Reminder to Democrats: You let Ted Kennedy get away with killing a woman

Deflection, spin, smoke. Lather rinse repeat.

Not at all.

Romney and Kennedy were both involved in accidents where someone died.

Both got treated very well by the authorities, probably because of the influence of their families.

Except Kennedy admitted he made a mistake, while Mitt Romney has tried to spin this accident into a tale of courage.

Mitt Romney's Driving Killed Leola Anderson. His Cover-Up Tale is Proved Dishonest

The story begins in 1968 with Mitt Romney causing a head-on collision at Beaulac, France. He failed to accommodate obstructed vision and drove head-on into a Left Turn lane.

Mrs. Leola Anderson was killed and several others were injured. The next morning Mitt Romney lied to a reporter about who was responsible. A cover-up conspiracy ensued that unfolded with three distinct phases. Mitt Romney has been depicted over the years as a blameless victim in the accident while he and his supporters shift blame to a Catholic priest.

Big time professional media have been spoofed. The authorized biography by Michael Kranish and Scott Helman titled "The Real Romney" is polluted with intentional disinformation. Serialization of this book in the Boston Globe became a propaganda tool, freeing up Mr. Romney to run for President of the United States.
^ Off topic spin smoke deflect, lather rinse repeat. Defending criminals is a lib prerequisite.
You libs always carry on about how you're "fighting" for women...right up to the point when one of your liberal heroes does something bad TO a woman and then you could care less about THAT woman! Ted Kennedy killed a woman that night on Chappaquidick and he got away with it because of his political status and the power of his wealthy family!

Or because it was an accident, just like that boyfriend Laura Bush killed or that lady Mitt Romney killed.

Mitt Romney's Driving Killed Leola Anderson. His Cover-Up Tale is Proved Dishonest

Romney's story has continued for decades among Mormon missionaries in France as hateful anti-Catholic propaganda.

Immediately after the 1968 accident, Mitt Romney recruited a small group of other missionaries to help him put the blame over on the other driver. He was under severe pressure as his father, George Romney, was running for president. Also, the woman who was killed, Leola Anderson, was his boss's wife. Here is a picture of the two of them from 1968:

So Mitt Romney killed a woman that night in France, and he got away with it because of his political status and the power of his wealthy Mormon family.

The Daily Kos? You're always amusing, Joey! That was a political "hit piece" launched against Mitt Romney when he was running for President! It's a innuendo backed by nothing.
What's amazing, that you actually seem to think that Donald Trump Jr. "meeting" with Russians is somehow worse than Ted Kennedy KILLING someone!

Um, yeah, I think that betraying our country's interests to an oppressive dictator who has killed thousands of people is worse than someone dying in an accident that probably wasn't his fault.

I didn't prove that Kennedy acted irrationally after being in an accident...what I pointed out is that the only rational explanation for his actions that night was that he was attempting to give himself an alibi so that he couldn't be blamed for killing someone! Swimming across that channel in the dark wasn't the act of an irrational was the act of a guilty man who was desperate to escape being caught!

So he did this after telling a bunch of other people what he had done, and bringing them to the accident site? Really?

Again- Investigated and exonerated. But that's the joy of being a GOP conspiracy nut. YOu can keep making claims even after the thing has been adjudicated.

He brought his buddies to the accident site...then had his buddies drive him to the end of the island so he could swim across the channel to Martha's Vineyard and pretend that he'd been THERE when the accident took place! The only reason Kennedy didn't go with that story was that he was spotted by a Deputy Sheriff driving the car as it turned onto the dirt road leading to the bridge.

Exonerated? His family bought a whitewash. You'd know that if you weren't such a partisan shill!
The Daily Kos? You're always amusing, Joey! That was a political "hit piece" launched against Mitt Romney when he was running for President! It's a innuendo backed by nothing.

No more so than the right wing hit pieces that have been trying to make more out of Chappaquidick than it really was.

So the elements are.

A rich politically connected person gets into a car accident.
A woman dies.
The Authorities treat the incident with kid gloves, exonerating the rich person from all blame, because, hey, accountability is for the little people.

but you only think one of them is bad.
Exonerated? His family bought a whitewash. You'd know that if you weren't such a partisan shill!

So did Romney's...

It's how a Bishop driving two elderly ladies home after a mass became "A drunken priest" in the Mormon telling of it.
The Daily Kos? You're always amusing, Joey! That was a political "hit piece" launched against Mitt Romney when he was running for President! It's a innuendo backed by nothing.

No more so than the right wing hit pieces that have been trying to make more out of Chappaquidick than it really was.

So the elements are.

A rich politically connected person gets into a car accident.
A woman dies.
The Authorities treat the incident with kid gloves, exonerating the rich person from all blame, because, hey, accountability is for the little people.

but you only think one of them is bad.

Did Romney flee the scene and cover up?
The Daily Kos? You're always amusing, Joey! That was a political "hit piece" launched against Mitt Romney when he was running for President! It's a innuendo backed by nothing.

No more so than the right wing hit pieces that have been trying to make more out of Chappaquidick than it really was.

So the elements are.

A rich politically connected person gets into a car accident.
A woman dies.
The Authorities treat the incident with kid gloves, exonerating the rich person from all blame, because, hey, accountability is for the little people.

but you only think one of them is bad.

Mitt Romney did none of the things that Ted Kennedy did that night! He didn't leave the scene of the accident. He didn't attempt to create an alibi to show he wasn't at the scene of the accident. Equating the two is laughable.
Did Romney flee the scene and cover up?

No, he didn't flee the scene, because his car was wrecked and he had to go to a hospital.

Yes, the Mormon Mafia did cover it up.

They still are.

Mitt Romney did none of the things that Ted Kennedy did that night! He didn't leave the scene of the accident. He didn't attempt to create an alibi to show he wasn't at the scene of the accident. Equating the two is laughable.

Actually, I think what Romney did was a little worse. Romney tried to blame someone else for the accident, a Catholic Bishop.

But then again, we all know what the Mormons really think about Catholics, don't we?
The only thing that saved Ted Kennedy was being a 'Kennedy'.

Today if some kid runs home and pretends nothing happened after leaving a girl / date to die in an overturned car in a water-filled ditch, and that criminal bastard is going to jail.

And if you're a liberal today and sexually assault a woman, with photographic evidence, snowflakes will defend you by claiming you didn't commit a crime - you 'just got goofy'.

If Democrats have learned anything since Hillary LOST the election, it SHOULD be that it is best not to 'throw boomerangs' because they always come back to hit you. Of course, they have been hit so many times now by returning 'boomerangs' they have proven they just never learn.
So women don't deserve to be believed?

So you're calling for Trump to resign and be prosecuted?

You can't have it both ways, hypocrite, though you'll keep trying, because you're the ultimate corrupt party hack hypocrite.

And I noticed you didn't want to talk about the evidence regarding Bill. I'll take that as your surrender.
bring the women in and have them testify under oath.
Chappaquiddick incident - Wikipedia

The Democrats long "War on Women" includes murder, and Ted Kennedy was never held to account for his murder of Mary Jo Kopechne, and Democrats even re-elected him to the Senate after his murder of this unfortunate women.

Is it any wonder that moral and ethical Americans hold the Democratic Party in complete contempt?

Oh! A war on women! If only women weren’t so stupid, they would all vote for someone like Trump or Moore.

And, if they were intelligent beings like men, they wouldn’t all laugh in your face and head for zee hills when you hit on them. Right?
wasn't harvey wallbanger at the women's march.

FLASHBACK: Harvey Weinstein Joins The Women's March At Sundance
"But in Utah, at the Sundance Film Festival, at a march organized by comedian Chelsea Handler, Harvey Weinstein also mixed in with the sea of pink knit hats, showing his own solidarity with women who, ostenstibly, felt shamed and marginalized by predatory men in power."
The Democrats long "War on Women" includes murder, and Ted Kennedy was never held to account for his murder of Mary Jo Kopechne, and Democrats even re-elected him to the Senate after his murder of this unfortunate women.

I think you don't know what the word "Murder" means. Murder means he intentionally killed her, not that he was involved in an accident where someone died.

If that was the case, then Laura Bush was guilty of murder when she ran her ex-boyfriend off the road.
he left the scene of an accident where a dead women was found. driving under the influence prior to the accident. =murder.

He knew it and why he left the scene.
Chappaquiddick incident - Wikipedia

The Democrats long "War on Women" includes murder, and Ted Kennedy was never held to account for his murder of Mary Jo Kopechne, and Democrats even re-elected him to the Senate after his murder of this unfortunate women.

Is it any wonder that moral and ethical Americans hold the Democratic Party in complete contempt?

It wasn’t the responsibility of the Democratic Party to “hold Ted Kennedy responsible”. It was the job of the police and the Justice Department.

What happened wasn’t “murder”, it was an accident. Murder is when you set out to kill someone. A car accident isn’t murder.

Every time something untoward happens and a Democrat is involved, Republicans escalate it into some horrendous crime. This was a tragic accident. Kennedy was nearly killed as well. That’s something you would do well to remember when you make accusations of murder.
Chappaquiddick incident - Wikipedia

The Democrats long "War on Women" includes murder, and Ted Kennedy was never held to account for his murder of Mary Jo Kopechne, and Democrats even re-elected him to the Senate after his murder of this unfortunate women.

Is it any wonder that moral and ethical Americans hold the Democratic Party in complete contempt?

It wasn’t the responsibility of the Democratic Party to “hold Ted Kennedy responsible”. It was the job of the police and the Justice Department.

What happened wasn’t “murder”, it was an accident. Murder is when you set out to kill someone. A car accident isn’t murder.

Every time something untoward happens and a Democrat is involved, Republicans escalate it into some horrendous crime. This was a tragic accident. Kennedy was nearly killed as well. That’s something you would do well to remember when you make accusations of murder.
sure it was the responsibility of the Democratic Party. They gave the killer money to run for Senate and President. Their lack of morals was very well displayed during this time. The last person i want dictating to me is a no moral killer.
And if you're a liberal today and sexually assault a woman, with photographic evidence, snowflakes will defend you by claiming you didn't commit a crime - you 'just got goofy'.

Um, yeah, last time i checked, making a gesture in a photo wasn't a crime, buddy.

If this is the best "boomerang" you got, it's weak sauce. SO is digging up Ted's corpse to piss on it when Mitt Romney did the same thing in France.
Um, yeah, last time i checked, making a gesture in a photo wasn't a crime, buddy.
Last time you posted, like this time, to you groping a woman while she slept was not a crime for Democrats, 'buddy'.

Give up your 'frat boy' mentality, and come join us in the adult world of 2017.
Did Romney flee the scene and cover up?

No, he didn't flee the scene, because his car was wrecked and he had to go to a hospital.

Yes, the Mormon Mafia did cover it up.

They still are.

Mitt Romney did none of the things that Ted Kennedy did that night! He didn't leave the scene of the accident. He didn't attempt to create an alibi to show he wasn't at the scene of the accident. Equating the two is laughable.

Actually, I think what Romney did was a little worse. Romney tried to blame someone else for the accident, a Catholic Bishop.

But then again, we all know what the Mormons really think about Catholics, don't we?

Kennedy fled the scene; cut and ran. Not really a quality you want in a US Senator.
Chappaquiddick incident - Wikipedia

The Democrats long "War on Women" includes murder, and Ted Kennedy was never held to account for his murder of Mary Jo Kopechne, and Democrats even re-elected him to the Senate after his murder of this unfortunate women.

Is it any wonder that moral and ethical Americans hold the Democratic Party in complete contempt?

Reminder... you elected a sexual predator

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