Reminder to Democrats: You let Ted Kennedy get away with killing a woman

I don't think you know the legal definition of murder, Joe! Someone driving while intoxicated and having an accident in which another person was killed is guilty of vehicular homicide. What Kennedy did that night was reprehensible yet he got away with it because liberals protected their own.

Except no one ever proved he was intoxicated, or that it was the cause of the crash

. Most believe the real cause of the accident was that it was an unlit road without guard rails.

I'm amused that you excuse decades of using his political office to take advantage of women because Bill Clinton didn't commit violent rape, Bodecea...

Why did you avoid her point? Brodderick signed TWO affidavits saying she never had sex with Clinton. TWO!

So once you eliminate the liars - Jones, Brodderick and Willey- all you are left with are women who had sex with Clinton because he was a political rock star.

yet are APPALLED because Trump talked about grabbing a woman's crotch in some taped conversation.

Uh, yeah, because what he says on that tape, and in a lot of other places, shows a real lack of respect for women, and a lot more evidence for it than you had against Clinton, without Ken Starr wanking off to 70 million in our tax dollars to look into it.

You on the left have spent the past ten years accusing conservatives of a "war on women" but it's quite obvious that many of your political "leaders" have treated women far worse then Trump ever has! Care to deny that?

I think you are a little confused to what the "War on Women" is about. It's not about who is decent in relationships and who isn't.

It's about which party wants to roll back reproductive rights, wants to deny women equal pay for equal work, wants to make it easier for employers to maintain hostile work environments.

Because one party is committed to women, and the other party is beholden to corporate and religious interests.

Kennedy wasn't coming from church or a political rally, Joe...he and Mary Jo had been at a party! When he drove his car off that bridge he could have gone to the house that was close by and asked for help. He didn't do that...instead he walked miles back to his hotel...then when he got there he went to bed without telling anyone that he'd just had an accident in which someone was dead! Now why would any sober person do that?
I think that the reason the left wing and democrats never really vilified Kennedy in the death was because they don't have much respect for any woman that would have an affair with a democrat. Obviously such women have no self respect.
Is that what they have told you?
Chappaquiddick incident - Wikipedia

The Democrats long "War on Women" includes murder, and Ted Kennedy was never held to account for his murder of Mary Jo Kopechne, and Democrats even re-elected him to the Senate after his murder of this unfortunate women.

Is it any wonder that moral and ethical Americans hold the Democratic Party in complete contempt?
You have no evidence that he killed a woman.
I don't think you know the legal definition of murder, Joe! Someone driving while intoxicated and having an accident in which another person was killed is guilty of vehicular homicide. What Kennedy did that night was reprehensible yet he got away with it because liberals protected their own.

Except no one ever proved he was intoxicated, or that it was the cause of the crash

. Most believe the real cause of the accident was that it was an unlit road without guard rails.

I'm amused that you excuse decades of using his political office to take advantage of women because Bill Clinton didn't commit violent rape, Bodecea...

Why did you avoid her point? Brodderick signed TWO affidavits saying she never had sex with Clinton. TWO!

So once you eliminate the liars - Jones, Brodderick and Willey- all you are left with are women who had sex with Clinton because he was a political rock star.

yet are APPALLED because Trump talked about grabbing a woman's crotch in some taped conversation.

Uh, yeah, because what he says on that tape, and in a lot of other places, shows a real lack of respect for women, and a lot more evidence for it than you had against Clinton, without Ken Starr wanking off to 70 million in our tax dollars to look into it.

You on the left have spent the past ten years accusing conservatives of a "war on women" but it's quite obvious that many of your political "leaders" have treated women far worse then Trump ever has! Care to deny that?

I think you are a little confused to what the "War on Women" is about. It's not about who is decent in relationships and who isn't.

It's about which party wants to roll back reproductive rights, wants to deny women equal pay for equal work, wants to make it easier for employers to maintain hostile work environments.

Because one party is committed to women, and the other party is beholden to corporate and religious interests.

Kennedy wasn't coming from church or a political rally, Joe...he and Mary Jo had been at a party! When he drove his car off that bridge he could have gone to the house that was close by and asked for help. He didn't do that...instead he walked miles back to his hotel...then when he got there he went to bed without telling anyone that he'd just had an accident in which someone was dead! Now why would any sober person do that?
I think that the reason the left wing and democrats never really vilified Kennedy in the death was because they don't have much respect for any woman that would have an affair with a democrat. Obviously such women have no self respect.
Is that what they have told you?
Derived empirically.
I think that the reason the left wing and democrats never really vilified Kennedy in the death was because they don't have much respect for any woman that would have an affair with a democrat. Obviously such women have no self respect.

Or we just realize it was a tragic accident. One that probably destroyed his political career. Otherwise, he might have been elected president in 1976 or 1980 and we'd have all been better off for it.

We'd have universal health care now.
Chappaquiddick incident - Wikipedia

The Democrats long "War on Women" includes murder, and Ted Kennedy was never held to account for his murder of Mary Jo Kopechne, and Democrats even re-elected him to the Senate after his murder of this unfortunate women.

Is it any wonder that moral and ethical Americans hold the Democratic Party in complete contempt?

According to El Cheeto & your party leaders, it is up to the voters in AL on Moore assaulting little girls.

So STFU because the voters of MA decided about KEnndey.

Right, dickweed.
No one is interfering with women's rights. Just more radical lib straw arguments.


Who keeps trying to ban abortion?
Who keeps trying to water down the sexual harassment laws?
Who keeps fighting against equal pay laws?

You on the left accused Mitt Romney of a "war on women" simply because he had a file of women's names he was considering for appointments. You've used the whole war on women narrative because you can't run on progressive policies any more. Your problem is the voters are finally getting wise to the fact that fifty years of Democratic "Great Society" programs didn't fix poverty and didn't help minorities.

And spare me the histrionics about the GOP trying to water down sexual harassment laws! Mitt Romney wasn't the guy treating women like shit...that was liberals like Bill Clinton, Teddy Kennedy, Harvey Weinstein, Al Franken and Anthony Weiner yet they ALL had the nerve to stand on soap boxes and preach to the voters about how anti women Republican were! I'm amazed some of them weren't struck by a bolt of lightning for their hypocrisy!
Bla, bla, bla. The war on women is in the policy of the republican party. There are idiots every where in every party. The difference is in the party platform and what is legislated. The republican platform legislates against women and the middle class period. Are there rapists that vote democrat, you bet. There are republicans, independants, etc, etc that do the same thing Politics is about laws and how they effect us not single situation happenings.Unless we start to remember this, we are going to get what we deserve. A big pile of legislative shit from our representatives.
No one is interfering with women's rights. Just more radical lib straw arguments.


Who keeps trying to ban abortion?
Who keeps trying to water down the sexual harassment laws?
Who keeps fighting against equal pay laws?

You on the left accused Mitt Romney of a "war on women" simply because he had a file of women's names he was considering for appointments. You've used the whole war on women narrative because you can't run on progressive policies any more. Your problem is the voters are finally getting wise to the fact that fifty years of Democratic "Great Society" programs didn't fix poverty and didn't help minorities.

And spare me the histrionics about the GOP trying to water down sexual harassment laws! Mitt Romney wasn't the guy treating women like shit...that was liberals like Bill Clinton, Teddy Kennedy, Harvey Weinstein, Al Franken and Anthony Weiner yet they ALL had the nerve to stand on soap boxes and preach to the voters about how anti women Republican were! I'm amazed some of them weren't struck by a bolt of lightning for their hypocrisy!

By "watering down sexual harassment laws" they mean writing laws that actually follow the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
The Democrats long "War on Women" includes murder, and Ted Kennedy was never held to account for his murder of Mary Jo Kopechne, and Democrats even re-elected him to the Senate after his murder of this unfortunate women.

I think you don't know what the word "Murder" means. Murder means he intentionally killed her, not that he was involved in an accident where someone died.

If that was the case, then Laura Bush was guilty of murder when she ran her ex-boyfriend off the road.

Laura Bush was a 17 year old girl who stayed at the scene. Ted Kennedy was a US Senator who fled the scene. You want to level set that both were murders? Fine. Which one showed more honor and character?
No one is interfering with women's rights. Just more radical lib straw arguments.


Who keeps trying to ban abortion?
Who keeps trying to water down the sexual harassment laws?
Who keeps fighting against equal pay laws?

You on the left accused Mitt Romney of a "war on women" simply because he had a file of women's names he was considering for appointments. You've used the whole war on women narrative because you can't run on progressive policies any more. Your problem is the voters are finally getting wise to the fact that fifty years of Democratic "Great Society" programs didn't fix poverty and didn't help minorities.

And spare me the histrionics about the GOP trying to water down sexual harassment laws! Mitt Romney wasn't the guy treating women like shit...that was liberals like Bill Clinton, Teddy Kennedy, Harvey Weinstein, Al Franken and Anthony Weiner yet they ALL had the nerve to stand on soap boxes and preach to the voters about how anti women Republican were! I'm amazed some of them weren't struck by a bolt of lightning for their hypocrisy!
Bla, bla, bla. The war on women is in the policy of the republican party. There are idiots every where in every party. The difference is in the party platform and what is legislated. The republican platform legislates against women and the middle class period. Are there rapists that vote democrat, you bet. There are republicans, independants, etc, etc that do the same thing Politics is about laws and how they effect us not single situation happenings.Unless we start to remember this, we are going to get what we deserve. A big pile of legislative shit from our representatives.

Wrong, assshole. If anyone legislates against the middle class, it's the Democrat party. Do you think importing low wage labor from third world countries is good for the middle class? Is taxing corporations to death good for the middle class? The claim that the Republican party "legislates against women" is also bullshit.
Chappaquiddick incident - Wikipedia

The Democrats long "War on Women" includes murder, and Ted Kennedy was never held to account for his murder of Mary Jo Kopechne, and Democrats even re-elected him to the Senate after his murder of this unfortunate women.

Is it any wonder that moral and ethical Americans hold the Democratic Party in complete contempt?
You are neither "moral" nor "ethical" Americans. You are sucking up to moore, aren't you? Just because he has the unmitigated gall to try and plant his 'Ten Commandments" around in places where a religious monument is unconstitutional and be anti-LGBT. How proud you must be. And the woman who screws him wears Christian-Cross earrings. Disgusting.
No one is interfering with women's rights. Just more radical lib straw arguments.


Who keeps trying to ban abortion?
Who keeps trying to water down the sexual harassment laws?
Who keeps fighting against equal pay laws?

You on the left accused Mitt Romney of a "war on women" simply because he had a file of women's names he was considering for appointments. You've used the whole war on women narrative because you can't run on progressive policies any more. Your problem is the voters are finally getting wise to the fact that fifty years of Democratic "Great Society" programs didn't fix poverty and didn't help minorities.

And spare me the histrionics about the GOP trying to water down sexual harassment laws! Mitt Romney wasn't the guy treating women like shit...that was liberals like Bill Clinton, Teddy Kennedy, Harvey Weinstein, Al Franken and Anthony Weiner yet they ALL had the nerve to stand on soap boxes and preach to the voters about how anti women Republican were! I'm amazed some of them weren't struck by a bolt of lightning for their hypocrisy!
Bla, bla, bla. The war on women is in the policy of the republican party. There are idiots every where in every party. The difference is in the party platform and what is legislated. The republican platform legislates against women and the middle class period. Are there rapists that vote democrat, you bet. There are republicans, independants, etc, etc that do the same thing Politics is about laws and how they effect us not single situation happenings.Unless we start to remember this, we are going to get what we deserve. A big pile of legislative shit from our representatives.

Wrong, assshole. If anyone legislates against the middle class, it's the Democrat party. Do you think importing low wage labor from third world countries is good for the middle class? Is taxing corporations to death good for the middle class? The claim that the Republican party "legislates against women" is also bullshit.
Ya, we all know where you stand bripat. Consevatives can do no wrong ever! I personally think both parties suck. They both fuck the m iddle class as soon as they get there. They are both beholden to the same money from campagn coffers. The replicans are jusat worst about it. Citizens united determined our future. Unlimmited cash flow from the oligarchs was a great idea wasn't it! A fucking corp is a person when it can get drafted or go to jail.
I've found that most Democrats bitterly and shamefully cling to power. I think Republicans are more accountable and honorable in that regard. Bill Clinton didn't go, and the Democrats rewarded Ted Kennedy with a 40yr reign as one of the most powerful US Senators. So we'll see what happens with Franken and other Democrats. My feeling is, Franken will bitterly and shamefully cling to power. But stay tuned.
To get a license to drive you must take a test and demonstrate that you have at least read the rules concerning drunk driving and how driving drunk fucks up the mind. So, one having a driving license who kills while driving drunk is a murderer and knowingly so, having passed the test demonstrating knowledge of the effects of driving drunk and the consequences of those actions.

They not only oughta get a long prison sentence but be barred from driving forever. Maybe also be barred from drinking and a device fitted to them that injects them with an instantly lethal poison if alcohol passes their lips.

Did I remember to say INSTANTLY? (before they have the chance to kill again).
Kennedy wasn't coming from church or a political rally, Joe...he and Mary Jo had been at a party!

So? You make it sound like they were having a drunken orgy.

When he drove his car off that bridge he could have gone to the house that was close by and asked for help.

Was the house lit? Was it visible at night?

He didn't do that...instead he walked miles back to his hotel...then when he got there he went to bed without telling anyone that he'd just had an accident in which someone was dead! Now why would any sober person do that?

First, did he know she was dead? Was he possibly suffering from shock?

YOu know, I know you guys have to make this sound as sinister as possible, but the fact is, it was an accident. Could he have done things better? I guess.

You on the left accused Mitt Romney of a "war on women" simply because he had a file of women's names he was considering for appointments.

Well, no, we accused him of that because he signed on to the whole anti-abortion, anti-women agenda of the GOP. Oh, yeah, and he belongs to a "religion" that demands the subordination of women,whose only goal is to fuck their man into the Celestial Heaven. If anything, Romney got a pass on this shit.

Your problem is the voters are finally getting wise to the fact that fifty years of Democratic "Great Society" programs didn't fix poverty and didn't help minorities.

Really? because frankly, Trump got the second lowest percentage a GOP candidate got in the last five elections... Romney and Bush both got higher percentages of hte vote.... So I'd say the voters have you guys pegged.

Oh, wait, this is the part where you remind us all that votes don't count because the Founding Slave Rapists said so.

And spare me the histrionics about the GOP trying to water down sexual harassment laws! Mitt Romney wasn't the guy treating women like shit...that was liberals like Bill Clinton, Teddy Kennedy, Harvey Weinstein, Al Franken and Anthony Weiner yet they ALL had the nerve to stand on soap boxes and preach to the voters about how anti women Republican were! I'm amazed some of them weren't struck by a bolt of lightning for their hypocrisy!

Well, so you are admitting finally that THERE IS NO GOD!!! Good for you. Now maybe you fuckwits will stop trying to impose your morality on the rest of us.

On a serious note, though. Far more women have benefited from the actions of these men than didn't.

You see, it's not just that Roy Moore Fondles little girls, which is far worse than anything those guys did, it's that he tries to take rights away from big girls if they work, need an abortion or actually like other girls.

Let's've got six young unmarried girls at a party with six older married men at a rented cottage. Yeah, that was pretty much a drunken orgy!

"Kennedy's foot route back to Lawrence Cottage would have taken him past four houses from which he could have telephoned and summoned help before he reached the working phone at the cottage; however, he did not attempt to contact the local residents.[13] The first of the houses, referred to as "Dike House", was 150 yards away from the bridge and was occupied by Sylvia Malm and her family at the time of the incident. Malm stated later that she had left a light on at the residence when she retired that evening."

Does that answer your question?

As for him "suffering from shock"? The scumbag swam a mile back to the main island that night because the ferry had already left on it's last trip! Gee, who does THAT? Someone who wants to pretend they weren't driving a car drunk that just killed someone? Someone who was going to pretend that he'd gone home on the ferry that night and couldn't have been driving the car? Poor Ted! He happened to be spotted by a Deputy Sheriff driving the car right before the accident took place so he couldn't go with that story!
Laura Bush was a 17 year old girl who stayed at the scene. Ted Kennedy was a US Senator who fled the scene. You want to level set that both were murders? Fine. Which one showed more honor and character?

No, I think both were accidents. You clowns are the ones who want to call one a "murder" and the other an "accident".

Who stayed at the scene, Who left the scene?
The Democrats long "War on Women" includes murder, and Ted Kennedy was never held to account for his murder of Mary Jo Kopechne, and Democrats even re-elected him to the Senate after his murder of this unfortunate women.

I think you don't know what the word "Murder" means. Murder means he intentionally killed her, not that he was involved in an accident where someone died.

If that was the case, then Laura Bush was guilty of murder when she ran her ex-boyfriend off the road.
The major difference being, Teddy waited 10 hours before calling for help.

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