Remembering USS Liberty: When Israel attacked America


Gold Member
Sep 8, 2008
Alan Fisher

Richard Brooks still remembers when the alert came.

With klaxons sounding and people yelling, the tannoy system warned everyone "Standby to receive torpedo hit".

"I thought Iā€™ll never get out of this mess alive. Weird things were running through your minds, because Iā€™d chalked myself off."

He felt the torpedoes hit and the ship pitch to one side but realised he was still alive.

And then the priority became survival. As chief engineer, he could tell the engines were still working. ā€œMy machinery was still intact and I was still making headway. I yelled through the voice tube ā€˜Give me all the steam pressure youā€™ve got, letā€™s get the hell out of this areaā€™".

Eventually his ship, The USS Liberty made its way to safer waters and managed to take stock of the sustained attack. Thirty-four were lying dead, more than 171 were injured.

The victims of the day Israel attacked America.

The Liberty had been sitting in international waters off the Sinai Peninsula. A spy ship, it had been gathering information as the 1967 Arab-Israeli Six-Day War raged on land.

'Mistaken identity'

During the course of the day, the ship had been buzzed by Israeli aircraft. But flying the American flag, there was no cause for panic, no need for alarm.

ā€œPeople were sunbathing, enjoying the June sunshine,ā€ said Brooks, who was more concerned with keeping the engines running. The demands of the job perhaps saved his life.

Israel insisted it was a case of mistaken identity. It alleged that pilots were exhausted having fought so hard over the previous days. The US naval vessel was thought to be an Egyptian warship.

And thatā€™s why it was attacked with rockets and cannons and missiles and torpedoes.

But Brooks doesnā€™t buy the Israeli apology. Standing next to the graves of his shipmates in Arlington National Cemetery he tells me ā€œIt wasnā€™t a tragic accident, It was a deliberate attack. They knew who we were. They tried to sink us. They wanted us out to either bring the Americans into the war by blaming the Arabs or we picked up some information about their war plansā€.

INVESTIGATION: The Day Israel Attacked America

Websites set up to discuss the Liberty back Brooksā€™ suggestion. Some claim the Israeli planes which attacked were unmarked, hoping theyā€™d be mistaken for Arab fighter jets. Others speculate that it was known the radio signals from the Liberty could be hacked by the Russians. And worried the US had picked up sensitive information about plans for the Golan Heights, which the Russians would pass to their allies, the Egyptians, the Israelis tried to sink the spy ship.

Every year on June 8, the survivors gather to mark the attack - to read the names of the dead and to share stories and memories.

The numbers are less every year. This year there were just seven survivors in attendance. But the passion to find out exactly what happened remains undiminished. As they stand between the white grave stones, a light summer breeze taking the edge off the afternoon heat, the memorial service also includes a call for justice and for truth.

'We had a ship to sail'

Ernie Gallo is the president of the USS Liberty Survivors Group.

When you apologise, you apologise with the truth. Not with a lie. So itā€™s not an apology.

Ernie Gallo, USS Liberty Survivors Group

He remembers the attack and how everything seemed surprisingly calm. ā€œWe had to do what we could for our dead and wounded. We had a ship to sail. We had to get to safetyā€

Heā€™s read the reports, the official inquiries and read the books about the incident. Heā€™s even written his own.

I ask if he accepts the Israeli apology, and the explanation it was all a mistake created in the fog of war: ā€œWhen you apologise, you apologise with the truth. Not with a lie. So itā€™s not an apology. Not as far as Iā€™m concerned and our government is just as bad off for going along with it," he answered.

To get a job on the Liberty, sailors were to have an outstanding service record and were chosen for their honesty and moral character. ā€œSomeone is lying here,ā€ says Gallo, ā€œand it isnā€™t usā€.

Even now he hopes there will be a full official inquiry into the events of June 8, 1967.

Robert Brooks and Ernie Gallo know itā€™s unlikely, but they still hope it might happen. They both say the families of the dead and the survivors deserve the truth, before they mark another anniversary.

Source: Al Jazeera Remembering USS Liberty When Israel attacked America - Al Jazeera English
Alan Fisher

Richard Brooks still remembers when the alert came.

With klaxons sounding and people yelling, the tannoy system warned everyone "Standby to receive torpedo hit".

"I thought Iā€™ll never get out of this mess alive. Weird things were running through your minds, because Iā€™d chalked myself off."

He felt the torpedoes hit and the ship pitch to one side but realised he was still alive.

And then the priority became survival. As chief engineer, he could tell the engines were still working. ā€œMy machinery was still intact and I was still making headway. I yelled through the voice tube ā€˜Give me all the steam pressure youā€™ve got, letā€™s get the hell out of this areaā€™".

Eventually his ship, The USS Liberty made its way to safer waters and managed to take stock of the sustained attack. Thirty-four were lying dead, more than 171 were injured.

The victims of the day Israel attacked America.

The Liberty had been sitting in international waters off the Sinai Peninsula. A spy ship, it had been gathering information as the 1967 Arab-Israeli Six-Day War raged on land.

'Mistaken identity'

During the course of the day, the ship had been buzzed by Israeli aircraft. But flying the American flag, there was no cause for panic, no need for alarm.

ā€œPeople were sunbathing, enjoying the June sunshine,ā€ said Brooks, who was more concerned with keeping the engines running. The demands of the job perhaps saved his life.

Israel insisted it was a case of mistaken identity. It alleged that pilots were exhausted having fought so hard over the previous days. The US naval vessel was thought to be an Egyptian warship.

And thatā€™s why it was attacked with rockets and cannons and missiles and torpedoes.

But Brooks doesnā€™t buy the Israeli apology. Standing next to the graves of his shipmates in Arlington National Cemetery he tells me ā€œIt wasnā€™t a tragic accident, It was a deliberate attack. They knew who we were. They tried to sink us. They wanted us out to either bring the Americans into the war by blaming the Arabs or we picked up some information about their war plansā€.

INVESTIGATION: The Day Israel Attacked America

Websites set up to discuss the Liberty back Brooksā€™ suggestion. Some claim the Israeli planes which attacked were unmarked, hoping theyā€™d be mistaken for Arab fighter jets. Others speculate that it was known the radio signals from the Liberty could be hacked by the Russians. And worried the US had picked up sensitive information about plans for the Golan Heights, which the Russians would pass to their allies, the Egyptians, the Israelis tried to sink the spy ship.

Every year on June 8, the survivors gather to mark the attack - to read the names of the dead and to share stories and memories.

The numbers are less every year. This year there were just seven survivors in attendance. But the passion to find out exactly what happened remains undiminished. As they stand between the white grave stones, a light summer breeze taking the edge off the afternoon heat, the memorial service also includes a call for justice and for truth.

'We had a ship to sail'

Ernie Gallo is the president of the USS Liberty Survivors Group.

When you apologise, you apologise with the truth. Not with a lie. So itā€™s not an apology.

Ernie Gallo, USS Liberty Survivors Group

He remembers the attack and how everything seemed surprisingly calm. ā€œWe had to do what we could for our dead and wounded. We had a ship to sail. We had to get to safetyā€

Heā€™s read the reports, the official inquiries and read the books about the incident. Heā€™s even written his own.

I ask if he accepts the Israeli apology, and the explanation it was all a mistake created in the fog of war: ā€œWhen you apologise, you apologise with the truth. Not with a lie. So itā€™s not an apology. Not as far as Iā€™m concerned and our government is just as bad off for going along with it," he answered.

To get a job on the Liberty, sailors were to have an outstanding service record and were chosen for their honesty and moral character. ā€œSomeone is lying here,ā€ says Gallo, ā€œand it isnā€™t usā€.

Even now he hopes there will be a full official inquiry into the events of June 8, 1967.

Robert Brooks and Ernie Gallo know itā€™s unlikely, but they still hope it might happen. They both say the families of the dead and the survivors deserve the truth, before they mark another anniversary.

Source: Al Jazeera Remembering USS Liberty When Israel attacked America - Al Jazeera English
That's only one side of the story.
Jews are funny like that. And not to be trusted.

Why we give them millions every year is beyond me.

Maybe it's time to cut off the cocks of the Jews?

Consider it a very close Circumcision.

Or not. :dunno:
Alan Fisher

Richard Brooks still remembers when the alert came.

With klaxons sounding and people yelling, the tannoy system warned everyone "Standby to receive torpedo hit".

"I thought Iā€™ll never get out of this mess alive. Weird things were running through your minds, because Iā€™d chalked myself off."

He felt the torpedoes hit and the ship pitch to one side but realised he was still alive.

And then the priority became survival. As chief engineer, he could tell the engines were still working. ā€œMy machinery was still intact and I was still making headway. I yelled through the voice tube ā€˜Give me all the steam pressure youā€™ve got, letā€™s get the hell out of this areaā€™".

Eventually his ship, The USS Liberty made its way to safer waters and managed to take stock of the sustained attack. Thirty-four were lying dead, more than 171 were injured.

The victims of the day Israel attacked America.

The Liberty had been sitting in international waters off the Sinai Peninsula. A spy ship, it had been gathering information as the 1967 Arab-Israeli Six-Day War raged on land.

'Mistaken identity'

During the course of the day, the ship had been buzzed by Israeli aircraft. But flying the American flag, there was no cause for panic, no need for alarm.

ā€œPeople were sunbathing, enjoying the June sunshine,ā€ said Brooks, who was more concerned with keeping the engines running. The demands of the job perhaps saved his life.

Israel insisted it was a case of mistaken identity. It alleged that pilots were exhausted having fought so hard over the previous days. The US naval vessel was thought to be an Egyptian warship.

And thatā€™s why it was attacked with rockets and cannons and missiles and torpedoes.

But Brooks doesnā€™t buy the Israeli apology. Standing next to the graves of his shipmates in Arlington National Cemetery he tells me ā€œIt wasnā€™t a tragic accident, It was a deliberate attack. They knew who we were. They tried to sink us. They wanted us out to either bring the Americans into the war by blaming the Arabs or we picked up some information about their war plansā€.

INVESTIGATION: The Day Israel Attacked America

Websites set up to discuss the Liberty back Brooksā€™ suggestion. Some claim the Israeli planes which attacked were unmarked, hoping theyā€™d be mistaken for Arab fighter jets. Others speculate that it was known the radio signals from the Liberty could be hacked by the Russians. And worried the US had picked up sensitive information about plans for the Golan Heights, which the Russians would pass to their allies, the Egyptians, the Israelis tried to sink the spy ship.

Every year on June 8, the survivors gather to mark the attack - to read the names of the dead and to share stories and memories.

The numbers are less every year. This year there were just seven survivors in attendance. But the passion to find out exactly what happened remains undiminished. As they stand between the white grave stones, a light summer breeze taking the edge off the afternoon heat, the memorial service also includes a call for justice and for truth.

'We had a ship to sail'

Ernie Gallo is the president of the USS Liberty Survivors Group.

When you apologise, you apologise with the truth. Not with a lie. So itā€™s not an apology.

Ernie Gallo, USS Liberty Survivors Group

He remembers the attack and how everything seemed surprisingly calm. ā€œWe had to do what we could for our dead and wounded. We had a ship to sail. We had to get to safetyā€

Heā€™s read the reports, the official inquiries and read the books about the incident. Heā€™s even written his own.

I ask if he accepts the Israeli apology, and the explanation it was all a mistake created in the fog of war: ā€œWhen you apologise, you apologise with the truth. Not with a lie. So itā€™s not an apology. Not as far as Iā€™m concerned and our government is just as bad off for going along with it," he answered.

To get a job on the Liberty, sailors were to have an outstanding service record and were chosen for their honesty and moral character. ā€œSomeone is lying here,ā€ says Gallo, ā€œand it isnā€™t usā€.

Even now he hopes there will be a full official inquiry into the events of June 8, 1967.

Robert Brooks and Ernie Gallo know itā€™s unlikely, but they still hope it might happen. They both say the families of the dead and the survivors deserve the truth, before they mark another anniversary.

Source: Al Jazeera Remembering USS Liberty When Israel attacked America - Al Jazeera English
That's only one side of the story.

Yes, it is the American side of the story. You support the Israeli side of the story.
Alan Fisher

Richard Brooks still remembers when the alert came.

With klaxons sounding and people yelling, the tannoy system warned everyone "Standby to receive torpedo hit".

"I thought Iā€™ll never get out of this mess alive. Weird things were running through your minds, because Iā€™d chalked myself off."

He felt the torpedoes hit and the ship pitch to one side but realised he was still alive.

And then the priority became survival. As chief engineer, he could tell the engines were still working. ā€œMy machinery was still intact and I was still making headway. I yelled through the voice tube ā€˜Give me all the steam pressure youā€™ve got, letā€™s get the hell out of this areaā€™".

Eventually his ship, The USS Liberty made its way to safer waters and managed to take stock of the sustained attack. Thirty-four were lying dead, more than 171 were injured.

The victims of the day Israel attacked America.

The Liberty had been sitting in international waters off the Sinai Peninsula. A spy ship, it had been gathering information as the 1967 Arab-Israeli Six-Day War raged on land.

'Mistaken identity'

During the course of the day, the ship had been buzzed by Israeli aircraft. But flying the American flag, there was no cause for panic, no need for alarm.

ā€œPeople were sunbathing, enjoying the June sunshine,ā€ said Brooks, who was more concerned with keeping the engines running. The demands of the job perhaps saved his life.

Israel insisted it was a case of mistaken identity. It alleged that pilots were exhausted having fought so hard over the previous days. The US naval vessel was thought to be an Egyptian warship.

And thatā€™s why it was attacked with rockets and cannons and missiles and torpedoes.

But Brooks doesnā€™t buy the Israeli apology. Standing next to the graves of his shipmates in Arlington National Cemetery he tells me ā€œIt wasnā€™t a tragic accident, It was a deliberate attack. They knew who we were. They tried to sink us. They wanted us out to either bring the Americans into the war by blaming the Arabs or we picked up some information about their war plansā€.

INVESTIGATION: The Day Israel Attacked America

Websites set up to discuss the Liberty back Brooksā€™ suggestion. Some claim the Israeli planes which attacked were unmarked, hoping theyā€™d be mistaken for Arab fighter jets. Others speculate that it was known the radio signals from the Liberty could be hacked by the Russians. And worried the US had picked up sensitive information about plans for the Golan Heights, which the Russians would pass to their allies, the Egyptians, the Israelis tried to sink the spy ship.

Every year on June 8, the survivors gather to mark the attack - to read the names of the dead and to share stories and memories.

The numbers are less every year. This year there were just seven survivors in attendance. But the passion to find out exactly what happened remains undiminished. As they stand between the white grave stones, a light summer breeze taking the edge off the afternoon heat, the memorial service also includes a call for justice and for truth.

'We had a ship to sail'

Ernie Gallo is the president of the USS Liberty Survivors Group.

When you apologise, you apologise with the truth. Not with a lie. So itā€™s not an apology.

Ernie Gallo, USS Liberty Survivors Group

He remembers the attack and how everything seemed surprisingly calm. ā€œWe had to do what we could for our dead and wounded. We had a ship to sail. We had to get to safetyā€

Heā€™s read the reports, the official inquiries and read the books about the incident. Heā€™s even written his own.

I ask if he accepts the Israeli apology, and the explanation it was all a mistake created in the fog of war: ā€œWhen you apologise, you apologise with the truth. Not with a lie. So itā€™s not an apology. Not as far as Iā€™m concerned and our government is just as bad off for going along with it," he answered.

To get a job on the Liberty, sailors were to have an outstanding service record and were chosen for their honesty and moral character. ā€œSomeone is lying here,ā€ says Gallo, ā€œand it isnā€™t usā€.

Even now he hopes there will be a full official inquiry into the events of June 8, 1967.

Robert Brooks and Ernie Gallo know itā€™s unlikely, but they still hope it might happen. They both say the families of the dead and the survivors deserve the truth, before they mark another anniversary.

Source: Al Jazeera Remembering USS Liberty When Israel attacked America - Al Jazeera English
That's only one side of the story.

Yes, it is the American side of the story. You support the Israeli side of the story.
No, I support both sides of the story. It was a tragic incident that is best forgotten.
Alan Fisher

Richard Brooks still remembers when the alert came.

With klaxons sounding and people yelling, the tannoy system warned everyone "Standby to receive torpedo hit".

"I thought Iā€™ll never get out of this mess alive. Weird things were running through your minds, because Iā€™d chalked myself off."

He felt the torpedoes hit and the ship pitch to one side but realised he was still alive.

And then the priority became survival. As chief engineer, he could tell the engines were still working. ā€œMy machinery was still intact and I was still making headway. I yelled through the voice tube ā€˜Give me all the steam pressure youā€™ve got, letā€™s get the hell out of this areaā€™".

Eventually his ship, The USS Liberty made its way to safer waters and managed to take stock of the sustained attack. Thirty-four were lying dead, more than 171 were injured.

The victims of the day Israel attacked America.

The Liberty had been sitting in international waters off the Sinai Peninsula. A spy ship, it had been gathering information as the 1967 Arab-Israeli Six-Day War raged on land.

'Mistaken identity'

During the course of the day, the ship had been buzzed by Israeli aircraft. But flying the American flag, there was no cause for panic, no need for alarm.

ā€œPeople were sunbathing, enjoying the June sunshine,ā€ said Brooks, who was more concerned with keeping the engines running. The demands of the job perhaps saved his life.

Israel insisted it was a case of mistaken identity. It alleged that pilots were exhausted having fought so hard over the previous days. The US naval vessel was thought to be an Egyptian warship.

And thatā€™s why it was attacked with rockets and cannons and missiles and torpedoes.

But Brooks doesnā€™t buy the Israeli apology. Standing next to the graves of his shipmates in Arlington National Cemetery he tells me ā€œIt wasnā€™t a tragic accident, It was a deliberate attack. They knew who we were. They tried to sink us. They wanted us out to either bring the Americans into the war by blaming the Arabs or we picked up some information about their war plansā€.

INVESTIGATION: The Day Israel Attacked America

Websites set up to discuss the Liberty back Brooksā€™ suggestion. Some claim the Israeli planes which attacked were unmarked, hoping theyā€™d be mistaken for Arab fighter jets. Others speculate that it was known the radio signals from the Liberty could be hacked by the Russians. And worried the US had picked up sensitive information about plans for the Golan Heights, which the Russians would pass to their allies, the Egyptians, the Israelis tried to sink the spy ship.

Every year on June 8, the survivors gather to mark the attack - to read the names of the dead and to share stories and memories.

The numbers are less every year. This year there were just seven survivors in attendance. But the passion to find out exactly what happened remains undiminished. As they stand between the white grave stones, a light summer breeze taking the edge off the afternoon heat, the memorial service also includes a call for justice and for truth.

'We had a ship to sail'

Ernie Gallo is the president of the USS Liberty Survivors Group.

When you apologise, you apologise with the truth. Not with a lie. So itā€™s not an apology.

Ernie Gallo, USS Liberty Survivors Group

He remembers the attack and how everything seemed surprisingly calm. ā€œWe had to do what we could for our dead and wounded. We had a ship to sail. We had to get to safetyā€

Heā€™s read the reports, the official inquiries and read the books about the incident. Heā€™s even written his own.

I ask if he accepts the Israeli apology, and the explanation it was all a mistake created in the fog of war: ā€œWhen you apologise, you apologise with the truth. Not with a lie. So itā€™s not an apology. Not as far as Iā€™m concerned and our government is just as bad off for going along with it," he answered.

To get a job on the Liberty, sailors were to have an outstanding service record and were chosen for their honesty and moral character. ā€œSomeone is lying here,ā€ says Gallo, ā€œand it isnā€™t usā€.

Even now he hopes there will be a full official inquiry into the events of June 8, 1967.

Robert Brooks and Ernie Gallo know itā€™s unlikely, but they still hope it might happen. They both say the families of the dead and the survivors deserve the truth, before they mark another anniversary.

Source: Al Jazeera Remembering USS Liberty When Israel attacked America - Al Jazeera English
That's only one side of the story.

Yes, it is the American side of the story. You support the Israeli side of the story.
No, I support both sides of the story. It was a tragic incident that is best forgotten.

Yeah right. You are so transparent. Of course you would like everyone to forget it, especially the men who were on the ship, who know full well it was not a "mistake" on the part of the Israelis.
What is this... like... the 20th thread on the USS Liberty incident, in the past year?

And all of 'em started by Israel -haters... often Jew-haters as well...

And all of 'em mouthpieces and useful idiots for the Ummah... trying to drive a wedge between America and Israel.

Fortunately, they're as obvious as they are clumsy and they always provide excellent Drama Queen antics...
I don't think the families of our sailors killed by the Israelis are drama queens.
Alan Fisher

Richard Brooks still remembers when the alert came.

With klaxons sounding and people yelling, the tannoy system warned everyone "Standby to receive torpedo hit".

"I thought Iā€™ll never get out of this mess alive. Weird things were running through your minds, because Iā€™d chalked myself off."

He felt the torpedoes hit and the ship pitch to one side but realised he was still alive.

And then the priority became survival. As chief engineer, he could tell the engines were still working. ā€œMy machinery was still intact and I was still making headway. I yelled through the voice tube ā€˜Give me all the steam pressure youā€™ve got, letā€™s get the hell out of this areaā€™".

Eventually his ship, The USS Liberty made its way to safer waters and managed to take stock of the sustained attack. Thirty-four were lying dead, more than 171 were injured.

The victims of the day Israel attacked America.

The Liberty had been sitting in international waters off the Sinai Peninsula. A spy ship, it had been gathering information as the 1967 Arab-Israeli Six-Day War raged on land.

'Mistaken identity'

During the course of the day, the ship had been buzzed by Israeli aircraft. But flying the American flag, there was no cause for panic, no need for alarm.

ā€œPeople were sunbathing, enjoying the June sunshine,ā€ said Brooks, who was more concerned with keeping the engines running. The demands of the job perhaps saved his life.

Israel insisted it was a case of mistaken identity. It alleged that pilots were exhausted having fought so hard over the previous days. The US naval vessel was thought to be an Egyptian warship.

And thatā€™s why it was attacked with rockets and cannons and missiles and torpedoes.

But Brooks doesnā€™t buy the Israeli apology. Standing next to the graves of his shipmates in Arlington National Cemetery he tells me ā€œIt wasnā€™t a tragic accident, It was a deliberate attack. They knew who we were. They tried to sink us. They wanted us out to either bring the Americans into the war by blaming the Arabs or we picked up some information about their war plansā€.

INVESTIGATION: The Day Israel Attacked America

Websites set up to discuss the Liberty back Brooksā€™ suggestion. Some claim the Israeli planes which attacked were unmarked, hoping theyā€™d be mistaken for Arab fighter jets. Others speculate that it was known the radio signals from the Liberty could be hacked by the Russians. And worried the US had picked up sensitive information about plans for the Golan Heights, which the Russians would pass to their allies, the Egyptians, the Israelis tried to sink the spy ship.

Every year on June 8, the survivors gather to mark the attack - to read the names of the dead and to share stories and memories.

The numbers are less every year. This year there were just seven survivors in attendance. But the passion to find out exactly what happened remains undiminished. As they stand between the white grave stones, a light summer breeze taking the edge off the afternoon heat, the memorial service also includes a call for justice and for truth.

'We had a ship to sail'

Ernie Gallo is the president of the USS Liberty Survivors Group.

When you apologise, you apologise with the truth. Not with a lie. So itā€™s not an apology.

Ernie Gallo, USS Liberty Survivors Group

He remembers the attack and how everything seemed surprisingly calm. ā€œWe had to do what we could for our dead and wounded. We had a ship to sail. We had to get to safetyā€

Heā€™s read the reports, the official inquiries and read the books about the incident. Heā€™s even written his own.

I ask if he accepts the Israeli apology, and the explanation it was all a mistake created in the fog of war: ā€œWhen you apologise, you apologise with the truth. Not with a lie. So itā€™s not an apology. Not as far as Iā€™m concerned and our government is just as bad off for going along with it," he answered.

To get a job on the Liberty, sailors were to have an outstanding service record and were chosen for their honesty and moral character. ā€œSomeone is lying here,ā€ says Gallo, ā€œand it isnā€™t usā€.

Even now he hopes there will be a full official inquiry into the events of June 8, 1967.

Robert Brooks and Ernie Gallo know itā€™s unlikely, but they still hope it might happen. They both say the families of the dead and the survivors deserve the truth, before they mark another anniversary.

Source: Al Jazeera Remembering USS Liberty When Israel attacked America - Al Jazeera English
That's only one side of the story.

Yes, it is the American side of the story. You support the Israeli side of the story.
No, I support both sides of the story. It was a tragic incident that is best forgotten.

Yeah right. You are so transparent. Of course you would like everyone to forget it, especially the men who were on the ship, who know full well it was not a "mistake" on the part of the Israelis.
Screw yez, Ace.
What is this... like... the 20th thread on the USS Liberty incident, in the past year?

And all of 'em started by Israel -haters... often Jew-haters as well...

And all of 'em mouthpieces and useful idiots for the Ummah... trying to drive a wedge between America and Israel.

Fortunately, they're as obvious as they are clumsy and they always provide excellent Drama Queen antics...

Every time the Liberty incident comes up, and this has been going on throughout the years that there must be over 10,000 plus posts about it by now, I just roll my eyes. You and I know that if another country other than Israel had been involved, the anti-Semites would never bring up the Liberty time and time again. My husband is retired Navy, and if you ask other retired people at get-togethers about the Liberty, they will tell you that it was a tragic incident, but the U.S. should have told Israel that an intelligence ship was operating in the area. In fact other than the anti-Semites who constantly bring up the Liberty all the time, there are other people interested in all the fighting going on in the Middle East by those they call "Ragheads" or "Camel Jockeys." Israel is the last thing on their mind. I am willing to bet that there are many retired military posting on these forums, and perhaps the anti-Semites should ask them what other retired military are talking about or even the military serving at present. Surely if the Liberty was being brought up all the time, they would hear about it on the different military installations.
What is this... like... the 20th thread on the USS Liberty incident, in the past year?

And all of 'em started by Israel -haters... often Jew-haters as well...

And all of 'em mouthpieces and useful idiots for the Ummah... trying to drive a wedge between America and Israel.

Fortunately, they're as obvious as they are clumsy and they always provide excellent Drama Queen antics...

You must think Americans need to apologize for never forgetting about the anniversary of the attack on the USS Liberty. If it's 20 threads or 200 threads about what the Israeli's intentionally did that day why is this so disturbing to you? Your Anti-American attitude is clearly showing.

The Israeli's got caught red handed attempting to frame Egypt by killing all those Americans. The Israeli's fired on the USS liberty for many hours trying to sink the ship in a botched false flag operation. The Israeli's knew full well that they were firing on a American ship.

Maybe you believe us American goy ought to be overwhelmed with unconditional love for killing all those American Sailors and ruining the families who loved them. The arrogance shown by the Israeli's when it comes to the death anyone other than a Jew should be abhorrent to any civilized human being.

Let someone from the west bank fire a rocket that's little more than a souped up fire-cracker and see the type of savage response that comes from the Zionist. Yet Americans are suppose to wait decades for the type of justice that the Israeli's so eagerly give to those ill equipped to defend themselves.

No one on earth hates more than the Israeli and the record speaks for itself so don't try to play the over-played ā€œblameless Jewā€ card. It takes a lot of hate to kill all those innocent Americans in an attempt to kill innocent Egyptians by tricking America into fighting wars that belong to the Israeli's.

For the moment it seems that your persistence has won due to the false-flag operation on 9-11 that has Americans spilling their blood fighting the Israeli's enemies in wars that belong to the Israeli's. America is being played by the Israeli's to such a shameful degree that this nation is now seen as being retarded.

The whole point being had justice been brought forth for the false-flag attack on the USS Liberty it's very possible that the attack on the Murrah federal building in Oklahoma, the attack on the twin towers and building 7, as well as all the wars against the enemies of the Zionist would not be taking place right now. That's just the tip of the iceberg, but everyone is suppose to be stupid enough to have such overwhelming love for the blameless Jew.
What is this... like... the 20th thread on the USS Liberty incident, in the past year?

And all of 'em started by Israel -haters... often Jew-haters as well...

And all of 'em mouthpieces and useful idiots for the Ummah... trying to drive a wedge between America and Israel.

Fortunately, they're as obvious as they are clumsy and they always provide excellent Drama Queen antics...

You must think Americans need to apologize for never forgetting about the anniversary of the attack on the USS Liberty...

I just think that Militant Muslim pissants who utilize the USS Liberty incident to attempt (and fail) to drive a wedge between the US and Israel, so as to try to make their own side stronger, is (a) despicable, (b) embarrassingly transparent and (c) damned funny.

I think the same thing about the occasional oddball Jew-hater and Muslim kiss-ass Useful Idiot who play along with these propaganda shills... despicable, embarrassingly transparent and damned funny.

...If it's 20 threads or 200 threads about what the Israeli's intentionally did that day why is this so disturbing to you? Your Anti-American attitude is clearly showing...
I don't find it disturbing. I find it boring. And revealing - when the lead article comes from al-Jazeera.

As to my so-called anti-American-ism... I have long-since established my American bona fides here... your opinion of me in that regard doesn't interest me in the slightest.

...The Israeli's got caught red handed attempting to frame Egypt by killing all those Americans. The Israeli's fired on the USS liberty for many hours trying to sink the ship in a botched false flag operation. The Israeli's knew full well that they were firing on a American ship.

Maybe you believe us American goy ought to be overwhelmed with unconditional love for killing all those American Sailors and ruining the families who loved them. The arrogance shown by the Israeli's when it comes to the death anyone other than a Jew should be abhorrent to any civilized human being...
Yep... the Israelis phukked-up on that one, didn't they? They admitted it. We admitted it. Both Israeli and American review panels cleared Israel at-large of intentional wrongdoing.

And, most revealingly, since those times, we have always had a close cooperation on matters of intelligence and operations, to ensure that it never happens again.

It was anger-worthy at the time... but we were not yet the close allies that we became during and after the 1967 war... and both countries have moved past that, since.

It is right to remember the loss and the sacrifice of those who died on the USS Liberty, 48 years ago.

It is not right to perennially use the USS Liberty incident as an ongoing tool for attempting (and failing) to drive a wedge between the United States and its good friend Israel.

Although it's highly amusing, to watch Jew-hating Drama Queens, wail and gnash their teeth and wring their hands, over something that so many of them don't care about in the slightest, and shamelessly attempt (and fail) to utilize time and again throughout each year (not just the incident's anniversary) - to stir up shit and to open-up old wounds.

...Let someone from the west bank fire a rocket that's little more than a souped up fire-cracker and see the type of savage response that comes from the Zionist. Yet Americans are suppose to wait decades for the type of justice that the Israeli's so eagerly give to those ill equipped to defend themselves...
"Zionist" ???

You are an anti-Israel shill.

You are dismissed.

...No one on earth hates more than the Israeli and the record speaks for itself so don't try to play the over-played ā€œblameless Jewā€ card. It takes a lot of hate to kill all those innocent Americans in an attempt to kill innocent Egyptians by tricking America into fighting wars that belong to the Israeli's...


" It's all a worldwide Jooooooo-ish Kornspiracy, I tellz ya !!! "

...For the moment it seems that your persistence has won due to the false-flag operation on 9-11 that has Americans spilling their blood fighting the Israeli's enemies in wars that belong to the Israeli's. America is being played by the Israeli's to such a shameful degree that this nation is now seen as being retarded...


"Ooooooohhh... look, kids... a 9-11 Troooofferr, as well... we got ourselves a Two-Fer today... how cool is that?"

...The whole point being had justice been brought forth for the false-flag attack on the USS Liberty it's very possible that the attack on the Murrah federal building in Oklahoma, the attack on the twin towers and building 7, as well as all the wars against the enemies of the Zionist would not be taking place right now. That's just the tip of the iceberg, but everyone is suppose to be stupid enough to have such overwhelming love for the blameless Jew.

I"m sorry... I just can't take you seriously... other folks can make-up their own minds.
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Alan Fisher

Richard Brooks still remembers when the alert came.

With klaxons sounding and people yelling, the tannoy system warned everyone "Standby to receive torpedo hit".

"I thought Iā€™ll never get out of this mess alive. Weird things were running through your minds, because Iā€™d chalked myself off."

He felt the torpedoes hit and the ship pitch to one side but realised he was still alive.

And then the priority became survival. As chief engineer, he could tell the engines were still working. ā€œMy machinery was still intact and I was still making headway. I yelled through the voice tube ā€˜Give me all the steam pressure youā€™ve got, letā€™s get the hell out of this areaā€™".

Eventually his ship, The USS Liberty made its way to safer waters and managed to take stock of the sustained attack. Thirty-four were lying dead, more than 171 were injured.

The victims of the day Israel attacked America.

The Liberty had been sitting in international waters off the Sinai Peninsula. A spy ship, it had been gathering information as the 1967 Arab-Israeli Six-Day War raged on land.

'Mistaken identity'

During the course of the day, the ship had been buzzed by Israeli aircraft. But flying the American flag, there was no cause for panic, no need for alarm.

ā€œPeople were sunbathing, enjoying the June sunshine,ā€ said Brooks, who was more concerned with keeping the engines running. The demands of the job perhaps saved his life.

Israel insisted it was a case of mistaken identity. It alleged that pilots were exhausted having fought so hard over the previous days. The US naval vessel was thought to be an Egyptian warship.

And thatā€™s why it was attacked with rockets and cannons and missiles and torpedoes.

But Brooks doesnā€™t buy the Israeli apology. Standing next to the graves of his shipmates in Arlington National Cemetery he tells me ā€œIt wasnā€™t a tragic accident, It was a deliberate attack. They knew who we were. They tried to sink us. They wanted us out to either bring the Americans into the war by blaming the Arabs or we picked up some information about their war plansā€.

INVESTIGATION: The Day Israel Attacked America

Websites set up to discuss the Liberty back Brooksā€™ suggestion. Some claim the Israeli planes which attacked were unmarked, hoping theyā€™d be mistaken for Arab fighter jets. Others speculate that it was known the radio signals from the Liberty could be hacked by the Russians. And worried the US had picked up sensitive information about plans for the Golan Heights, which the Russians would pass to their allies, the Egyptians, the Israelis tried to sink the spy ship.

Every year on June 8, the survivors gather to mark the attack - to read the names of the dead and to share stories and memories.

The numbers are less every year. This year there were just seven survivors in attendance. But the passion to find out exactly what happened remains undiminished. As they stand between the white grave stones, a light summer breeze taking the edge off the afternoon heat, the memorial service also includes a call for justice and for truth.

'We had a ship to sail'

Ernie Gallo is the president of the USS Liberty Survivors Group.

When you apologise, you apologise with the truth. Not with a lie. So itā€™s not an apology.

Ernie Gallo, USS Liberty Survivors Group

He remembers the attack and how everything seemed surprisingly calm. ā€œWe had to do what we could for our dead and wounded. We had a ship to sail. We had to get to safetyā€

Heā€™s read the reports, the official inquiries and read the books about the incident. Heā€™s even written his own.

I ask if he accepts the Israeli apology, and the explanation it was all a mistake created in the fog of war: ā€œWhen you apologise, you apologise with the truth. Not with a lie. So itā€™s not an apology. Not as far as Iā€™m concerned and our government is just as bad off for going along with it," he answered.

To get a job on the Liberty, sailors were to have an outstanding service record and were chosen for their honesty and moral character. ā€œSomeone is lying here,ā€ says Gallo, ā€œand it isnā€™t usā€.

Even now he hopes there will be a full official inquiry into the events of June 8, 1967.

Robert Brooks and Ernie Gallo know itā€™s unlikely, but they still hope it might happen. They both say the families of the dead and the survivors deserve the truth, before they mark another anniversary.

Source: Al Jazeera Remembering USS Liberty When Israel attacked America - Al Jazeera English
That's only one side of the story.

Yes, it is the American side of the story. You support the Israeli side of the story.
No, I support both sides of the story. It was a tragic incident that is best forgotten.

Really " It was a tragic incident that is best forgotten"
What happened to "Never Forget"? I guess to you, it depends on who is at fault.
Alan Fisher

Richard Brooks still remembers when the alert came.

With klaxons sounding and people yelling, the tannoy system warned everyone "Standby to receive torpedo hit".

"I thought Iā€™ll never get out of this mess alive. Weird things were running through your minds, because Iā€™d chalked myself off."

He felt the torpedoes hit and the ship pitch to one side but realised he was still alive.

And then the priority became survival. As chief engineer, he could tell the engines were still working. ā€œMy machinery was still intact and I was still making headway. I yelled through the voice tube ā€˜Give me all the steam pressure youā€™ve got, letā€™s get the hell out of this areaā€™".

Eventually his ship, The USS Liberty made its way to safer waters and managed to take stock of the sustained attack. Thirty-four were lying dead, more than 171 were injured.

The victims of the day Israel attacked America.

The Liberty had been sitting in international waters off the Sinai Peninsula. A spy ship, it had been gathering information as the 1967 Arab-Israeli Six-Day War raged on land.

'Mistaken identity'

During the course of the day, the ship had been buzzed by Israeli aircraft. But flying the American flag, there was no cause for panic, no need for alarm.

ā€œPeople were sunbathing, enjoying the June sunshine,ā€ said Brooks, who was more concerned with keeping the engines running. The demands of the job perhaps saved his life.

Israel insisted it was a case of mistaken identity. It alleged that pilots were exhausted having fought so hard over the previous days. The US naval vessel was thought to be an Egyptian warship.

And thatā€™s why it was attacked with rockets and cannons and missiles and torpedoes.

But Brooks doesnā€™t buy the Israeli apology. Standing next to the graves of his shipmates in Arlington National Cemetery he tells me ā€œIt wasnā€™t a tragic accident, It was a deliberate attack. They knew who we were. They tried to sink us. They wanted us out to either bring the Americans into the war by blaming the Arabs or we picked up some information about their war plansā€.

INVESTIGATION: The Day Israel Attacked America

Websites set up to discuss the Liberty back Brooksā€™ suggestion. Some claim the Israeli planes which attacked were unmarked, hoping theyā€™d be mistaken for Arab fighter jets. Others speculate that it was known the radio signals from the Liberty could be hacked by the Russians. And worried the US had picked up sensitive information about plans for the Golan Heights, which the Russians would pass to their allies, the Egyptians, the Israelis tried to sink the spy ship.

Every year on June 8, the survivors gather to mark the attack - to read the names of the dead and to share stories and memories.

The numbers are less every year. This year there were just seven survivors in attendance. But the passion to find out exactly what happened remains undiminished. As they stand between the white grave stones, a light summer breeze taking the edge off the afternoon heat, the memorial service also includes a call for justice and for truth.

'We had a ship to sail'

Ernie Gallo is the president of the USS Liberty Survivors Group.

When you apologise, you apologise with the truth. Not with a lie. So itā€™s not an apology.

Ernie Gallo, USS Liberty Survivors Group

He remembers the attack and how everything seemed surprisingly calm. ā€œWe had to do what we could for our dead and wounded. We had a ship to sail. We had to get to safetyā€

Heā€™s read the reports, the official inquiries and read the books about the incident. Heā€™s even written his own.

I ask if he accepts the Israeli apology, and the explanation it was all a mistake created in the fog of war: ā€œWhen you apologise, you apologise with the truth. Not with a lie. So itā€™s not an apology. Not as far as Iā€™m concerned and our government is just as bad off for going along with it," he answered.

To get a job on the Liberty, sailors were to have an outstanding service record and were chosen for their honesty and moral character. ā€œSomeone is lying here,ā€ says Gallo, ā€œand it isnā€™t usā€.

Even now he hopes there will be a full official inquiry into the events of June 8, 1967.

Robert Brooks and Ernie Gallo know itā€™s unlikely, but they still hope it might happen. They both say the families of the dead and the survivors deserve the truth, before they mark another anniversary.

Source: Al Jazeera Remembering USS Liberty When Israel attacked America - Al Jazeera English
That's only one side of the story.

Yes, it is the American side of the story. You support the Israeli side of the story.
No, I support both sides of the story. It was a tragic incident that is best forgotten.

Really " It was a tragic incident that is best forgotten"
What happened to "Never Forget"? I guess to you, it depends on who is at fault.
I seem to have forgotten that. Thanks for the reminder.
What is this... like... the 20th thread on the USS Liberty incident, in the past year?

And all of 'em started by Israel -haters... often Jew-haters as well...

And all of 'em mouthpieces and useful idiots for the Ummah... trying to drive a wedge between America and Israel.

Fortunately, they're as obvious as they are clumsy and they always provide excellent Drama Queen antics...

You must think Americans need to apologize for never forgetting about the anniversary of the attack on the USS Liberty. If it's 20 threads or 200 threads about what the Israeli's intentionally did that day why is this so disturbing to you? Your Anti-American attitude is clearly showing.

The Israeli's got caught red handed attempting to frame Egypt by killing all those Americans. The Israeli's fired on the USS liberty for many hours trying to sink the ship in a botched false flag operation. The Israeli's knew full well that they were firing on a American ship.

Maybe you believe us American goy ought to be overwhelmed with unconditional love for killing all those American Sailors and ruining the families who loved them. The arrogance shown by the Israeli's when it comes to the death anyone other than a Jew should be abhorrent to any civilized human being.

Let someone from the west bank fire a rocket that's little more than a souped up fire-cracker and see the type of savage response that comes from the Zionist. Yet Americans are suppose to wait decades for the type of justice that the Israeli's so eagerly give to those ill equipped to defend themselves.

No one on earth hates more than the Israeli and the record speaks for itself so don't try to play the over-played ā€œblameless Jewā€ card. It takes a lot of hate to kill all those innocent Americans in an attempt to kill innocent Egyptians by tricking America into fighting wars that belong to the Israeli's.

For the moment it seems that your persistence has won due to the false-flag operation on 9-11 that has Americans spilling their blood fighting the Israeli's enemies in wars that belong to the Israeli's. America is being played by the Israeli's to such a shameful degree that this nation is now seen as being retarded.

The whole point being had justice been brought forth for the false-flag attack on the USS Liberty it's very possible that the attack on the Murrah federal building in Oklahoma, the attack on the twin towers and building 7, as well as all the wars against the enemies of the Zionist would not be taking place right now. That's just the tip of the iceberg, but everyone is suppose to be stupid enough to have such overwhelming love for the blameless Jew.

But you omit the many mistakes by the navy and even the crew of the USS Liberty that contributed to the tragic incident.
Israel was at war and had just been attacked. US Navy denied they had any ships in the area, twice
What is this... like... the 20th thread on the USS Liberty incident, in the past year?

And all of 'em started by Israel -haters... often Jew-haters as well...

And all of 'em mouthpieces and useful idiots for the Ummah... trying to drive a wedge between America and Israel.

Fortunately, they're as obvious as they are clumsy and they always provide excellent Drama Queen antics...

You must think Americans need to apologize for never forgetting about the anniversary of the attack on the USS Liberty. If it's 20 threads or 200 threads about what the Israeli's intentionally did that day why is this so disturbing to you? Your Anti-American attitude is clearly showing.

The Israeli's got caught red handed attempting to frame Egypt by killing all those Americans. The Israeli's fired on the USS liberty for many hours trying to sink the ship in a botched false flag operation. The Israeli's knew full well that they were firing on a American ship.

Maybe you believe us American goy ought to be overwhelmed with unconditional love for killing all those American Sailors and ruining the families who loved them. The arrogance shown by the Israeli's when it comes to the death anyone other than a Jew should be abhorrent to any civilized human being.

Let someone from the west bank fire a rocket that's little more than a souped up fire-cracker and see the type of savage response that comes from the Zionist. Yet Americans are suppose to wait decades for the type of justice that the Israeli's so eagerly give to those ill equipped to defend themselves.

No one on earth hates more than the Israeli and the record speaks for itself so don't try to play the over-played ā€œblameless Jewā€ card. It takes a lot of hate to kill all those innocent Americans in an attempt to kill innocent Egyptians by tricking America into fighting wars that belong to the Israeli's.

For the moment it seems that your persistence has won due to the false-flag operation on 9-11 that has Americans spilling their blood fighting the Israeli's enemies in wars that belong to the Israeli's. America is being played by the Israeli's to such a shameful degree that this nation is now seen as being retarded.

The whole point being had justice been brought forth for the false-flag attack on the USS Liberty it's very possible that the attack on the Murrah federal building in Oklahoma, the attack on the twin towers and building 7, as well as all the wars against the enemies of the Zionist would not be taking place right now. That's just the tip of the iceberg, but everyone is suppose to be stupid enough to have such overwhelming love for the blameless Jew.

But you omit the many mistakes by the navy and even the crew of the USS Liberty that contributed to the tragic incident.
Israel was at war and had just been attacked. US Navy denied they had any ships in the area, twice

Really, where does that information come from. You are making things up, as usual. The facts are different:

From the Moorer Commission Report:

ā€œThat there is compelling evidence that Israelā€™s attack was a deliberate attempt to destroy an American ship and kill her entire crew.

ā€œThat fearing conflict with Israel, the White House deliberately prevented the US Navy from coming to the defense of USS Liberty by recalling Sixth Fleet military rescue support while the ship was under attack.

ā€œThat surviving crew members were threatened with ā€œcourt-martial, imprisonment or worseā€™ if they exposed the truth; and [the survivors] were abandoned by their own government.

ā€œThat there has been an official cover-up without precedent in American naval history.

ā€œThat a danger to our national security exists whenever our elected officials are willing to subordinate American interests to those of any foreign nation.ā€
There can be no denying it was deliberate attack on an American vessel and what is worse is that the US Government recalled the fighters sent to protect the Liberty.
These sailors were all intense purposes were left for dead by the LBJ administration.

There can be no denying it was deliberate attack on an American vessel and what is worse is that the US Government recalled the fighters sent to protect the Liberty.
These sailors were all intense purposes were left for dead by the LBJ administration.

The ship was not supposed to be in the war zone. They were supposed to have received orders putting it closer to the libyan border but for some reason the orders were sent via the Philippines to the Med so the orders were delayed.
Israel twice asked for conformation that the US had no ships in the area.
There was a laundry list of mistakes, even disobeying Captain McGonagle's orders not to fire in the Israelis.
All of this was recoded in the initial interviews on board the Liberty right after the incident. There were several inquiries into the events and it always came down to error and mistaken identity, not a deliberate act against the US.
US asked Israel to pay restitution, which they did.

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