Reminder: Day 443 and Biden still has a higher approval than Trump

Separating children from their parents is cruel, they should be kept together, on flights/buses....................back to the country of origin.
If immigrants enter the US illegally, they should be held in jails, until an appearance in courts, which they should be open 24/7, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year.

So you support keeping illegal immigrants in jail and not separating the children from their parents. Interesting
You keep coming back to the same issue.
What makes you think I support Biden's border/immigration policies?

I disagree with Biden's decision to stop raids on companies that have illegals employed.
A hiring blitz for the border patrol is needed badly.
I disagree with flying/busing illegal immigrants to other parts of our country unless that transport is between prisons or jails.
If immigrants enter the US illegally, they should be held in jails, until an appearance in courts, which they should be open 24/7, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year.

I just wanted Trump out, he is a retarded hypocrite.

Trump himself uses illegal immigrants, then bashes them?
Separating children from their parents is cruel, they should be kept together, on flights/buses....................back to the country of origin.

Trump hired private companies to operate prisons for kids at a rate of $700 to $800 a day per person, per night.

June 26 2019
Private prisons have become notorious in the US for making billions of dollars off the incarcerated. Now private for-profit companies are expanding their services and getting rich off of immigrant children.

Caliburn International Corp., the company in charge of a temporary influx shelter in Homestead, Florida charges an outrageous $750 per child, per day to house immigrant children at their facility. Compared to the approximate cost of housing a migrant child at a standard, permanent shelter ($250).

Homestead is not licensed by federal authorities for childcare as it is not on federal land. It is also not subject to state inspections. Former Trump Chief of Staff John Kelly recently joined its board of directors.
So how does that WORK? How do you keep all of those tens of thousands of illegals that are pouring across our southern border every day in jail, Smokin? You're full of shit. You progressives are flooding the nation with illegals because your policies have overwhelmed our ability to process them yet you STILL won't secure the border! We've got drug overdose deaths skyrocketing because you've made the border so porous and overloaded Border Patrol so badly that we can't keep the poison out. That's on you...that's on Joe Biden...that's on the Democrats! The voters are going to show you what they think of all of you come November!
So how does that WORK? How do you keep all of those tens of thousands of illegals that are pouring across our southern border every day in jail, Smokin?
How do you keep them in jail?
That should be self-explanatory.
You're full of shit. You progressives are flooding the nation with illegals because your policies have overwhelmed our ability to process them yet you STILL won't secure the border!
I know, Biden is flying to Mexico City, every week, loading up Mexicans on AF 1 and giving them a free ride to the US.
We've got drug overdose deaths skyrocketing because you've made the border so porous and overloaded Border Patrol so badly that we can't keep the poison out. That's on you...that's on Joe Biden...that's on the Democrats!
Republicans including their dear leader, keep hiring them, then fucking whine about it.
Republicans have done that for decades.
THAT'S on YOU and your cult.
The voters are going to show you what they think of all of you come November!
So you support keeping illegal immigrants in jail and not separating the children from their parents. Interesting
When did USBP sign up to be daycare workers.

They didn't but private prison companies $700 a day, per person, per day.
How do you keep them in jail?
That should be self-explanatory.

I know, Biden is flying to Mexico City, every week, loading up Mexicans on AF 1 and giving them a free ride to the US.

Republicans including their dear leader, keep hiring them, then fucking whine about it.
Republicans have done that for decades.
THAT'S on YOU and your cult.
Self explanatory? Really? Take a stab at it then. Tell me who's going to pick up the cost of incarcerating millions of people in prison, Smokin? Who's going to build all of these new prisons that it will take to do that? You live in a fantasy world.
How do you keep them in jail?
That should be self-explanatory.

I know, Biden is flying to Mexico City, every week, loading up Mexicans on AF 1 and giving them a free ride to the US.

Republicans including their dear leader, keep hiring them, then fucking whine about it.
Republicans have done that for decades.
THAT'S on YOU and your cult.
Oh, bullshit! The reason we have a border crisis isn't because Republicans are hiring's because liberals like you have thrown the border wide open. All the rest of your nonsense is just smoke and mirrors trying to hide what it is that the far left have done to the country with their open border policies. You OWN this, Smokin' and it's going to get far worse before you idiots get shellacked in the upcoming midterms!
Revisionist history and delusions is more like it.

The only president who sucked worse than Bush and Reagan combined................. is Trump.
Reagan sold weapons to Iran in exchange for the hostages, shuffled the $$$ to Nicaragua, then lied about it.
A recession that caused the unemployment rate to hit 11%, a stock market crash that cost people billions of $$$, tripled the debt and started the destruction of the middle class, that continues today by republicans.
Revisionist history? WTH are you babbling about. So desperate to hate on republicans that you can't admit the obvious facts--REAGAN was a Great president in that he scared the Iranians to release our hostages right before he was even inaugurated in---and more importantly because REagan called BULLSHIT on Carters/DEM/SAud big OIL LIE then that OIL was running out and going extinct forcing OIL to be rationed pushing up energy prices and killing the economy and jobs. (YOU know OIL like the communist dems are still lying about and manipulating now with their GREEN SCAM bullshit)---------Because of this REAGAN, saved america and everyone fucking knows it despite your goofy stupid claims.

Trump is smarter than Reagan----just a bit more abrasive personality (his NY roots showing through)..........Trump saved us from Obama's bullshit, only to have cheating Biden now trying to destroy the US from within at the direction of his puppet masters most notably XI of China. Both were better president and more moral than either Bush, either Clinton, Either Obama, or either Biden who were all corrupt---with Obama openingly supporting terrorists and the others working for the BRIBE money and other money scammed off their positions.
Self explanatory? Really?
Where else do they keep people who have committed crimes?
Take a stab at it then. Tell me who's going to pick up the cost of incarcerating millions of people in prison, Smokin?
The same people that have been doing it for the last 229 years.
Who's going to build all of these new prisons that it will take to do that? You live in a fantasy world.
We don't seem to have issue with locking up everyone else getting arrested in the US.
Oh, bullshit! The reason we have a border crisis isn't because Republicans are hiring's because liberals like you have thrown the border wide open.
Yeah, the wall is wide open.
People are using $5 ladders to climb over sections of the $15 billion southern border wall built under former President Donald Trump’s administration, Texas Monthly reported.

US Border Patrol officials who monitor the wall, which has been built along parts of the US-Mexico border, frequently find discarded ladders left by unauthorized migrants crossing into southern Texas along certain parts of the wall, the report said.

The Texas Monthly report cited Scott Nicol, an activist and Texas resident, who said, “These ladders are probably $5 worth of hardware, and they’re defeating a wall that cost $12 million a mile in that location.”

He added: “Unlike the wall, these ladders are functional.”


All the rest of your nonsense is just smoke and mirrors trying to hide what it is that the far left have done to the country with their open border policies. You OWN this, Smokin' and it's going to get far worse before you idiots get shellacked in the upcoming midterms!
And a border fence is the answer, first and foremost
Revisionist history? WTH are you babbling about. So desperate to hate on republicans that you can't admit the obvious facts--REAGAN was a Great president
Reagan is happy that the orange grifter claimed the top spot, from another traitor.

The presidency of Ronald Reagan in the United States was marked by numerous scandals, resulting in the investigation, indictment, or conviction of over 138 administration officials, the largest number for any president in American history.

in that he scared the Iranians to release our hostages right before he was even inaugurated in---and more importantly because REagan called BULLSHIT on Carters/DEM/SAud big OIL LIE then that OIL was running out and going extinct forcing OIL to be rationed pushing up energy prices and killing the economy and jobs.
SAUDI and Iran are the countries that cut their oil production.

REAGAN gave them weapons, then lied about it.
(YOU know OIL like the communist dems are still lying about and manipulating now with their GREEN SCAM bullshit)---------Because of this REAGAN, saved america and everyone fucking knows it despite your goofy stupid claims.
Reagan, like fucking morons before him, ruined America and Americans.
Trump is smarter than Reagan----
Bet that trip wasn't far..............a patio stone.........maybe.
just a bit more abrasive personality (his NY roots showing through)..........Trump saved us from Obama's bullshit, only to have cheating Biden now trying to destroy the US from within at the direction of his puppet masters most notably XI of China. Both were better president and more moral than either Bush, either Clinton, Either Obama, or either Biden who were all corrupt---with Obama openingly supporting terrorists and the others working for the BRIBE money and other money scammed off their positions.
Sure Q NUT.

March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.

“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Trump praises a Chinese communist.
Trump's cult praises the communism, they desire.
Where else do they keep people who have committed crimes?

The same people that have been doing it for the last 229 years.

We don't seem to have issue with locking up everyone else getting arrested in the US.
They were sticking illegals under bridge overpasses because they didn't have the facilities for them, you buffoon! Now they're flying and bussing them all over the US in the dead of night because the conditions AT the border were so bad it was becoming embarrassing! They don't have room in our prison system for millions of more people. The fact that you think we testament to how clueless you really are!
They were sticking illegals under bridge overpasses because they didn't have the facilities for them, you buffoon! Now they're flying and bussing them all over the US in the dead of night because the conditions AT the border were so bad it was becoming embarrassing! They don't have room in our prison system for millions of more people. The fact that you think we testament to how clueless you really are!
Sure retard.
They can build tent cities as Arizona did.

April 8 2014
PHOENIX — In the waiting room of Maricopa County’s Tent City Jail, a weathered screen flashes red, green and yellow words with a euphoric fireworks effect worthy of an early 2000s Word document.

“As of Mar. 2011, [Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office] detention officers have turned over 39,800 illegal immigrants to immigration authorities for deportation,”

About 10,000 prisoners are incarcerated in this county of nearly 4 million, and approximately 800-900 of them are placed at Tent City.



… and has every day so far. In all your USMB giddiness I thought a reminder was in order. When you accomplish the following you beat the competition. Go Joe:
  • 200M shots in arms
  • Record employment growth
  • Unemployment lower than 59 of the prior administrations 60 months in office
  • Record GDP
  • Ended the forever war
  • Infrastructure bill
  • Allies trust is back
  • Our enemies are isolated not emboldened
  • Immigrant children are not being separated and lost from parents
  • Record judicial appointments

    View attachment 627681


Not anymore
Sure retard.
They can build tent cities as Arizona did.

April 8 2014
PHOENIX — In the waiting room of Maricopa County’s Tent City Jail, a weathered screen flashes red, green and yellow words with a euphoric fireworks effect worthy of an early 2000s Word document.

“As of Mar. 2011, [Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office] detention officers have turned over 39,800 illegal immigrants to immigration authorities for deportation,”

About 10,000 prisoners are incarcerated in this county of nearly 4 million, and approximately 800-900 of them are placed at Tent City.

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You're going to put them in "tent cities"? Millions of people? You really haven't got a clue about this you?
You're going to put them in "tent cities"? Millions of people?
Not millions you, moron.

October 17 2021
The US tallied a record number of illegal border crossings by migrants over the past year, The New York Times reported.

As the publication noted, border officials recorded 1.7 million illegal crossings over the past year, the most since at least 1960, when the government began keeping records. The Washington Post noted it was more than triple the average number of annual border arrests, 504,000, for the previous nine US fiscal years, which run through the end of September.

And that's a record.

If they are in courts to determine entry or exportation. within a month to 45 days, there won't be anywhere close to a million, let alone "millions".
You really haven't got a clue about this you?
You, damned sure don't.
… and has every day so far. In all your USMB giddiness I thought a reminder was in order. When you accomplish the following you beat the competition. Go Joe:
  • 200M shots in arms
  • Record employment growth
  • Unemployment lower than 59 of the prior administrations 60 months in office
  • Record GDP
  • Ended the forever war
  • Infrastructure bill
  • Allies trust is back
  • Our enemies are isolated not emboldened
  • Immigrant children are not being separated and lost from parents
  • Record judicial appointments

    View attachment 627681
LOL. So, if I understand you correctly, you are comparing Biden to Trump.
LOL. So, if I understand you correctly, you are comparing Biden to Trump.
That my friend was your two choices. Regardless the same bozos who were on here ignoring Trumps shitty poll numbers are now using Biden’s higher poll numbers as some kind of point. It’s funny I tell ya. Funny.
Not millions you, moron.

October 17 2021
The US tallied a record number of illegal border crossings by migrants over the past year, The New York Times reported.

As the publication noted, border officials recorded 1.7 million illegal crossings over the past year, the most since at least 1960, when the government began keeping records. The Washington Post noted it was more than triple the average number of annual border arrests, 504,000, for the previous nine US fiscal years, which run through the end of September.

And that's a record.

If they are in courts to determine entry or exportation. within a month to 45 days, there won't be anywhere close to a million, let alone "millions".

You, damned sure don't.
You're going to run millions of illegals through our court system in a month to 45 days? You get stupider with each passing post, Smokin!
CBO, the folks charged with protecting our border, say walls work.

I will take their data over the opinions of Braindead Dimwinger lemmings on a message board.

Not millions you, moron.

October 17 2021
The US tallied a record number of illegal border crossings by migrants over the past year, The New York Times reported.

As the publication noted, border officials recorded 1.7 million illegal crossings over the past year, the most since at least 1960, when the government began keeping records. The Washington Post noted it was more than triple the average number of annual border arrests, 504,000, for the previous nine US fiscal years, which run through the end of September.

And that's a record.

If they are in courts to determine entry or exportation. within a month to 45 days, there won't be anywhere close to a million, let alone "millions".

You, damned sure don't.
1.7 million 7 months ago, Dumbass. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :itsok:

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