Reminder to Democrats: You let Ted Kennedy get away with killing a woman

In 1977, a prominent feminist lawyer called Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote the “age of consent” for sexual acts should be lowered to the age of 12.
The Democrats long "War on Women" includes murder, and Ted Kennedy was never held to account for his murder of Mary Jo Kopechne, and Democrats even re-elected him to the Senate after his murder of this unfortunate women.

I think you don't know what the word "Murder" means. Murder means he intentionally killed her, not that he was involved in an accident where someone died.

If that was the case, then Laura Bush was guilty of murder when she ran her ex-boyfriend off the road.

Ted Kennedy intentionally left her to drown because he was drunk. She was alive and could have been rescued. It's not like the car was sunk in 40 feet of water. There was a house close enough for him to have gotten help.


No such thing with Laura Bush.
So women don't deserve to be believed?

Hillary Clinton said women deserve to be believed.

Does that mean Hillary Clinton was a liar when she said that?

No, it means they deserve a fair hearing of their claims.

Okay, we all listned to Juanita's claims.

Then found she has changed her story several times.

And she can't remember the date it happened.

Or the Room Number.

Or can prove either she or Clinton were at that hotel.

Then you have the other problems with her story, like she accepted an appointment from Clinton to a state board after the rape.

Or showed up to Clinton events.

The thing is, there's "Deserves to be believed" and "Ignoring evidence and inconsistencies".

If anything, Brodderick gets a free ride she doesn't really deserve.

William Jefferson Clinton, Former President of the United States and Democrat

Sexual Assault


Gennifer Flowers (Unknown settlement)

Paula Jones ($850,000 settlement)

Kathleen Willey (Unknown settlement)

Juanita Broaddrick (Unknown settlement)

Monica Lewinsky….(“I did not have sex with THAT woman”)



Loss of Law License

$50,000 fine
The Kennedy men were notorious womanizers who thought nothing of behavior that, if done by Republicans in today's climate, would result in censure and personal destruction. I don't think that's even controversial.

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Ted Kennedy was tried in a court of law

Maybe we can do the same to Creepy Roy
Ted Kennedy was tried in a court of law

Maybe we can do the same to Creepy Roy

Ted Kennedy was most certainly NOT tried in a court of law. His attorney's choreographed his court appearance and arranged the payoff to the Kopechne family.

Had he been you or I, we'd have been guilty of DUI, vehicular manslaughter, leaving the scene of a fatal accident and who knows what else. Although, you or I would have rescued Ms. Kopechne.

Our minimum sentence would have been 15 years.

Court appearance[edit]
Map of Massachusetts with location of Chappaquiddick
On July 25—seven days after the incident—Kennedy pleaded guilty to a charge of leaving the scene of an accident causing bodily injury. Kennedy's attorneys suggested that any jail sentence should be suspended, and the prosecutors agreed by citing Kennedy's age (he was 37 years old at the time of the incident), character, and prior reputation.[28] Judge James Boyle sentenced Kennedy to two months' incarceration, the statutory minimum for the offense, which he suspended.

In announcing the sentence, Boyle referred to Kennedy's "unblemished record" and said that he "has already been, and will continue to be punished far beyond anything this court can impose
I don't think you know the legal definition of murder, Joe! Someone driving while intoxicated and having an accident in which another person was killed is guilty of vehicular homicide. What Kennedy did that night was reprehensible yet he got away with it because liberals protected their own.

Except no one ever proved he was intoxicated, or that it was the cause of the crash

. Most believe the real cause of the accident was that it was an unlit road without guard rails.

I'm amused that you excuse decades of using his political office to take advantage of women because Bill Clinton didn't commit violent rape, Bodecea...

Why did you avoid her point? Brodderick signed TWO affidavits saying she never had sex with Clinton. TWO!

So once you eliminate the liars - Jones, Brodderick and Willey- all you are left with are women who had sex with Clinton because he was a political rock star.

yet are APPALLED because Trump talked about grabbing a woman's crotch in some taped conversation.

Uh, yeah, because what he says on that tape, and in a lot of other places, shows a real lack of respect for women, and a lot more evidence for it than you had against Clinton, without Ken Starr wanking off to 70 million in our tax dollars to look into it.

You on the left have spent the past ten years accusing conservatives of a "war on women" but it's quite obvious that many of your political "leaders" have treated women far worse then Trump ever has! Care to deny that?

I think you are a little confused to what the "War on Women" is about. It's not about who is decent in relationships and who isn't.

It's about which party wants to roll back reproductive rights, wants to deny women equal pay for equal work, wants to make it easier for employers to maintain hostile work environments.

Because one party is committed to women, and the other party is beholden to corporate and religious interests.
What's "sad", Timmy is that Ted Kennedy's behavior way back then really isn't an outlier for Democrats...yet you on the left have made a supposed "war on women" part of your campaign attack on conservatives for over a decade now even though your leaders were scum bags like Kennedy, Clinton, Weiner, Spitzer and now Al Franken!

THIS is your party in action, Timmy!

Yeah, ask a woman what's more important to her.

Equal pay, access to health care, no one interferring with her reproductive rights....


Putting up with a guy who is a jerk
What's "sad", Timmy is that Ted Kennedy's behavior way back then really isn't an outlier for Democrats...yet you on the left have made a supposed "war on women" part of your campaign attack on conservatives for over a decade now even though your leaders were scum bags like Kennedy, Clinton, Weiner, Spitzer and now Al Franken!

THIS is your party in action, Timmy!

Yeah, ask a woman what's more important to her.

Equal pay, access to health care, no one interferring with her reproductive rights....


Putting up with a guy who is a jerk

No one is interfering with women's rights. Just more radical lib straw arguments.
I don't think you know the legal definition of murder, Joe! Someone driving while intoxicated and having an accident in which another person was killed is guilty of vehicular homicide. What Kennedy did that night was reprehensible yet he got away with it because liberals protected their own.

Except no one ever proved he was intoxicated, or that it was the cause of the crash

. Most believe the real cause of the accident was that it was an unlit road without guard rails.

I'm amused that you excuse decades of using his political office to take advantage of women because Bill Clinton didn't commit violent rape, Bodecea...

Why did you avoid her point? Brodderick signed TWO affidavits saying she never had sex with Clinton. TWO!

So once you eliminate the liars - Jones, Brodderick and Willey- all you are left with are women who had sex with Clinton because he was a political rock star.

yet are APPALLED because Trump talked about grabbing a woman's crotch in some taped conversation.

Uh, yeah, because what he says on that tape, and in a lot of other places, shows a real lack of respect for women, and a lot more evidence for it than you had against Clinton, without Ken Starr wanking off to 70 million in our tax dollars to look into it.

You on the left have spent the past ten years accusing conservatives of a "war on women" but it's quite obvious that many of your political "leaders" have treated women far worse then Trump ever has! Care to deny that?

I think you are a little confused to what the "War on Women" is about. It's not about who is decent in relationships and who isn't.

It's about which party wants to roll back reproductive rights, wants to deny women equal pay for equal work, wants to make it easier for employers to maintain hostile work environments.

Because one party is committed to women, and the other party is beholden to corporate and religious interests.

Kennedy wasn't coming from church or a political rally, Joe...he and Mary Jo had been at a party! When he drove his car off that bridge he could have gone to the house that was close by and asked for help. He didn't do that...instead he walked miles back to his hotel...then when he got there he went to bed without telling anyone that he'd just had an accident in which someone was dead! Now why would any sober person do that?
No one is interfering with women's rights. Just more radical lib straw arguments.


Who keeps trying to ban abortion?
Who keeps trying to water down the sexual harassment laws?
Who keeps fighting against equal pay laws?

You on the left accused Mitt Romney of a "war on women" simply because he had a file of women's names he was considering for appointments. You've used the whole war on women narrative because you can't run on progressive policies any more. Your problem is the voters are finally getting wise to the fact that fifty years of Democratic "Great Society" programs didn't fix poverty and didn't help minorities.

And spare me the histrionics about the GOP trying to water down sexual harassment laws! Mitt Romney wasn't the guy treating women like shit...that was liberals like Bill Clinton, Teddy Kennedy, Harvey Weinstein, Al Franken and Anthony Weiner yet they ALL had the nerve to stand on soap boxes and preach to the voters about how anti women Republican were! I'm amazed some of them weren't struck by a bolt of lightning for their hypocrisy!
No one is interfering with women's rights. Just more radical lib straw arguments.


Who keeps trying to ban abortion?
Who keeps trying to water down the sexual harassment laws?
Who keeps fighting against equal pay laws?

You on the left accused Mitt Romney of a "war on women" simply because he had a file of women's names he was considering for appointments. You've used the whole war on women narrative because you can't run on progressive policies any more. Your problem is the voters are finally getting wise to the fact that fifty years of Democratic "Great Society" programs didn't fix poverty and didn't help minorities.

And spare me the histrionics about the GOP trying to water down sexual harassment laws! Mitt Romney wasn't the guy treating women like shit...that was liberals like Bill Clinton, Teddy Kennedy, Harvey Weinstein, Al Franken and Anthony Weiner yet they ALL had the nerve to stand on soap boxes and preach to the voters about how anti women Republican were! I'm amazed some of them weren't struck by a bolt of lightning for their hypocrisy!

Kennedy wasn't coming from church or a political rally, Joe...he and Mary Jo had been at a party!

So? You make it sound like they were having a drunken orgy.

When he drove his car off that bridge he could have gone to the house that was close by and asked for help.

Was the house lit? Was it visible at night?

He didn't do that...instead he walked miles back to his hotel...then when he got there he went to bed without telling anyone that he'd just had an accident in which someone was dead! Now why would any sober person do that?

First, did he know she was dead? Was he possibly suffering from shock?

YOu know, I know you guys have to make this sound as sinister as possible, but the fact is, it was an accident. Could he have done things better? I guess.

You on the left accused Mitt Romney of a "war on women" simply because he had a file of women's names he was considering for appointments.

Well, no, we accused him of that because he signed on to the whole anti-abortion, anti-women agenda of the GOP. Oh, yeah, and he belongs to a "religion" that demands the subordination of women,whose only goal is to fuck their man into the Celestial Heaven. If anything, Romney got a pass on this shit.

Your problem is the voters are finally getting wise to the fact that fifty years of Democratic "Great Society" programs didn't fix poverty and didn't help minorities.

Really? because frankly, Trump got the second lowest percentage a GOP candidate got in the last five elections... Romney and Bush both got higher percentages of hte vote.... So I'd say the voters have you guys pegged.

Oh, wait, this is the part where you remind us all that votes don't count because the Founding Slave Rapists said so.

And spare me the histrionics about the GOP trying to water down sexual harassment laws! Mitt Romney wasn't the guy treating women like shit...that was liberals like Bill Clinton, Teddy Kennedy, Harvey Weinstein, Al Franken and Anthony Weiner yet they ALL had the nerve to stand on soap boxes and preach to the voters about how anti women Republican were! I'm amazed some of them weren't struck by a bolt of lightning for their hypocrisy!

Well, so you are admitting finally that THERE IS NO GOD!!! Good for you. Now maybe you fuckwits will stop trying to impose your morality on the rest of us.

On a serious note, though. Far more women have benefited from the actions of these men than didn't.

You see, it's not just that Roy Moore Fondles little girls, which is far worse than anything those guys did, it's that he tries to take rights away from big girls if they work, need an abortion or actually like other girls.
I don't think you know the legal definition of murder, Joe! Someone driving while intoxicated and having an accident in which another person was killed is guilty of vehicular homicide. What Kennedy did that night was reprehensible yet he got away with it because liberals protected their own.

Except no one ever proved he was intoxicated, or that it was the cause of the crash

. Most believe the real cause of the accident was that it was an unlit road without guard rails.

I'm amused that you excuse decades of using his political office to take advantage of women because Bill Clinton didn't commit violent rape, Bodecea...

Why did you avoid her point? Brodderick signed TWO affidavits saying she never had sex with Clinton. TWO!

So once you eliminate the liars - Jones, Brodderick and Willey- all you are left with are women who had sex with Clinton because he was a political rock star.

yet are APPALLED because Trump talked about grabbing a woman's crotch in some taped conversation.

Uh, yeah, because what he says on that tape, and in a lot of other places, shows a real lack of respect for women, and a lot more evidence for it than you had against Clinton, without Ken Starr wanking off to 70 million in our tax dollars to look into it.

You on the left have spent the past ten years accusing conservatives of a "war on women" but it's quite obvious that many of your political "leaders" have treated women far worse then Trump ever has! Care to deny that?

I think you are a little confused to what the "War on Women" is about. It's not about who is decent in relationships and who isn't.

It's about which party wants to roll back reproductive rights, wants to deny women equal pay for equal work, wants to make it easier for employers to maintain hostile work environments.

Because one party is committed to women, and the other party is beholden to corporate and religious interests.

Kennedy wasn't coming from church or a political rally, Joe...he and Mary Jo had been at a party! When he drove his car off that bridge he could have gone to the house that was close by and asked for help. He didn't do that...instead he walked miles back to his hotel...then when he got there he went to bed without telling anyone that he'd just had an accident in which someone was dead! Now why would any sober person do that?
I think that the reason the left wing and democrats never really vilified Kennedy in the death was because they don't have much respect for any woman that would have an affair with a democrat. Obviously such women have no self respect.
Chappaquiddick incident - Wikipedia

The Democrats long "War on Women" includes murder, and Ted Kennedy was never held to account for his murder of Mary Jo Kopechne, and Democrats even re-elected him to the Senate after his murder of this unfortunate women.

Is it any wonder that moral and ethical Americans hold the Democratic Party in complete contempt?
Why do you speak to a plural like you are speaking to a singular?

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