Reminder: Day 443 and Biden still has a higher approval than Trump

You complain about how the press treated Trump...

Trump was a truly awful President... He was terrible... Metrics were terrible... His behaviour was terrible. The people who worked with him who he hired call everything between an idiot to dangerous...
Allies found him dysfunctional (and made jokes about him), US enemies exploited his childish behaviour...

Biden has a lot to clean up and generally he is doing a good job... Inflation is a big issue which Biden has little control over... The supply chain was broken under Trump and Biden is doing his best to try and fix it (it is not easy and breaking of it is not all at Trump's feet either). The Oil Supply is NOT been caused by Keystone XL or Land Leases, they are caused by mainly Oil Companies restricting supply, this is both OPEC and US Oil Companies... Then Russian Conflict further pushed it up... Biden has released more land for drilling than his predecessor... But lets be clear the Oil Companies are great for lobbying and getting their way, they are saying how they are in hard times...
They are recouping losses from the pandemic and know with the supply chain this broken that we can't move to alternatives quickly... But this behaviour drives decision makers to look at more long term economical solutions like Hybrids and EV... Supply cannot meet EV sales in Europe, wait lists are over a year..
Dude...Biden's guy in charge of the supply chain issue took a couple months off for "maternity leave"! Biden has screwed the pooch on that issue just as thoroughly as he's screwed the pooch on the border and on energy! Trump would have fired "Mayor Pete" for not doing his job. Biden did nothing.
The only idiots are Trumptards that refuse tests or vaccines, then come on USMB and repeat what a podcaster said.

So what test did Trump leave Biden and for what virus, that hasn't been discovered yet?
Trump gave us vaccines in record time and so many ventilators that we were able to give them out to OTHER countries in need! The only thing Joe needed to do was get tests made and as usual it was something he dropped the ball on. More people have died of Covid with Joe Biden as President than died when Trump was President. Yet you STILL try and blame Trump for Slow Joe's fuck ups!
Trump gave us vaccines in record time and so many ventilators that we were able to give them out to OTHER countries in need! The only thing Joe needed to do was get tests made and as usual it was something he dropped the ball on. More people have died of Covid with Joe Biden as President than died when Trump was President. Yet you STILL try and blame Trump for Slow Joe's fuck ups!


That's as stupid as saying more people died from the flu under Trump than under Biden.
… and has every day so far. In all your USMB giddiness I thought a reminder was in order. When you accomplish the following you beat the competition. Go Joe:
  • 200M shots in arms
  • Record employment growth
  • Unemployment lower than 59 of the prior administrations 60 months in office
  • Record GDP
  • Ended the forever war
  • Infrastructure bill
  • Allies trust is back
  • Our enemies are isolated not emboldened
  • Immigrant children are not being separated and lost from parents
  • Record judicial appointments

    View attachment 627681
… and has every day so far. In all your USMB giddiness I thought a reminder was in order. When you accomplish the following you beat the competition. Go Joe:
  • 200M shots in arms
  • Record employment growth
  • Unemployment lower than 59 of the prior administrations 60 months in office
  • Record GDP
  • Ended the forever war
  • Infrastructure bill
  • Allies trust is back
  • Our enemies are isolated not emboldened
  • Immigrant children are not being separated and lost from parents
  • Record judicial appointments

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Just another MSM BS LIES only the Stockholm syndrome freaks suffer from.
Biden is the Democrat leader.

Rejoice, Democrats, if Biden is the face of your party, surely you will win big in November...
My point was made in my last post.
It's not much of a it? Slow Joe has been in Washington since the 70's and for that entire time he's been one of the dumber people around. Barack Obama knew that when he told us not to underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up!

But you idiots had to burden the country with THAT moron! Thanks Faun...
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It's not much of a it? Slow Joe has been in Washington since the 70's and for that entire time he's been one of the dumber people around. Barack Obama knew that when he told us not to underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up!

But you idiots had to burden the country with THAT moron! Thanks Faun...

And he was fighting covid all those years? Or are you really that stupid?
And he was fighting covid all those years? Or are you really that stupid?
Who ever claimed that? Joe Biden spent most of the past forty years sitting in the US Senate getting things as wrong THERE as he's gotten them in the Oval Office! He's an idiot and you saddled us with him!
Who ever claimed that? Joe Biden spent most of the past forty years sitting in the US Senate getting things as wrong THERE as he's gotten them in the Oval Office! He's an idiot and you saddled us with him!

Well we're talking about covid deaths under Trump and Biden ... soooo ... you should have understood that.
Well we're talking about covid deaths under Trump and Biden ... soooo ... you should have understood that.
Why, pray tell would you WANT to talk about Covid deaths under Trump and Biden? The deaths we suffered under Trump were caused in large part because NOBODY was prepared for the scope of this pandemic or the deadliness of the virus! EVERYONE was playing catchup in the first year of the pandemic! Contrast that with Covid deaths under Biden. We had vaccines...we had ventilators (both courtesy OF Donald Trump!) yet deaths continued to pile up and Joe had no clue how to deal with that! We wouldn't have had shortages of testing supplies under Trump because he wouldn't have let the supply chain issue drag on and on like Biden did. Mayor Pete? He's an idiot. Why he's the guy in charge of fixing the supply chain issue is beyond me. He's done an awful job.
And we're comparing Trump's performance as President compared to Biden's! To be quite blunt Slow Joe looks awful compared to anyone but especially compared to Trump. The economy was booming under Trump before Covid. We had some of our best economic numbers ever. Now Slow Joe's economic policies have us mired in awful inflation and the only way out is to sink us into a recession. That's what having an idiot sitting in the Oval Office DOES!
Why, pray tell would you WANT to talk about Covid deaths under Trump and Biden?

Holyfuckingshit, are you ever deranged. :cuckoo:

I wanted to talk about covid deaths under Trump & Biden because YOU were talking about it...

More people have died of Covid with Joe Biden as President than died when Trump was President.

Seriously, cretin, what the fuck is wrong with you??? :ack-1:
And we're comparing Trump's performance as President compared to Biden's! To be quite blunt Slow Joe looks awful compared to anyone but especially compared to Trump. The economy was booming under Trump before Covid. We had some of our best economic numbers ever. Now Slow Joe's economic policies have us mired in awful inflation and the only way out is to sink us into a recession. That's what having an idiot sitting in the Oval Office DOES!


And they still have the same job approval rating after 14½ months in office.
… and has every day so far. In all your USMB giddiness I thought a reminder was in order. When you accomplish the following you beat the competition. Go Joe:
  • 200M shots in arms
  • Record employment growth
  • Unemployment lower than 59 of the prior administrations 60 months in office
  • Record GDP
  • Ended the forever war
  • Infrastructure bill
  • Allies trust is back
  • Our enemies are isolated not emboldened
  • Immigrant children are not being separated and lost from parents
  • Record judicial appointments

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Joe Biden has had the backing of the liberal media up to this point. Plus until just recently they ignored Hunter’s Laptop form Hell.

The liberal media hated Trump and went along with Hillary’s false Steele Dossier as well as publishing other fake stories about Trump and his family.

If we had a fair and honest Forth Estate in our nation, Trump would have had much higher ratings and Joe’s rating would be even lower than it is today.

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