Trump Admits On Video He Lost The Election

Say it aint so Donny !!
Well theworld hasnt sttopped turning as trump reaches a rare moment of clarity. I can hardly imagine what his dupes,languishing in prison, feel about this.

So where does this leave his credibility with stupid people ?
With far more crediability than you-------nothing he said is what you claim or imagine hun. Biden cheated--he won by cheating. Get it?
You poor pathetic fuckers who just can't get that guy out of your head will soon have relief. I'm starting a charity to pump millions of dollars into research into how to wipe away the orange stain.

Or I would if I gave a fuck. Which I don't.

Besides, y'all are so much fun to watch, twisting in the wind and making those high-pitched squealing noises like small animals being tortured.

Keep it up.
With far more crediability than you-------nothing he said is what you claim or imagine hun. Biden cheated--he won by cheating. Get it?
But as an adult does this not bother you ?
He haas shifted his position from the original "steal" narrative.

In that fantasy we were told that Venezuelan voting machines,Chinese bamboo voting slips and jewish space lasers were the culprits. Now it isnt clear what the problem is, apart from the outcome.

Does that not give youu pause for thought ?
But as an adult does this not bother you ?
He haas shifted his position from the original "steal" narrative.

In that fantasy we were told that Venezuelan voting machines,Chinese bamboo voting slips and jewish space lasers were the culprits. Now it isnt clear what the problem is, apart from the outcome.

Does that not give youu pause for thought ?
Twist and squeal.

More, please.
But as an adult does this not bother you ?
He haas shifted his position from the original "steal" narrative.

In that fantasy we were told that Venezuelan voting machines,Chinese bamboo voting slips and jewish space lasers were the culprits. Now it isnt clear what the problem is, apart from the outcome.

Does that not give youu pause for thought ?

He's tuned down his speeches a bit, but hasn't changed his message that you are claiming. He is still saying that the election was stolen, just a little bit softer more gentle terms to appease female independents.

So you still bitch and spin nonsense---it doesn't matter what he says, you will still bitch and spin.

Again, I have always said AUDIT the voters---that is where the fraud was at. Lots of illegal and multivoters again----ballot drop offs are all illegal. Pro-illegal groups stuffing ballot boxes via underage illegals no less snagged.

You spin shit--but I am a rational voter. I despise manipulative personalies. I smell the bs that you are TRYING to put out ---
He's tuned down his speeches a bit, but hasn't changed his message that you are claiming. He is still saying that the election was stolen, just a little bit softer more gentle terms to appease female independents.

So you still bitch and spin nonsense---it doesn't matter what he says, you will still bitch and spin.

Again, I have always said AUDIT the voters---that is where the fraud was at. Lots of illegal and multivoters again----ballot drop offs are all illegal. Pro-illegal groups stuffing ballot boxes via underage illegals no less snagged.

You spin shit--but I am a rational voter. I despise manipulative personalies. I smell the bs that you are TRYING to put out ---
So Trump has conceded the election to President Biden,
There is no basis in the steal narrative,
Trump has given up on all the craziness.

But your superior insight can see where the election was stolen ? And in all 60 fruitless law suits trumps legal teams were unabble to uncover similar evidence ?

So Trump has conceded the election to President Biden,
There is no basis in the steal narrative,
Trump has given up on all the craziness.

But your superior insight can see where the election was stolen ? And in all 60 fruitless law suits trumps legal teams were unabble to uncover similar evidence ?

Trump has softened his speeches----he is less 'mean' about them. The message is the same and you still try to spin shit. It's crazy.
So Trump has conceded the election to President Biden,
There is no basis in the steal narrative,
Trump has given up on all the craziness.

But your superior insight can see where the election was stolen ? And in all 60 fruitless law suits trumps legal teams were unabble to uncover similar evidence ?

Oh I think is saying that BIDEN and the dems own these 4 years------massive inflation, housing shortages, food shortages coming, wars, illegals, massive crimes----

Trump won, Biden cheated. Sorry that you can't grasp simple things. Biden wasn't lying when he said that they had the largest coalition of cheaters EVER amassed.
Donald Trump admitted on video that he did not win the 2020 election.

Cue whining and denial by snowflakes in 3…2…1…

Looks to me you're desperate for validation Skews. You skew context & content, as a Democrat you're screwed.
Donald Trump admitted on video that he did not win the 2020 election.

Cue whining and denial by snowflakes in 3…2…1…
It's all about context. Trump said when he didn't win the election, it made Kim Jong-un happy. He continued to push his Big Lie in the interview. He said the election was "rigged and lost".

You can watch the full video of the interview here:
Is anyone surprised those who suggest this was an admittance vote for Democrats as well?

But remember, Democrats are smarter because they say so.
Donald Trump admitted on video that he did not win the 2020 election.

Cue whining and denial by snowflakes in 3…2…1…

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