Reminder: Day 443 and Biden still has a higher approval than Trump

… and has every day so far. In all your USMB giddiness I thought a reminder was in order. When you accomplish the following you beat the competition. Go Joe:
  • 200M shots in arms
  • Record employment growth
  • Unemployment lower than 59 of the prior administrations 60 months in office
  • Record GDP
  • Ended the forever war
  • Infrastructure bill
  • Allies trust is back
  • Our enemies are isolated not emboldened
  • Immigrant children are not being separated and lost from parents
  • Record judicial appointments

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You had me at record GDP, the rest is gravy, President Biden has performed a miracle....
… and has every day so far. In all your USMB giddiness I thought a reminder was in order. When you accomplish the following you beat the competition. Go Joe:
  • 200M shots in arms
  • Record employment growth
  • Unemployment lower than 59 of the prior administrations 60 months in office
  • Record GDP
  • Ended the forever war
  • Infrastructure bill
  • Allies trust is back
  • Our enemies are isolated not emboldened
  • Immigrant children are not being separated and lost from parents
  • Record judicial appointments

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I’ll just point out that you’re bar is that your guy has a 1.8% better approval rating than the guy you say is the antichrist.
I’ll just point out that you’re bar is that your guy has a 1.8% better approval rating than the guy you say is the antichrist.

You cut yourself with that double edge blade as you call Biden the worst president.
You had me at record GDP, the rest is gravy, President Biden has performed a miracle....

There is no “record GDP Growth”.

It was 5.7% for 2021, which is lower than numerous other years in our history.
You're going to run millions of illegals through our court system in a month to 45 days? You get stupider with each passing post, Smokin!
Not the current one, you fucking, moron.

ADD 24/7 courts that process people 7 days a week 365 days a year.
Not the current one, you fucking, moron.

ADD 24/7 courts that process people 7 days a week 365 days a year. now you're going to add courts that run 24/7? To go along with all the prisons that you've built to house the millions of illegals that are pouring across the border? Any estimates on what all of THAT will cost, Smokin? Or is it free in fantasy land?
Moronic trump was never close to our great President Biden...
Even Barack Obama knew that Joe Biden was a train wreck waiting to happen, Arresmillao! He's not smart. Never had been. Now throw in his obvious senility issues and you've got someone that had no business being President. Dumb and senile got us to where we are now!
… and has every day so far. In all your USMB giddiness I thought a reminder was in order. When you accomplish the following you beat the competition. Go Joe:
  • 200M shots in arms
  • Record employment growth
  • Unemployment lower than 59 of the prior administrations 60 months in office
  • Record GDP
  • Ended the forever war
  • Infrastructure bill
  • Allies trust is back
  • Our enemies are isolated not emboldened
  • Immigrant children are not being separated and lost from parents
  • Record judicial appointments

    View attachment 627681

A senile Biden beats the hell out of an insane Trump! Go Joe! now you're going to add courts that run 24/7?
Yes, why not?
To go along with all the prisons that you've built to house the millions of illegals that are pouring across the border?
For the second time................................It's not millions, you moron.
Building prisons?
No, it's adding to prisons and jail......................tents.
Any estimates on what all of THAT will cost, Smokin?
Gotta be cheaper than the $20 million a mile that a border wall cost, which falls apart after two years, then has to be fixed.

Or is it free in fantasy land?
As free as Mexico paying for Trump's vanity wall.
Even Barack Obama knew that Joe Biden was a train wreck waiting to happen, Arresmillao! He's not smart. Never had been. Now throw in his obvious senility issues and you've got someone that had no business being President. Dumb and senile got us to where we are now!
Yeah, the retard who not only won't release his grades but threatens the schools that do with lawsuits, also claims to be a "genius".

.Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart. I went from VERY successful businessman, to top T.V. Star to President of the United States (on my first try). I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius....and a very stable genius at that!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 6, 2018
Yeah, the retard who not only won't release his grades but threatens the schools that do with lawsuits, also claims to be a "genius".

.Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart. I went from VERY successful businessman, to top T.V. Star to President of the United States (on my first try). I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius....and a very stable genius at that!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 6, 2018
Compared to Joe Biden? Come on, Smokin! Even Barack Obama knew that Joe Biden's real "ability" was fucking things up! Trump has an abrasive personality but he got the job done. His policies made sense. Joe is just plain lost.
Reminder: Day 443 and Biden still has a higher approval than Trump

CNN calls you a liar:

President Joe Biden sunk to an all-time low in his approval rating, and is lower than President Trump at this point in his presidency

CNN calls you a liar:

President Joe Biden sunk to an all-time low in his approval rating, and is lower than President Trump at this point in his presidency

The two latest reports are out and he’s up to 45%!!!! Even Rasmussen has him way up.
Compared to Joe Biden?
Compared to virtually anyone, not on life support.
Come on, Smokin! Even Barack Obama knew that Joe Biden's real "ability" was fucking things up! Trump has an abrasive personality but he got the job done.
No, he didn't, Trump was rarely on the job.

306 days of 1460 of Trump's presidency playing golf.
His policies made sense.
Not to normal people.
Joe is just plain lost.
Compared to virtually anyone, not on life support.

No, he didn't, Trump was rarely on the job.

306 days of 1460 of Trump's presidency playing golf.

Not to normal people.
You really are a dumb ass, Smokin! Only the truly clueless believed that talking point. Anyone with half a brain understands that Trump visiting one of his properties that happens to contain a golf course isn't the same as Trump playing golf! Duh?

Trump worked rings around Biden's schedule! Doddering Joe needs to take naps nearly every day. His day starts late and ends early. It does so because Joe can't hold up to a "normal" routine of a "normal" President! He needs to be protected and nursed. It's sad to see.
That was for the ENTIRE year, MORON.
The post you responded to didn't say "millions in one year", Fuckwit. He simply said "millions".

There have been millions encountered, and untold numbers of what the Biden regime calls "gotaways".

So you have been proven to be an idiot.
Latest polls are in! Even Rasmussen has Biden going up! It’s a rocket ship.


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