Reminder to Democrats: You let Ted Kennedy get away with killing a woman

He was a coward and a pussy that ran away from the scene and let a young girl perish while he saved his own ass. Democrats rewarded him by keeping him in the Senate.

Or he was a guy who was in an accident, just like Laura Bush was, but you guys don't go around calling her nasty names.

Or Mitt Romney, who was in an accident where some poor French Farmer was killed.

17-year old Laura Bush didn't flee the scene. US Senator Ted Kennedy fleed the scene..... a very cowardly act. Laura Bush faced the music. Kennedy ran scared.
Chappaquiddick incident - Wikipedia

The Democrats long "War on Women" includes murder, and Ted Kennedy was never held to account for his murder of Mary Jo Kopechne, and Democrats even re-elected him to the Senate after his murder of this unfortunate women.

Is it any wonder that moral and ethical Americans hold the Democratic Party in complete contempt?
Ted Kennedy was never able to run for President because of Chappaquiddick. So your topic title is the usual bullshit we expect from you.
Chappaquiddick incident - Wikipedia

The Democrats long "War on Women" includes murder, and Ted Kennedy was never held to account for his murder of Mary Jo Kopechne, and Democrats even re-elected him to the Senate after his murder of this unfortunate women.

Is it any wonder that moral and ethical Americans hold the Democratic Party in complete contempt?
Ted Kennedy was never able to run for President because of Chappaquiddick. So your topic title is the usual bullshit we expect from you.
Mary Jo was 28 at the time. I believed Ted was drunk and panicked after the drove off the bridge. Not that it was right, but at the time Mothers Against Drunk Driving didn't even exist. The accident did begin the campaign against drunk driving. Not quite the same with Moore.

And Weinstein and Cosby and Moore are monsters. They use their power to coerce and intimidate victims. Hill and Bill certainly intimidated women who threatened their political ambitions. Trump does exactly the same. If anything, Ted was contrite. Though not to the point where he committed political self-immolation.

But the right should stick with the Hill and Bill tour. It's impossible for dems to contend Trump is somehow over the cretin line.
They not only let him get away with it, they rewarded him for it. He was handed a 40yr reign in the US Senate. To this day, warped Democrats view him as some kind of 'Hero.' Crazy shit. :cuckoo:
America, not just Democrats, gave great sympathy to the known alcoholic Kennedy. Youngest of four brothers, the oldest was killed in WWll as a war hero, the next, also a war hero was assassinated as was the next.
Chappaquiddick incident - Wikipedia

The Democrats long "War on Women" includes murder, and Ted Kennedy was never held to account for his murder of Mary Jo Kopechne, and Democrats even re-elected him to the Senate after his murder of this unfortunate women.

Is it any wonder that moral and ethical Americans hold the Democratic Party in complete contempt?
Ted Kennedy was never able to run for President because of Chappaquiddick. So your topic title is the usual bullshit we expect from you.

He should have been removed from the Senate.
What does the reference to "you" in the headline mean? I would think that everyone who was an adult at the time of this woman's death who had any involvement in this event either is deceased or in a nursing home somewhere.
He was a coward and a pussy that ran away from the scene and let a young girl perish while he saved his own ass. Democrats rewarded him by keeping him in the Senate.

Or he was a guy who was in an accident, just like Laura Bush was, but you guys don't go around calling her nasty names.

Or Mitt Romney, who was in an accident where some poor French Farmer was killed.

17-year old Laura Bush didn't flee the scene. US Senator Ted Kennedy fleed the scene..... a very cowardly act. Laura Bush faced the music. Kennedy ran scared.
He wasn't even there, he was passed out on the beach. And the word is "fled".
Did either of those leave the scene of the accident...swim a mile of open ocean water to get back to their hotel and then wait 10 hours to contact the police? Ted Kennedy did all of those things. Then he used his family's influence to get the local authorities to white wash the investigation.

Somehow, I don't think Ted Kennedy swam a mile in ocean water at night... but never mind. You also leave out the part where he and his friends tried to rescue her.

Again, it was an accident. So was that French guy Mitt the Mormon ran off the road. The rich are different, buddy, they have money.

Why are you even attempting to excuse what Kennedy did, Joey? It's inexcusable. One more example of an entitled Democratic icon thinking they were above the laws that they expected others to follow!

again, if Mitt Romney and Laura Bush get free accidents, so does Ted Kennedy.
No, not murder, but he was responsible for her death. If you hit someone with your car then left them to die while you drove back to your hotel "in a state of shock", you're held responsible. IOW, his being drunk is no excuse.

except that you didn't prove that he was drunk or that was a factor in the accident. Neither did the people who investigated at the time.

She died because she didn't get out of the car. (The autopsy showed she suffocated, not drowned.)

Now, I know your penchant for wanting to prosecute people for things they were largely found not liable for 40 years ago, if you don't like their politics, but I think that maybe if you put Mitt Romney on a plane to France for killing that French Farmer, you can get back to me.

I know you're desperate to excuse anyone and everyone with a D behind their name, but that's stupid. Kennedy left a passenger in his car to die. He didn't try to help her or get her help.

Now, if you want to make the case that he made that decision when he was sober, go for it. That'll make him look better, for sure.
Did either of those leave the scene of the accident...swim a mile of open ocean water to get back to their hotel and then wait 10 hours to contact the police? Ted Kennedy did all of those things. Then he used his family's influence to get the local authorities to white wash the investigation.

Somehow, I don't think Ted Kennedy swam a mile in ocean water at night... but never mind. You also leave out the part where he and his friends tried to rescue her.

Again, it was an accident. So was that French guy Mitt the Mormon ran off the road. The rich are different, buddy, they have money.

Why are you even attempting to excuse what Kennedy did, Joey? It's inexcusable. One more example of an entitled Democratic icon thinking they were above the laws that they expected others to follow!

again, if Mitt Romney and Laura Bush get free accidents, so does Ted Kennedy.

Why don't you think he swam a mile in ocean water at night, Joey? Because it's totally irrational for anyone to do so? Yet Ted Kennedy DID swim from Chappaquidick back to Martha's Vineyard that night! Ask yourself why anyone in their right mind would do such a thing? Why they would sneak back into their hotel room, change their clothes and then complain to the desk clerk that they'd been awoken by noise next door to his room? It's patently obvious to me that Kennedy was looking to establish an alibi for himself...that he hadn't been on Chappaquidick when the accident took place because he was back on Martha's Vineyard at his hotel! The only reason Teddy couldn't go with THAT story is that he was spotted by a Deputy Sheriff driving his mother's car with the about to be dead woman sitting beside him right before the accident took place right by the bridge! Ouch! So much for that alibi! It was only then that Kennedy went to the police and informed them of the accident and that he'd been present!

As for Kennedy and his buddies "diving" to save the girl? That's their story. Now ask yourself how anyone would be alive in a car submerged for the time it took Kennedy to walk back to the cottage...get his friends and drive back to the accident scene? That story is nothing more than the Kennedy camp trying to put a good face on something really despicable!
Democrats rape and kill women, but you have no problem with that because you're all complete sociopaths.

Start calling for the molestor-in-chief to resign, and the board will stop thinking of you as the ultimate corrupt party hack hypocrite.

And by the way, you haven't shown examples of any Democrats raping anyone. You lie about Bill Clinton a lot, but you squeal and run when called on it. You lying doesn't make us sociopaths. It just makes you a liar.
Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broderrick. Do you deny it?
Juanita denies an under-oath disposition. Do you deny it?
Aside from your word, do you have anything proving such denial?
I was a Mormon missionary 69-71
But thx for the compliment

Oh, don't get your magic underwear in a knot...

America, not just Democrats, gave great sympathy to the known alcoholic Kennedy. Youngest of four brothers, the oldest was killed in WWll as a war hero, the next, also a war hero was assassinated as was the next.

A very good point. Ted Kennedy did benefit a lot from the fact that his family already gave so much in blood to this country.
I know you're desperate to excuse anyone and everyone with a D behind their name, but that's stupid. Kennedy left a passenger in his car to die. He didn't try to help her or get her help.

yes, he did.

At the inquest, Kennedy claimed that he called Kopechne's name several times from the shore and tried to swim down to reach her seven or eight times. Knowing that the woman was still trapped inside the vehicle, Kennedy rested on the bank for around 15 minutes before he returned on foot to Lawrence Cottage, which was the site of the party that was attended by Kopechne and the other "boiler room girls". Kennedy denied seeing any house with a light on during his walk back to Lawrence Cottage.[12]

According to Kennedy's testimony, Gargan and party co-host Paul Markham then returned to the waterway with him to try to rescue Kopechne. Both of the other men also tried multiple times to dive into the water and rescue Kopechne.[5] Kennedy testified that their efforts to rescue Kopechne failed, and Gargan and Markham drove with him to the ferry landing. Both men insisted multiple times that the crash had to be reported to the authorities.[15] According to Markham's testimony, Kennedy was sobbing and on the verge of becoming crazed.[16] Kennedy went on to testify, " had full intention of reporting it. And I mentioned to Gargan and Markham something like, 'You take care of the other girls; I will take care of the accident!'—that is what I said and I dove into the water."[15] Kennedy had already told Gargan and Markham not to tell the other women anything about the incident "ecause I felt strongly that if these girls were notified that an accident had taken place and Mary Jo had, in fact, drowned, that it would only be a matter of seconds before all of those girls, who were long and dear friends of Mary Jo's, would go to the scene of the accident and enter the water with, I felt, a good chance that some serious mishap might have occurred to any one of them."[17]
Why don't you think he swam a mile in ocean water at night, Joey?

Because it was only 150M... That's why.

As for Kennedy and his buddies "diving" to save the girl? That's their story. Now ask yourself how anyone would be alive in a car submerged for the time it took Kennedy to walk back to the cottage...get his friends and drive back to the accident scene? That story is nothing more than the Kennedy camp trying to put a good face on something really despicable!

Or that he made bad decisions under stress... that's what someone with humanity would conclude,but I don't think you understand that concept.
Democrats rape and kill women, but you have no problem with that because you're all complete sociopaths.
And where did you get your PHD in psychology from again?
Whoops, a rube, no college.
How are your socialist VA SS Medicare benefits coming mr principled?
So women don't deserve to be believed?

Hillary Clinton said women deserve to be believed.

Does that mean Hillary Clinton was a liar when she said that?

No, it means they deserve a fair hearing of their claims.

Okay, we all listned to Juanita's claims.

Then found she has changed her story several times.

And she can't remember the date it happened.

Or the Room Number.

Or can prove either she or Clinton were at that hotel.

Then you have the other problems with her story, like she accepted an appointment from Clinton to a state board after the rape.

Or showed up to Clinton events.

The thing is, there's "Deserves to be believed" and "Ignoring evidence and inconsistencies".

If anything, Brodderick gets a free ride she doesn't really deserve.
Well she recanted but I guess that doesn't count to. The C grabber/bragger cult
Chappaquiddick incident - Wikipedia

The Democrats long "War on Women" includes murder, and Ted Kennedy was never held to account for his murder of Mary Jo Kopechne, and Democrats even re-elected him to the Senate after his murder of this unfortunate women.

Is it any wonder that moral and ethical Americans hold the Democratic Party in complete contempt?

Yes they did. But that still does not make voting for a child molester ok.
Mm, moral and ethical Americans?
Another old white rube sucking off. His socialist VA SS Medicare benefits.
I think we should start a list of dem abusers (millions) and moral white repubs (zero of course)

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