Reminder: It is already illegal for noncitizens to vote in federal elections. All of the GOP noise around this is aimed at distracting you!

It applies to every one who registers to vote. That's where the federal government gets their jury list from. And if an illegal registers to vote, at some point they can expect to get a federal jury duty notice, which if they don't respond to, can result in fines and jail time.

And i'm sure when they're hauling them into court, somebody would discover their illegal status, adding to their problems astronomically.
They used to get the jury list from the voter roles, now they get them from the DMV.
You living under a rock ? You’re hilarious. Your license application, SS number and address are all cross refunded and available. You’re hilariously ignorant of computer technology. Contrary to Trump whiners, illegals have not been shown trying to vote by YOU bozos. You’re frauds.
So, all those sources I cited were lying?

They used to get the jury list from the voter roles, now they get them from the DMV.
You can claim anything, but the fact, as told by the courts themselves

All courts use the respective state voter lists as a source of prospective jurors. If voter lists alone fail to provide the court and litigants with a representative cross section of the relevant community, courts use other sources in addition to voter lists, such as lists of licensed drivers in the district, in an attempt to comply with the section 28 U.S.C. §1861 of The Jury Selection and Service Act(link is external)
This is what you need..,htf can an illegal domit ?
register online you will need

  • Your California driver license or California identification card number,
  • The last four digits of your social security number and
  • Your date of birth.

If you dont have any of that, check this box. SHUP fool.

I recently walked thru online CA registration posing as no ID. Made up address. I stopped at “check here swearing you are a citizen”. As I thought it might bring the DOJ to mi IP address.

States are NOT Allowed to ask for proof of Citizenship since 2013 per USSC to vote in Federal elections you nappy headed black barn weasel.
And I urge every voter in every to update your registration. If you have changed your name or address, you MUST re-register. If you or your child will18-Years on or BEFORE the November Election, have them register. Also sign up for voter tracker, so you will know your ballot has been received and counted,

SHUP Einstein. You’re one of the lowest IQ here with Care4none & Sealybozo. Over 9000 duplicate votes found in AZ 2020 (in an 11K election).
If you dont have any of that, check this box. SHUP fool.

I recently walked thru online CA registration posing as no ID. Made up address. I stopped at “check here swearing you are a citizen”. As I thought it might bring the DOJ to mi IP address.

States are NOT Allowed to ask for proof of Citizenship since 2013 per USSC to vote in Federal elections you nappy headed black barn weasel.

And you don't think the information you gave is in any way verified?

Do you think the IRS takes your word for how much money you made?
SHUP Einstein. You’re one of the lowest IQ here with Care4none & Sealybozo. Over 9000 duplicate votes found in AZ 2020 (in an 11K election).

"The Arizona forensic audit found over 17,000 duplicates of votes," reads a Facebook post. "The election must be decertified & people should be prosecuted."

The claim is wrong, even based on the audit’s own standards. The Maricopa County report didn’t find over 17,000 duplicate votes in the county’s files. Instead, it found 17,000 "duplicate" ballot envelope images, which are created during a routine election process called signature curing. Duplicate ballot envelope images don’t prove the existence of voter fraud in Maricopa County, said election experts and administrators.
And you don't think the information you gave is in any way verified?

Do you think the IRS takes your word for how much money you made?

Look you deranged bottom feeder, all they need is an address (this how millions bogus names end up registered to a RV park, motel, shelter, NGO strip mall temporary address, 2500 names to a ten unit APT address, just leave off the unit), shell stations), check the box NO ID, i swear I am a citizen, I’ve lived there 30 days, over age 18). You are now a name on the voter roll. It’s all been exposed in alk the swing state hoopla. Corrupt NGO register 1000s of illegals at incoming….and both get paid. Do you think lazy corrupt state workers in MI are going to risk pension to deny a homeless person to vote? They don’t know. Many get thru.

Finally mail-in ballots go out to all names. Dirty scum like you collect the ballots, Mules fill them out Obiden and into unmonitored Zuckerboxes they go! The keep count open till they get enough. Get off the boards you naive sack of human feces!
Good luck in Nov with all your non-citizen voters leftists

because if Trump does win, they're history

Look you deranged bottom feeder, all they need is an address (this how millions bogus names end up registered to a RV park, motel, shelter, NGO strip mall temporary address, 2500 names to a ten unit APT address, just leave off the unit), shell stations), check the box NO ID, i swear I am a citizen, I’ve lived there 30 days, over age 18). You are now a name on the voter roll. It’s all been exposed in alk the swing state hoopla. Corrupt NGO register 1000s of illegals at incoming….and both get paid. Do you think lazy corrupt state workers in MI are going to risk pension to deny a homeless person to vote? They don’t know. Many get thru.

Finally mail-in ballots go out to all names. Dirty scum like you collect the ballots, Mules fill them out Obiden and into unmonitored Zuckerboxes they go! The keep count open till they get enough. Get off the boards you naive sack of human feces!
The first problem is that they will send a verification letter to the address of record. It will be marked, "do not forward", and if undeliverable, will be returned undelivered.

That will nullify the registration.

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