Reminder to Democrats: You let Ted Kennedy get away with killing a woman

Wow, you really seem to believe that. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Naw, I'm a pragmatist.

I vote on what I think is going to be good for ME PERSONALLY.

Now, back in the 1980's, when I didn't know any better, I supported Reagan.

And he wrecked the middle class by destroying unions.

Ted Kennedy had a car accident. Big whup.
Why would someone swim 150 meters in dark ocean water at two in the morning, Joey? Who would be THAT desperate to get off the island of Chappaquiddick? The answer to that is rather's the guy who just killed a woman and was about to try and establish an alibi that he was back at his hotel and wasn't driving the car that went off the bridge! That's what Teddy Kennedy was thinking about shortly after killing Mary Jo Kopechne...he couldn't care less about her! He was trying to figure out how to save his own sorry ass!

So again, he goes through all this trouble to establish an alibi and then doesn't use the alibi?

Keep in mind, you nutters think the Kennedy family killed Marilyn Monroe and god knows who else. You think that the Kennedy Response Team you think exists would have come up with something better than that.

As I said earlier, Joey...Kennedy couldn't pretend that he'd gotten off the island with the last ferry and wasn't driving the car when it went in the pond because he was spotted by a Deputy Sheriff coming home that night right before the accident took place. THAT is the reason Teddy couldn't try and lie his way out of what he'd done! He's got that Deputy Sheriff who can place him at the scene, driving the car, moments before that car goes into the water! The Kennedy "Response Team"...and trust me THERE WAS ONE...had no choice but to send Kennedy to the police station in Edgartown ten hours after the accident to report what happened! Teddy's frantic attempts to establish his alibi...the reason why he swam that channel in the middle of the night and then complained to the hotel clerk that he'd been "woken up" by noisy neighbors after changing out of his wet clothes...all of THAT became a waste of time because by a stroke of ironic bad luck...a member of law enforcement just happened to be coming home from working on security for a dance at the sailing competition that Kennedy had come to Martha's Vineyard to compete in and saw Teddy and Mary Jo drive by him and turn onto the road leading to the bridge! At soon as the Kennedy "Response Team" found that out...they had no other option than having a now sober Teddy show up at the police station and report the "accident"!
As I said earlier, Joey...Kennedy couldn't pretend that he'd gotten off the island with the last ferry and wasn't driving the car when it went in the pond because he was spotted by a Deputy Sheriff

blah, blah, blah...

Investigated by the authorities, and found he wasn't drunk and didn't kill anyone.

I mean, you guys come up with all sorts of elaborate conspiracy theories when it comes to liberals, and ignore things like Trump Jr. ACTUALLY MEETING WITH RUSSIANS.

Or a dozen women all saying Roy Moore put the moves on them when they were teens.

So you managed to prove, what, that he acted irrationally after being in an accident? Most people do.
Chappaquiddick incident - Wikipedia

The Democrats long "War on Women" includes murder, and Ted Kennedy was never held to account for his murder of Mary Jo Kopechne, and Democrats even re-elected him to the Senate after his murder of this unfortunate women.

Is it any wonder that moral and ethical Americans hold the Democratic Party in complete contempt?
So now the Republicans can claim Moore, the minor diddler. Feel better that you're even?
As I said earlier, Joey...Kennedy couldn't pretend that he'd gotten off the island with the last ferry and wasn't driving the car when it went in the pond because he was spotted by a Deputy Sheriff

blah, blah, blah...

Investigated by the authorities, and found he wasn't drunk and didn't kill anyone.

I mean, you guys come up with all sorts of elaborate conspiracy theories when it comes to liberals, and ignore things like Trump Jr. ACTUALLY MEETING WITH RUSSIANS.

Or a dozen women all saying Roy Moore put the moves on them when they were teens.

So you managed to prove, what, that he acted irrationally after being in an accident? Most people do.

What's amazing, that you actually seem to think that Donald Trump Jr. "meeting" with Russians is somehow worse than Ted Kennedy KILLING someone!

I didn't prove that Kennedy acted irrationally after being in an accident...what I pointed out is that the only rational explanation for his actions that night was that he was attempting to give himself an alibi so that he couldn't be blamed for killing someone! Swimming across that channel in the dark wasn't the act of an irrational was the act of a guilty man who was desperate to escape being caught!
The Democrats rewarded that murderous lush Kennedy with a 40yr reign as one of the most powerful US Senators. Most Democrats actually consider him a 'Hero' to this day. Buncha sickos. :cuckoo:
The Democrats rewarded that murderous lush Kennedy with a 40yr reign as one of the most powerful US Senators. Most Democrats actually consider him a 'Hero' to this day. Buncha sickos. :cuckoo:
He never killed anyone, unlike Laura Bush.

He killed a young woman because he was a degenerate drunk asshole. Yet y'all rewarded him with a 40yr reign as a US Senator. You should be ashamed of yourselves. But i know you're not.
The Democrats rewarded that murderous lush Kennedy with a 40yr reign as one of the most powerful US Senators. Most Democrats actually consider him a 'Hero' to this day. Buncha sickos. :cuckoo:
He never killed anyone, unlike Laura Bush.

You libs always carry on about how you're "fighting" for women...right up to the point when one of your liberal heroes does something bad TO a woman and then you could care less about THAT woman! Ted Kennedy killed a woman that night on Chappaquidick and he got away with it because of his political status and the power of his wealthy family!
The Democrats rewarded that murderous lush Kennedy with a 40yr reign as one of the most powerful US Senators. Most Democrats actually consider him a 'Hero' to this day. Buncha sickos. :cuckoo:
He never killed anyone, unlike Laura Bush.

You libs always carry on about how you're "fighting" for women...right up to the point when one of your liberal heroes does something bad TO a woman and then you could care less about THAT woman! Ted Kennedy killed a woman that night on Chappaquidick and he got away with it because of his political status and the power of his wealthy family!
Kennedy killed no one. He wasn't even there. He was passed out on the beach. She didn't know the roads, she was driving. Goodbye, Mary Jo.
What's amazing, that you actually seem to think that Donald Trump Jr. "meeting" with Russians is somehow worse than Ted Kennedy KILLING someone!

Um, yeah, I think that betraying our country's interests to an oppressive dictator who has killed thousands of people is worse than someone dying in an accident that probably wasn't his fault.

I didn't prove that Kennedy acted irrationally after being in an accident...what I pointed out is that the only rational explanation for his actions that night was that he was attempting to give himself an alibi so that he couldn't be blamed for killing someone! Swimming across that channel in the dark wasn't the act of an irrational was the act of a guilty man who was desperate to escape being caught!

So he did this after telling a bunch of other people what he had done, and bringing them to the accident site? Really?

Again- Investigated and exonerated. But that's the joy of being a GOP conspiracy nut. YOu can keep making claims even after the thing has been adjudicated.
You libs always carry on about how you're "fighting" for women...right up to the point when one of your liberal heroes does something bad TO a woman and then you could care less about THAT woman! Ted Kennedy killed a woman that night on Chappaquidick and he got away with it because of his political status and the power of his wealthy family!

Or because it was an accident, just like that boyfriend Laura Bush killed or that lady Mitt Romney killed.

Mitt Romney's Driving Killed Leola Anderson. His Cover-Up Tale is Proved Dishonest

Romney's story has continued for decades among Mormon missionaries in France as hateful anti-Catholic propaganda.

Immediately after the 1968 accident, Mitt Romney recruited a small group of other missionaries to help him put the blame over on the other driver. He was under severe pressure as his father, George Romney, was running for president. Also, the woman who was killed, Leola Anderson, was his boss's wife. Here is a picture of the two of them from 1968:

So Mitt Romney killed a woman that night in France, and he got away with it because of his political status and the power of his wealthy Mormon family.
Chappaquiddick incident - Wikipedia

The Democrats long "War on Women" includes murder, and Ted Kennedy was never held to account for his murder of Mary Jo Kopechne, and Democrats even re-elected him to the Senate after his murder of this unfortunate women.

Is it any wonder that moral and ethical Americans hold the Democratic Party in complete contempt?
I wonder how much the sorry bastard paid Mary Jo's family?
You libs always carry on about how you're "fighting" for women...right up to the point when one of your liberal heroes does something bad TO a woman and then you could care less about THAT woman! Ted Kennedy killed a woman that night on Chappaquidick and he got away with it because of his political status and the power of his wealthy family!

Or because it was an accident, just like that boyfriend Laura Bush killed or that lady Mitt Romney killed.

Mitt Romney's Driving Killed Leola Anderson. His Cover-Up Tale is Proved Dishonest

Romney's story has continued for decades among Mormon missionaries in France as hateful anti-Catholic propaganda.

Immediately after the 1968 accident, Mitt Romney recruited a small group of other missionaries to help him put the blame over on the other driver. He was under severe pressure as his father, George Romney, was running for president. Also, the woman who was killed, Leola Anderson, was his boss's wife. Here is a picture of the two of them from 1968:

So Mitt Romney killed a woman that night in France, and he got away with it because of his political status and the power of his wealthy Mormon family.
I've said it many times and will say it again. You scum will defend any lib criminal no matter what, and roast any conservative with only rumors of actions being reported by the media liars.
They also let him and Dodd get away with sexually assaulting a waitress.

FLASHBACK: Teddy Kennedy Allegedly Sexually Assaulted A Waitress

Confirmed, unlike Moore which at this point is an obvious lie.

The only thing worse than democrats are the losers that vote for them
There was a joke going around back in the 90's after the accusers came forward in the William Kennedy Smith rape case. It was like "what really happened". Ole Will the rapist Kennedy cornered the baby sitter and told her she was going to stay there all night and have sex with him and his pals, or he was going to have uncle Ted drive her home.
I wonder how much the sorry bastard paid Mary Jo's family?

How much did the Mormon Mafia pay Leola Anderson's family.

Oh, wait. They didn't. They told them it was their duty as Mormons to protect the Great Man.
There was a joke going around back in the 90's after the accusers came forward in the William Kennedy Smith rape case. It was like "what really happened". Ole Will the rapist Kennedy cornered the baby sitter and told her she was going to stay there all night and have sex with him and his pals, or he was going to have uncle Ted drive her home.

Ha, ha.
Oh, wait, William Kennedy Smith was acquitted because the woman was a lying sack of crap.
There was a joke going around back in the 90's after the accusers came forward in the William Kennedy Smith rape case. It was like "what really happened". Ole Will the rapist Kennedy cornered the baby sitter and told her she was going to stay there all night and have sex with him and his pals, or he was going to have uncle Ted drive her home.

Ha, ha.
Oh, wait, William Kennedy Smith was acquitted because the woman was a lying sack of crap.
Don't matter. It was the joke they used and meaning of uncle Ted driving her home. Teddy is the topic here.

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