Remembering 9/11, twenty years later.

Eight kids were killed on the planes including a pair of sisters (and their parents) who were on their way to Disneyworld. It's hard to find statistics on kids killed on the ground. Did the WTC have a day care center?
Being the least 'conspiracy theory' thread on this subject ...
The following is a link to several related articles, back then thru to now ...

Essential Reading: Remembering September 11, 2001​

Looking back at 20 years of incredible journalism about 9/11, including on-the-ground reporting, oral histories, and personal essays about the day the world changed forever.​

Being the least 'conspiracy theory' thread on this subject ...
The following is a link to several related articles, back then thru to now ...

Essential Reading: Remembering September 11, 2001​

Looking back at 20 years of incredible journalism about 9/11, including on-the-ground reporting, oral histories, and personal essays about the day the world changed forever.​

The controversial threads I start I put in the conspiracy theory forum on purpose because that's where they're going to be moved anyway.
What would really be helpful would be if we, the American people, actually correctly diagnosed who did what on 911.

We are the only country on earth with absolute morons who still believe the "official version."

That is embarrassing, disgraceful, and exhibit A of why our country has gone off a cliff for two decades...
We are the only country with morons like you who dream up lies and conspiracy theory crap about it
The controversial threads I start I put in the conspiracy theory forum on purpose because that's where they're going to be moved anyway.
Because they are trash with no evidence and nothing but crap you dream up.

they are not controversial they are laughed at by all
Don't put words in my mouth, friend.
There are many well-documented 'red flags', at least when it comes to certain individuals of Israeli descent who had prior knowledge of the attacks.

Don't listen to disinformation trolls like Soup Nazi saying that we just make things up. .
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Some obscure no body repeating the same crap is not evidence you lying sack of shit.

Without names and police reports it is a fictional story pulled out of someones fat ass like yours.
Some obscure no body repeating the same crap is not evidence you lying sack of shit.

Without names and police reports it is a fictional story pulled out of someones fat ass like yours.
The kids see right through you dumbass.But, please keep chattering and whatever else you do.

Lucky Larry not only survived but made billions instead of losing billions.

Last week Biden signed an EO ordering the FBI to release all of their documents on a monthly basis for the next 6 months.
I am sure GW's name will be blacked out.

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