Remembering USS Liberty: When Israel attacked America

Alan Fisher

Richard Brooks still remembers when the alert came.

With klaxons sounding and people yelling, the tannoy system warned everyone "Standby to receive torpedo hit".

"I thought Iā€™ll never get out of this mess alive. Weird things were running through your minds, because Iā€™d chalked myself off."

He felt the torpedoes hit and the ship pitch to one side but realised he was still alive.

And then the priority became survival. As chief engineer, he could tell the engines were still working. ā€œMy machinery was still intact and I was still making headway. I yelled through the voice tube ā€˜Give me all the steam pressure youā€™ve got, letā€™s get the hell out of this areaā€™".

Eventually his ship, The USS Liberty made its way to safer waters and managed to take stock of the sustained attack. Thirty-four were lying dead, more than 171 were injured.

The victims of the day Israel attacked America.

The Liberty had been sitting in international waters off the Sinai Peninsula. A spy ship, it had been gathering information as the 1967 Arab-Israeli Six-Day War raged on land.

'Mistaken identity'

During the course of the day, the ship had been buzzed by Israeli aircraft. But flying the American flag, there was no cause for panic, no need for alarm.

ā€œPeople were sunbathing, enjoying the June sunshine,ā€ said Brooks, who was more concerned with keeping the engines running. The demands of the job perhaps saved his life.

Israel insisted it was a case of mistaken identity. It alleged that pilots were exhausted having fought so hard over the previous days. The US naval vessel was thought to be an Egyptian warship.

And thatā€™s why it was attacked with rockets and cannons and missiles and torpedoes.

But Brooks doesnā€™t buy the Israeli apology. Standing next to the graves of his shipmates in Arlington National Cemetery he tells me ā€œIt wasnā€™t a tragic accident, It was a deliberate attack. They knew who we were. They tried to sink us. They wanted us out to either bring the Americans into the war by blaming the Arabs or we picked up some information about their war plansā€.

INVESTIGATION: The Day Israel Attacked America

Websites set up to discuss the Liberty back Brooksā€™ suggestion. Some claim the Israeli planes which attacked were unmarked, hoping theyā€™d be mistaken for Arab fighter jets. Others speculate that it was known the radio signals from the Liberty could be hacked by the Russians. And worried the US had picked up sensitive information about plans for the Golan Heights, which the Russians would pass to their allies, the Egyptians, the Israelis tried to sink the spy ship.

Every year on June 8, the survivors gather to mark the attack - to read the names of the dead and to share stories and memories.

The numbers are less every year. This year there were just seven survivors in attendance. But the passion to find out exactly what happened remains undiminished. As they stand between the white grave stones, a light summer breeze taking the edge off the afternoon heat, the memorial service also includes a call for justice and for truth.

'We had a ship to sail'

Ernie Gallo is the president of the USS Liberty Survivors Group.

When you apologise, you apologise with the truth. Not with a lie. So itā€™s not an apology.

Ernie Gallo, USS Liberty Survivors Group

He remembers the attack and how everything seemed surprisingly calm. ā€œWe had to do what we could for our dead and wounded. We had a ship to sail. We had to get to safetyā€

Heā€™s read the reports, the official inquiries and read the books about the incident. Heā€™s even written his own.

I ask if he accepts the Israeli apology, and the explanation it was all a mistake created in the fog of war: ā€œWhen you apologise, you apologise with the truth. Not with a lie. So itā€™s not an apology. Not as far as Iā€™m concerned and our government is just as bad off for going along with it," he answered.

To get a job on the Liberty, sailors were to have an outstanding service record and were chosen for their honesty and moral character. ā€œSomeone is lying here,ā€ says Gallo, ā€œand it isnā€™t usā€.

Even now he hopes there will be a full official inquiry into the events of June 8, 1967.

Robert Brooks and Ernie Gallo know itā€™s unlikely, but they still hope it might happen. They both say the families of the dead and the survivors deserve the truth, before they mark another anniversary.

Source: Al Jazeera Remembering USS Liberty When Israel attacked America - Al Jazeera English
That's only one side of the story.

Yes, it is the American side of the story. You support the Israeli side of the story.
No, I support both sides of the story. It was a tragic incident that is best forgotten.

Yeah right. You are so transparent. Of course you would like everyone to forget it, especially the men who were on the ship, who know full well it was not a "mistake" on the part of the Israelis.

Yeah monte-----you are so disgustingly transparent -----and utterly islamo Nazi shit. There is no way----shit mouth cow---that the men on the Liberty could possibly KNOW that the
bombing of the USS Liberty was not a mistake------you want to claim our boys on the ships are PSYCHIC? In fact there was NO COMMUNICATION between the USS LIBERTY and Israel-------which is really the big time glitch that led to
the tragedy. Israel HAILED the ship---but the ship either did not receive the HAIL---or decided not to answer. ------
----one of many maritime accidents in the history of maritime
activities. There have been hundreds---if not thousands---since. On analysis-----virtually all preventable. I have analyzed HUNDREDS of cases of personal injury cases ----
in all of them the INJURED, no matter what the cause, are
AGGRIEVED and find someone to BLAME. The real issue regarding the USS LIBERTY for islamo Nazi pigs is DA JOOOOOOS DONE IT. I was impressed with the "we had nothing about which to worry" statement------pretty stupid----the ship was IN AN ARENA OF WAR-------
Alan Fisher

Richard Brooks still remembers when the alert came.

With klaxons sounding and people yelling, the tannoy system warned everyone "Standby to receive torpedo hit".

"I thought Iā€™ll never get out of this mess alive. Weird things were running through your minds, because Iā€™d chalked myself off."

He felt the torpedoes hit and the ship pitch to one side but realised he was still alive.

And then the priority became survival. As chief engineer, he could tell the engines were still working. ā€œMy machinery was still intact and I was still making headway. I yelled through the voice tube ā€˜Give me all the steam pressure youā€™ve got, letā€™s get the hell out of this areaā€™".

Eventually his ship, The USS Liberty made its way to safer waters and managed to take stock of the sustained attack. Thirty-four were lying dead, more than 171 were injured.

The victims of the day Israel attacked America.

The Liberty had been sitting in international waters off the Sinai Peninsula. A spy ship, it had been gathering information as the 1967 Arab-Israeli Six-Day War raged on land.

'Mistaken identity'

During the course of the day, the ship had been buzzed by Israeli aircraft. But flying the American flag, there was no cause for panic, no need for alarm.

ā€œPeople were sunbathing, enjoying the June sunshine,ā€ said Brooks, who was more concerned with keeping the engines running. The demands of the job perhaps saved his life.

Israel insisted it was a case of mistaken identity. It alleged that pilots were exhausted having fought so hard over the previous days. The US naval vessel was thought to be an Egyptian warship.

And thatā€™s why it was attacked with rockets and cannons and missiles and torpedoes.

But Brooks doesnā€™t buy the Israeli apology. Standing next to the graves of his shipmates in Arlington National Cemetery he tells me ā€œIt wasnā€™t a tragic accident, It was a deliberate attack. They knew who we were. They tried to sink us. They wanted us out to either bring the Americans into the war by blaming the Arabs or we picked up some information about their war plansā€.

INVESTIGATION: The Day Israel Attacked America

Websites set up to discuss the Liberty back Brooksā€™ suggestion. Some claim the Israeli planes which attacked were unmarked, hoping theyā€™d be mistaken for Arab fighter jets. Others speculate that it was known the radio signals from the Liberty could be hacked by the Russians. And worried the US had picked up sensitive information about plans for the Golan Heights, which the Russians would pass to their allies, the Egyptians, the Israelis tried to sink the spy ship.

Every year on June 8, the survivors gather to mark the attack - to read the names of the dead and to share stories and memories.

The numbers are less every year. This year there were just seven survivors in attendance. But the passion to find out exactly what happened remains undiminished. As they stand between the white grave stones, a light summer breeze taking the edge off the afternoon heat, the memorial service also includes a call for justice and for truth.

'We had a ship to sail'

Ernie Gallo is the president of the USS Liberty Survivors Group.

When you apologise, you apologise with the truth. Not with a lie. So itā€™s not an apology.

Ernie Gallo, USS Liberty Survivors Group

He remembers the attack and how everything seemed surprisingly calm. ā€œWe had to do what we could for our dead and wounded. We had a ship to sail. We had to get to safetyā€

Heā€™s read the reports, the official inquiries and read the books about the incident. Heā€™s even written his own.

I ask if he accepts the Israeli apology, and the explanation it was all a mistake created in the fog of war: ā€œWhen you apologise, you apologise with the truth. Not with a lie. So itā€™s not an apology. Not as far as Iā€™m concerned and our government is just as bad off for going along with it," he answered.

To get a job on the Liberty, sailors were to have an outstanding service record and were chosen for their honesty and moral character. ā€œSomeone is lying here,ā€ says Gallo, ā€œand it isnā€™t usā€.

Even now he hopes there will be a full official inquiry into the events of June 8, 1967.

Robert Brooks and Ernie Gallo know itā€™s unlikely, but they still hope it might happen. They both say the families of the dead and the survivors deserve the truth, before they mark another anniversary.

Source: Al Jazeera Remembering USS Liberty When Israel attacked America - Al Jazeera English
That's only one side of the story.

Yes, it is the American side of the story. You support the Israeli side of the story.
No, I support both sides of the story. It was a tragic incident that is best forgotten.
"best forgotten? Why?

No----you do not present the AMERICAN SIDE of the
story----you present the side of the injured parties.
In cases of personal injury----whether in the military or
in civilian life-----the INJURED PARTIES never describe
the incident as "accident" or "unintentional". No need
to forget it----it would be nice if islamo Nazis would stop
exploiting a tragic episode. Lots and Lots of Navy kids
have died since-----in incidents unrelated to war---some
on ships. It is clear that whatever was NOT done to
ensure the safety of a US ship floating around in an arena
of war------should be done in the future
link israeli firster?
What is this... like... the 20th thread on the USS Liberty incident, in the past year?

And all of 'em started by Israel -haters... often Jew-haters as well...

And all of 'em mouthpieces and useful idiots for the Ummah... trying to drive a wedge between America and Israel.

Fortunately, they're as obvious as they are clumsy and they always provide excellent Drama Queen antics...

You must think Americans need to apologize for never forgetting about the anniversary of the attack on the USS Liberty. If it's 20 threads or 200 threads about what the Israeli's intentionally did that day why is this so disturbing to you? Your Anti-American attitude is clearly showing.

The Israeli's got caught red handed attempting to frame Egypt by killing all those Americans. The Israeli's fired on the USS liberty for many hours trying to sink the ship in a botched false flag operation. The Israeli's knew full well that they were firing on a American ship.

Maybe you believe us American goy ought to be overwhelmed with unconditional love for killing all those American Sailors and ruining the families who loved them. The arrogance shown by the Israeli's when it comes to the death anyone other than a Jew should be abhorrent to any civilized human being.

Let someone from the west bank fire a rocket that's little more than a souped up fire-cracker and see the type of savage response that comes from the Zionist. Yet Americans are suppose to wait decades for the type of justice that the Israeli's so eagerly give to those ill equipped to defend themselves.

No one on earth hates more than the Israeli and the record speaks for itself so don't try to play the over-played ā€œblameless Jewā€ card. It takes a lot of hate to kill all those innocent Americans in an attempt to kill innocent Egyptians by tricking America into fighting wars that belong to the Israeli's.

For the moment it seems that your persistence has won due to the false-flag operation on 9-11 that has Americans spilling their blood fighting the Israeli's enemies in wars that belong to the Israeli's. America is being played by the Israeli's to such a shameful degree that this nation is now seen as being retarded.

The whole point being had justice been brought forth for the false-flag attack on the USS Liberty it's very possible that the attack on the Murrah federal building in Oklahoma, the attack on the twin towers and building 7, as well as all the wars against the enemies of the Zionist would not be taking place right now. That's just the tip of the iceberg, but everyone is suppose to be stupid enough to have such overwhelming love for the blameless Jew.

But you omit the many mistakes by the navy and even the crew of the USS Liberty that contributed to the tragic incident.
Israel was at war and had just been attacked. US Navy denied they had any ships in the area, twice

After seeing posts about the Liberty over 10,000 or more times, it is time to hang up this subject, especially since so much is going on in the Middle East at this time. American military men are not thinking about the Liberty but about what the Jihadis are doing to innocent people these days. It seems that Al Jazeera (Isn't that owned by the Qatar government?) wants to drive a wedge between the U.S. and Israel, and all the anti-Semites pick up that article. Maybe Al Jazeera figures this will take some of the heat off the fact that all those laborers are working under slave-like conditions in Qatar, workers that the anti-Semites care nothing about because they can't use it in their propaganda stints against Israel. The anti-Semites should visit some Naval installations and ask the sailors if they are thinking about the Liberty or are they thinking about how busy extremists are busy murdering all the time. I am willing to bet that if instead of the Israelis mistaking the Intelligence Ship, the South Koreans mistook an American Intelligent Ship and bombed it, we would not be seeing ten thousand plus posts about this incident. However, since it was the Israelis, a million posts about this wouldn't be enough for the anti-Semites.

Say, I wonder if one of the anti-Semites here can contact Al Jazzera and have them run a piece about the bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon in which so many American and French servicemen were killed. Maybe we can get 10,000 plus posts on this incident.

I'm sorry. are you giving orders here? AND why does your copious sourcing "dry up" when it comes to this particular heinous act?,

Sally's post is long----I searched all thru it and failed to find
an "ORDER" you want links? try google
you got a big mouth on you for a female. You a tipsycatlover sock?

As to the OP, yeah. We need to get closure on that heinous incident perp[etrated by our *cough* "ally"
What is this... like... the 20th thread on the USS Liberty incident, in the past year?

And all of 'em started by Israel -haters... often Jew-haters as well...

And all of 'em mouthpieces and useful idiots for the Ummah... trying to drive a wedge between America and Israel.

Fortunately, they're as obvious as they are clumsy and they always provide excellent Drama Queen antics...

You must think Americans need to apologize for never forgetting about the anniversary of the attack on the USS Liberty. If it's 20 threads or 200 threads about what the Israeli's intentionally did that day why is this so disturbing to you? Your Anti-American attitude is clearly showing.

The Israeli's got caught red handed attempting to frame Egypt by killing all those Americans. The Israeli's fired on the USS liberty for many hours trying to sink the ship in a botched false flag operation. The Israeli's knew full well that they were firing on a American ship.

Maybe you believe us American goy ought to be overwhelmed with unconditional love for killing all those American Sailors and ruining the families who loved them. The arrogance shown by the Israeli's when it comes to the death anyone other than a Jew should be abhorrent to any civilized human being.

Let someone from the west bank fire a rocket that's little more than a souped up fire-cracker and see the type of savage response that comes from the Zionist. Yet Americans are suppose to wait decades for the type of justice that the Israeli's so eagerly give to those ill equipped to defend themselves.

No one on earth hates more than the Israeli and the record speaks for itself so don't try to play the over-played ā€œblameless Jewā€ card. It takes a lot of hate to kill all those innocent Americans in an attempt to kill innocent Egyptians by tricking America into fighting wars that belong to the Israeli's.

For the moment it seems that your persistence has won due to the false-flag operation on 9-11 that has Americans spilling their blood fighting the Israeli's enemies in wars that belong to the Israeli's. America is being played by the Israeli's to such a shameful degree that this nation is now seen as being retarded.

The whole point being had justice been brought forth for the false-flag attack on the USS Liberty it's very possible that the attack on the Murrah federal building in Oklahoma, the attack on the twin towers and building 7, as well as all the wars against the enemies of the Zionist would not be taking place right now. That's just the tip of the iceberg, but everyone is suppose to be stupid enough to have such overwhelming love for the blameless Jew.

But you omit the many mistakes by the navy and even the crew of the USS Liberty that contributed to the tragic incident.
Israel was at war and had just been attacked. US Navy denied they had any ships in the area, twice

After seeing posts about the Liberty over 10,000 or more times, it is time to hang up this subject, especially since so much is going on in the Middle East at this time. American military men are not thinking about the Liberty but about what the Jihadis are doing to innocent people these days. It seems that Al Jazeera (Isn't that owned by the Qatar government?) wants to drive a wedge between the U.S. and Israel, and all the anti-Semites pick up that article. Maybe Al Jazeera figures this will take some of the heat off the fact that all those laborers are working under slave-like conditions in Qatar, workers that the anti-Semites care nothing about because they can't use it in their propaganda stints against Israel. The anti-Semites should visit some Naval installations and ask the sailors if they are thinking about the Liberty or are they thinking about how busy extremists are busy murdering all the time. I am willing to bet that if instead of the Israelis mistaking the Intelligence Ship, the South Koreans mistook an American Intelligent Ship and bombed it, we would not be seeing ten thousand plus posts about this incident. However, since it was the Israelis, a million posts about this wouldn't be enough for the anti-Semites.

Say, I wonder if one of the anti-Semites here can contact Al Jazzera and have them run a piece about the bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon in which so many American and French servicemen were killed. Maybe we can get 10,000 plus posts on this incident.

I'm sorry. are you giving orders here? AND why does your copious sourcing "dry up" when it comes to this particular heinous act?,

Sally's post is long----I searched all thru it and failed to find
an "ORDER" you want links? try google
NEWSFLASH msg board n00b- no sourcing = debate FAIL

You're welcome.
You must think Americans need to apologize for never forgetting about the anniversary of the attack on the USS Liberty. If it's 20 threads or 200 threads about what the Israeli's intentionally did that day why is this so disturbing to you? Your Anti-American attitude is clearly showing.

The Israeli's got caught red handed attempting to frame Egypt by killing all those Americans. The Israeli's fired on the USS liberty for many hours trying to sink the ship in a botched false flag operation. The Israeli's knew full well that they were firing on a American ship.

Maybe you believe us American goy ought to be overwhelmed with unconditional love for killing all those American Sailors and ruining the families who loved them. The arrogance shown by the Israeli's when it comes to the death anyone other than a Jew should be abhorrent to any civilized human being.

Let someone from the west bank fire a rocket that's little more than a souped up fire-cracker and see the type of savage response that comes from the Zionist. Yet Americans are suppose to wait decades for the type of justice that the Israeli's so eagerly give to those ill equipped to defend themselves.

No one on earth hates more than the Israeli and the record speaks for itself so don't try to play the over-played ā€œblameless Jewā€ card. It takes a lot of hate to kill all those innocent Americans in an attempt to kill innocent Egyptians by tricking America into fighting wars that belong to the Israeli's.

For the moment it seems that your persistence has won due to the false-flag operation on 9-11 that has Americans spilling their blood fighting the Israeli's enemies in wars that belong to the Israeli's. America is being played by the Israeli's to such a shameful degree that this nation is now seen as being retarded.

The whole point being had justice been brought forth for the false-flag attack on the USS Liberty it's very possible that the attack on the Murrah federal building in Oklahoma, the attack on the twin towers and building 7, as well as all the wars against the enemies of the Zionist would not be taking place right now. That's just the tip of the iceberg, but everyone is suppose to be stupid enough to have such overwhelming love for the blameless Jew.

But you omit the many mistakes by the navy and even the crew of the USS Liberty that contributed to the tragic incident.
Israel was at war and had just been attacked. US Navy denied they had any ships in the area, twice

After seeing posts about the Liberty over 10,000 or more times, it is time to hang up this subject, especially since so much is going on in the Middle East at this time. American military men are not thinking about the Liberty but about what the Jihadis are doing to innocent people these days. It seems that Al Jazeera (Isn't that owned by the Qatar government?) wants to drive a wedge between the U.S. and Israel, and all the anti-Semites pick up that article. Maybe Al Jazeera figures this will take some of the heat off the fact that all those laborers are working under slave-like conditions in Qatar, workers that the anti-Semites care nothing about because they can't use it in their propaganda stints against Israel. The anti-Semites should visit some Naval installations and ask the sailors if they are thinking about the Liberty or are they thinking about how busy extremists are busy murdering all the time. I am willing to bet that if instead of the Israelis mistaking the Intelligence Ship, the South Koreans mistook an American Intelligent Ship and bombed it, we would not be seeing ten thousand plus posts about this incident. However, since it was the Israelis, a million posts about this wouldn't be enough for the anti-Semites.

Say, I wonder if one of the anti-Semites here can contact Al Jazzera and have them run a piece about the bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon in which so many American and French servicemen were killed. Maybe we can get 10,000 plus posts on this incident.

I'm sorry. are you giving orders here? AND why does your copious sourcing "dry up" when it comes to this particular heinous act?,

Sally's post is long----I searched all thru it and failed to find
an "ORDER" you want links? try google
NEWSFLASH msg board n00b- no sourcing = debate FAIL

You're welcome.

what did you want "sourced"???
What is this... like... the 20th thread on the USS Liberty incident, in the past year?

And all of 'em started by Israel -haters... often Jew-haters as well...

And all of 'em mouthpieces and useful idiots for the Ummah... trying to drive a wedge between America and Israel.

Fortunately, they're as obvious as they are clumsy and they always provide excellent Drama Queen antics...

You must think Americans need to apologize for never forgetting about the anniversary of the attack on the USS Liberty. If it's 20 threads or 200 threads about what the Israeli's intentionally did that day why is this so disturbing to you? Your Anti-American attitude is clearly showing.

The Israeli's got caught red handed attempting to frame Egypt by killing all those Americans. The Israeli's fired on the USS liberty for many hours trying to sink the ship in a botched false flag operation. The Israeli's knew full well that they were firing on a American ship.

Maybe you believe us American goy ought to be overwhelmed with unconditional love for killing all those American Sailors and ruining the families who loved them. The arrogance shown by the Israeli's when it comes to the death anyone other than a Jew should be abhorrent to any civilized human being.

Let someone from the west bank fire a rocket that's little more than a souped up fire-cracker and see the type of savage response that comes from the Zionist. Yet Americans are suppose to wait decades for the type of justice that the Israeli's so eagerly give to those ill equipped to defend themselves.

No one on earth hates more than the Israeli and the record speaks for itself so don't try to play the over-played ā€œblameless Jewā€ card. It takes a lot of hate to kill all those innocent Americans in an attempt to kill innocent Egyptians by tricking America into fighting wars that belong to the Israeli's.

For the moment it seems that your persistence has won due to the false-flag operation on 9-11 that has Americans spilling their blood fighting the Israeli's enemies in wars that belong to the Israeli's. America is being played by the Israeli's to such a shameful degree that this nation is now seen as being retarded.

The whole point being had justice been brought forth for the false-flag attack on the USS Liberty it's very possible that the attack on the Murrah federal building in Oklahoma, the attack on the twin towers and building 7, as well as all the wars against the enemies of the Zionist would not be taking place right now. That's just the tip of the iceberg, but everyone is suppose to be stupid enough to have such overwhelming love for the blameless Jew.

But you omit the many mistakes by the navy and even the crew of the USS Liberty that contributed to the tragic incident.
Israel was at war and had just been attacked. US Navy denied they had any ships in the area, twice

After seeing posts about the Liberty over 10,000 or more times, it is time to hang up this subject, especially since so much is going on in the Middle East at this time. American military men are not thinking about the Liberty but about what the Jihadis are doing to innocent people these days. It seems that Al Jazeera (Isn't that owned by the Qatar government?) wants to drive a wedge between the U.S. and Israel, and all the anti-Semites pick up that article. Maybe Al Jazeera figures this will take some of the heat off the fact that all those laborers are working under slave-like conditions in Qatar, workers that the anti-Semites care nothing about because they can't use it in their propaganda stints against Israel. The anti-Semites should visit some Naval installations and ask the sailors if they are thinking about the Liberty or are they thinking about how busy extremists are busy murdering all the time. I am willing to bet that if instead of the Israelis mistaking the Intelligence Ship, the South Koreans mistook an American Intelligent Ship and bombed it, we would not be seeing ten thousand plus posts about this incident. However, since it was the Israelis, a million posts about this wouldn't be enough for the anti-Semites.

Say, I wonder if one of the anti-Semites here can contact Al Jazzera and have them run a piece about the bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon in which so many American and French servicemen were killed. Maybe we can get 10,000 plus posts on this incident.
I'm sorry. are you giving orders here? AND why does your copious sourcing "dry up" when it comes to this particular heinous act?,

Where are the non ending memorials and posts about the US embassies? Anbar? Stark? Cole?
Beirut marines come up once a year, but it is only to remember those that died, not about reopening what happened or verbally lashing those involved.

The problem is not about remembering the victims if the USS Liberty but the way most people go about it. Unwilling to be satisfied with reports and inciting hate against Israel. Israel took responsibility and paid reimbursements.

Please stop with the conspiracy theories, they don't help the victims nor any constructive discussions about the middle east and ending the violence.

Anti-semites abuse the memory of the USS Liberty to incite. Most other people remember the victim that caught up in the wrong place at the wrong time during a war between countries in the middle east.

Israel was being attacked on all sides and outnumbered at least 5/1 by countries and people trying to wipe Israel and all jews off the face of the map. 10 miles puts the USS Liberty within Israel territorial water, so they had reason to view it as a potential threat, especially after the Navy assured them there was no US ship in those waters.

If the Liberty has 22 miles out or had gotten the wire telling them to move near the Libyan border, the USS Liberty would have been safe.

Both sides made mistakes in this unfortunate tragedy.

Remembering the USS Liberty should perhaps bring up the need for better communications between allies, both in war and peace, to avoid accidents. We may never be able to fully prevent them but we can go farther to minimize them. Remember the war that the USS Liberty got caught in and help prevent another such war and work to end the violence there with balance and reason. Remember all the people who also lost their lives during that time. Remember all the people over the years and still losing their lives try to annihilate Israel. Remember all those loosing their lives by radical claiming they have a right to massacre all those who are not just of their faith but of their specific secular cult.

People are still dying for the same reason as the victims of the USS Liberty. Even the Iranian nuclear negotiation will effect the survival of nations and millions in the area. Remember the victims, but do something to help bring a mutual and lasting peace to the area in their name. Give them a positive legacy so their deaths are not in vain. Remember them not in anger, but in peace.
It's quite telling when the Israel 1st'ers accuse people who question the official story of the attack on the USS Liberty as being anti-semitic.

Over half of the American people do not believe the official Warren Commission's finding on the Pres. Kennedy assassination. Does that make these people anti-catholic?
It's quite telling when the Israel 1st'ers accuse people who question the official story of the attack on the USS Liberty as being anti-semitic.

Over half of the American people do not believe the official Warren Commission's finding on the Pres. Kennedy assassination. Does that make these people anti-catholic?

it makes them what they are------dim witted persons of peasant mentality. Unfortunately a huge percentage of americans are primitive thinkers. Such a situation is not
unique------even larger proportions of third world countrie's populations harbor primitive thinkers which is why the AYATOILETS got elected to office in Iran
You must think Americans need to apologize for never forgetting about the anniversary of the attack on the USS Liberty. If it's 20 threads or 200 threads about what the Israeli's intentionally did that day why is this so disturbing to you? Your Anti-American attitude is clearly showing.

The Israeli's got caught red handed attempting to frame Egypt by killing all those Americans. The Israeli's fired on the USS liberty for many hours trying to sink the ship in a botched false flag operation. The Israeli's knew full well that they were firing on a American ship.

Maybe you believe us American goy ought to be overwhelmed with unconditional love for killing all those American Sailors and ruining the families who loved them. The arrogance shown by the Israeli's when it comes to the death anyone other than a Jew should be abhorrent to any civilized human being.

Let someone from the west bank fire a rocket that's little more than a souped up fire-cracker and see the type of savage response that comes from the Zionist. Yet Americans are suppose to wait decades for the type of justice that the Israeli's so eagerly give to those ill equipped to defend themselves.

No one on earth hates more than the Israeli and the record speaks for itself so don't try to play the over-played ā€œblameless Jewā€ card. It takes a lot of hate to kill all those innocent Americans in an attempt to kill innocent Egyptians by tricking America into fighting wars that belong to the Israeli's.

For the moment it seems that your persistence has won due to the false-flag operation on 9-11 that has Americans spilling their blood fighting the Israeli's enemies in wars that belong to the Israeli's. America is being played by the Israeli's to such a shameful degree that this nation is now seen as being retarded.

The whole point being had justice been brought forth for the false-flag attack on the USS Liberty it's very possible that the attack on the Murrah federal building in Oklahoma, the attack on the twin towers and building 7, as well as all the wars against the enemies of the Zionist would not be taking place right now. That's just the tip of the iceberg, but everyone is suppose to be stupid enough to have such overwhelming love for the blameless Jew.

But you omit the many mistakes by the navy and even the crew of the USS Liberty that contributed to the tragic incident.
Israel was at war and had just been attacked. US Navy denied they had any ships in the area, twice

After seeing posts about the Liberty over 10,000 or more times, it is time to hang up this subject, especially since so much is going on in the Middle East at this time. American military men are not thinking about the Liberty but about what the Jihadis are doing to innocent people these days. It seems that Al Jazeera (Isn't that owned by the Qatar government?) wants to drive a wedge between the U.S. and Israel, and all the anti-Semites pick up that article. Maybe Al Jazeera figures this will take some of the heat off the fact that all those laborers are working under slave-like conditions in Qatar, workers that the anti-Semites care nothing about because they can't use it in their propaganda stints against Israel. The anti-Semites should visit some Naval installations and ask the sailors if they are thinking about the Liberty or are they thinking about how busy extremists are busy murdering all the time. I am willing to bet that if instead of the Israelis mistaking the Intelligence Ship, the South Koreans mistook an American Intelligent Ship and bombed it, we would not be seeing ten thousand plus posts about this incident. However, since it was the Israelis, a million posts about this wouldn't be enough for the anti-Semites.

Say, I wonder if one of the anti-Semites here can contact Al Jazzera and have them run a piece about the bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon in which so many American and French servicemen were killed. Maybe we can get 10,000 plus posts on this incident.

I'm sorry. are you giving orders here? AND why does your copious sourcing "dry up" when it comes to this particular heinous act?,

Sally's post is long----I searched all thru it and failed to find
an "ORDER" you want links? try google
you got a big mouth on you for a female. You a tipsycatlover sock?

As to the OP, yeah. We need to get closure on that heinous incident perp[etrated by our *cough* "ally"

The mask slips and the claws come out.

You want to remember the victims of the Liberty, talk about how they lived not how they died. Don't attack people who have disgused this topic ad nauseam for decades on boards and groups across the net.

Talk about who they were and what they accomplished. Give them a human face. Speak of the legacy they left behind, their children and what they have accomplished, how they are helping people and making the world a better place.

When all you see is Israel attacking the US, you are not helping the memory of the victims or contributing to new measures so it does not happen again somewhere else. If you want to help remember the victims, stop using the USS Liberty as a verbal howitzer to try and kill Israel or incite hate.
If you want to help remember the victims, stop using the USS Liberty as a verbal howitzer to try and kill Israel or incite hate.
Searching for the "truth" about the USS Liberty incident isn't hate or anti-semitic.

Historian's endlessly try to uncover new facts about historical events.

So why should the case of the Liberty attack be any different? ...... :cool:
Last edited:
If you want to help remember the victims, stop using the USS Liberty as a verbal howitzer to try and kill Israel or incite hate.
Searching for the "truth" about the USS Liberty incident isn't hate.

Historian's endlessly try to uncover new facts about historical events.

So why should the case of the Liberty attack be any different? ...... :cool:
Because the Liberty is the keystone for Jew-haters when all other conspiracy theories are debunked. The Liberty is always something to fall back on because all the anti-Semites were actually present to report the events. Were you there too, Sunni?
Why do you take the side of the Israelis instead of that of the American servicemen? That's right, because you are a fine example of an Israel Firster.
What is this... like... the 20th thread on the USS Liberty incident, in the past year?

And all of 'em started by Israel -haters... often Jew-haters as well...

And all of 'em mouthpieces and useful idiots for the Ummah... trying to drive a wedge between America and Israel.

Fortunately, they're as obvious as they are clumsy and they always provide excellent Drama Queen antics...

You must think Americans need to apologize for never forgetting about the anniversary of the attack on the USS Liberty. If it's 20 threads or 200 threads about what the Israeli's intentionally did that day why is this so disturbing to you? Your Anti-American attitude is clearly showing.

The Israeli's got caught red handed attempting to frame Egypt by killing all those Americans. The Israeli's fired on the USS liberty for many hours trying to sink the ship in a botched false flag operation. The Israeli's knew full well that they were firing on a American ship.

Maybe you believe us American goy ought to be overwhelmed with unconditional love for killing all those American Sailors and ruining the families who loved them. The arrogance shown by the Israeli's when it comes to the death anyone other than a Jew should be abhorrent to any civilized human being.

Let someone from the west bank fire a rocket that's little more than a souped up fire-cracker and see the type of savage response that comes from the Zionist. Yet Americans are suppose to wait decades for the type of justice that the Israeli's so eagerly give to those ill equipped to defend themselves.

No one on earth hates more than the Israeli and the record speaks for itself so don't try to play the over-played ā€œblameless Jewā€ card. It takes a lot of hate to kill all those innocent Americans in an attempt to kill innocent Egyptians by tricking America into fighting wars that belong to the Israeli's.

For the moment it seems that your persistence has won due to the false-flag operation on 9-11 that has Americans spilling their blood fighting the Israeli's enemies in wars that belong to the Israeli's. America is being played by the Israeli's to such a shameful degree that this nation is now seen as being retarded.

The whole point being had justice been brought forth for the false-flag attack on the USS Liberty it's very possible that the attack on the Murrah federal building in Oklahoma, the attack on the twin towers and building 7, as well as all the wars against the enemies of the Zionist would not be taking place right now. That's just the tip of the iceberg, but everyone is suppose to be stupid enough to have such overwhelming love for the blameless Jew.

But you omit the many mistakes by the navy and even the crew of the USS Liberty that contributed to the tragic incident.
Israel was at war and had just been attacked. US Navy denied they had any ships in the area, twice

After seeing posts about the Liberty over 10,000 or more times, it is time to hang up this subject, especially since so much is going on in the Middle East at this time. American military men are not thinking about the Liberty but about what the Jihadis are doing to innocent people these days. It seems that Al Jazeera (Isn't that owned by the Qatar government?) wants to drive a wedge between the U.S. and Israel, and all the anti-Semites pick up that article. Maybe Al Jazeera figures this will take some of the heat off the fact that all those laborers are working under slave-like conditions in Qatar, workers that the anti-Semites care nothing about because they can't use it in their propaganda stints against Israel. The anti-Semites should visit some Naval installations and ask the sailors if they are thinking about the Liberty or are they thinking about how busy extremists are busy murdering all the time. I am willing to bet that if instead of the Israelis mistaking the Intelligence Ship, the South Koreans mistook an American Intelligent Ship and bombed it, we would not be seeing ten thousand plus posts about this incident. However, since it was the Israelis, a million posts about this wouldn't be enough for the anti-Semites.

Say, I wonder if one of the anti-Semites here can contact Al Jazzera and have them run a piece about the bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon in which so many American and French servicemen were killed. Maybe we can get 10,000 plus posts on this incident.
I'm sorry. are you giving orders here? AND why does your copious sourcing "dry up" when it comes to this particular heinous act?,

Where are the non ending memorials and posts about the US embassies? Anbar? Stark? Cole?
Beirut marines come up once a year, but it is only to remember those that died, not about reopening what happened or verbally lashing those involved.

The problem is not about remembering the victims if the USS Liberty but the way most people go about it. Unwilling to be satisfied with reports and inciting hate against Israel. Israel took responsibility and paid reimbursements.

Please stop with the conspiracy theories, they don't help the victims nor any constructive discussions about the middle east and ending the violence.

Anti-semites abuse the memory of the USS Liberty to incite. Most other people remember the victim that caught up in the wrong place at the wrong time during a war between countries in the middle east.

Israel was being attacked on all sides and outnumbered at least 5/1 by countries and people trying to wipe Israel and all jews off the face of the map. 10 miles puts the USS Liberty within Israel territorial water, so they had reason to view it as a potential threat, especially after the Navy assured them there was no US ship in those waters.

If the Liberty has 22 miles out or had gotten the wire telling them to move near the Libyan border, the USS Liberty would have been safe.

Both sides made mistakes in this unfortunate tragedy.

Remembering the USS Liberty should perhaps bring up the need for better communications between allies, both in war and peace, to avoid accidents. We may never be able to fully prevent them but we can go farther to minimize them. Remember the war that the USS Liberty got caught in and help prevent another such war and work to end the violence there with balance and reason. Remember all the people who also lost their lives during that time. Remember all the people over the years and still losing their lives try to annihilate Israel. Remember all those loosing their lives by radical claiming they have a right to massacre all those who are not just of their faith but of their specific secular cult.

People are still dying for the same reason as the victims of the USS Liberty. Even the Iranian nuclear negotiation will effect the survival of nations and millions in the area. Remember the victims, but do something to help bring a mutual and lasting peace to the area in their name. Give them a positive legacy so their deaths are not in vain. Remember them not in anger, but in peace.
a wall of opinionated text. :eusa_eh: THATS your retort :eusa_doh::banghead:
It's quite telling when the Israel 1st'ers accuse people who question the official story of the attack on the USS Liberty as being anti-semitic.

Over half of the American people do not believe the official Warren Commission's finding on the Pres. Kennedy assassination. Does that make these people anti-catholic?
if you question israels actions you are antisemitic apparently. :dunno: No, we're people who don't like laws getting bent/broken for a very select few spechul groups.
What is this... like... the 20th thread on the USS Liberty incident, in the past year?

And all of 'em started by Israel -haters... often Jew-haters as well...

And all of 'em mouthpieces and useful idiots for the Ummah... trying to drive a wedge between America and Israel.

Fortunately, they're as obvious as they are clumsy and they always provide excellent Drama Queen antics...

You must think Americans need to apologize for never forgetting about the anniversary of the attack on the USS Liberty. If it's 20 threads or 200 threads about what the Israeli's intentionally did that day why is this so disturbing to you? Your Anti-American attitude is clearly showing.

The Israeli's got caught red handed attempting to frame Egypt by killing all those Americans. The Israeli's fired on the USS liberty for many hours trying to sink the ship in a botched false flag operation. The Israeli's knew full well that they were firing on a American ship.

Maybe you believe us American goy ought to be overwhelmed with unconditional love for killing all those American Sailors and ruining the families who loved them. The arrogance shown by the Israeli's when it comes to the death anyone other than a Jew should be abhorrent to any civilized human being.

Let someone from the west bank fire a rocket that's little more than a souped up fire-cracker and see the type of savage response that comes from the Zionist. Yet Americans are suppose to wait decades for the type of justice that the Israeli's so eagerly give to those ill equipped to defend themselves.

No one on earth hates more than the Israeli and the record speaks for itself so don't try to play the over-played ā€œblameless Jewā€ card. It takes a lot of hate to kill all those innocent Americans in an attempt to kill innocent Egyptians by tricking America into fighting wars that belong to the Israeli's.

For the moment it seems that your persistence has won due to the false-flag operation on 9-11 that has Americans spilling their blood fighting the Israeli's enemies in wars that belong to the Israeli's. America is being played by the Israeli's to such a shameful degree that this nation is now seen as being retarded.

The whole point being had justice been brought forth for the false-flag attack on the USS Liberty it's very possible that the attack on the Murrah federal building in Oklahoma, the attack on the twin towers and building 7, as well as all the wars against the enemies of the Zionist would not be taking place right now. That's just the tip of the iceberg, but everyone is suppose to be stupid enough to have such overwhelming love for the blameless Jew.

But you omit the many mistakes by the navy and even the crew of the USS Liberty that contributed to the tragic incident.
Israel was at war and had just been attacked. US Navy denied they had any ships in the area, twice

After seeing posts about the Liberty over 10,000 or more times, it is time to hang up this subject, especially since so much is going on in the Middle East at this time. American military men are not thinking about the Liberty but about what the Jihadis are doing to innocent people these days. It seems that Al Jazeera (Isn't that owned by the Qatar government?) wants to drive a wedge between the U.S. and Israel, and all the anti-Semites pick up that article. Maybe Al Jazeera figures this will take some of the heat off the fact that all those laborers are working under slave-like conditions in Qatar, workers that the anti-Semites care nothing about because they can't use it in their propaganda stints against Israel. The anti-Semites should visit some Naval installations and ask the sailors if they are thinking about the Liberty or are they thinking about how busy extremists are busy murdering all the time. I am willing to bet that if instead of the Israelis mistaking the Intelligence Ship, the South Koreans mistook an American Intelligent Ship and bombed it, we would not be seeing ten thousand plus posts about this incident. However, since it was the Israelis, a million posts about this wouldn't be enough for the anti-Semites.

Say, I wonder if one of the anti-Semites here can contact Al Jazzera and have them run a piece about the bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon in which so many American and French servicemen were killed. Maybe we can get 10,000 plus posts on this incident.
I'm sorry. are you giving orders here? AND why does your copious sourcing "dry up" when it comes to this particular heinous act?,

Where are the non ending memorials and posts about the US embassies? Anbar? Stark? Cole?
Beirut marines come up once a year, but it is only to remember those that died, not about reopening what happened or verbally lashing those involved.

The problem is not about remembering the victims if the USS Liberty but the way most people go about it. Unwilling to be satisfied with reports and inciting hate against Israel. Israel took responsibility and paid reimbursements.

Please stop with the conspiracy theories, they don't help the victims nor any constructive discussions about the middle east and ending the violence.

Anti-semites abuse the memory of the USS Liberty to incite. Most other people remember the victim that caught up in the wrong place at the wrong time during a war between countries in the middle east.

Israel was being attacked on all sides and outnumbered at least 5/1 by countries and people trying to wipe Israel and all jews off the face of the map. 10 miles puts the USS Liberty within Israel territorial water, so they had reason to view it as a potential threat, especially after the Navy assured them there was no US ship in those waters.

If the Liberty has 22 miles out or had gotten the wire telling them to move near the Libyan border, the USS Liberty would have been safe.

Both sides made mistakes in this unfortunate tragedy.

Remembering the USS Liberty should perhaps bring up the need for better communications between allies, both in war and peace, to avoid accidents. We may never be able to fully prevent them but we can go farther to minimize them. Remember the war that the USS Liberty got caught in and help prevent another such war and work to end the violence there with balance and reason. Remember all the people who also lost their lives during that time. Remember all the people over the years and still losing their lives try to annihilate Israel. Remember all those loosing their lives by radical claiming they have a right to massacre all those who are not just of their faith but of their specific secular cult.

People are still dying for the same reason as the victims of the USS Liberty. Even the Iranian nuclear negotiation will effect the survival of nations and millions in the area. Remember the victims, but do something to help bring a mutual and lasting peace to the area in their name. Give them a positive legacy so their deaths are not in vain. Remember them not in anger, but in peace.

Aris, no matter how correct you are, , the anti-Semites will keep on braying about the Liberty. You and I both know that if we went out on the streets of America at this point in time, we would find that the American citizens are more concerned with the Muslim extremists and their beheading of human beings and what terrorist act they will pull next on America.
You must think Americans need to apologize for never forgetting about the anniversary of the attack on the USS Liberty. If it's 20 threads or 200 threads about what the Israeli's intentionally did that day why is this so disturbing to you? Your Anti-American attitude is clearly showing.

The Israeli's got caught red handed attempting to frame Egypt by killing all those Americans. The Israeli's fired on the USS liberty for many hours trying to sink the ship in a botched false flag operation. The Israeli's knew full well that they were firing on a American ship.

Maybe you believe us American goy ought to be overwhelmed with unconditional love for killing all those American Sailors and ruining the families who loved them. The arrogance shown by the Israeli's when it comes to the death anyone other than a Jew should be abhorrent to any civilized human being.

Let someone from the west bank fire a rocket that's little more than a souped up fire-cracker and see the type of savage response that comes from the Zionist. Yet Americans are suppose to wait decades for the type of justice that the Israeli's so eagerly give to those ill equipped to defend themselves.

No one on earth hates more than the Israeli and the record speaks for itself so don't try to play the over-played ā€œblameless Jewā€ card. It takes a lot of hate to kill all those innocent Americans in an attempt to kill innocent Egyptians by tricking America into fighting wars that belong to the Israeli's.

For the moment it seems that your persistence has won due to the false-flag operation on 9-11 that has Americans spilling their blood fighting the Israeli's enemies in wars that belong to the Israeli's. America is being played by the Israeli's to such a shameful degree that this nation is now seen as being retarded.

The whole point being had justice been brought forth for the false-flag attack on the USS Liberty it's very possible that the attack on the Murrah federal building in Oklahoma, the attack on the twin towers and building 7, as well as all the wars against the enemies of the Zionist would not be taking place right now. That's just the tip of the iceberg, but everyone is suppose to be stupid enough to have such overwhelming love for the blameless Jew.

But you omit the many mistakes by the navy and even the crew of the USS Liberty that contributed to the tragic incident.
Israel was at war and had just been attacked. US Navy denied they had any ships in the area, twice

After seeing posts about the Liberty over 10,000 or more times, it is time to hang up this subject, especially since so much is going on in the Middle East at this time. American military men are not thinking about the Liberty but about what the Jihadis are doing to innocent people these days. It seems that Al Jazeera (Isn't that owned by the Qatar government?) wants to drive a wedge between the U.S. and Israel, and all the anti-Semites pick up that article. Maybe Al Jazeera figures this will take some of the heat off the fact that all those laborers are working under slave-like conditions in Qatar, workers that the anti-Semites care nothing about because they can't use it in their propaganda stints against Israel. The anti-Semites should visit some Naval installations and ask the sailors if they are thinking about the Liberty or are they thinking about how busy extremists are busy murdering all the time. I am willing to bet that if instead of the Israelis mistaking the Intelligence Ship, the South Koreans mistook an American Intelligent Ship and bombed it, we would not be seeing ten thousand plus posts about this incident. However, since it was the Israelis, a million posts about this wouldn't be enough for the anti-Semites.

Say, I wonder if one of the anti-Semites here can contact Al Jazzera and have them run a piece about the bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon in which so many American and French servicemen were killed. Maybe we can get 10,000 plus posts on this incident.
I'm sorry. are you giving orders here? AND why does your copious sourcing "dry up" when it comes to this particular heinous act?,

Where are the non ending memorials and posts about the US embassies? Anbar? Stark? Cole?
Beirut marines come up once a year, but it is only to remember those that died, not about reopening what happened or verbally lashing those involved.

The problem is not about remembering the victims if the USS Liberty but the way most people go about it. Unwilling to be satisfied with reports and inciting hate against Israel. Israel took responsibility and paid reimbursements.

Please stop with the conspiracy theories, they don't help the victims nor any constructive discussions about the middle east and ending the violence.

Anti-semites abuse the memory of the USS Liberty to incite. Most other people remember the victim that caught up in the wrong place at the wrong time during a war between countries in the middle east.

Israel was being attacked on all sides and outnumbered at least 5/1 by countries and people trying to wipe Israel and all jews off the face of the map. 10 miles puts the USS Liberty within Israel territorial water, so they had reason to view it as a potential threat, especially after the Navy assured them there was no US ship in those waters.

If the Liberty has 22 miles out or had gotten the wire telling them to move near the Libyan border, the USS Liberty would have been safe.

Both sides made mistakes in this unfortunate tragedy.

Remembering the USS Liberty should perhaps bring up the need for better communications between allies, both in war and peace, to avoid accidents. We may never be able to fully prevent them but we can go farther to minimize them. Remember the war that the USS Liberty got caught in and help prevent another such war and work to end the violence there with balance and reason. Remember all the people who also lost their lives during that time. Remember all the people over the years and still losing their lives try to annihilate Israel. Remember all those loosing their lives by radical claiming they have a right to massacre all those who are not just of their faith but of their specific secular cult.

People are still dying for the same reason as the victims of the USS Liberty. Even the Iranian nuclear negotiation will effect the survival of nations and millions in the area. Remember the victims, but do something to help bring a mutual and lasting peace to the area in their name. Give them a positive legacy so their deaths are not in vain. Remember them not in anger, but in peace.
a wall of opinionated text. :eusa_eh: THATS your retort :eusa_doh::banghead:
Couldn't understand anything in the post, huh?
Aris, no matter how correct you are, , the anti-Semites will keep on braying about the Liberty. You and I both know that if we went out on the streets of America at this point in time, we would find that the American citizens are more concerned with the Muslim extremists and their beheading of human beings and what terrorist act they will pull next on America.
Sad but true.......Americans have been zio-brain washed to believe Israeli lies. ..... :(
What is this... like... the 20th thread on the USS Liberty incident, in the past year?

And all of 'em started by Israel -haters... often Jew-haters as well...

And all of 'em mouthpieces and useful idiots for the Ummah... trying to drive a wedge between America and Israel.

Fortunately, they're as obvious as they are clumsy and they always provide excellent Drama Queen antics...

You must think Americans need to apologize for never forgetting about the anniversary of the attack on the USS Liberty. If it's 20 threads or 200 threads about what the Israeli's intentionally did that day why is this so disturbing to you? Your Anti-American attitude is clearly showing.

The Israeli's got caught red handed attempting to frame Egypt by killing all those Americans. The Israeli's fired on the USS liberty for many hours trying to sink the ship in a botched false flag operation. The Israeli's knew full well that they were firing on a American ship.

Maybe you believe us American goy ought to be overwhelmed with unconditional love for killing all those American Sailors and ruining the families who loved them. The arrogance shown by the Israeli's when it comes to the death anyone other than a Jew should be abhorrent to any civilized human being.

Let someone from the west bank fire a rocket that's little more than a souped up fire-cracker and see the type of savage response that comes from the Zionist. Yet Americans are suppose to wait decades for the type of justice that the Israeli's so eagerly give to those ill equipped to defend themselves.

No one on earth hates more than the Israeli and the record speaks for itself so don't try to play the over-played ā€œblameless Jewā€ card. It takes a lot of hate to kill all those innocent Americans in an attempt to kill innocent Egyptians by tricking America into fighting wars that belong to the Israeli's.

For the moment it seems that your persistence has won due to the false-flag operation on 9-11 that has Americans spilling their blood fighting the Israeli's enemies in wars that belong to the Israeli's. America is being played by the Israeli's to such a shameful degree that this nation is now seen as being retarded.

The whole point being had justice been brought forth for the false-flag attack on the USS Liberty it's very possible that the attack on the Murrah federal building in Oklahoma, the attack on the twin towers and building 7, as well as all the wars against the enemies of the Zionist would not be taking place right now. That's just the tip of the iceberg, but everyone is suppose to be stupid enough to have such overwhelming love for the blameless Jew.

But you omit the many mistakes by the navy and even the crew of the USS Liberty that contributed to the tragic incident.
Israel was at war and had just been attacked. US Navy denied they had any ships in the area, twice

After seeing posts about the Liberty over 10,000 or more times, it is time to hang up this subject, especially since so much is going on in the Middle East at this time. American military men are not thinking about the Liberty but about what the Jihadis are doing to innocent people these days. It seems that Al Jazeera (Isn't that owned by the Qatar government?) wants to drive a wedge between the U.S. and Israel, and all the anti-Semites pick up that article. Maybe Al Jazeera figures this will take some of the heat off the fact that all those laborers are working under slave-like conditions in Qatar, workers that the anti-Semites care nothing about because they can't use it in their propaganda stints against Israel. The anti-Semites should visit some Naval installations and ask the sailors if they are thinking about the Liberty or are they thinking about how busy extremists are busy murdering all the time. I am willing to bet that if instead of the Israelis mistaking the Intelligence Ship, the South Koreans mistook an American Intelligent Ship and bombed it, we would not be seeing ten thousand plus posts about this incident. However, since it was the Israelis, a million posts about this wouldn't be enough for the anti-Semites.

Say, I wonder if one of the anti-Semites here can contact Al Jazzera and have them run a piece about the bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon in which so many American and French servicemen were killed. Maybe we can get 10,000 plus posts on this incident.

In many cases those with an enormous amount to hide try to push people to ā€œmove onā€. You want Americans to ā€œhang up this subjectā€, Why should America's ā€œhang up this subjectā€? Have the Israeli's hung up on the pity the ā€œblameless Jewā€ brainwash films, or the ā€œreparationsā€ for a holocaust that they go to great extremes not report on any verifiable details, or to truly investigate.

Brings back memories of Stalinist Russia for those in Europe to be arrested for even questioning whether the so-called Holocaust even really took place. If that's not bad enough right here in America those of duel Israeli citizenship are pushing for laws to basically calling it a hate crime to question the so-called holocaust. These are no doubt communist methods, and it's amazing how few people seem to recognize it. Which is a testimonial to the effectiveness of the billion dollar mind control industry, commonly known as the media.

Don't get angry because Israeli's can't control all the news reporting and an more independent media source reports on the story, and tells the story their way. For their is little doubt that if Zionist could have an monopoly on information they most certainly would. The manipulation of the mind is what television is all about these days, and the information feed to the masses of people are very destructive, dangerous. Enormous lies are broadcast all the time.

Truth is the only reality. The creation of a bogus reality by deception through the media and pass it off as truth is extremely destructive. It's the false flag operations that Zionist skillfully use to instigate serious wars. Much bloodshed are the result of those who manipulate the minds of people to sell, and try to justify wholesale murder and brutality by wars.

ā€œLet's move onā€ is what former president George Bush said after 9-11, which is something that is very disturbing for leader and president at the time to tell the nation. ā€œLet move onā€ does not answer the critical questions, and even more disturbing is that ā€œjust moving onā€ leaves the doors wide open for worst things to happen again.

The USS Liberty helped over the door to America's destruction. For those who can just print up paper money the attack on the USS Liberty made it clear to the Israeli's that bribery at any level or agency of government is possible even to the point of the military allowing the killing American solders.

The reality is that there is no group of people more Anti-America than those using Anti-Semite as a mind control trick to divert the conversation away from all the that Israeli's/Jews have done and continue to do take over this country with communism. Russia gets the blame for being the communist, the reality is that the Communist Jews took over Russia, murdered the last Czar and his family.

After the Jews Stole the entire country it became communist. It was not Russia that was Communist, it was the Jews that made Russia communist. Just open your eyes they are attempting to do the same thing in the United States and the world.
What is this... like... the 20th thread on the USS Liberty incident, in the past year?

And all of 'em started by Israel -haters... often Jew-haters as well...

And all of 'em mouthpieces and useful idiots for the Ummah... trying to drive a wedge between America and Israel.

Fortunately, they're as obvious as they are clumsy and they always provide excellent Drama Queen antics...

You must think Americans need to apologize for never forgetting about the anniversary of the attack on the USS Liberty. If it's 20 threads or 200 threads about what the Israeli's intentionally did that day why is this so disturbing to you? Your Anti-American attitude is clearly showing.

The Israeli's got caught red handed attempting to frame Egypt by killing all those Americans. The Israeli's fired on the USS liberty for many hours trying to sink the ship in a botched false flag operation. The Israeli's knew full well that they were firing on a American ship.

Maybe you believe us American goy ought to be overwhelmed with unconditional love for killing all those American Sailors and ruining the families who loved them. The arrogance shown by the Israeli's when it comes to the death anyone other than a Jew should be abhorrent to any civilized human being.

Let someone from the west bank fire a rocket that's little more than a souped up fire-cracker and see the type of savage response that comes from the Zionist. Yet Americans are suppose to wait decades for the type of justice that the Israeli's so eagerly give to those ill equipped to defend themselves.

No one on earth hates more than the Israeli and the record speaks for itself so don't try to play the over-played ā€œblameless Jewā€ card. It takes a lot of hate to kill all those innocent Americans in an attempt to kill innocent Egyptians by tricking America into fighting wars that belong to the Israeli's.

For the moment it seems that your persistence has won due to the false-flag operation on 9-11 that has Americans spilling their blood fighting the Israeli's enemies in wars that belong to the Israeli's. America is being played by the Israeli's to such a shameful degree that this nation is now seen as being retarded.

The whole point being had justice been brought forth for the false-flag attack on the USS Liberty it's very possible that the attack on the Murrah federal building in Oklahoma, the attack on the twin towers and building 7, as well as all the wars against the enemies of the Zionist would not be taking place right now. That's just the tip of the iceberg, but everyone is suppose to be stupid enough to have such overwhelming love for the blameless Jew.

But you omit the many mistakes by the navy and even the crew of the USS Liberty that contributed to the tragic incident.
Israel was at war and had just been attacked. US Navy denied they had any ships in the area, twice

After seeing posts about the Liberty over 10,000 or more times, it is time to hang up this subject, especially since so much is going on in the Middle East at this time. American military men are not thinking about the Liberty but about what the Jihadis are doing to innocent people these days. It seems that Al Jazeera (Isn't that owned by the Qatar government?) wants to drive a wedge between the U.S. and Israel, and all the anti-Semites pick up that article. Maybe Al Jazeera figures this will take some of the heat off the fact that all those laborers are working under slave-like conditions in Qatar, workers that the anti-Semites care nothing about because they can't use it in their propaganda stints against Israel. The anti-Semites should visit some Naval installations and ask the sailors if they are thinking about the Liberty or are they thinking about how busy extremists are busy murdering all the time. I am willing to bet that if instead of the Israelis mistaking the Intelligence Ship, the South Koreans mistook an American Intelligent Ship and bombed it, we would not be seeing ten thousand plus posts about this incident. However, since it was the Israelis, a million posts about this wouldn't be enough for the anti-Semites.

Say, I wonder if one of the anti-Semites here can contact Al Jazzera and have them run a piece about the bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon in which so many American and French servicemen were killed. Maybe we can get 10,000 plus posts on this incident.

In many cases those with an enormous amount to hide try to push people to ā€œmove onā€. You want Americans to ā€œhang up this subjectā€, Why should America's ā€œhang up this subjectā€? Have the Israeli's hung up on the pity the ā€œblameless Jewā€ brainwash films, or the ā€œreparationsā€ for a holocaust that they go to great extremes not report on any verifiable details, or to truly investigate.

Brings back memories of Stalinist Russia for those in Europe to be arrested for even questioning whether the so-called Holocaust even really took place. If that's not bad enough right here in America those of duel Israeli citizenship are pushing for laws to basically calling it a hate crime to question the so-called holocaust. These are no doubt communist methods, and it's amazing how few people seem to recognize it. Which is a testimonial to the effectiveness of the billion dollar mind control industry, commonly known as the media.

Don't get angry because Israeli's can't control all the news reporting and an more independent media source reports on the story, and tells the story their way. For their is little doubt that if Zionist could have an monopoly on information they most certainly would. The manipulation of the mind is what television is all about these days, and the information feed to the masses of people are very destructive, dangerous. Enormous lies are broadcast all the time.

Truth is the only reality. The creation of a bogus reality by deception through the media and pass it off as truth is extremely destructive. It's the false flag operations that Zionist skillfully use to instigate serious wars. Much bloodshed are the result of those who manipulate the minds of people to sell, and try to justify wholesale murder and brutality by wars.

ā€œLet's move onā€ is what former president George Bush said after 9-11, which is something that is very disturbing for leader and president at the time to tell the nation. ā€œLet move onā€ does not answer the critical questions, and even more disturbing is that ā€œjust moving onā€ leaves the doors wide open for worst things to happen again.

The USS Liberty helped over the door to America's destruction. For those who can just print up paper money the attack on the USS Liberty made it clear to the Israeli's that bribery at any level or agency of government is possible even to the point of the military allowing the killing American solders.

The reality is that there is no group of people more Anti-America than those using Anti-Semite as a mind control trick to divert the conversation away from all the that Israeli's/Jews have done and continue to do take over this country with communism. Russia gets the blame for being the communist, the reality is that the Communist Jews took over Russia, murdered the last Czar and his family.

After the Jews Stole the entire country it became communist. It was not Russia that was Communist, it was the Jews that made Russia communist. Just open your eyes they are attempting to do the same thing in the United States and the world.

Get off your soapbox. You are not fooling anyone, but are just another two-bit anti-Semite. And if you think the Jews are trying to take over the world, I suggest you change psychiatrists.
What is this... like... the 20th thread on the USS Liberty incident, in the past year?

And all of 'em started by Israel -haters... often Jew-haters as well...

And all of 'em mouthpieces and useful idiots for the Ummah... trying to drive a wedge between America and Israel.

Fortunately, they're as obvious as they are clumsy and they always provide excellent Drama Queen antics...

You must think Americans need to apologize for never forgetting about the anniversary of the attack on the USS Liberty. If it's 20 threads or 200 threads about what the Israeli's intentionally did that day why is this so disturbing to you? Your Anti-American attitude is clearly showing.

The Israeli's got caught red handed attempting to frame Egypt by killing all those Americans. The Israeli's fired on the USS liberty for many hours trying to sink the ship in a botched false flag operation. The Israeli's knew full well that they were firing on a American ship.

Maybe you believe us American goy ought to be overwhelmed with unconditional love for killing all those American Sailors and ruining the families who loved them. The arrogance shown by the Israeli's when it comes to the death anyone other than a Jew should be abhorrent to any civilized human being.

Let someone from the west bank fire a rocket that's little more than a souped up fire-cracker and see the type of savage response that comes from the Zionist. Yet Americans are suppose to wait decades for the type of justice that the Israeli's so eagerly give to those ill equipped to defend themselves.

No one on earth hates more than the Israeli and the record speaks for itself so don't try to play the over-played ā€œblameless Jewā€ card. It takes a lot of hate to kill all those innocent Americans in an attempt to kill innocent Egyptians by tricking America into fighting wars that belong to the Israeli's.

For the moment it seems that your persistence has won due to the false-flag operation on 9-11 that has Americans spilling their blood fighting the Israeli's enemies in wars that belong to the Israeli's. America is being played by the Israeli's to such a shameful degree that this nation is now seen as being retarded.

The whole point being had justice been brought forth for the false-flag attack on the USS Liberty it's very possible that the attack on the Murrah federal building in Oklahoma, the attack on the twin towers and building 7, as well as all the wars against the enemies of the Zionist would not be taking place right now. That's just the tip of the iceberg, but everyone is suppose to be stupid enough to have such overwhelming love for the blameless Jew.

But you omit the many mistakes by the navy and even the crew of the USS Liberty that contributed to the tragic incident.
Israel was at war and had just been attacked. US Navy denied they had any ships in the area, twice

After seeing posts about the Liberty over 10,000 or more times, it is time to hang up this subject, especially since so much is going on in the Middle East at this time. American military men are not thinking about the Liberty but about what the Jihadis are doing to innocent people these days. It seems that Al Jazeera (Isn't that owned by the Qatar government?) wants to drive a wedge between the U.S. and Israel, and all the anti-Semites pick up that article. Maybe Al Jazeera figures this will take some of the heat off the fact that all those laborers are working under slave-like conditions in Qatar, workers that the anti-Semites care nothing about because they can't use it in their propaganda stints against Israel. The anti-Semites should visit some Naval installations and ask the sailors if they are thinking about the Liberty or are they thinking about how busy extremists are busy murdering all the time. I am willing to bet that if instead of the Israelis mistaking the Intelligence Ship, the South Koreans mistook an American Intelligent Ship and bombed it, we would not be seeing ten thousand plus posts about this incident. However, since it was the Israelis, a million posts about this wouldn't be enough for the anti-Semites.

Say, I wonder if one of the anti-Semites here can contact Al Jazzera and have them run a piece about the bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon in which so many American and French servicemen were killed. Maybe we can get 10,000 plus posts on this incident.

In many cases those with an enormous amount to hide try to push people to ā€œmove onā€. You want Americans to ā€œhang up this subjectā€, Why should America's ā€œhang up this subjectā€? Have the Israeli's hung up on the pity the ā€œblameless Jewā€ brainwash films, or the ā€œreparationsā€ for a holocaust that they go to great extremes not report on any verifiable details, or to truly investigate.

Brings back memories of Stalinist Russia for those in Europe to be arrested for even questioning whether the so-called Holocaust even really took place. If that's not bad enough right here in America those of duel Israeli citizenship are pushing for laws to basically calling it a hate crime to question the so-called holocaust. These are no doubt communist methods, and it's amazing how few people seem to recognize it. Which is a testimonial to the effectiveness of the billion dollar mind control industry, commonly known as the media.

Don't get angry because Israeli's can't control all the news reporting and an more independent media source reports on the story, and tells the story their way. For their is little doubt that if Zionist could have an monopoly on information they most certainly would. The manipulation of the mind is what television is all about these days, and the information feed to the masses of people are very destructive, dangerous. Enormous lies are broadcast all the time.

Truth is the only reality. The creation of a bogus reality by deception through the media and pass it off as truth is extremely destructive. It's the false flag operations that Zionist skillfully use to instigate serious wars. Much bloodshed are the result of those who manipulate the minds of people to sell, and try to justify wholesale murder and brutality by wars.

ā€œLet's move onā€ is what former president George Bush said after 9-11, which is something that is very disturbing for leader and president at the time to tell the nation. ā€œLet move onā€ does not answer the critical questions, and even more disturbing is that ā€œjust moving onā€ leaves the doors wide open for worst things to happen again.

The USS Liberty helped over the door to America's destruction. For those who can just print up paper money the attack on the USS Liberty made it clear to the Israeli's that bribery at any level or agency of government is possible even to the point of the military allowing the killing American solders.

The reality is that there is no group of people more Anti-America than those using Anti-Semite as a mind control trick to divert the conversation away from all the that Israeli's/Jews have done and continue to do take over this country with communism. Russia gets the blame for being the communist, the reality is that the Communist Jews took over Russia, murdered the last Czar and his family.

After the Jews Stole the entire country it became communist. It was not Russia that was Communist, it was the Jews that made Russia communist. Just open your eyes they are attempting to do the same thing in the United States and the world.

Get off your soapbox. You are not fooling anyone, but are just another two-bit anti-Semite. And if you think the Jews are trying to take over the world, I suggest you change psychiatrists.

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