Reminder: It is already illegal for noncitizens to vote in federal elections. All of the GOP noise around this is aimed at distracting you!

Thats hilarious. You’re claiming that illegals want to go out of their way and commit a federal crime, by placing his name into the voting system using false information.
Gee, you think illegals would try to hide their identity.
You must be using the Trump mindset of stupidity.
It’s a crime to try and vote for illegals…what part of that don’t humpers understand ? A federal crime with jail time just to make ONE VOTE. You’re hilarious. Only a Republican Humper makes such dumb assertions.

You’re claiming that illegals want to go out of their way and commit a federal crime, by placing his name into the voting system using false information.

No, I’m claiming that our government is handing it to them, making it very easy.

Gee, you think illegals would try to hide their identity.

Apparently not. We’re giving them federal benefits and drivers licenses, and putting them up in hotels, and flying them across the country.

It’s a crime to try and vote for illegals…

Yeah yeah, we hear that time and again, it’s also illegal for them to cross our borders, yet we are allowing them to stay, encouraging it even. On top of that, every time we talk about laws to make SURE that no illegals are voting, you lefty’s all come out against it.

we have dems doing everything they can to flood our borders with illegals. And then a government who’s handing them voter registration cards, which would make them legally registered to vote…which will not show up on any investigation into voter fraud.

At the end of the day, what’s the worst that will happen to them if they were to be caught voting? Probably there really is no incentive for them NOT to vote.

So, when they say “illegals don’t vote”, how do we know? If they show up as a legally registered voter…and nobody seems to want proof of citizenship or voter do you know they are not eligible to vote?

This is why I say we need to do a deep dive into the voter rolls across the country, to make sure they are all correct with only US citizens being on them.
I believe they sign an affidavit saying they are legally able to vote, and every one assumes they didn't violate the law when they signed that affidavit. So, they need to be punished for violating the law when they signed that affidavit too.

Yeah but who’s looking, really…its all being shoved into the pile and nobody ever goes back to check.
No, I’m claiming that our government is handing it to them, making it very easy.

Apparently not. We’re giving them federal benefits and drivers licenses, and putting them up in hotels, and flying them across the country.

Yeah yeah, we hear that time and again, it’s also illegal for them to cross our borders, yet we are allowing them to stay, encouraging it even. On top of that, every time we talk about laws to make SURE that no illegals are voting, you lefty’s all come out against it.

we have dems doing everything they can to flood our borders with illegals. And then a government who’s handing them voter registration cards, which would make them legally registered to vote…which will not show up on any investigation into voter fraud.

At the end of the day, what’s the worst that will happen to them if they were to be caught voting? Probably there really is no incentive for them NOT to vote.

So, when they say “illegals don’t vote”, how do we know? If they show up as a legally registered voter…and nobody seems to want proof of citizenship or voter do you know they are not eligible to vote?

This is why I say we need to do a deep dive into the voter rolls across the country, to make sure they are all correct with only US citizens being on them.
It’s a federal crime…’re delusional. Voter registration is done on the local, not federal level so the fedas are handing them nothing. You want proof. There were 60 opportunities for Trump lawyers to present evidence. Where were you ? Where are you now ? Just BS. .
Wicked Joe Biden flew most of the illegal aliens in his secret migrant flight program to Florida and Texas – to punish the red states with a crushing amount of new illegal aliens.

Biden sent 90% of the illegals in the secret flight program to Florida and Texas.
At least 326,000 illegals in the program were flown into Florida.
At least 21,964 illegals were flown into Houston, Texas.

Biden is importing a crushing amount of illegal aliens into the red states to crash their social welfare system.
It’s a federal crime…’re delusional. Voter registration is done on the local, not federal level so the fedas are handing them nothing. You want proof. There were 60 opportunities for Trump lawyers to present evidence. Where were you ? Where are you now ? Just BS. .

SHUP you dumb wreck. Who is going to go after them? They cant even find 95% of them two years later to show up for immigration court. Kiss off clow,

They don’t have to vote. Just get the EBT card ready for registration at incoming, you nappy-headed baboon. Someone will get the mail-in ballot and vote it D, just like in 2020 you black-tounged buzzard.

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