Reminder: The First Legal Slave Owner In America Was A Black Man

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Actually this has been debunked several times. The idiocy one would need in order to believe the OP is is on par with a retarded oven mitt. Hugh Gwyn was the first documented slave owner. However as a I stated one would have to be retarded not to know that enslaved Africans were brought to the US decades before that.


" For this reason, historians consider John Punch the "first official slave in the English colonies,"[5] and his case as the "first legal sanctioning of lifelong slavery in the Chesapeake."[3] Historians also consider this to be one of the first legal distinctions between Europeans and Africans made in the colony,[6] and a key milestone in the development of the institution of slavery in the United States.
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And Pelosi honored the first African tribe that sold slaves to Europeans by wearing their scarf....too bad our schools have failed us....
This is for Democrats who shouldn't forget their roots.

What a moron. There weren't even any black people in America until they brought the slaves over.
You have a lot to learn, kiddo!
You idiots know nothing. It's hilarious.
This is for Democrats who shouldn't forget their roots.

What a moron. There weren't even any black people in America until they brought the slaves over.
You have a lot to learn, kiddo!
You idiots know nothing. It's hilarious.
So far you have added nothing but insults....try engaging or go back to
This is for Democrats who shouldn't forget their roots.

What a moron. There weren't even any black people in America until they brought the slaves over.
You have a lot to learn, kiddo!
You are a fucking idiot though. Who dropped you on your head as a child?
This is for Democrats who shouldn't forget their roots.

What a moron. There weren't even any black people in America until they brought the slaves over.
You have a lot to learn, kiddo!
You idiots know nothing. It's hilarious.
So far you have added nothing but insults....try engaging or go back to
Theres nothing to engage. You and the OP are mouth breathing inbred idiots. :lol:
This is for Democrats who shouldn't forget their roots.

What a moron. There weren't even any black people in America until they brought the slaves over.
You have a lot to learn, kiddo!
You idiots know nothing. It's hilarious.
So far you have added nothing but insults....try engaging or go back to
Theres nothing to engage. You and the OP are mouth breathing inbred idiots. :lol:
Took the words right out of my mouth.
This is for Democrats who shouldn't forget their roots.

What a moron. There weren't even any black people in America until they brought the slaves over.
Actually there were some Africans that came over even before columbus did. They traded with the NA's who told columbus about it. columbus mentioned it in one of his diaries.
Where we are now, today, is what matters.

And that's a very different place, despite all this game-playing, and Black Americans know it.
This is for Democrats who shouldn't forget their roots.

What a moron. There weren't even any black people in America until they brought the slaves over.

This is stupid and untrue. Although rare, there were free black men in Europe who made their way to the colonies long before the African slave trade.

And arguing over semantics about whether a black man was the first slave owner in this country or the fifth is just retarded.
And Pelosi honored the first African tribe that sold slaves to Europeans by wearing their scarf....too bad our schools have failed us....
The schools failed to give us scarfs?
We have black studies....maybe they should have covered the color and patterns of different tribes in Africa.....then Pelosi and her band of fools wouldn't have looked so pathetically ignorant.....
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