Reminder: Day 443 and Biden still has a higher approval than Trump

Your Vegetable Messiah had nothing to do with that bill other than trying to sign it in secret, a stupid.

Link us up to him proposing and pushing that legislation.
I gave you two links. Both conservative bills. You are blinded by some crazy allegiance to a sports team pretending to be a political party. Wise up.
Hunters Laptop, lock her up Hilary, and MSM conspiracy. Sounds like you have it all figured out.
Well the liberals had it all figured out too, back when Trump was President. Remember how Trump colluded with Putin to beat Hillary and how he was Putin’s puppet.

The liberals had their conspiracy theories and many still believe they are true.

I think Hillary should have been locked up but Hillary is totally and absolutely above the rule of law.

Even the liberal media are admitting today that Hunter’s Laptop from Hell is real, might put him in jail and even possibly implicate Joe Biden. Time will tell. Rumors are the FBI lost the chain of custody of Hunter’s laptop and that could be excuse for never prosecuting Hunter.

If you can’t see the Main Stream Media is the propaganda organ of the Democratic Party you are blind as a bat.

Trump had more jobs than your Vegetable Messiah.

You're fucked in the head, con. :cuckoo:

Trump started with 2½ million more jobs than Biden started with and it took Trump 3 years to to add 7 million to get to 152.5 million. Whereas in little over a year, Biden's added 8 million jobs.

Veggie Joe hasn’t “created” a single job. People are just going back to work after Dimtards shut down the economy.

Again, dumbfuck, that's because Trump handed Biden 9½ million fewer jobs than the record high.

And I'm still waiting for your answer... Explain how inflation increased real GDP to 6.9%...
Yep you're deranged.

I take that to mean you think Judges can drop charges.

Seriously? Do you really not understand that closing some small gaps in a wall
Yeah, small gaps left by Trump's incompetence.

WTF is this?

when you're letting MILLIONS of illegal immigrants enter the country and then discharging them by bus and plane all over the US...isn't "fixing" the border crisis?
Either is Trump's vanity wall.

November 15 2016
On Feb. 29, on Fox’s Hannity show, Trump said, “Well, look, we’re going to have a border. It’s going to be a real border, and we’re going to build a wall and it’s going to be a serious wall. Just remember that. And you remember I said it…. It's going to be a serious wall. It's going to be a real wall. It's not going to be a wall that they just climb up, and you know, you see what they do, over.”


Joe Biden has bowed to the far left wing of the Democratic Party on immigration. He's actively breaking the law and disregarding the courts when they tell him his actions are illegal.
The republican party has bowed to Trump, now all of them are alt-right and actively breaking the law.
Yeah, small gaps left by Trump's incompetence.
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WTF is this?

Either is Trump's vanity wall.

November 15 2016
On Feb. 29, on Fox’s Hannity show, Trump said, “Well, look, we’re going to have a border. It’s going to be a real border, and we’re going to build a wall and it’s going to be a serious wall. Just remember that. And you remember I said it…. It's going to be a serious wall. It's going to be a real wall. It's not going to be a wall that they just climb up, and you know, you see what they do, over.”

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The republican party has bowed to Trump, now all of them are alt-right and actively breaking the law.
What a crock! Donald Trump was working to make our border secure...something that liberals opposed at every turn! Since taking office Joe Biden has worked hard at making our border as porous as possible. Illegals don't have to climb fences they can simply stroll across the border...turn themselves into Border Patrol agents...and then get flown or bussed to the location of their choice inside of the US!
Seriously? Do you really not understand that closing some small gaps in a wall when you're letting MILLIONS of illegal immigrants enter the country and then discharging them by bus and plane all over the US...isn't "fixing" the border crisis? Joe Biden has bowed to the far left wing of the Democratic Party on immigration. He's actively breaking the law and disregarding the courts when they tell him his actions are illegal.
That's funny Joe is lucky to have a 10 % approval rate as 10 % is a sound number of the insane. Joe wouldn't have even less if you had to write a reason for approval
Yeah, small gaps left by Trump's incompetence.
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WTF is this?

Either is Trump's vanity wall.

November 15 2016
On Feb. 29, on Fox’s Hannity show, Trump said, “Well, look, we’re going to have a border. It’s going to be a real border, and we’re going to build a wall and it’s going to be a serious wall. Just remember that. And you remember I said it…. It's going to be a serious wall. It's going to be a real wall. It's not going to be a wall that they just climb up, and you know, you see what they do, over.”

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The republican party has bowed to Trump, now all of them are alt-right and actively breaking the law.
It's impossible to have a border with one whose duty to protect our border drags 2 million illegals here sucking the life out of our country And anyone talking shit about Trump while supporting biden just shows just what a pathetic worthless bitch he is. Try to buy your self a clue cause you will never find one.
What a crock! Donald Trump was working to make our border secure.
Trump and his cult were working to make their bank accounts secure.

January 30 2019
Donald Trump’s businesses, run by his children, have employed undocumented immigrants for years. After numerous media reports about these immigrants being mistreated and then fired, the president’s son Eric yesterday announced a new company policy to deal with the problem. He said that the Trump Organization now plans to institute the federal E-Verify program in every one of its golf clubs, hotels and resorts.

The move is the first acknowledgment by the president’s private business that it has failed to fully check the work status of all its employees, despite Trump’s claims during the 2016 campaign that he used E-Verify across his properties. At the time, he called for the program to be mandatory for all employers.
..something that liberals opposed at every turn!
Sure we did, who is hiring them?

Since taking office Joe Biden has worked hard at making our border as porous as possible. Illegals don't have to climb fences they can simply stroll across the border...turn themselves into Border Patrol agents...and then get flown or bussed to the location of their choice inside of the US!
Delusional regurgitation of the FOX cult.
It's impossible to have a border with one whose duty to protect our border drags 2 million illegals here sucking the life out of our country And anyone talking shit about Trump while supporting biden just shows just what a pathetic worthless bitch he is. Try to buy your self a clue cause you will never find one.
Sounds like you should have invested in a clue, instead of buying a Trump/JFK Jr. flag.

Who is employing these people?
Trump and his cult were working to make their bank accounts secure.

January 30 2019
Donald Trump’s businesses, run by his children, have employed undocumented immigrants for years. After numerous media reports about these immigrants being mistreated and then fired, the president’s son Eric yesterday announced a new company policy to deal with the problem. He said that the Trump Organization now plans to institute the federal E-Verify program in every one of its golf clubs, hotels and resorts.

The move is the first acknowledgment by the president’s private business that it has failed to fully check the work status of all its employees, despite Trump’s claims during the 2016 campaign that he used E-Verify across his properties. At the time, he called for the program to be mandatory for all employers.

Sure we did, who is hiring them?

Delusional regurgitation of the FOX cult.
We were talking about border security, Smokin'! Joe Biden continues to keep our southern border wide open letting millions of illegals pour across. Your obvious attempt at diversion from the topic at hand borders on the pathetic. It's a bad situation that Biden is about to make much worse.
We were talking about border security, Smokin'! Joe Biden continues to keep our southern border wide open letting millions of illegals pour across. Your obvious attempt at diversion from the topic at hand borders on the pathetic. It's a bad situation that Biden is about to make much worse.
Yes, border "security".

If people like Trump keep hiring illegal immigrants they will keep coming, over, under, and through, Trump's vanity wall.

Former President Donald Trump promised his supporters an “impenetrable” border wall between the United States and Mexico. Instead, the $15 billion wall was reportedly breached thousands of times in areas where it was completed, and the smugglers who cut through it were able to do so with cheap power tools available in retail stores.
Unpublished data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection obtained via the Freedom of Information Act showed that Mexican smugglers cut through the wall 3,272 times over three years, according to The Washington Post. In some cases, they replaced the areas they cut with tinted putty, essentially creating secret passages.
Yes, border "security".

If people like Trump keep hiring illegal immigrants they will keep coming, over, under, and through, Trump's vanity wall.

Former President Donald Trump promised his supporters an “impenetrable” border wall between the United States and Mexico. Instead, the $15 billion wall was reportedly breached thousands of times in areas where it was completed, and the smugglers who cut through it were able to do so with cheap power tools available in retail stores.
Unpublished data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection obtained via the Freedom of Information Act showed that Mexican smugglers cut through the wall 3,272 times over three years, according to The Washington Post. In some cases, they replaced the areas they cut with tinted putty, essentially creating secret passages.
Trump was building that wall despite Democratic resistance. Trump was obeying the law.
Joe Biden has made a mockery of our nation's borders. He's made a mockery of our immigration laws. Americans OVERWHELMINGLY support secure borders. The far left doesn't care. They'll pay for that come November.
Trump was building that wall despite Democratic resistance.
Trump's wall was all about Trump and red meat for his cult, just like claiming Mexico was paying for it.

A twenty-four-year-old agreement was reborn on October 1, 2018, when President Trump announced that the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) had been successfully renegotiated.
The deal came after an arduous, year-long negotiation process that almost left Canada behind. As one indicator of its contentiousness, the deal lacks an agreed-upon name, but the United States is referring to it as the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). It keeps some key NAFTA provisions mostly the same.

If Trump was so pissed, why did he renew NAFTA, he could have canceled the agreement.
Just like China, Trump and his cult bitch about the products but STILL keep buying them and hiring illegals.
Trump was obeying the law.
Joe Biden has made a mockery of our nation's borders.
No, that was Trump and his cult.

August 22 2020
New York federal prosecutors on Thursday charged President Donald Trump's former adviser Steve Bannon and three others with defrauding donors of hundreds of thousands of dollars as part of a fundraising campaign purportedly aimed at supporting Trump's border wall.

The four men were indicted for allegedly using hundreds of thousands of dollars donated to an online crowdfunding campaign called We Build the Wall for personal expenses, among other things.
Bannon and another defendant, Brian Kolfage, promised donors that the campaign, which ultimately raised more than $25 million, was "a volunteer organization" and that "100% of the funds raised...will be used in the execution of our mission and purpose," according to the indictment unsealed Thursday.

He's made a mockery of our immigration laws. Americans OVERWHELMINGLY support secure borders. The far left doesn't care. They'll pay for that come November.
We aren't the ones hiring them.
Trump's wall was all about Trump and red meat for his cult, just like claiming Mexico was paying for it.

A twenty-four-year-old agreement was reborn on October 1, 2018, when President Trump announced that the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) had been successfully renegotiated.
The deal came after an arduous, year-long negotiation process that almost left Canada behind. As one indicator of its contentiousness, the deal lacks an agreed-upon name, but the United States is referring to it as the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). It keeps some key NAFTA provisions mostly the same.

If Trump was so pissed, why did he renew NAFTA, he could have canceled the agreement.
Just like China, Trump and his cult bitch about the products but STILL keep buying them and hiring illegals.

No, that was Trump and his cult.

August 22 2020
New York federal prosecutors on Thursday charged President Donald Trump's former adviser Steve Bannon and three others with defrauding donors of hundreds of thousands of dollars as part of a fundraising campaign purportedly aimed at supporting Trump's border wall.

The four men were indicted for allegedly using hundreds of thousands of dollars donated to an online crowdfunding campaign called We Build the Wall for personal expenses, among other things.
Bannon and another defendant, Brian Kolfage, promised donors that the campaign, which ultimately raised more than $25 million, was "a volunteer organization" and that "100% of the funds raised...will be used in the execution of our mission and purpose," according to the indictment unsealed Thursday.

We aren't the ones hiring them.
American Hispanics don't even support Biden's border policies! They're smart enough to grasp that what you on the far left are doing is going to harm them and the nation. The only people dumb enough to think this is going to be a good thing are progressives and they only think that because they're convinced that Hispanics will vote for them if allowed into the country. Have you seen Biden and the Democrats poll numbers with Hispanics? You're LOSING that voting block!
American Hispanics don't even support Biden's border policies! They're smart enough to grasp that what you on the far left are doing is going to harm them and the nation. The only people dumb enough to think this is going to be a good thing are progressives and they only think that because they're convinced that Hispanics will vote for them if allowed into the country. Have you seen Biden and the Democrats poll numbers with Hispanics? You're LOSING that voting block!
You keep coming back to the same issue.
What makes you think I support Biden's border/immigration policies?

I disagree with Biden's decision to stop raids on companies that have illegals employed.
A hiring blitz for the border patrol is needed badly.
I disagree with flying/busing illegal immigrants to other parts of our country unless that transport is between prisons or jails.
If immigrants enter the US illegally, they should be held in jails, until an appearance in courts, which they should be open 24/7, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year.

I just wanted Trump out, he is a retarded hypocrite.

Trump himself uses illegal immigrants, then bashes them?
Separating children from their parents is cruel, they should be kept together, on flights/buses....................back to the country of origin.

Trump hired private companies to operate prisons for kids at a rate of $700 to $800 a day per person, per night.

June 26 2019
Private prisons have become notorious in the US for making billions of dollars off the incarcerated. Now private for-profit companies are expanding their services and getting rich off of immigrant children.

Caliburn International Corp., the company in charge of a temporary influx shelter in Homestead, Florida charges an outrageous $750 per child, per day to house immigrant children at their facility. Compared to the approximate cost of housing a migrant child at a standard, permanent shelter ($250).

Homestead is not licensed by federal authorities for childcare as it is not on federal land. It is also not subject to state inspections. Former Trump Chief of Staff John Kelly recently joined its board of directors.
… and has every day so far. In all your USMB giddiness I thought a reminder was in order. When you accomplish the following you beat the competition. Go Joe:
  • 200M shots in arms
  • Record employment growth
  • Unemployment lower than 59 of the prior administrations 60 months in office
  • Record GDP
  • Ended the forever war
  • Infrastructure bill
  • Allies trust is back
  • Our enemies are isolated not emboldened
  • Immigrant children are not being separated and lost from parents
  • Record judicial appointments

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Sleepy Old Uncle Joe still has a higher approval rating than Cadet Bone Spurs - the Orange Flim-Flam Man?

Now... c'mon... that's not fair... you're setting a pretty damned-low bar for Uncle Joe to jump over, aren't you? :abgg2q.jpg:

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