Reminder to Democrats: You let Ted Kennedy get away with killing a woman

The Democrats long "War on Women" includes murder, and Ted Kennedy was never held to account for his murder of Mary Jo Kopechne, and Democrats even re-elected him to the Senate after his murder of this unfortunate women.

I think you don't know what the word "Murder" means. Murder means he intentionally killed her, not that he was involved in an accident where someone died.

If that was the case, then Laura Bush was guilty of murder when she ran her ex-boyfriend off the road.

He didn't kill her. He just left under the car to drown while he staggered off in a drunken slumber.
How many years ago was that.?
Seems like yesterday to the C bragger/grabber sex starved old rube cult
Chappaquiddick incident - Wikipedia

The Democrats long "War on Women" includes murder, and Ted Kennedy was never held to account for his murder of Mary Jo Kopechne, and Democrats even re-elected him to the Senate after his murder of this unfortunate women.

Is it any wonder that moral and ethical Americans hold the Democratic Party in complete contempt?

Yes they did. But that still does not make voting for a child molester ok.
Mm, moral and ethical Americans?
Another old white rube sucking off. His socialist VA SS Medicare benefits.
I think we should start a list of dem abusers (millions) and moral white repubs (zero of course)

Would you mind reposting this when you are not either drunk or stoned so that it makes even just a little bit of sense.

I know you're desperate to excuse anyone and everyone with a D behind their name, but that's stupid. Kennedy left a passenger in his car to die. He didn't try to help her or get her help.

yes, he did.

At the inquest, Kennedy claimed that he called Kopechne's name several times from the shore and tried to swim down to reach her seven or eight times. Knowing that the woman was still trapped inside the vehicle, Kennedy rested on the bank for around 15 minutes before he returned on foot to Lawrence Cottage, which was the site of the party that was attended by Kopechne and the other "boiler room girls". Kennedy denied seeing any house with a light on during his walk back to Lawrence Cottage.[12]

According to Kennedy's testimony, Gargan and party co-host Paul Markham then returned to the waterway with him to try to rescue Kopechne. Both of the other men also tried multiple times to dive into the water and rescue Kopechne.[5] Kennedy testified that their efforts to rescue Kopechne failed, and Gargan and Markham drove with him to the ferry landing. Both men insisted multiple times that the crash had to be reported to the authorities.[15] According to Markham's testimony, Kennedy was sobbing and on the verge of becoming crazed.[16] Kennedy went on to testify, " had full intention of reporting it. And I mentioned to Gargan and Markham something like, 'You take care of the other girls; I will take care of the accident!'—that is what I said and I dove into the water."[15] Kennedy had already told Gargan and Markham not to tell the other women anything about the incident "ecause I felt strongly that if these girls were notified that an accident had taken place and Mary Jo had, in fact, drowned, that it would only be a matter of seconds before all of those girls, who were long and dear friends of Mary Jo's, would go to the scene of the accident and enter the water with, I felt, a good chance that some serious mishap might have occurred to any one of them."[17]

Oh, I see. you take Ted at his word.
I was a Mormon missionary 69-71
But thx for the compliment

Oh, don't get your magic underwear in a knot...

America, not just Democrats, gave great sympathy to the known alcoholic Kennedy. Youngest of four brothers, the oldest was killed in WWll as a war hero, the next, also a war hero was assassinated as was the next.

A very good point. Ted Kennedy did benefit a lot from the fact that his family already gave so much in blood to this country.
I question anyone’s sanity if they’re porkin a loon like Marilyn monroe
Oh, I see. you take Ted at his word.

Why not? You guys harped on this for 40 years and really didn't effectively contradict any of the sworn eyewitness testimony.

It's so cute that you pretend you care about Mary Jo as a person, though.
And there, gentle readers, is the partisan mind on display. It was good, though, that it kept Ted out of the White House.
Second, there was no real evidence drunk driving caused the accident. More likely it was an unlit bridge with no guard rails.

He was drunk on his butt. He refused to go to any of the houses he walked by since that would have brought the police, ambulance and, at minimum a breathalyzer. More likely a blood test since there was a crash.

Do you really believe that was the first sweet young thing he took down that dark road at night?

Didn't you have your favorite parking spots? I did.
He was a coward and a pussy that ran away from the scene and let a young girl perish while he saved his own ass. Democrats rewarded him by keeping him in the Senate.

Or he was a guy who was in an accident, just like Laura Bush was, but you guys don't go around calling her nasty names.

Or Mitt Romney, who was in an accident where some poor French Farmer was killed.
Comparing mitt riding in a car as a missionary to ted Kennedy


Chappaquiddick incident - Wikipedia

The Democrats long "War on Women" includes murder, and Ted Kennedy was never held to account for his murder of Mary Jo Kopechne, and Democrats even re-elected him to the Senate after his murder of this unfortunate women.

Is it any wonder that moral and ethical Americans hold the Democratic Party in complete contempt?
We did? My goodness....better report us all to the Authorities then.
And 10 years later you were so comfortable with this that you ran him as your presidential candidate
I know you're desperate to excuse anyone and everyone with a D behind their name, but that's stupid. Kennedy left a passenger in his car to die. He didn't try to help her or get her help.

yes, he did.

At the inquest, Kennedy claimed that he called Kopechne's name several times from the shore and tried to swim down to reach her seven or eight times. Knowing that the woman was still trapped inside the vehicle, Kennedy rested on the bank for around 15 minutes before he returned on foot to Lawrence Cottage, which was the site of the party that was attended by Kopechne and the other "boiler room girls". Kennedy denied seeing any house with a light on during his walk back to Lawrence Cottage.[12]

According to Kennedy's testimony, Gargan and party co-host Paul Markham then returned to the waterway with him to try to rescue Kopechne. Both of the other men also tried multiple times to dive into the water and rescue Kopechne.[5] Kennedy testified that their efforts to rescue Kopechne failed, and Gargan and Markham drove with him to the ferry landing. Both men insisted multiple times that the crash had to be reported to the authorities.[15] According to Markham's testimony, Kennedy was sobbing and on the verge of becoming crazed.[16] Kennedy went on to testify, " had full intention of reporting it. And I mentioned to Gargan and Markham something like, 'You take care of the other girls; I will take care of the accident!'—that is what I said and I dove into the water."[15] Kennedy had already told Gargan and Markham not to tell the other women anything about the incident "ecause I felt strongly that if these girls were notified that an accident had taken place and Mary Jo had, in fact, drowned, that it would only be a matter of seconds before all of those girls, who were long and dear friends of Mary Jo's, would go to the scene of the accident and enter the water with, I felt, a good chance that some serious mishap might have occurred to any one of them."[17]

Jesus, actually BUY the line of bullshit that the Kennedy camp put out after the fact? That Kennedy didn't want the other girls to know that Mary Jo had drowned because he didn't want them to get hurt trying to dive down and rescue her an hour after the accident? That's laughable! He didn't want the other girls to know because he wanted time to swim the mile across open water back to Martha's back to his hotel...and establish his alibi that he'd come back much earlier on the last ferry! If the other girls found out they probably would have called the police to report the accident and that was the last thing that Teddy wanted!
Why don't you think he swam a mile in ocean water at night, Joey?

Because it was only 150M... That's why.

As for Kennedy and his buddies "diving" to save the girl? That's their story. Now ask yourself how anyone would be alive in a car submerged for the time it took Kennedy to walk back to the cottage...get his friends and drive back to the accident scene? That story is nothing more than the Kennedy camp trying to put a good face on something really despicable!

Or that he made bad decisions under stress... that's what someone with humanity would conclude,but I don't think you understand that concept.

Why would someone swim 150 meters in dark ocean water at two in the morning, Joey? Who would be THAT desperate to get off the island of Chappaquiddick? The answer to that is rather's the guy who just killed a woman and was about to try and establish an alibi that he was back at his hotel and wasn't driving the car that went off the bridge! That's what Teddy Kennedy was thinking about shortly after killing Mary Jo Kopechne...he couldn't care less about her! He was trying to figure out how to save his own sorry ass!
So women don't deserve to be believed?

So you're calling for Trump to resign and be prosecuted?

You can't have it both ways, hypocrite, though you'll keep trying, because you're the ultimate corrupt party hack hypocrite.

And I noticed you didn't want to talk about the evidence regarding Bill. I'll take that as your surrender.

Did Trump drive off a bridge ?

You are one stupid jerk.
The Democrats long "War on Women" includes murder, and Ted Kennedy was never held to account for his murder of Mary Jo Kopechne, and Democrats even re-elected him to the Senate after his murder of this unfortunate women.

I think you don't know what the word "Murder" means. Murder means he intentionally killed her, not that he was involved in an accident where someone died.

If that was the case, then Laura Bush was guilty of murder when she ran her ex-boyfriend off the road.

Did she leave him to drown ?
And there, gentle readers, is the partisan mind on display. It was good, though, that it kept Ted out of the White House.

Yes, instead we got Ronnie Ray-gun, who destroyed the middle class and tripled the national debt..

That was better, how?

He was drunk on his butt. He refused to go to any of the houses he walked by since that would have brought the police, ambulance and, at minimum a breathalyzer. More likely a blood test since there was a crash.

Okay, you realize they didn't do breathalyzers back in the 60's, right?

Do you really believe that was the first sweet young thing he took down that dark road at night?

Probably not. So what?

Hey, who would you rather have, a guy who fools around, but delivers peace and prosperity, or a guy who never strays, but brings us wars and recessions?

This isn't a difficult one.
Jesus, actually BUY the line of bullshit that the Kennedy camp put out after the fact? That Kennedy didn't want the other girls to know that Mary Jo had drowned because he didn't want them to get hurt trying to dive down and rescue her an hour after the accident? That's laughable! He didn't want the other girls to know because he wanted time to swim the mile across open water back to Martha's back to his hotel...and establish his alibi that he'd come back much earlier on the last ferry! If the other girls found out they probably would have called the police to report the accident and that was the last thing that Teddy wanted!

So he went through all that trouble to establish an alibi that he didn't use?


Here's the thing. I don't have to "buy" anything. The investigation found he wasn't drunk, and the cause of the accident was the unlit road with the lack of safety rails.
Why would someone swim 150 meters in dark ocean water at two in the morning, Joey? Who would be THAT desperate to get off the island of Chappaquiddick? The answer to that is rather's the guy who just killed a woman and was about to try and establish an alibi that he was back at his hotel and wasn't driving the car that went off the bridge! That's what Teddy Kennedy was thinking about shortly after killing Mary Jo Kopechne...he couldn't care less about her! He was trying to figure out how to save his own sorry ass!

So again, he goes through all this trouble to establish an alibi and then doesn't use the alibi?

Keep in mind, you nutters think the Kennedy family killed Marilyn Monroe and god knows who else. You think that the Kennedy Response Team you think exists would have come up with something better than that.
And there, gentle readers, is the partisan mind on display. It was good, though, that it kept Ted out of the White House.

Yes, instead we got Ronnie Ray-gun, who destroyed the middle class and tripled the national debt..

That was better, how?

He was drunk on his butt. He refused to go to any of the houses he walked by since that would have brought the police, ambulance and, at minimum a breathalyzer. More likely a blood test since there was a crash.

Okay, you realize they didn't do breathalyzers back in the 60's, right?

Do you really believe that was the first sweet young thing he took down that dark road at night?

Probably not. So what?

Hey, who would you rather have, a guy who fools around, but delivers peace and prosperity, or a guy who never strays, but brings us wars and recessions?

This isn't a difficult one.

Wow, you really seem to believe that. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

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