Reminder: Day 443 and Biden still has a higher approval than Trump

Trump was subjected to non stop attacks from the Main Stream Media from the moment he won the election...Biden on the other hand was given the kid glove treatment. When you actually THINK about that, realize that Biden's Administration IS a catastrophic failure that even his bosom buddies in the liberal media can't cover for anymore! It's bad and it's only going to get worse!

So what? Biden's attacked endlessly from rightwing media. Trump was championed by it. Both have similar ratings. If one was a catastrophe failure, so was the other one.
How desperate are you?


Oh? It's unreasonable to compare job approval ratings?

So what? Biden's attacked endlessly from rightwing media. Trump was championed by it. Both have similar ratings. If one was a catastrophe failure, so was the other one.
What Fox News and The New York Post? Like the "rightwing media" is such a huge part of the Main Stream Media! Trump was getting it from CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, The New York Times, The Washington Post and Hollywood. Claiming it's been the same is laughable!
What Fox News and The New York Post? Like the "rightwing media" is such a huge part of the Main Stream Media! Trump was getting it from CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, The New York Times, The Washington Post and Hollywood. Claiming it's been the same is laughable!


Fox brags how they have more viewership than all other cable news channels combined. This isn't the 80's anymore where news sources were limited. There's a vast variety of sources on the Internet.
Sorry but nobody is buying Biden's excuses on inflation, Smokin!
No one is buying Trumptard excuses for stepping in dog shit either.................."BIDEN.........It's all Biden's fault, he made that dog shit there".

March 16 2022
Canada's annual inflation rate accelerated in February to hit a fresh 30-year high, with broad price gains hitting consumers on all fronts, data showed on Wednesday, bolstering the case for the Bank of Canada to move forcefully on rates.

At 5.7%, the gain beat analysts' estimates of a rise of 5.5% and is the highest since August 1991, when the inflation rate hit 6.0%.

Didn't know Biden controlled Canada's economy.

April 7 2022
In Germany, annual inflation rose to 7.3 percent in March. This is the highest price increase since the Iran-Iraq war in 1981. Inflation is being fuelled mainly by the Ukraine war, which is causing prices for gas, heating oil and petrol to go through the roof. In February, the inflation rate was lower, at 5.1 percent. In some federal states the rate is even higher. In North Rhine-Westphalia it is 7.8 and in Hesse 8.0 percent.

Didn't know Biden controlled Germany's economy.

December 10 2021
China's inflation headache is getting worse.
The cost of goods leaving China's factories surged by another record rate last month, and there are increasing signs that consumers are starting to feel the pain.
The Producer Price Index jumped 13.5% in October from a year ago, accelerating from September's 10.7%, China's National Bureau of Statistics said Wednesday. Last month's increase was already the fastest since the government began releasing such data in the mid-1990.

Biden even controls China's communist economy?
Damned, BIDEN is a BADASS.
You on the left pushed an anti fossil fuel agenda that has driven up the price of everything.
Sure, blame the democrats and Biden for the oil companies' laziness and gouging.

"In the United States, 90% of onshore oil production takes place on land that isn’t owned by the federal government. And of the remaining 10% that occurs on federal land, the oil and gas industry has millions of acres leased," Biden said. "They have 9,000 permits to drill now. They could be drilling right now, yesterday, last week, last year. They have 9,000 to drill onshore that are already approved."

How many federal permits do they need to start drilling? 18,000?
Let alone the other 90% of permits NOT controlled by the US government.

December 10 2021
The largest oil and gas companies made a combined $174bn in profits in the first nine months of the year as gasoline prices climbed in the US, according to a new report.

The bumper profit totals, show that in the third quarter of 2021 alone, 24 top oil and gas companies made more than $74bn in net income. From January to September, the net income of the group, which includes Exxon, Chevron, Shell and BP, was $174bn.

Exxon alone posted a net income of $6.75bn in the third quarter, its highest profit since 2017, and has seen its revenue jump by 60% on the same period last year. The company credited the rising cost of oil for bolstering these profits, as did BP, which made $3.3bn in third-quarter profit.

Gasoline prices have hit a seven-year high in the US due to the rising cost of oil.

That was happening way before Russia invaded Ukraine. You NEED to come up with an excuse because people are pissed about what it's costing them at the pump and at the checkout!
See above.
That's not even getting into what you've done with our southern border or crime in our streets! The left is wrong on so many issues at the moment and Biden doesn't have clue how to fix things.
Biden is repairing what Trump fucked up.


"I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me, and I’ll build them very inexpensively, I will build a great, great wall on our southern border. And I will have Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words." — President Trump.

Yeah, it shows.
Your desperation is duly noted!
No, this is desperation.
From your dear leader:

During a White House press availability on Thursday, CNN’s Jim Acosta asked Trump to explain how it makes sense to blame former President Barack Obama for testing problems pertaining to a virus that didn’t even exist until nearly three years after he left office.

“The last administration left us nothing. We started off with bad, broken tests, and obsolete tests,” Trump asserted, prompting Acosta to jump in and ask: “You say ‘broken tests’ — it’s a new virus, so how could the tests be broken?”

So, did Trump leave Biden with test kits for the next virus which hasn't been named or discovered yet?
I guess Reagan being such a horrific failure during his first term explains the outcome of the 1984 Presidential election. Think Biden can get a similar result in 2024?

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Sure, look who the contestants are.

Reagan and Vice President George H. W. Bush faced only token opposition in their bid for re-nomination. Mondale faced a competitive field in his bid, defeating Colorado Senator Gary Hart, activist Jesse Jackson and several other candidates in the 1984 Democratic primaries. He eventually chose U.S. Representative Geraldine Ferraro of New York as his running mate, the first woman to be on a major party's presidential ticket.

Bet the democrats that did vote were holding their noses, I didn't, I didn't vote.
No one is buying Trumptard excuses for stepping in dog shit either.................."BIDEN.........It's all Biden's fault, he made that dog shit there".

March 16 2022
Canada's annual inflation rate accelerated in February to hit a fresh 30-year high, with broad price gains hitting consumers on all fronts, data showed on Wednesday, bolstering the case for the Bank of Canada to move forcefully on rates.

At 5.7%, the gain beat analysts' estimates of a rise of 5.5% and is the highest since August 1991, when the inflation rate hit 6.0%.

Didn't know Biden controlled Canada's economy.

April 7 2022
In Germany, annual inflation rose to 7.3 percent in March. This is the highest price increase since the Iran-Iraq war in 1981. Inflation is being fuelled mainly by the Ukraine war, which is causing prices for gas, heating oil and petrol to go through the roof. In February, the inflation rate was lower, at 5.1 percent. In some federal states the rate is even higher. In North Rhine-Westphalia it is 7.8 and in Hesse 8.0 percent.

Didn't know Biden controlled Germany's economy.

December 10 2021
China's inflation headache is getting worse.
The cost of goods leaving China's factories surged by another record rate last month, and there are increasing signs that consumers are starting to feel the pain.
The Producer Price Index jumped 13.5% in October from a year ago, accelerating from September's 10.7%, China's National Bureau of Statistics said Wednesday. Last month's increase was already the fastest since the government began releasing such data in the mid-1990.

Biden even controls China's communist economy?
Damned, BIDEN is a BADASS.

Sure, blame the democrats and Biden for the oil companies' laziness and gouging.

"In the United States, 90% of onshore oil production takes place on land that isn’t owned by the federal government. And of the remaining 10% that occurs on federal land, the oil and gas industry has millions of acres leased," Biden said. "They have 9,000 permits to drill now. They could be drilling right now, yesterday, last week, last year. They have 9,000 to drill onshore that are already approved."

How many federal permits do they need to start drilling? 18,000?
Let alone the other 90% of permits NOT controlled by the US government.

December 10 2021
The largest oil and gas companies made a combined $174bn in profits in the first nine months of the year as gasoline prices climbed in the US, according to a new report.

The bumper profit totals, show that in the third quarter of 2021 alone, 24 top oil and gas companies made more than $74bn in net income. From January to September, the net income of the group, which includes Exxon, Chevron, Shell and BP, was $174bn.

Exxon alone posted a net income of $6.75bn in the third quarter, its highest profit since 2017, and has seen its revenue jump by 60% on the same period last year. The company credited the rising cost of oil for bolstering these profits, as did BP, which made $3.3bn in third-quarter profit.

Gasoline prices have hit a seven-year high in the US due to the rising cost of oil.

See above.

Biden is repairing what Trump fucked up.

View attachment 628939

"I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me, and I’ll build them very inexpensively, I will build a great, great wall on our southern border. And I will have Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words." — President Trump.

Yeah, it shows.
Did you really just claim that Joe Biden is fixing the border? Tell me that even YOU aren't that fucking blind! Trump was working to secure our border...Biden is working to make it as porous as he possibly can!
No, this is desperation.
From your dear leader:

During a White House press availability on Thursday, CNN’s Jim Acosta asked Trump to explain how it makes sense to blame former President Barack Obama for testing problems pertaining to a virus that didn’t even exist until nearly three years after he left office.

“The last administration left us nothing. We started off with bad, broken tests, and obsolete tests,” Trump asserted, prompting Acosta to jump in and ask: “You say ‘broken tests’ — it’s a new virus, so how could the tests be broken?”

So, did Trump leave Biden with test kits for the next virus which hasn't been named or discovered yet?
Trump left Biden with vaccines and ventilators...all Joe had to do was come up with tests and he failed miserably at that. Joe Biden is an idiot. He always has been an idiot. Now he's a senile idiot! A senile idiot who's Administration is sinking like the Titanic!
… and has every day so far. In all your USMB giddiness I thought a reminder was in order. When you accomplish the following you beat the competition. Go Joe:
  • 200M shots in arms
  • Record employment growth
  • Unemployment lower than 59 of the prior administrations 60 months in office
  • Record GDP
  • Ended the forever war
  • Infrastructure bill
  • Allies trust is back
  • Our enemies are isolated not emboldened
  • Immigrant children are not being separated and lost from parents
  • Record judicial appointments

    View attachment 627681


We will see you in November..........
Did you really just claim that Joe Biden is fixing the border?
Biden is fixing the fuck up Trump made.

December 20 2021
The Biden administration has given border officials the green light to fill in some of the gaps in unfinished Trump-era wall projects, as well as resolving environmental issues and cleaning up remaining construction sites nearly a year after activity was halted.

Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas announced Monday afternoon that he had granted U.S. Customs and Border Protection permission to move forward with projects in Arizona, California, and Texas. The new sign-offs are in addition to several that were announced in June and July to address “urgent life, safety, environmental, or other remediation required to protect border communities.”

The new construction activity will include closing small gaps of the border wall and gates that allow vehicles through, finishing or installing drainage systems, finishing or installing permanent erosion control and slope stabilization measures, completing access roads that Border Patrol agents use to drive along the border, remediating areas that were used to hold construction materials, and throwing away materials that are no longer needed.
Tell me that even YOU aren't that fucking blind! Trump was working to secure our border...Biden is working to make it as porous as he possibly can!
No, he wasn't.
Even Trump's buddies were in on another Trump con-job.

April 8 2022
A Iraq War veteran accused of defrauding donors out of $350,000 (£268,747) in a bid to build a southern border wall has now agreed to plead guilty, according to a court filing.

Brian Kolfage, of Miramar, Florida, was indicated in August 2020 alongside former Donald Trump aide Steve Bannon for allegedly scraping off the top of millions they raised to privately build the border wall.

Of the $25m (£19m) in GoFundMe donations, Mr Kolfage allegedly took $350,000 and Mr Bannon took $1m, prosecutors said. Both were charged with conspiracy to commit fraud with a third person, Timothy Shea.
Trump left Biden with vaccines and ventilators...all Joe had to do was come up with tests and he failed miserably at that. Joe Biden is an idiot. He always has been an idiot. Now he's a senile idiot! A senile idiot who's Administration is sinking like the Titanic!
The only idiots are Trumptards that refuse tests or vaccines, then come on USMB and repeat what a podcaster said.

So what test did Trump leave Biden and for what virus, that hasn't been discovered yet?
… and has every day so far. In all your USMB giddiness I thought a reminder was in order. When you accomplish the following you beat the competition. Go Joe:
  • 200M shots in arms
  • Record employment growth
  • Unemployment lower than 59 of the prior administrations 60 months in office
  • Record GDP
  • Ended the forever war
  • Infrastructure bill
  • Allies trust is back
  • Our enemies are isolated not emboldened
  • Immigrant children are not being separated and lost from parents
  • Record judicial appointments

    View attachment 627681
No one on Earth likes Biden as president. Just because left wingers skew polls with dishonest answers, doesnt mean they actually like him.
Crowing about numbers well within the Margin of Error?

With a press that covers for Biden and spent the whole time trashing Trump?

Are you really this gullible or dense?
You complain about how the press treated Trump...

Trump was a truly awful President... He was terrible... Metrics were terrible... His behaviour was terrible. The people who worked with him who he hired call everything between an idiot to dangerous...
Allies found him dysfunctional (and made jokes about him), US enemies exploited his childish behaviour...

Biden has a lot to clean up and generally he is doing a good job... Inflation is a big issue which Biden has little control over... The supply chain was broken under Trump and Biden is doing his best to try and fix it (it is not easy and breaking of it is not all at Trump's feet either). The Oil Supply is NOT been caused by Keystone XL or Land Leases, they are caused by mainly Oil Companies restricting supply, this is both OPEC and US Oil Companies... Then Russian Conflict further pushed it up... Biden has released more land for drilling than his predecessor... But lets be clear the Oil Companies are great for lobbying and getting their way, they are saying how they are in hard times...
They are recouping losses from the pandemic and know with the supply chain this broken that we can't move to alternatives quickly... But this behaviour drives decision makers to look at more long term economical solutions like Hybrids and EV... Supply cannot meet EV sales in Europe, wait lists are over a year..
You complain about how the press treated Trump...

Trump was a truly awful President... He was terrible... Metrics were terrible... His behaviour was terrible. The people who worked with him who he hired call everything between an idiot to dangerous...
Allies found him dysfunctional (and made jokes about him), US enemies exploited his childish behaviour...

Biden has a lot to clean up and generally he is doing a good job... Inflation is a big issue which Biden has little control over... The supply chain was broken under Trump and Biden is doing his best to try and fix it (it is not easy and breaking of it is not all at Trump's feet either). The Oil Supply is NOT been caused by Keystone XL or Land Leases, they are caused by mainly Oil Companies restricting supply, this is both OPEC and US Oil Companies... Then Russian Conflict further pushed it up... Biden has released more land for drilling than his predecessor... But lets be clear the Oil Companies are great for lobbying and getting their way, they are saying how they are in hard times...
They are recouping losses from the pandemic and know with the supply chain this broken that we can't move to alternatives quickly... But this behaviour drives decision makers to look at more long term economical solutions like Hybrids and EV... Supply cannot meet EV sales in Europe, wait lists are over a year..

And the winner for one of the most delusional soi boi progressive cuck posts of 2022 so far goes to "cowboy"ted!
Biden is fixing the fuck up Trump made.

December 20 2021
The Biden administration has given border officials the green light to fill in some of the gaps in unfinished Trump-era wall projects, as well as resolving environmental issues and cleaning up remaining construction sites nearly a year after activity was halted.

Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas announced Monday afternoon that he had granted U.S. Customs and Border Protection permission to move forward with projects in Arizona, California, and Texas. The new sign-offs are in addition to several that were announced in June and July to address “urgent life, safety, environmental, or other remediation required to protect border communities.”

The new construction activity will include closing small gaps of the border wall and gates that allow vehicles through, finishing or installing drainage systems, finishing or installing permanent erosion control and slope stabilization measures, completing access roads that Border Patrol agents use to drive along the border, remediating areas that were used to hold construction materials, and throwing away materials that are no longer needed.

No, he wasn't.
Even Trump's buddies were in on another Trump con-job.

April 8 2022
A Iraq War veteran accused of defrauding donors out of $350,000 (£268,747) in a bid to build a southern border wall has now agreed to plead guilty, according to a court filing.

Brian Kolfage, of Miramar, Florida, was indicated in August 2020 alongside former Donald Trump aide Steve Bannon for allegedly scraping off the top of millions they raised to privately build the border wall.

Of the $25m (£19m) in GoFundMe donations, Mr Kolfage allegedly took $350,000 and Mr Bannon took $1m, prosecutors said. Both were charged with conspiracy to commit fraud with a third person, Timothy Shea. really ARE claiming that Biden is trying to "fix" the border! Absolutely incredible...

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