
But you had to watch it from beginning to end, which I'm assured that you did not.

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