Remind Us Again How It Was Bush's Fault.

It was Bush's fault that we were there in the first place.

He was the Commander in Chief and was responsible for the final decision to go in.

He stepped in a hornet's nest, creating even more destabilization in that region than already existed.

He thought that America is responsible for picking the winners and losers in the Middle East, and now here we are.
Stop trying to rewrite history.

It was Bush's fault.

And if he that the dick of a veep hadn't lied for oil, we wouldn't be there now so yes, its still Bush's fault.

You two are idiots of the first order. Bush intended for US troops to remain in Country to aid and train the Iraqi forces. Obama chose to pull then all out with out even trying to get a deal. Obama chose to arm the Syrian rebels and instead armed and abetted ISIS.

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